12 Must-Have New Skyrim Mods:Enhance Your Visual, Environment, Character More I March 2024 Chapter 2
🔴 AR Babette Racemenu Preset
– https://www.patreon.com/posts/skyrim-i-babette-100139658
🔴ARJARIM Greatest Heavy Body Preset
– https://www.patreon.com/posts/skyrim-i-arjarim-90224523
🔴 ARJARIM Animation Operator
– https://www.patreon.com/posts/skyrim-i-arjarim-74918212
00:00 Intro
00:21 1. VISUAL
00:24 Skyrim Food Expansion
00:57 High Quality Ivy Replacer – Base Object Swapper
01:31 Halffaces – Goat cheese
01:58 Rally’s Noble Furniture – Base Object Swapper
02:27 2. GAMEPLAY
02:32 Horse Behaviour Improvements
03:18 Subtitles
03:57 MAGECORE – hdt SMP (CBBE 3BA)
04:43 Extended Bandit Dialogue
05:21 WiZkiD Hunter’s Camp Overhaul
05:55 3. ANIMATION
06:00 Stormcloaks Bikini armor 3BA HDT-SMP – Tawoba add-on
06:24 Granblue Fantasy Relink-great axe moves collection
06:58 ADXP I MCO WoLong Fist
07:28 OUTRO
#skyrim #Скайрим #スカイリム
Taqs:skyrim mods,Скайрим,スカイリム,스카이림,skyrim,skyrim mod,Skyrim Food Expansion https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspec,High Quality Ivy Replacer – Base Object Swapper,Halffaces – Goat cheese,Rally’s Noble Furniture – Base Object Swapper,Horse Behaviour Improvements,Subtitles,MAGECORE,Extended Bandit Dialogue,WiZkiD Hunter’s Camp Overhaul,Granblue Fantasy Relink-great axe moves collection,Stormcloaks Bikini armor,ADXP I MCO WoLong Fist
コメント (25)
Thanks For Always Watching.
🔴 AR Babette Racemenu Preset
– https://www.patreon.com/posts/skyrim-i-babette-100139658
🔴 ARJARIM Greatest Heavy Body Preset
– https://www.patreon.com/posts/skyrim-i-arjarim-90224523
hi there! awesome video! i was wondering if you can tell me what your are using for your grass textures and how you got the height of your grass so high! thank you!!
I like your video’s but you should really turn the music down
The music in the first half of the video was so loud it drowned out the vocals. Not a good experience.
Oh this was a mod showcase I was so lost into the music❤
in the Expanded Bandit Dialogue @4:47 what UI is displayed? shows Gold Weight time lvl ect.
is pandora worth using now? if so can i ditch the nemesis engine?
Is that food mod compatible with Gourmet?
Hola Arjarim 🥰
can’t tell you how long I have been waiting for a subtitle mod like that to appear. LOL and thank god for this bandit line expansion. Skyrim is finally complete
Dang the music in this video was epic lol. What’s the name of it?
what is the white and gold outfit you are wearing in the beginning of the mod video
Thanks for including my Noble Furniture 🙂
Anja is keeping me at like 700+ hours on my skyrim playthrough
Excellent showcase. I learned a lot from this video and it already added to my game experience, Thank you for your work and and sharing this video. ❤❤
Arja were you playing 4K native in your last Nolvus streaming?
Nice showcase
At around 2:00 when showcasing Rally’s mod, the title is wrong tho
So you write a script and take the time to record narrator dialogue, and then add very loud music that continually plays over it?
Thanks for still making skyrim mod videos
Try also Dragon’s dogma 2 when it releases
You have the “High Quality Ivy Rplacer BOS” over what is Rally’s noble furniture.
is the Music from BDO?
music way to loud in this video
Thanks again for including my “Halffaces – Goat cheese” mod into your video ☺😘 I hope to see “Halffaces – Folded Rags Overhaul” mod in your great video reviews someday 🤗
Those are some delicious looking textures. Makes me hungry for whatever meal Skyrim has to offer. Like cheese bread