19 NEW Skyrim Mods You NEED To Try Out!
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#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimse #スカイリム #스카이림
00:00 Intro
00:17 Ryn’s Lost Valley Redoubt
01:13 Whiterun Has Walls
02:10 More Realistic Fur and Antlers for Wall Mounted Male Elks
02:54 Obscure Magic
03:59 Necrotic
05:30 Kanjs – Books
07:26 Dual Wield Revolution
07:56 ADXP I MCO Valhalla DW Greatswords
08:30 Sea Giants and Ice Titans
09:38 Snazzy Exteriors – Riften Snow-Shod Manor
10:20 Jk’s Solitude Outskirts
11:29 FYX – Campfire Reacts to the Wind
12:07 Better Flame FX
12:53 The Citadel of Snow – Lively Windhelm Bridge
13:42 Winterhold Docks
14:20 ElSopa – Training Dummies Redone
14:50 Thank you! 🙂
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🧾Panda’s Modlist:
🔻Mod Showcased
Ryn’s Lost Valley Redoubt by Ryn
Whiterun Has Walls by J3w3ls
More realistic fur and antlers for wall Mounted Male Elks by FrankBlack
Obscure Magic by Kittytail
Necrotic by Darenii
Kanjs – Oghma Infinium Animated – up to 4k by Kanjs
Kanjs – Spell Tomes Animated – up to 4k Kanjs
Kanjs – Burned and Ruined Book Animated – up to 4k by kanjs
Kanjs – Black Book Animated – up to 8k by Kanjs
Dual Wield Revolution by black achang
ADXP I MCO Valhalla DW Greatswords by black
Sea Giants and Ice Titans- Mihail Monsters and Animals by MihailMods
Snazzy Exteriors – Riften Snow-Shod Manor by gutmaw
Jk’s Solitude Outskirts by Jkrojmal
FYX – Campfire Reacts to the Wind – EmbersXD Edition by Yuril
Better Flame Spell FX by WhereDeadAngelsLie
Winterhold Docks by CarpeNihil
The Citadel of Snow – Lively Windhelm Bridge by WiZKiD
ElSopa – Training Dummies Redone by https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/102948
Don’t forget to endorse the mod authors! 🙂
✔️My Playlist :
▶️ Panda’s Skyrim SE/AE – https://bit.ly/PandaSSE
▶️ Panda’s Skyrim Cinematics – https://bit.ly/PandaCinematics
▶️ Panda’s Modshowcase – https://bit.ly/PandaSEMods
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OrganicView aka CaptainCreepy
🔻 Additional Tags:
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コメント (23)
Don’t forget to leave a like, comment, and subscribe to the channel! (If you haven’t yet). It takes a lot of time making these videos.. so I really appreciate the support from all of you!
Sorry for the delay on this one. I just finished exams and I am using my newly built Modlist in this video. I’ll send the load order to my members/patreon soon. Then a public wabbajack auto install once everything is all good. Thanks again!
hey great video!:) but i was wondering what’s the armor your guy was wearing at the 11:25 mark while talking about JK’s solitude mod it looks so cool!!
Magic looks great cant wait for it to come to Xbox
Thanks so much for featuring my fluffy elks! 🤩
whats that cool ring effect around your hands when you cast spells? I NEED
Hello! Great mods, love Ryn’s work 🙂 Btw, that armour at 8min is gorgeous (and very Dark Souls!) love it!
What mods include those cool horse head images on the gates of Whiterun? I’ve seen them in a few, I think, but will check out the Whiterun Walls and Fortified Whiterun to see if they have them.
That armor tho sheesh
Are these only on PC?
Even after 12 years we love the game,the mods and ppl who look for cool Mods. THX Buddy!
What grass mod are you using?
I have ALL of Ryn’s mods, he and jayserpa are mod authors I continuously download mods from, his content and how he edits certain locations is great
whats the name of that armor mod you were wearing during Jk’s Solitude Outskirts part of the video it looks cool
Thanks for another awesome showcase! 😍A lot of cool mods here too like always!
Yet another week of waiting for beyond skyrim: Da great waghhh 2.0
can u install Whiterun Has Walls mid game?
Wow, 2 or 3 mods is actually useful . Not bad this time .
Thanks for the showcase 😀
BTW what ENB is that? thanks
I love Ryn’s lost valley redoubt. I just wish it didn’t block access to Cradle Stone Tower though. You’ll have to rock climb to get to the tower if you have that mod.
Woooo Panda upload!!!!!
what armor is that on the thumbnail?
Skyrim modding never ends, Someday ill be able to play the game kek.. Great videos keep it up :B
Imagine, a city looking like a city. Thank you, Whiterun has walls and Solitude Outskirts
Men i love your videos! I use your recommendations for my mod list in mi yt channel, thank you a lot!!!