Is Being a Vampire in Skyrim Worth It?
An Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim discussion about whether or not being a vampire is worth it in the Elder Scrolls universe… Would you accept this gift?
Taqs:skyrim,fudgemuppet,elder scrolls,skyrim worth it,is it worth it,vampire worth it,skyrim vampires,dawnguard,volkihar,skyrim vampire worth it,skyrim vampire,elder scrolls lore,skyrim lore
コメント (204)
Full Vampire pros and cons here: https://youtu.be/e2nCRc9Qo8M
Sure why not
I love that you can make your spouse a vampire too 😂
Lycans all the way
Tbh being vampire and a dragonborn
Suits skyrim if it was like full of struggles
For example
If dawnguard dlc had much more good story , i mean really well written story like a movie and good dialogue and interactions.
Like dragonborn refusing to become vampire but in end time he become vampire to fight harkon under eclipse after harkon somehow snatched auriel bow and took serana’s blood on the arrows .
Imagining fighting him under that eclipse while using vampire wings(not full vampire lord transformation like harkon)
Well that wouldn’t be elder scrolls then ofc, it more likely be final fantasy or devil may cry instead
Being immortal but only living thousands of years cannot happen at the same time. 💀
I wouldn’t mind an eternity in the hunting grounds tho
Nope I’d be a werewolf though
I DESPISE being a vampire in Skyrim. The way they pulled it off was terrible. If you feed you’re weaker, vampire lord mode is a joke, I was very disappointed with the way they made vampires in that game
Did you just say immortal, and able to live thousands of years?
Listen… I’m not callin ya stupid… it’s just…. you’re a bread for brains
Nah, I’d just go be Count of Skingrad.
I Just say one thing: Count Verandis Ravenwatch. The most influential Vampire in ESO and a close friend to King Emerich. I’d say, if I would want to be a Vampire I would like to be part of the Ravenwatch family. They are influential and good harded, trying to integrate with society
Also vampirism can be cured if you regret your choice
Yeah being a vampire is a very bad decision, as fire just says screw you, you have at minimum 3 groups after your head (Vigilantes of stendar, dawngusrd and companions) restoration magic isn’t as good, and an entire part of that has been weponised to kill your kind, fire magic is deadlier against you, the sun is dangerous to you, merida wants you dead, stendar also wants you dead, and you are apart of the worst daedra, also the fact you need blood to keep going is a massive downside as you paint a massive target on your back if you ever get hungry so all and all its the worst choice
Diseases don’t do sht to me in skyrim. Morrowind is a different story.
Could be like a friend of mine who installs Frostfall mod to make the game more realistic with food, drink, sleep needs along with having to deal with adverse weather conditions, only to seek out vampirism so all the above listed issues are no long any problem…
I still don’t get why NOT drinking blood makes you more powerful. It’s an interesting mechanic that forces you to feed if you don’t want to be attacked on sight, but it doesn’t make sense to me from a lore perspective. Vampires in almost all other media grow more powerful by feeding on people and can’t survive otherwise
I am an English introvert so avoiding the sun and being alone means I am pre qualified.
No I don’t want to be a night walker that preys on the ones I love and then once I do die I go to oblivion to suffer forever so no it’s not worth it
harkon: (telling the dragon born why vampires are better than mortals)
the dragon born: (a *dragon* in human form) https://youtu.be/w-29J5mywJU
Am I the only one that thinks Vampires in Skyrim are too generic than the Vampires in Oblivion
No. To hell with all you demons
I have try to find vampires and I can’t even find them
The perks far out weigh the negative effects
I think I’d rather be a literal human mosquito
Fuck the perks I hate being a vampire, I’d rather be a wearwolf.
That aside, they fu ked up when it came to the volkahar vampires. The immoral blood book discribes them as living under the ice and being capable of turning into mist. Bathesta went so far as to put the vampire hunter, morvsth piquine from that book, in Skyrim, yet somehow forgot yet somehow forgot what the Volkahar clan was supposed to be like when it came to the Dawnguard DLC.
