【SKYRIM】 When I google Serana all the results are about marrying her
let us marry the vampire todd
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コメント (148)
Good video
I love the utter confusion at the triple dragon fight lmao fauna
Nothing beats a nice Fauna VOD with so much laughs and nostalgia after a long and tiresome day from work.
When Fauna started to talk about Marine and her song, I was fangirling my brains out. My two favorite Vtubers
Steins;gate elite is on steam. I don’t have it, but I’m told it is basically the VN, but fully animated. I loved the original VN, and the anime, so I suspect that elite is a winner. Also, rip your auto captions for “steins;gate”
dragon faun daisuki <3
I had crazy flashbacks when Jellycar was mentioned, I used play that game constantly but I completely forgot about it until now.
Weird, I’ve been down the rabbit hole of “growing up with scientology” vids lately. I just hope the big wigs over at the church dont get wind of what Fauna said, or they might launch a full fledged attack from planet Xenu! 😱
Listening to things on the Internet from 10+ years ago is always so nostalgic. Embrace the finely aged cringe.
Remember when they joked about releasing skyrim on smart fridges couple of years back only it wasn’t a joke and they really did it?
Iirc Boxxy appeared in some FineBros Youtuber reacts when those were a thing. It was like 7 or 8 years after her Boxxy videos and she’s completely normal. She was indeed trolling.
Thx for stream ceres
59:42 1:11:20 1:37:08
Nice Thighs Fauna 😆i mean hands cute hands lol
Learned that Pikamee is graduating after all the torment she got from Twitter… came here to try and feel better. I’m probably gonna cry for an hour anyway.
Fauna’s stress over the Forgotten Vale leading her mind to retreat back to 2010 YouTube memes was hilarious lmao. Though I don’t blame her. The Vale is pretty confusing.
Congratulations on completing the Dawnguard dlc Thank you for the fun stream
My brothers GF was playing neopets just the other day and having a great time 😂
Hitman Faun model when
This was definitely an unhinged Fauna stream
Wouldnt have it any other way lol
This stream was simply amazing
Nature is the most chaotic
10/10 comedy gold from start to finish haha. Another fantastic stream.
Fauna became from the quiet member to my Oshi, she’s so relatable for a gal
Also as a boy who wasted months in skyrim I appreciate her streams so relatable to my first playthrough when i was innocent/newbie and wasnt breaking my games on the xbox 360 in 2019
I’ve been playing Skyrim quite a while but never ever experienced death loop lol. I really wanna experience this bug I mean feature
1:29 stream start 🙂
NL fan AND knows Touch the Skyrim. Fauna remains based as always.
cant you sprint with a horse?
cringemas content letsgo. luv to reminisce about 2000s memes
Boxxy is not someone I ever expected Fauna to mention, let alone recognize. Perhaps she truly is my oshi.
Nostalgia… God the Internet was great back then
The original song is “Daddy DJ” by Daddy DJ. Came out in 1999.
INFP/Ryan Gosling gang rise up!
Fauna mentioned enchanting stuff, and oh man is restoloop a fun exploit. It’s so fun that when some fan patch mods remove it, there’s a mod that brings it back.
I once made a wooden sword that did millions of damage, and pieces of armor with another millions of health.
Aw hell nah Fauna really went down the stealth archer path noone is safe from this
A comment
Faunyers: “What do you mean I can’t marry Serana?”
Thanks for the fun trip back through the Dawnguard DLC, happy to see you finish it. It’s been a long time since I played but I remember there was some other hidden stuff in the Forgotten Vale. Looking forward to seeing you finish the main quest and starting the Dragonborn DLC.
Also, to help persuade management on getting your TNT duper working, I’d tell them that it’s going to save you specifically hundreds of hours and the entirety of hololive thousands upon thousands of hours. Especially if you are actually intent on making something like a world tree, I took a look at a few of the nice big popular ones and they are saying something like they used of 1M blocks. Unless management wants to give you all access to a command block dispenser you’re going to run the risk of a wither blowing up the server.
