The Bee That BROKE Skyrim
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コメント (291)
Lol, I literally did this last night🤣
Ah yes, Tamriel’s legendary Buzz Cart-launcher. The great intro crasher befote SMIM.
So that’s what happened to wilburgur
Bees: “must have been the wind”-🐝
When an immovable object meets a very easily stopped force
Her dog stepped on this bee
I’ve had a bug that completely detailed the intro and had us had me stuck on a rock. Must be the same bug
This is what happens and an unstoppable force meets an immovable object
No wonder Maven doesn’t fuck around with competition
Not immovable. Bee is also an alchemy ingredient.
So that’s why when I started on pc the cart decided to gmod spin into everything
Bro they didn’t fix this it still happens
Oh that’s why one time my horse flew out of the skyrim when I dismounted and died after 5 seconds falling from the sky…. I had autosave so I got horse back..
Bee bug
The cart stepped on a bee 🐝
Oh my GOD!!! Is that what caused the camera to spaz out…
Bro I had this in my ps3 and I thought no one plays this anymore I haven’t beat the game i was confused af as a kid
“My horse stepped on a bee”
Mind blowing
played it a thousand times? bruh do you even live another live? i hear talking to a statue of mara makes all things better at the end of a flooded jail sentence.
I had that happen the first time I played Skyrim on PC but I just assumed it was because I was fucking around with console commands and changed the thief to a woman.
It just bugs
BEEthesda game development in a nutshell.
Oh yes during playtesting it never happens in the actual game no lol
Don’t think they ever fixed this. I’m still getting this in Anniversary Edition sometimes.
And the devs were like: must have been the wind
Crazy they discovered 104 new caves
It’s Bethesda, there’s always a bigger bug.
How’d they finally figure it out?
Huh. Neat
….so that explains the carts acting like they just left the ghetto car shop
In ps3 days i had a bug where as soon as i got close to riften my game would freeze
That happened to me and I had no idea why oh my god
Used to? I still see the moon on occasion when going through the introduction of the game
Not for nothing but that is a cart, not a buggy.
A buggy implies comfort
A cart implies function
wish they kept it like that would be funny as hell
“My horse stepped on a bee 🐝” 😭
It’s crazy how many times they’ve released skyrim and how broken it still is
I remember the first time I ever went to play skyrim the cart was bugged and went under the map nothing I did would fix it so I gave up
I gotta give this a thumbs up for answering the immortal skyrim question “wtf happened to the cart in that one clip?!?”
Who the hell made bees immovable objects?
I remember that happening once, and I was so confused since it had never happened before, or since. Glad to know the bee is all powerful.
Played skyrim many many times over and never had that happen.
Lmao that reminds me of that episode of Invader Zim where a bee runs into his pig ship and he crashes. 😂
This happened to me the first time my friend had my try Skyrim vr
“Man, I guess they wanted to get rid of the prisoners early this time….well, at least it’s not a beheading.”
Also this happens if you kill the horse using commands
On ps3 i had my horse fly off when i got off it
One of my favorite bugs in the game.
“I hate spiders and bees in real life!” “Wasps and hornets too!” spiders in Skyrim don’t really get to me though! because they’re huge! and I don’t classify them as: “bugs insects or arachnids like they’re supposed to be” “I classify them as monsters because that’s what they are!” they deserve to be beaten with my battle-axe! for even being so huge in the first place! EDIT: I AGREE WITH INIGO! THE SPIDERS IN SKYRIM ARE FUN TO SMASH!
My Skyrim stepped on a bee
If you’ve played the intro enough times you’ll know it still happens rarely
This is info I’m just learning now and it’s beautiful.😂
That still happens lmao
This sounds like something that you’d see in Invader Zim.
Yeah i remember i had this bug few times once.
there are no bugs, only ✨features✨
Ah yes a bug causing a bug
Wow Bethesda fixed a bug good Jo
This happend to me first time i downloaded and ever played skyrim and, well i knew the game had bugs but less than 1 minute into the game, i was shocked
So that’s why i flew across the map and got stuck outside solitude
pretty sure this happens when you go higher than 60fps because of the physics system being tired to framerate
This is why real time cutscenes are better than out-of-engine.
The whole fucking time
My modded skyrim did that each playtrough. Needed an alternative way to start
Still happens to me to this day
When an immovable object meets an unstoppable force. Nothing stops the bee 🐝 not even the dragon bourne.
Could you imagine if bees were kept as immovable?
Sven: Dragonborn, the village is going to be attacked by that dragon.
Dragonborn: No fear companion…DEPLOY THE BEES!!
I absolutely love this. It is 100% Bethesda.