Let’s not forget the biggest downside: You have to be suberviant to Molag Bal.
Id still do it.
Well that’s why you become friends with someone who doesn’t judge you and you use them as like an infinite food source while you give them protection
But if you’re dragon born and you become a vampire Akatosh has full claim over your soul on death due to the fact your soul is of a dragon
Which game shows you molag bal like that?
It would be worth it if we could look as good as Serana or Harkon
Yeah, I’ll just let the Daedric princes fight over my soul for eternity…
of course, beeing a vampire, collect 1000 years of knowledge, power and skills and then go to volkihar, kill harkon and clear serana 👍🏻
Ever since I installed the Better Vampires mod, ive found myself wanting to be a vampire spellsword in every playthrough instead of a stealth archer lol
Dawnguard has cooler looking armor. 🙂
Yes, but I would pass hundreds of years fo understand how to become a sort of God myself so that my sould doesn’t end in the hands of Molag Bal
I hated the vampire,I always play a warrior so the sun damage and debuffs were just weighing me down
No its not.
Yes. I’ve chosen the path 4 times in total but in my Skyrim lifetime and especially when the Dawnguard appeared, I never looked back.
Except you wouldn’t “live for thousands of years” because you would be dead the moment you become a vampire.
just don’t let molag bal turn you into vampire
All of the negatives do not matter, for I have a single counter to all of them in a single reply:
Skyrim’s night theme— Secunda.mp3
So, Gen X shout out?
One concept I’ve never seen explored is the effects of immortality on the human mind and psyche. What would thousands of years of memories do to a brain only adapted to live for a hundred at most? What if you live for so long that, after a time, trying to remember anything is like shuffling through a rolodex rather than a database? How long before you made a slip up that exposed your true nature, repeatedly, leaving you with nowhere left to go? One fatal slip and it’s Cold harbor forever….
For role playing… ok
For game play… fuck no!
I dont mant my soul to go to some cereal involuntary bum diddler
Strike up a deal with the local lord to become the town’s executioner. I get free meals, he gets a sweet vampire body-guard. Everyone wins.
except the criminals…
Is human blood necessary or will animal blood work
Use Better Vampires mod and you’re good to go 😄
Vampires aren’t immortal in the elder scrolls universe. They’re a class of life referred to as “unmortal” by “true” immortals like daedra
You just have to worry about Harkon’s Idiotic plan
A Vampire worshipping the likes of Vaermina would be an interesting playthrough. Nightmares for days
With mods is definitely worth it 😂
Humans view vampires as monsters and predators but they themselves hunt lesser creatures as food vampires simply possess the means to turn the hunter into the hunted
Depends on the build.
I work the night shift and love the night sky. All my friends are out of state and free when the sun is down. Yeah I think I’ll be fine with the sun as my enemy. The bloodlust however may be a challenge
I don’t know how people see being immortal as a good thing lol
With other ways to achieve the same results. I’d have to say no
I think Id rather be a Werewolf. If I can control my wolf form. I probably wouldn’t be able to during the first transformation but I think id be able to control it over time
They have a mod for a daylight ring it would be cool if they had that integrated into the actual game as a quest
Being a vampire and werewolf sucks in skyrim. The animations and mechanics are bs and one of the worst clunkiest bs ever
Vampirism was enjoyable in Skyrim, in Oblivion it was a nightmare best reserved for end game roleplaying, step outside in daylight and you pretty much explode 🙄 no selling your garbage for you.
Playing as a vampire in Skyrim is OP and fun. Now compared to being a Vampire in Oblivion literally getting toasted every time by the sun.
Loved being vampire in oblivion
I unintentionally became a vampire, i only liked it bc dragonborn had red eyes
If Regis can be chill so can I.
Yes being a vampire is a fine deal, until you notice the many caveats.
