18 ESSENTIAL Skyrim Mods EVERYONE should have!
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#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimse #スカイリム #스카이림
00:00 Intro
00:27 Essential Bug Fixes
05:37 Essential Utilities Mods
07:12 Essential Quality of Life Mods
10:14 Essential Gameplay Mods
14:22 Ending
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🔻Mods Showcased
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch – USSEP by The Unofficial Patch Project Team
SSE Engine Fixes by aers – Nukem – Ryan
Actor Limit Fix by meh321
powerofthree’s Tweaks by powerofthree
Backported Extended ESL Support by Nukem
QUI by Qudix
Phenderix Weather Changer Skyrim by phenderix
Read Or Take SKSE by powerofthree
Forget Spell by Parapets
Essential Favorites by powerofthree
Auto Input Switch by Parapets
ConsolePlusPlus by powerofthree
More Informative Console by Linthar
Console Commands Extender by Ryan
SkyClimb by Sokco
Timing is Everything SE by kryptopyr
Experience by zax
JaySerpa’s Mods
🧾Panda’s Modlist: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/105778
Don’t forget to endorse the mod authors! 🙂
✔️My Playlist :
▶️ Panda’s Skyrim SE/AE – https://bit.ly/PandaSSE
▶️ Panda’s Skyrim Cinematics – https://bit.ly/PandaCinematics
▶️ Panda’s Modshowcase – https://bit.ly/PandaSEMods
🔻 Additional Tags:
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コメント (21)
Support me! 📲 Install Raid for free: https://raidrpg.com/captpandaMar24 and get $100 worth of prizes – an Epic champion Lady Etessa and exclusive 5th anniversary awards 🔥 Also use promo code FESTIVAL5 to receive: 🧪 X50 Magic Brew, 500,000 Silver 👑 X1 Tayrel Epic Champion! Hurry, this offer is available for a limited time only!
📱Link for IOS users to enter Raid Shadow Legends promo codes ➡https://plarium.com/en/redeem/raid-shadow-legends/
I love your modlist bro. It looks hella realistic and vibrant
Looking for a mod that adds skills to level up mining, farming, harvesting, and hunting. Something like New World. Skyrim’s lets you level smithing, arcane, your magic, armor, etc. But not the other important parts that I named.
That weather changer is clutch
I installed SSE engine fixes mid playthrough because it was required for some mod I wanted with my 300+ plugins, and I spent half the day trying to fix everything and having every single one of my save files corrupted. The irony of it being called “fixes” while it breaks literally everything.
Just a heads up, when u try to install SSE Engine fixes, make sure to backup your saves and read the entire mod page and every corresponding reddit post you see. So many things can go wrong, and unlike other mods, u can’t just fix it by deleting it once its installed, if you fuck up in some way the damage is persistent.
For me, a roll back to 1.6.640 is essential. I find that any mod list is unstable on later versions, whereas .640 is solid as a rock.
I was just thinking a few days ago about how crazy it it that Bethesda has released sooo many updates and versios for a game that is over 10 years old,
and the VERY FIRST mod we need to use is USSEP in order to fix bugs that hinder the game from working properly!
I think Bethesda is the one who should be examining their life choices!!!
thanks for another great video, and for your Eldergleam modlist also!
Another usefull and amazing video as always. Can’t wait for your next take on the Eldergleam modlist
Are these including in eldergleam? Or should we add them?
Just when I deleted all my mod and my game to starting fresh new this vid is perfect thank you
Raid is literally just a casino. It’s not even a real game. Please stay as far away from that garbage as possible. I’m glad that they’re paying out though.
UESSP makes my game unplayable
Thanks for the shoutout!!! Love the showcase as always, your video editing skills keep getting better and better. Amazing job! ❤
Haven’t played since the update, but here to leave my Like 😊
DOOT DOOT, Panda’s gonna be able to have a 3 meals a day for the next week, cheers!
Don’t forget to revert the more ambitious of USSEP’s ‘fixes’ with an extra mod 🙂
Know what would be cool? If these mods came in a good-looking mod pack. Maybe name it Eldergleam?
banger as always 👍
I hope npc battle channels will use actor limit fix to create epic battles
Which retexture and enb are you using?The game looks so clean and clear.
EDIT: Sorry, found the link in description.