Thanks for another fun Skyrim stream! Unfortunately I couldn’t watch it live because it was in the middle of the night for me so I will watch it now. I don’t watch many streams on your channel, but I love the way you play certain games and interact with them. For example how you talk to the npcs in Skyrim (especially Faendal and Serana)
There’s a huge cave in Austria with some of the biggest stalactites in the world. It’s called Luregrotte and I went there during my visit. It was amazing and I’d reckmmend it!
Poor teletubby chan
DeliveryThank you
People like Serana cuz she’s the only character in the franchise that has any sort of story or characterization. So of course, you can’t marry her cuz it’s forbidden to have two things in an Elder Scroll game.
Skyrim is about as bland as you can get in terms of story and character and can still be considered an RPG. The combat is pretty bad too but there are definitely worse.
Faendal not mining while Serana do is funny xD
You won me for the Boxxy reference. I am not trolling. I am Stigma you see?
Thanks for the stream, Fauna! Today felt like a particularly epic adventure in the lands of Skyrim (which is only fitting given how popular it was to call things “epic” 14 years ago, just like all the crusty dusty internet things we talked about)
Y’know, if you can convince Cover to let you have an automatic tree farm, maybe you could bait Todd into tweeting that Serana is the ideal wife, to use as evidence that such a mod is the intended Skyrim experience.
P.s. I also really love Unison! I’d be excited to hear you do a karaoke of your fave holo-songs!
Serana is the best character in the game. She’s got a personality, she has a great arc, and she’s very hot. I don’t care if you can’t marry her in the game she’s still my wife
I really love your Skyrim streams
AH… vod gang time
Ohhhh, i am very Laugh
Ok fine, im re-installing skyrim again. sigh
Skyrim so cool it may have some glitches but I still love it oh and today I’m playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe pretty fun🙂🙂🙂🙂🎆🎇✨️🎇🎆🎇✨️🎆
You can light up by carrying a torch or use light magic.
All hail the vampire lord
You should be careful, Todd might release Skyrim: You can marry Serana edition, but you have to start new game and you have to follow certain path to get that happen. Thanks for really fun stream, but I would not ask directions from you.
1:38:45 Begin the death loop
Some good old Skyrim along with some nostalgic zatsu today! Ah the days when the internet was pure and cringe and everyone was accepting of that cringe. Also good old flash games. Simpler times back then
Thanks for streaming Fauna! Looking forward to some Fall Guys tomorrow! Also just want to emphasize how thankful I am that you stream for us and the type of streams and energy you bring for us every time you stream. Glad you are here for us and I’m glad to be here
The only moment we saplings would be apart from fauna is when every single one of us ends up with extreme diabetes from all the sweetness you give us all. Also man, it’s March already? Time flies like a supersonic jet. And the nostalgic feelings of the old days in the internet… it was one of those moments where i felt sitting together with a bunch of friends i haven’t met in a long time, and we had the greatest laughs and smiles of all our times. Only you can bring such joy to our lovely nights, please never change, little sweet Ceres Fauna~ <3
Side note: Check ENA, to feel even more nostalgic, even if the series is very recent, it's great for the aesthetics~
“For I am Fauna you see!” bringing back Boxxy was quite the flashback
I’m definitely excited for a Fauna with extra hand movements after seeing what Bae could do
Always glad to hear you talking about staying here for a while making people happy
Congratulations on completing the mission!
Serana by our side during mission was quite funny, I didn’t think it would be quick to reason with Arch-Corole
The final chat about the Internet and things from the past makes me very nostalgic
Thank you for another episode of Faunya’s Adventures! I meant to send this in a SC earlier but I forgot: I looked it up and it seems that Winter Wonderland is indeed still copyrighted. However, it will become public domain in 2030! Which is pretty soon! …ish… I guess… But hey! Less than a decade is pretty soon in terms of copyright! So rejoice! Kinda!
Nothing quite like the perfect mixture of a dash of chaos, a little bit of unhinged, vintage cringe to really top the rest of the day, thank you!
Thank you for the fun and comfy stream Fauna 💚💚💚Rest well and take care💚
(we really need the mod to keep all the waifu XD).