Mhm I want to eat people I don’t give a shit about the other stuff
Yeah going to cold harbor in my opinion makes it completely not worth it. I would definitely worship sanguine 🎉😵💫
I’d do it for the ✨aesthetic✨
[Smiles after using Tainted Blood Mod]
Worth it for the vampire bitches
I am never not a vampire. Well maybe not that. But all my characters are ultimately, vampires
short no long since oblivion i kill all vampires in most games fkers just scratch you and your doomed
The one thing I dislike is needing to feed after every fast travel over a decent distance man I miss Skyrim but I did not have the room for my MASSIVE mod list anymore one day soon I’ll get a external hard drive just for mod storage
I’m practically already a demigod so I don’t see the point
Not if I had that stupid line on my mouth.
Gotta be a vampire yeah… no wants to die… also feeding is harmless and discreet
Hypothetically If a slain vampire could make their way to the cliff of failures there’s a very small chance of being able to return to Mundas. (Beyond the challenges there’s the overseer to deal with who’s constantly changing the rules and egging contestants on never really letting anyone win)
Canonically the only being recorded as far as legends go is the vestige (the protagonist of ESO)
They threatened the overseer by saying they’d stick around and muddle up challenges until the overseer agreed to let the captured mages go (it’s pretty funny)
Hands down the vestige is by far the most powerful hero to have ever existed as far as playable characters and it lies in what Molag Bal did to them. (Something he’s immensely proud of and arguably the whole reason he set into motion the planemeld)
Essentially the vestige is a daedric Simulacrum. (Much like a Daedra they are incapable of truly dying)-add this with their ability to absorb energy and power from people and objects-
Those who’ve played the Daggerfall covenant questline might recall how (a niece of Tharn’s) came to use King Emeric to lure the vestige to a plane of Atherius where she knew the vestige could truly be slain.
The only reason I don’t wanna be a vampire is bc 1. it doesn’t fit with my character’s story I’ve made in my head lol, and 2. it glitches my character’s warpaint to be off center and look stupid
It’s true that Coldharbour would suck after death, but the great thing about vampirism is that you’re suddenly extremely good at cheating death. That and if you’ve got centuries to burn, why not make some deals with other Daedra on the side? Molag Bal isn’t about to fuck with Nocturnal or somebody like Sithis. Maybe once you get bored of life, you can just vibe in the Evergloam until the universe collapses. After all, the only difference between that and dying would be that you get to keep the fleshy bits. Hell, if you’re a Khajiit, you could just chill with Sanguine, since he’s supposed to be responsible for some of the cat vampires, and that’d be great.
That last bit is the kicker. In game is one thing, but if I somehow got fade to black Skyrim’d I am not doing anything with the deadra, especially bal. Dude is LITERALLY the lord of ahh… let’s call it unconsenting naughty time.
Couldn’t you just feed on bandits to survive tho? There seems to be no shortage of those
Immortality is nice, but female vampire armor with boob windows? Bite me baby!
You guys have done this same video idea like five times, same with the daedric princes
“hmm? Need something?” (walks into wall)
Every time I started my game and left Helgen i would go straight to the cave in the fields of white run to get it just for the night vision not even rp as one just for the night vision and one time a day invisibility
If you shift whilst falling into a vampire lord in Skyrim just before hitting the ground you can take zero fall damage. It’s incredibly fast timing and I’ve only done it once but it was the coolest
Female vamp armor tho
Just being a vampire give Morlag Bal claim on your soul, all of them go to Cold Harbor.
I quite literally have a mod that lets me cause a solar eclipse and one that lets me make blood potions though on the other hand vampire lord form literally unfavorite’s my tweaked argonian powers
If you like creating powerful gear, then it’s worth it.
Human mosquito 🥹
Who needs light or friends
Hands down, one of the best RPG games ever made. I’m glad I was a kid with a lot of free time when this game came out…
Fuck that, the necromage perk is to good to not become a vampire😂
As long as I’m a dark elf, ill be alright. Vamps may have a fair weakness to sun & fire, but Dunmer have a larger immunity to fire & sun damage, so they can take the blow of the elements. In ES lore as long as you’re fed, you won’t deteriorate in appearence.
Being a werewolf is infinitely better.
