Remastering Skyrim in 2024 | Eldergleam Modlist
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It’s finally out!!
#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimse #スカイリム #스카이림
00:00 (Official Trailer)
02:46 More about Eldergleam
04:34 Additional footage (Sounds of Skyrim)
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🔻 Additional Tags:
skyrim, skyrim 4k, skyrim le, 4k, skyrim graphics 2022, skyrim enb, skyrim se, skyrim 2020, best skyrim mods 2020, skyrim se 2020, skyrim mods 2020, skyrim graphics mods, skyrim se 2020 mods, skyrim mods, nextgen skyrim, skyrim 2019, skyrim enb 2019, best skyrim enb, best skyrim mods, hd texture pack, best skyrim graphics, skyrim se best graphics, skyrim modlist, new skyrim mods, best graphics mods for skyrim, skyrim crash fix, skyrim se mod list, textures, skyrim ultra modded, skyrim modding guide,skyrim se ultra modded 2021, Starfield, Bethesda games, Relaxing music, Skyrim Anniversary Edition, Skyrim AE Ultra modded, Ultra modded Skyrim SE, Licentia Skyrim, NSFW Skyrim, Skyrim armors, Skyrim next gen, Truly Next Gen Skyrim, Nolvus 4.4, Nolvus 4.4 Skyrim, Skyrim and eldenring, skyrim vs eldenring, elden ring, elden ring 2, Skyrim Magic mod, Skyrim best magic mods, magic mods for skyrim, magic mod skyrim xbox, new must have mods, RPG games, Latest skyrim mods, skyrim new mods for 2023, starfield, TES 6, Next Elder Scroll Game, TES Online, MMORPG, RPG Games, Role playing games, skyrim must have mods, skyrim hidden gems, best skyrim modlist, best skyrim armors, remastering Skyrim in 2024, best graphics mod for Skyrim
Taqs:Skyrim Mods,skyrim graphics mod,skyrim ultra graphics,best skyrim mods,graphics for skyrim,skyrim,Nolvus Skyrim,Magic mod skyrim,skyrim animation,animation mods skyrim,skyrim anniversary edition,skyrim mods 2023,skyrim combat mods,skyrim armor mods,best skyrim mods 2023,how to install skyrim mods,skyrim overhaul mods,amazing skyrim mods,skyrim modlist,TES 6,remastering skyrim,skyrim ultima,skyrim 2024,remastering skyrim mods,skyrim 2024 modlist
コメント (94)
What’s the size of this modlist?
It’s new animations, they look good and fresh, but we can argue if they really are the better ones compare to vanilla 🤔
Been playing modded fallout forever and want to get into skyrim now.
What are your pc specs and what kinda frames do you get with this modpack? Want to see how it will run for me. Thanks!
When I see this I just can think of the first time we started Skyrim and this is what we thought it looked like vs what it actually looked like. Well done, the modlist looks amazing! Now I have to start save money for a new pc
Anyone tried this on a standard 3080? i’m seriously considering trying this
Good job
I have an AMD PC build and wondered if I’d have a hard time running these mods?
Ryzen 7 5800x
Radeox RX 6700xt
Can i ask how much gb is this modlist in total?
This makes be happy, because this looks really similar to the modlist I’m using that I made, though I have more vanilla feeling combat because MCO is a little too clunky and buggy for me.
The trailer went so hard it cracked my phone screen…
Dunno about the modlist _{yet!}_ but the intro alone was… fire!
I’ll keep on waiting for a “Winter Has Come” Skyrim modlist to turn Skyrim into what I’d call “The Skyrim Ultimate Winter NextGen Edition”, a full wintered overhaul to turn the entire Tamriel into a snowy icy land _{possibly with a “what if Alduin won and the Dragonborn was defeated and a new Dragonborn was coming rising from the ashes and the snow” twist}._
At this point I think I’ve challenged any content creator on Skyrim to come out with that modlist. I did try that challenge myself and… failed _{in Fallout 4 I’ve been luckier in the past but even that now is sadly outdated}_ miserably…
Who’s gonna accept the challenge!???