Oh no the drive Bee stuck again
Thats from the movie called the stupids
ah so thts what causes that. damn man. been years
I know it’s a meme , but the intro of skyrim is one of my favorites intros ever
Oh they finally found out what did that? Neat. Thanks for the info, that scratches a very, very old itch^^
Yep, there’s so many reasons this happens in the intro. You could make an hour long documentary about bugs in the intro for various releases and versions of the game
Why were those immovable…
Dude holy fuck, I’ve been modding Skyrim for years and I think yo just answered as to why the alternate start fucks the intro over, exactly this way the cart gets shot all over the place
That bee must’ve come from ohio
Save the Bees? The Bees say fuck your help.
That’s so hilariously stupidly hilarious lmao
When an immovable object meets an unstoppable force
I wish I could see this happen
Kinda wish the left that in Ngl
That happened to me I was so confused
That’s just how I react to bee stings
I still get this from time to time… so either they didnt fix it or theres something else at play haha
Played Skyrim I Have Not. Yet
So that’s what was causing it?!
Only good bug is a dead bug 🐝 🔫
But did a dog step on it ?
I thought this was tied to the fps, anything higher than 60fps would cause this to happen
Back to the roots how the name bug was made.
I’m so confused why they would make a NPC you barely are even able to see a unmovable object.
Never happened to me, damn now I wish it did.
I love the immovable object, the bee
That’s programming for ya.
Skyrim VR on release was based on that old code of them all insects having collision and immovable on.
You couldn’t start a game on skyrim vr without that bee being there and spinning your character around like a tornado In vr. Which was not fun.
There is a mod on nexus that fixed that exact issue for vr and for a long time was the only way to play the game.
This shit still happens lmao
One time when I played the horses died pulling the buggies and the carts just rolled faster and faster down the hill while the standard dialogue went on.
I thought it was an fps problem..but it was a stupid fucking bee?
What happens when an unstoppable cart meets an immovable bee
figures that an early bug was actually a bug. Never change Skyrim.
shoupda just made bees scripted like ghosts
Why get rid of that that’s a feature not a bug
This is why I’m convinced there will never be a game as fun as Skyrim. The level of bugs that do obscene things makes it feel like an AI trying to guess how the game should behave. There’s just something magical about watching Mammoths and giants fall from the sky for no reason
why does it happen with random mods then?
Better question why would a bee be immovable
So they definitely fixed it right? So this happening to me 3 different times did not happen?
Oh shit THATS what caused my cart to go bat shitm
This still happens to me every time I try to play without the alternate start mod lol
It just works.
Dude this happened to me and my dad once we were SO confused
Iv never played any of the Skyrims, I just really like the lore.
It’s been a decade and whenever it comes up in conversation I just say a lore tidbit and change the subject.
The bee: *”I WILL NOT BE MOVED!”* [cue badass metal riff]
Finally I know why. Damn
fun fact: This can still happen, I’ve got a recording on my PC of it happening
This happened to me a few times as a kid and I always wondered what had happened
My horse stepped on a bee. X/
No fucking way
“I too enjoy the insects in this particular video game.”
Are you kidding me?
I thought that bug was due to a mod issue
You know how many hours I spent trying to fix the numerous installations of Skyrim?
THATS WHAT IT WAS, this many years, a hundred playthroughs, oh my god
This is NOT something you do by accident. Some bastard was laughing their ass off as they set a random creature to be immovable.
Skyrim bee vs gta train
Looks more like a wasp
“I used to be a beekeeper like you, but then I took a stinger to the knee.”
My cart stepped on a bea
Ok, but did they fix it? Cuz I remember being launched in the intro still.
What i love the most is the fact that they are still marked as immovable.
They could just remove their collision and it would be fine.
But instead all bugs have the ability to just stop anything around them
So a fucking bee was responsible for one of the funniest intro’s to a game
That glitch is very Skyrim…
This bug actually happens a lot more than you would think with a lot of mods
Bethesda and its giant bugs.
i think my worst bug in the intro was the cart would pull too far and everyone would just stay in it like “no. not doing this today”
I loved this bee bug
I quite literally had this happen for the first time ever a few weeks ago holy shit, I was wondering what happened. One of the first load ups on pc I’d ever done and BOOM in the sky spinning
They just had to bee careful with the bugs… 😐
This bug happens duo to resolution problems which happens to make problems with physics and launch carts, never heard about the bee thing, and how true it is, bit resolution thing is 100% true.
Invader Zim: BEEES!!!!
Ive had similar events happen when I was just kinda modding the game and it would cause this weird cart glitch that most often resulted in me not making it to Helgen
Not the bees not the bees! Aaaaaaah!
Today an unstoppable cart meets an immovable bee
Playing with mods also does the same thing
Good ol’ Bethesda. Even the bugs bug-out.
Bees are just tiny Dragons
Uhm actually that’s a wagon. And that bug still exists.. sorta.