Feeling distant from normal people ✅
Never feel sunlight ✅
Monster in the eyes of people/gods ✅
No loved ones to kill accidentally ✅
Enhanced speed strength and magic ✅
Where are the downsides? This is already me.
The answer is an immovable NO
I want to be a vampire again. I was a unique one.
If I was Dragonborn it’d be fine because my soul would always and forever belong to Akatosh no matter what happened to me.
I was hoping this would be a video with actual reasons.
I would bot want it
Id totally be a vampire. Wouldnt be bothered by the cold anymore. Also, I’d imagine the College of Winterhold would accept a vampire member. Could stay in the halls of the mages guild doing research all day. Would probably eventually become the arch mage. Could pay a local to let me feed on their livestock.
Ignoring all other downsides you would have to watch the end of the world, and in elder scrolls that happens fairly often.
They didn’t make Serana a marriage option.
loophole with the Molag thing, going to the Soul Cairn gives you an anchor you can probably use to get your soul out of Coldharbor
Vamp are op
Are werewolf in elder scrolls immortal too I can never find the answer
Hell yes so much better that werewolf
more time to cleanse tamriel from cats and lizzards
I mean ye, immortal good with magic strong for bloodlust just kidnap some bandit since they’ll ge massacre anyway by some random freak with two axe that shout a lot, heck I’ll say that being a bandit it waaaay worse ,they die like flies in many brutal ways for,most of the time, just being in the way of someone
How does being a vampire change survival mode?
Carry around the cure for vampirism in a fake tooth, crack it if you’re about to die like a cyanide capsule.
Problem, mister molag? :3c
I mean I see no cons here sign me up
I spare Cicero everytime
Yes I would then I would join the dark brotherhood and take jobs hunting bad people
I hate vampirism in Skyrim it isn’t worth it for me in the slightest
Become a vampire? Yes I’ll take it. As a necromancer it’s my next step for more dark/blood, magic/power. then if litchdom exist in ES that would be my final step in experiencing true necromancy.
Werewolf all the way. You look way cooler and you don’t float around like a goofy looking balloon.
Bro fuck being a vampire. I literally restarted a campaign because I went and became one and was trying to be a two handed build.
if you mod, sure
Wouldn’t want to live in that universe,you could easily be killed by a powerful mage and have your soul trapped in a soul gem,would not want to live in the soul cairn or molags hell realm
The Coldharbor part is what makes me say nah
I work overnights, I’m practically a vampire already
Or I can use god mode and be immortal without the downsides
If it was the Lore version of the Volkihar Vampire then yeah, but even if not, I would probably say yes to them or the Cyrodiilic bloodline. Most of the negatives are countered by magic and the rest can be countered by regular feeding. It would not be that hard to make a close friend or lover and keep them healthy with spells and potions while they supply you with blood. I’d probably go with an orc lover. They would probably like it and Malacath could keep Bal away.
Filthy undead vermin, fit only to be hewn by my blade.
As long as that someone isn’t Molag bal sure, I’d just make sure to aim for a more decent afterlife.
I will definitely become a vampire to master all my skills, since I have all the time in the world. My character’s goal would be to refine his physical and magical powers to the utmost and walk like a god among men!
Basically, in the Elder Scrolls universe, Vampirism is an daedric STD soo.. nope.
I always play a vampire and I have never ever drunk blood from someone. I think I’ve only ever used a blood potion once.
I would
I would rather prefer werewolf.
As long as Falion is alive and kicking, yeah, I would.
Without mods? Fuck no. In lore? Debatable. See the entire world, never die, be stronger than most. But no sun, ash for organs? Big yikes.
As someone who took such a deal, I recommend being thankful for death, it’s not worth it for those without other hungers to fill. Not vampiric by any means but the hunger for knowledge on the nature of the self was insatiable.
You know what I’ve never understood? Why not offer to protect a village being raided or attacked by monsters and after killing all the threats tell them that you’d set up residence and continue to protect the village in exchange for being given donated blood? Obviously elder scrolls dose not have modern medical technology, but in the world of Tamriel I can’t imagine it would be to difficult for a powerful, imortal vampire to figure out a way to safely drain blood from some people. It’s a win win, you get a stable supply and they get protection from the countless threats that can be found in the area. I’ve often wondered the same with with necromancy although I get that’s a little different. I just don’t understand why these beings always have to be… evil.