Thank you for the stream Fauna! Always enjoy watching Skyrim. I can’t believe Serana still can’t be married after so many versions of the game…
Thancc you for the stweam
Thank you for the stream! May mods make match merrily married
It’s hilariously adorable to watch you simp for Serana. I get it, it’s hard not to.
a 4 hour skyrim stream IMPOSSSISBLE
faunya’s wild vampire waifu misadventure continues to be a good time. Maybe the next remake of Skyrim will let her be courted
Thank you for the stream Fauna, Skyrim is really funny with you!💚
Skyrim is always a cozy time and the zatsudan about old cringe was great.
“I CAN’T FIGHT THE CEILING!” is now my favorite Fauna quote.
Thanks for the streams Fauna. They never fail to brighten my day.
A wonderfully chaotic conclusion to the Dawnguard DLC. Can’t wait for the member’s stuff coming up soon like the Fall Guys stream and the book club, too! Thanks for putting so much effort into being a bright spot in the days of so many people, Fauna.
When in doubt the classic will never fail us especially Skryrim and Hitman! My favorite series from you and I can’t wait to see more even if Faendal is a bit…not happy atm lol. Thank you for the stream again Fauna and I’m glad you got out of that death loop.
See you and the Saplings tomorrow for Fall Guys! Faunwell and take care!
Fauna was so unhinged today that I thought this was a member stream
Thanks for the stream Fauna and hopefully Serana would marry you (in your dreams maybe)
i still remember the good old days of the internet back in the 2000s, it’s crazy to see how far we’ve come since annoying orange and boxxy! thanks for the skyrim stream, another comfy stream as always!
Can’t wait for the next installment of the Faunya – Serana romance where Faunya proposes right when the fireworks explode at the summer festival and it goes unheard.
Thank you for the fun Skyrim adventure today Fauna! Congrats on beating the questline!
Whew Congrats on finishing the DLC Fauna! Epic one this stream, but yeah wish it was longer since it was so good!
See you on Fall guys tomorrow hope that the maps are good. Thanks for the stream and Faunwell
Yes please stay Fauna, i can promise as long as you’re here, i will be here as well, now and forever
Thank you for today’s early vampire slaying stream of Skyrim, Fauna!
Hope I didn’t miss the wedding ceremony with Winning Vampire Mommy Serena. Guess I’ll check out the archive and see for myself.
man i woke up sick and kinda feverish today so this stream was a frickin’ ride. I was not expecting Boxxy to show up…a name i haven’t thought about in ages….why must you remind us of the unstoppable march of time it was fun though.
Also in the lore the Khajiit have a bunch of different forms based on the moons’ cycles, which range from the player character in the middle, to giant sabertooth cats, to what are basically super intelligent housecats that are extremely proficient at throwing fireballs. Imagine a housecat riding his brother, a sabretooth, into battle, slinging lightning at invaders. wild.
Have a good night though Fau-nee! see you tomorrow for fall mans
Damn didn’t expect the nostalgia tangent to go that hard unlocked some memories
Congratz on beating the vampire storyline
Thanks for the great stream today, take care Fauna
Sooo much fun in Skyrim! We have gain the power to kill the Sun!
Also you have sent us to the internet nostalgia journey which makes me feels old and crusty; those were simpler time right?
It is March already, 4th Fes and your birthday soon! Cannot wait for what you and whole EN mems have prepared!
The Hitman brain rot is starting to set in almost every stream Thanks for another cozy Skyrim stream
Crazy how far we’ve come with Skyrim. Here’s to more Skyrim streams in the future
OtsuKirinborn! Smiting all of Whiterun, blacking out the sun for her wife, taking down the vampire line, all in a day’s work for Faunya Your Skyrim streams are always a treat Fauna, so much happens every time. Still can’t get over Faendal’s body pillow
You’re making this game so fun for someone who has never played this game like me. Makes me wanna try the game out myself! Thanks as always Fauna!
Thanks for the cozy stream as always! I never did get around to playing any of the Skyrim dlc so seeing you finish it off in the classical Skyrim way (stealth archery) is something of a cross off the list for me. Super excited to see what march has in stock!