I love this
Unstoppable Force meets an immovable object
I’m literally because you’re framerate cant keep 60fps. It’s not a mystery why the cart was broken.
“It just works”
“Bees are immovable.”
So that’s what keeps me flying
First time I ever booted up skyrim on xbox 360 the day it came out the cart collided with the wall where it stops for your execution and the horse just kept walking in place it was my first ever experience with skyrim and also probably one of the most memorable things in my near 1000 hours of skyrim. I’ve never seen it happen again.
I hit a bug once where one of the Carts ran over the Imperial Captain at the intro and completely broke it and I had to restart
Stewie: umm I may have sent my bees into a video game world
To the stratosphere!
The bee could’ve been an agent of change: being able to skip that dumb cutscene
This explains so much! I would randomly get launched straight up, now I know why.
I had a bug where after you get off the cart to create your character a horse was standing next to hadvar and the imperial general he was there the whole time and some people walked into him even when it turned the camera and back he was there
Im glad i finally have the answer to this first thing that ever killed me in skyrim
Weakest bee vs strongest dragonborn:
“We’ve all played it probably a thousand times by now”
Is that some sort of console joke I’m too PC to understand?
Killer Bee
Alduin saving the Dragonborn isn’t the cannon intro, little did everyone know it was the bee all along.
Mess with a bee, get the stinger.
I just see Stewies buff ass bees from family guy looking at the cart, tossing it skyward anyone else?
Imagine buying skyrim. Knowing its a great game. Maybe its your 4th copy. But you load that bitch up at 1am…. and shot into the stratosphere. Thats EXACTLY why you bought skyrim again.
That’s was the first thing to happen to me
Birds and bees a glitch was causing it
Actually glitches causes the problem the game is full of glitches but a bee is powerful a bee has pick me up and moved me so yeah they are powerful but a lot of times it is glitches was it a bee that picked up a horse and a hunter and killed them by dropping them out of the sky no it was a glitch in the game
i’ve only experienced one bug during the intro. The archer that’s meant to kill the horse thief missed and the guy just carried on running. no idea what ended up happening to him tho
Someone told me it was a bird doing that
Weren’t the Dragon flies at one point a physical object at one point as well.
Yeeted by a bee
this game is just a clusterf*ck of people who don’t give a sh*t so long as it makes them money and untaltented writers who seemingly never in their life left their house and interacted with people and kinda guess how places, humans, interactions, morality and pretty much any concept outside of their basement works
That’s awesome. I always wondered what did that. Figured the wheel just phased in the ground a little
Eyo why did they fix this 😂
This happened to me in VR I nearly puked 😭
Have you ever Bethesda’d so hard that your bugs became bugs?
Dude. Is that why it was doing that?!? Dang bee 🤣
This actually happened to me… Thank you for explaining it!
It was not a bug. It was a feature essential to the authentic skyrim experience.
This still happens though
I cannot fucking believe Bathesda managed to find a way for there to be a glitch caused by a literal *_bug_*
Hey you you’re finally awake.
Bee: Not for long.
“Aah, you’re finally awaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!”
The bee “the fuck was that noise?”
Yeah, bunnies, bears, wolfs, birds, literally anything that felt like existing would do this too
i never knew this, i always thought it was something to do when you had a bunch of mods loading in at the start so it bugged out the cart. although i do notice that the more i mod the more this happens (ive started over 50 new game saves and have completed skyrim fully at least 7 times)
The bee is like: you know what I’m sick and tired of this *your finnaly awake* crap, we’ve been through this over a thousand times.
*flips the whole friggin carage*
Had it happen to me lol
Why was the bee immovable in the first place, was it a testing feature?
That happened to me the first time I played skyrim.
As QA tester I can feel their pain. Had a bug that would cause the player to shoot into the sky, we never figured out why or what was doing it and it was random. One of the testers found the problem. When you entered a new cell the game would load it. However every now and again for aome reason the cell would load weird, like ground collision 1/10th off and it would snap to the correct position and transfer the energy to the player.
This is still a bug, just not for consoles. On pc you can reliably make this happen just by playing the game in high frame rate, and you don’t need any bees for the cart to go crazy, that’s just the engine being its best self.
Bug is the true dragonborn
I’d say that bug is pretty small actually. A cm or so
Omfg it’s a bee
Personally I woulda thought Chauruses were bigger bugs but I guess bees are pretty big too
Amusingly, they are still immovable. I’m guessing they just deleting the specific bee that was colliding the the carts.
This is funny cause an actual real life bug is what created the term, cause bugs would sometimes fly into the tubes or moving parts of old computers. The more things change…
Bee is a insect not a bug 🐝🐝
These bees are super strong and we’ll move you out of the way 🐝🐝💪🐝🐝
Development? I remember having that glitch in game.