Can I use this with enairim?
Does it change bow animations?
This looks gorgeous! I’ve been considering using a graphics based modlist to build off of, so this seems like the right one for me. It has the exact feel I was going for. What sold it for me was the included animations. With so many options out there now, it’s hard to choose. At least for me lol. Thank you so much for your hard work, as well as for sharing this modlist with everyone! I’m excited to see what future updates hold.
🫡 great video, be well friend….
Bruh, the trailer was so hype. I loved it!
Can you find a list to manually install some mods instead of all?
0:31 OHHHhh yeah, real “2024” walking animation right there, might even be better than Rockstar Game’s GTA 6 :O
Your graphics of Skyrim is the best i have ever seen!Absolutely amazing!
Hard to find a vanilla-centric (non-theme parky) graphics mod list that looks this good, thank you. Downloading now.
I love that everyone has embraced Riton”s textures.
Kudos to you, this modlist looks absolutely incredible. Hope the exams went well for you 😊
Very good trailer my friend
I would like to see a bit more combat though, to see how it feels
What is the reccomended and minimum requirement pc?
I have a massive chuckle from time to time thinking about how Modded skyrim looks better than Starfield
very nice. can this be run on steam deck?
Keep it up, Legend
VRAM requirement @1440p?
Modlist ? I need to check the mods before.like atlantean and qw grass 2?
I know it would be a pain but it would be so nice to have a LoadOrderLibrary page for it. It’s a really nice looking modlist but I would like to see what’s in it before downloading first.
Plus I wouldn’t mind being able to poach things for my own independent list lol
Excellent work my friend!
Wow! Congrats on your new modlist! It looks absolutely stunning!
And I am glad that you are offering a version using Community Shaders. I am in the process of building a new list for myself, and for the first time I also tried CS instead of Enb. I teamed it with Azurite Weathers and Dareni’s Reshade, and I’m blown away with how good it looks. And the best part is that I have never had such good fps!
And that’s with ultra settings!
I have a Ryzen 6800xt with 16gb vram, and enbs still hit me hard.
. . . . Of course, I’m spending the new fps on more textures and animations!
My list is looking very stable at the moment, but if it does go bad, Your new list will move to the top of my choices.
I gotta say this looks awesome, I haven’t tried any of the pre-made modlists myself but one of these days I might if I uninstall my current game.
Community Shaders version nets me a solid 60 frames anywhere I go. The ENB version of this list has me dropping into the low 40s, though with DLSS on balanced, I am able to stay in the high 50s with an RTX 3060. My PC is definitely mid-end, so I was surprised how well this list runs. ENB is worth the framerate difference. Those textures really pop with it enabled.
To bad wabbajack is a broken mess.
This modlist looks incredible. This is exactly what I want for my game to look like. The trailer you made is epic as well. Amazing work Panda. I’ll definitely try this out immediately once I get a GPU for my Ryzen 7 5700G. I have been playing on its integrated GPU for 1k hours already in Skyrim SE with 800+ mods at 1080p. If you guys have any suggestions on what GPU I should buy, I would appreciate it. But I am on a tight budget though. An RX 6600 maybe?
3:17 Those combat moves!!! I don’t care if it has Minecraft graphics if they move like that!
This is why I want a PC yeah modding on the Xbox is great but PC got cool shit
Any chance this will end up on wabbajack?
Congrats on the release!!!
Great Job with the list.
What can I say! Looking good! Extremely good.
Thank you so much for this list. I’ve been wanting to get back into modding skyrim again after seeing the amazing work done by list such as Nolvus, Nordic souls etc but the sheer size of those lists makes modifying them to my own liking really tedious and stressful.
In that regard this list is a gods-send as it provides a nice foundation for me to add onto.
Christmas did indeed come early this year boyo.
Dude…This look so sick!
Going to check this out my next play through just spent a whole week building a mod list 😅
Looks amazing, what edition is this for
This is going to be amazing. Thank you!
Will this work with seasons?
I may have to try this out my main problem with Nolvus rn is that if I add or remove mods it just completely breaks my game
Is this on an auto installer somewhere??