I rather be a dragon
Gonna be honest, if I lived in the ES universe I’d stay far away from anything associated with Daedra. Specifically Molag Bal.
When Skyrim came out, I didn’t see the sun for days anyway.
The only time I let someone knowingly inflict me was Serana when we had no other option for the Soul Cairn beyond possibly soul trapping me. Ain’t no one soul trapping the dovahkin. Right after I ran back to Morthal with some black soul gems from the Cairn, sure they had the souls of people who deserved thar fate, and got my friend to fix it. I offered one to Serana but she didn’t take me up on it until I made her angry later, after we’d taken care of her daddy issues. For the few days I was a vampire it was glitchy, inconsistent, and made no sense to me why anyone would sacrifice themselves and their loved ones to Molag Bal for it. Maybe if you could actually fly…? But as is, definitely not worth unless you like constant dizzying filters and text popping up about sunlight and hunger.
Not being able to take in those scenic surnise/sunsets of the rift without suffering…not worth the eternal life imo
With the “better vampires” mod yes it is worth it.
The answer is yes and take my blood please
I used to always go werewolf for disease immunity, then I started using alchemy for cure disease. Needed neither after.
God the honkers on serana
I’m already a warewolf which is a sweeter deal
No people, infinite time, cool ass clothes, cool powers. Sign me up rn.
Is being a vampire worth it essentially? Not really, aside from min maxing a necro-mage build or a sneaky bite’n knife.. lore wise you have the shite end of the stick and noone, not even your coven really likes you. The only lore based perk here is the vamp lord form and the “potential” to live forever. Id say its the exact same as being a werewolf cept werewolves normally have a familia bond with their “blood siblings”
I just want my hero to be immortal.
Hell I’d be anything serana wants 🤤😍 including: WALMART SHOPPING BAG
Nope. I’ma fur pup
Considering you can live forever and cure it later at any point:)
Is being a vampire in Skyrim worth it? No. They don’t belong in this world. They steal men souls and make them their slaves.
I saw no downsides
So much time to explore and see the wondrous world of Tamriel. But only at night. When it’s dark.
as a nerd who has countless hours across a few elder scrolls games…. whats sunlight? bring on the super powers i dont touch the sun anyways as a mortal!
I pretty much only do it because the dawnguard are sacks of sh*t
I’d rather serve the lord of the hunt.
One thing that never made sense to me. This is probably the only version of a vampire I’ve seen where drinking blood actually weakens you
Short answer: yes!
Long answer: yesss!
You could just pull a Half Moon Mill at Falkreath and chill forever doing your thing. If I could do what Reggis does in the Witcher, and abstain from blood entirely, I’d absolutely do it. Especially because I carry Serana/Reggis levels of chill and moral code mostly.
If I could live that way in my ideal setting it would be bliss. I’d try my best to be the local guardian or legend, the monster that monsters fear, so to speak.
100% i take the vampire deal. Oh no, no sunlight? Who cares, I’m a goddamn superhero now.
Werewolf foreveeeeerrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!
This is pretty much the biggest gamble in the Elder Scrolls
Short answer: No.
In game, If you are a strong mage character, then no, this is absolutely useless and possibly even counter productive. However, if I lived in Skyrim I would absolutely become a vampire and would utilize my long lifespan to become the most wealthy person in all of Skyrim
I enjoy the sunlight, which is enough reason for me to not want to become a vampire.
Being a Vampire is only fun of you use Sancrosanct. Otherwise, it’s a huge burden. I typically go for the Vampire Knight built. It’s so fun.
It’s almost worth it — what makes it _not_ worth it is having my stat regeneration completely stopped while outside during the day.
In the vanilla game at least, this is honestly a deal-breaker and the big reason why I hardly ever opt for vampirism in-game.