It’s crazy to me how long the adventure has been going in Skyrim. I forgot that we already finished the Dark Brotherhood, and I don’t even remember how long ago that was. Thank you for the great streams as always Fauna
Thank you for the amazing stream fauna! I needed this tonight 🙂
Thanks for the stream Fauna! Skyrim will always be comfy and silly to watch, its surprising that there are still so many things to do at this point 💚💚💚
Congrats on beating Dawnguard’s vampire campaign today!! If only you could marry Serana now… thanks for the fun Skyrim stream today Fauna!
Thank you for the slightly unhinged Skyrim stream. They are truly my favorite of yours.
Congrats on completing your quest, Faunya! Even if Todd forgot to give Serana new dialog options, many more adventures await!
Glad to have you hear with us fauna, i know i am just one sap in a forest with all the other spas but just wanna say we love and appreciate you
Comfy Skyrim stream as usual Hope Serana is still there accompanying us in the future
Skyrim time is comfy time, even if you didn’t get to marry the vampire
Another incredible stream of Skyrim! Great work completing the vampire missions! Can’t wait to see you play more and I agree that choosing between her and Faendal is a tough choice Thank you for streaming for us Fauna
Thank you for the fun stream as usual Fauna I just love your Skyrim playthrough, can’t wait for Elder Scrolls 6. I could only catch a part of it live, but that means that I get to enjoy the vod later.
Thanks for the stream, Fauna! Looking forward to the rest of the packed week
So comes the end of the Vampire lord arc. No spoilers guys, but what comes next is even cooler. Fauna does something in the eldritch dragonborn 2023 arc that blows all of this out of the water, just you wait!.
We finally defeated Serana’s father but sadly we still can’t marry her
Fauna zatsu stream disguised as Skyrim the throwback to the mid 2000s YouTube was pretty fun. That was the golden era of YouTube for me
I do love Fauna when she’s unhinged Her tangents and jokes today were quite peak, even if I didn’t understand them at times (as a poor rock dweller). There were so many unexpected jumpscares for Fauna today, watching her panic and murder never ceases to entertain. The story today was noticeably good, as well. Very shiny. Thank for the stream, Fauna
Silhouette Fauna though, felt like some kinda teaser
Congrats on beating Serana’s questline! Even though that means no more new dialogue options with her Time for faendal and serana to battle it out for the position of companion
I can’t believe Faendal put Faun’s head on display while you were gone and threw the body pillow to the ground. What happened to our beloved to make him so angry?
Congratulations on the 4th house, you’re really becoming a real estate mogul
Thank you for the fun stream Fauna!
Thanks for the stream Fauna! Skyrim is such a comfy mess of a game and watching you have fun with it is such a trip down nostalgia lane. It almost makes me want to start up a new file myself. Your streams really make me happy ☺
Faunya watching Whiterun be attacked by vampires and a gargoyle after blotting out the sun with a magic arrow and starting the vampire apocalypse:
Who could have done this? Who would do such a thing?
Thanks for the stream as always though Fauna! Looking forward to the 700k karaoke!
Thank you for another Skyrim stream! Watching you play reminds me of watching my old college roommate play, good memories.
This stream was so fun. Nostalgic trip over the 2000s Internet was great. So many memories resurfaced during this tangent. I need to check some older stuff that I haven’t seen in a long time And we can’t have Fauna’s stream without some hilarious moment like deathloop that she escapes. Truly never punished Thank you for great stream, Fauna, and looking forward to the endurance karaoke!
Yay more Skyrim adventures! Congrats on fancy new bow, and even another house to the collection!
Correct way to play skyrim?, you mean sneaking around looting everything while murdering people like Faunya isnt correct?
Thanks for the stream!(btw im undefined personality type, based on this Kirin’s free personality quiz)
Really enjoyed watching you play through this DLC I enjoyed so much 10 years ago. Loved all the interactions with Serana, and I’m looking forward to where the Adventure of Faunya goes in the future. (Hopefully more murder)
Very Fun stream as always. Thank you for the personality test, Now i know I’m Ryan gosling.
Loved this stream, especially the nostalgic chat we had. RIP Flash player, the memories of playing those old flash games on newgrounds will never leave my sapling mind…
Serana is all wrong for her! Even Faendal is a better ship.