How many mods?
Currently downloading! Excited to take a tour! Are there any custom presets for any races included in the list?
but is GORE on it???? hmmmmmm???????
This looks absolutely amazing, i really appreciate all the work you did. I will 100% use it on my next playthrough. Much love
Wow, what an epic video! You rock! 🤙
Trully next gen…
beautiful list man. Will have to give it a go after my nolvus run
“Arrogant mortal” just hits so hard
Skyrim 3 looking good
Min req for downloading and running the list ?
…I’m only a minute and a half in… What have you done!? This is already so much more epic then it has any business being.
I know I’m getting my hopes up, but if the new creation club allowed me to buy mod packs like this on Xbox I’d gladly pay smfh lol
Wow men that’s breathtaking can’t wait to see bebbe playing it today
So many and so huge trees that I can’t see the views. No, thank you.
It looks amazing!😎
But, I think that such graphics will work well only on powerful machines. Probably, people with weak cars will only have to cry.
I have 3600+2070s+16gb.. And I’m definitely going to cry.
Are there any plans to develop this module? For example, adding new gameplay modes and updating locations?
Where can i find those viking tattoo bodypaints
Can a 5600/3060 12gb run this? I haven’t heard anything about what Bethesda’s update has actually done yet, seems to still be in progress. Has the Nexus also removed post counts?
This looks amazing and I need to know what texture replacer you are using for the nordic ruins because god damn.
Would love to see a nexusmods Page list, such as Redshift. Looks supoib, gratz 🎉
That looks insanely good! What mods are used for combat and animations? Or where can I see them? I don’t know much about how to use, download or install this modlists and I’m looking foward to use Valhalla Combat
i gonna test whith a RTX 2060s / 10400f
Then you play and lights turns on and off based on the camera, dead corpses gone crazy and ragdoll bump around for 1km 😂
I’m not talking about your mod list but in general, anyway looks great
Man that trailer was 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥. I see you at 1:56 🍻👌🏽
I don’t own a PC, but if I did…! 😊 The snow looks good and the children look nice.
The sounds of your armour slightly clanking as you walk is so pleasing to my ears, and makes me happy as I think of Dark Souls 💖
Todd’s been doing gods knows what for the last 5 days with this update, going to screw up my LO (I hope not!) He won’t, but it’d be nice to have more than 5gb mod space to play with! 🙏
Invidia should drop a new driver update just for this game😂❤
This actually looks INSANE!🔥❤
Wow that looks amazing😍
Wow! It look a powerful !
Looks great but PLEASE replace those shrubs with draco shrub replacer
This is a very impressive mod pack i just have a few questions
-can i change or add my own shaders
-how good is the player customization like does it have mods like ks hairdos, total character makeover etc
-can i add my own mods and can i remove some from the modpack?
Edit i forgot to ask which combat mod does this use and does it use mco
Can my 3080 and 13700kf handle this?
This looks insane, gave me chills.
Is it shattered Skyrim? Because Alduin came early.
So this is like a all in one mod pack? Forgive my ignorance 🙏 im a modding pleb
damn! you got some nice LOD’s up in this bing bong!
Where is the wabbajack link
It’s so sad that Northern Farmhouses was deleted, Northern Vanilla Farmhouses is amazing it truly gives a “vanilla plus” feeling to the game but only changes the roofs, but northern farmhouses changed a little bit more, idk why but I’ve manually download northern farmhouses a while ago so I’ve still got it
THANK YOU FOR 15,000 SUBSCRIBERS!! Here is a present from me to you all! 🙂
Don’t forget to leave a like, comment, and subscribe if you are new! It took me a lot of days/hours to finish this.. (delayed a modshowcase for this) So help me make this video not flop! Share it everywhere!!! 😀 (reddit pages, friends, etc etc)
Stay safe everyone~
what’s the minimum requirements?
Damn, this modlist is looking like it’ll give Nolvus a huge run for its money. I’m using Nolvus now but might have to check this one out
Looking real clean bro!
Stunning visuals!