Should have just designated the cart as an unstoppable force
Heehee hoohoo
“You were trying to cross the stratosphere, werent you?”
I have a save where it’s been 23 days stuck in the sky block
“It just works”
No wonder I couldn’t use the default into when I modded. I always use a more birds and insects mod
Imagine getting rkod by a literal insect
steroid bees
Immovable object meets unstoppable force
I can honestly say I regret not watching this show
Bethesda being Bethesda’s greatest arch nemesis.
Now we need a Death Battle between 2fort Cow and Skyrim Bee.
Omg that happened to me once and I was in the sky for so damn long lol
“My cart stepped on a bee”
Funny how they marked the bee as immovable, but not the cart relevant the to the cutscene.
Also, it’s literally a giant bug. Those bees are gigantic. No wonder the residence at Goldenglow Estate is the size that it is, beekeepers must make a killing in Skyrim.
The bee was more powerful than Alduin. 😶
yooo 😯
Ahhh, so it wasn’t my mod list’s fault
Still happens on Modded Skyrim when using SMIMM 😂
Wait they fixed this? I still enter the skyrim the space program sometimes.
Omfg, thats what caused it???? It was soo annoying
Damn… so THAT’S fucking why one time the damn cart flipped over in the intro one time…
“Not the bees!!”
-The Wicker Man, 2006.
Odd I had that happen when I was modding it like crazy. 😮
Don’t mess with a bee 🤣
You can still trigger this by starting a new game with too many mods
Garageband type chord-progression 💀
Also happy late black-History month 😅
I had a very similar experience with a rabbit
Think my phobia is _irrational_ do ya?
That is why is called bug
Never played
A bug caused by a bug in a buggy
I’m more surprised that the game was play tested
This looks like a job for *DR. BEES*
AND I THOUGT THAT WAS A MOD, FUCK i instaled those for whole day and i just delete it.
I need to save this video for anytime my family ask why I dropped out of college for video game design.
I’ve actually had this happen on a vanilla run of Skyrim, quickly went back to modded after cause it made it so I couldnt even exit
You know what is the most powerful animal?
It’s not the dragon
It’s not the people or the bears or the wizards or anything on big.
It’s the f****** bee’s.
That’s what it was? It would happen sooooo often in my games I had to download the alternate start mod
My cart stepped on a bee 🥹
i did this my usin command kill on the horse. got shot all over the place xD
That happened to me not long ago even though the bug was fixed, think theres more issues than the bees lol
Imagine playing in VR and the cart gets launched across the map.
This was the classic start to Skyrim. After a while every game I started had this happen and it was a dice roll to see if we finished in a way we could step off the cart. I made a save right there and stopped doing to intro for new play throughs, like I imagine most people did, but because I never got to see it I still like the intro ten years later
This happened to me one of the last times i ever played it on my old 360 that had a broken network reciever
Oh man, I’ve been wondering what this was for *years*!
you must accept that there are no bugs, only features
It just works
wonder how many games had a bug that actually was a bug
perfectly balanced
A bug bug.
Bro ended the civil war and doomed the planet because he saw a pretty flower
A bug caused a game breaking bug lol.
So they would get send to fallout ok
The Skyrim intro bugs can be really annoying but also really fun.
The Skyrim cart space program was fun.
The biggest bug is a big statement for skyrim 😂 I’ve seen bigger
So a game breaking bug caused by a game breaking bug? Bugseption
Bees still have the property of being immovable. Sometimes you can spot a bee at the eastern gate of Riverwood, wich other than butterflies or dartwings has collision. The only thing Bethesda did at this point is changing where bees can be and how far they’ll wander off
Ahh yes another game by bethesda
When unstoppable force meeting an immovable object
This still happens to me sometimes.
I kinda want that to happen in my game lol!
Okay this very well could be Mandela Affect, but I could SWEAR bees and beehives were added in an update. Or maybe for the PS4 release. I never once saw one on PS3 in hundreds of play hours
Ive seen the horse on the front literally spin like a beyblade lol
The bees have finally grown tired of humans harvesting their precious honey.
(Un)fortunately I’ve never had this happen to me but I’ve always wondered what cause the intro to go fucky in every playthrough I see on YT.
The more you know.
Buzz buzz bLtch
This happened to me in my Xbox 360 many years ago, I guess was 2013 or 2014
I actually had that happen last night when I got around to 100% special edition.
Wondered what that was!
I thought that was an fps issue
I had a bug where a pack of werewolves would attack the cart and kill the horse leaving you stuck. Had to delete and redownload the game to fix the problem
Sometimes bugs are insects
Don’t mess with bees in Skyrim 💀
So that’s why my cart does that on new games….
Player: What the Hell was that? 😱
Sometimes a bug is just a bug
Omfg so that’s what happened to me!
Did they fix it? And if so how?