Now if Bethesda had made it so that stat regeneration was halved instead of completely halted, then it’d be more worth it for me (i.e. if stat regen was cut by 50% instead of 100%.)
All the gods, good and evil, fighting for my soul after i complete every quest line
For depressed people, the idea of having long life is not interesting.
No. Don’t want to go to cold harbor forever so all the advantages on my, potentially lengthy but still temporary, life would be meaningless
The one thing about being a vampire is, that 25% sneak boost makes you quite literally invisible no matter what. You can be kissing someone, and they won’t see you
I only become a vampire if I’m using mods 😂 if I’m doing a play through vanilla, then I always choose werewolf
Probably worth it. If you change your mind you can get cured anyway
I’ve never like being vampire or werewolf. Too many little hassles get in the way of playing the rest of the game.
People need to remember that vampires aren’t bad because they’re oppressed by humans and the sun, they’re evil by nature because they gave up their soul and humanity for immortal life and power. It’s hard to imagine a loss of empathy or humanity in ourselves because suddenly getting turned evil is hard to picture while still retaining parts of your personality. It’s why being a vampire seems appealing on paper because the concept of a soul usually only seems relevant in the afterlife. In reality, by reality I mean in this fiction and those like it, if you were made a vampire you wouldn’t be able to want to be good nor would you attempt all those noble things you thought you would after becoming immortal: you wouldn’t dedicate your time to researching amazing things and only eating the bad. No, you would be petty, narcissistic, disloyal, shortsighted and savage. You would not be able to grasp the issue with stabbing an old woman in the back as long you’re no caught and you would meditate on those you have wrong assuming they are dead. You would be evil and soulless and your thoughts would be barely human, despite poessing intellect and human memories. You could not make friends, love beauty, respect others or even feel content with peace. You would live in a cave be an asshole because anything else you would ruin by your disgust and irreverence.
I most definitely would as I live in solitude both in skyrim and real life so why the hell not?
You get attacked by vampires and then you start feeding own your self is that possible
Can I start feeding on a vampire I wonder what they taste like let me guess apple pie 🍏🥧🧋
My biggest question, would Boethiah approve of her follower/Champion becoming a vampire? Molag Bal created Vampirism and he and Boethiah are mortal enemies. But I feel like Boethiah may not care or like someone from Molag Bals powers betraying him and serving Boethiah.
Well now you put it like that that sounds like s*** it don’t sound too nice I’d like to add a vampire powers I don’t want to kill my friends s*** I like my friends and I want to keep them alive I would like the vampire powers but I’m not killing my friends and I like being out in the daytime should at night vampires attacked me I’ve seen vampires attacked me in the daytime they don’t have a problem with the light. And I don’t try to feed on me either they just try to kill me
Because of Molag Bal, no. (Plus I’m a champion of Boethiah, I’d rather avoid putting myself in between those two)
Living a normal life, and dying and going to sovngarde, or the far shores, or whatever sounds way better than living as a cannibal hermit, hunted for eternity, and going to coldharbor if i do die
Question: being a vampire leaves your soul to molag Baal if you die, but if you get cured first does he still get it?
I still have NEVER done the Dawnguard questline; only vampire questline. I guess this calls for a new save… (says every Skyrim player ever)
Playing as a Dunmer necromancer, I love being a vampire
Sounds kind of shit when you put it like that
Well, Skyrim is the easiest Elder Scrolls title to play as one in, that’s for true!
In skyrim specifically a vampire makes you extremely powerful with the right perks due to a couple bugs, the major one being the necromage perk
It’s only worth it if your a race without an afterlife like an elf humans and khajeet have an afterlife so why would you throw way paradise
Yea, out of all the possible downsides your soul being condemned to Coldharbour if your mortal form is destroyed is by far the worst. It’s literally frozen hell, ruled over by ones of, if not the most malicious and sadistic Daedric Lord. The other downsides can be managed, controlled or lessened, but Coldharbour…. The pros are obvious with immortality, and enhanced physical and magical prowess being the key pros.
Only if you have the Necromage Perk.
Nice! Do more like this one 👍👍