Thanks for the stream, Fauna!
Good job on finishing Serana’s quest too!
Your tangents during Skyrim streams are always my favorites, I especially got a laugh out of the internet history one
Konfauna! Thank you for the Hitman- I mean Skyrim stream today Although serena kept getting lost, it was pretty good, apart from the deathloop Very excited for FES and the upcoming stuff See you next stream
Thanks for streaming Skyrim again Fauna! Great job on completing the DLC and thanks for the good and funny topics on this stream, they’re great lol
Also hopefully you can get to marry Serana soon🙏
(Oh wait…)
Fauna, of course you can’t marry Serana, that is why she is a goth girlfriend, she is only girlfriend material, sadly (unless you install the mod)
Thanks for another funny Skyrim stream
Ngl, now I don’t know how to feel that I didn’t know most of the cringe videos you mentioned in the ice cave and it’s not because I’m too young
Faunya’s career path: Prisoner -> Dragonborn & Jarl -> Thief -> Dark Brotherhood -> House owner (DLC house) -> Dawnguard? -> Vampire! -> Vampire Lord -> ??? -> AirBnB owner
Thanks for the fun stream Fauna; it was especially fun revisiting the 2000’s while going in circles in the snow and icy caves. And since you mentioned it: it’s crazy to think about how it’s nearly been a year since the legendary GOI stream and Dio-gy-nees.
Eyy, nice to see you wrap up the Dawnguard DLC, well the main quest line at least, shame we wont really get any new dialogue with Serana anymore though.
These Skyrim streams are always a great way to chill out and unwind to, looking forward to watching you playthrough the Dragonborn DLC next. It’s gonna be a really fun time.
Also hyped for 700k and whatever that’s gonna bring to the table!
Fauna if you ask Todd Howard enough I’m sure he’ll be kind enough to make a Serana marriage dlc for a reasonable price Thanks for the stream, love watching you play skyrim
Always a good day seeing you play Skyrim. I will say though, if you wanna do a whole week of Hitman I’d be totally down for watching all of it lol! Thanks for the fun stream Fauna, See you tomorrow for Fall Guys!
[Timestamps compilation!]
1:29 Stream start (Todd please)
2:08 New stream concept + Serana appreciation hour
3:06 Hitman brainrot
5:25 She’s making Serana walk (and there she go talking about twilight again )
8:55 Classic Skyrim caving experience
9:41 Serana > Faendal (because she can mine)
10:42 “I do wanna jump down there”
16:36 New (very bright) falmer friend
20:30 “The adults are talking”
24:11 Mug talk
28:23 A bug
28:52 Falmer jumpscare
30:31 Is Fauna bald under her skyrim hat?
36:00 That was trapped
36:44 Marine & Unison talk
43:50 She didn’t get fooled twice
47:25 “Don’t step on this Serana”
48:15 Serana loves the chaurus petting zoo
49:45 Serana does complain a lot
52:12 Serana managed to hurt herself on a trap Fauna defused for her
55:20 Frolicking in the wild with a fellow ungulate friend
59:21 The deer
1:04:03 “Can we read it?”
-:10:33 Free personnality test delivered by fauna
1:17:01 “Do I have the spell book? No I only have cats of skyrim”
1:17:59 Fauna won’t read this famous skyrim book
1:22:09 Christmas karaoke
1:24:28 She crossed the lake and suddenly…
1:25:10 Epic Dragon fight
1:38:20 Stealth 100% and deathloop
1:41:18 She’s gaming
1:48:14 Driving talk
1:49:01 Confused kirin
2:18:19 Faunya travel faster than the speed of light so she’s doomed to live in darkness
2:20:48 Toradora the explorer
2:22:48 “Serana watch out!”
2:27:01 “I like the soulcairn”
2:27:45 Serana’s skeleton
2:32:49 Kite master
2:37:10 Serana is very strong
2:38:25 Red feet
2:42:40 Serana the attention seeker
2:45:32 What is going on
2:48:10 “That’s what she says when I propose to her with a ring”
2:52:03 She couldn’t help but jump
2:56:45 Just Faendal being ungrateful
3:11:00 What is she saying
3:15:07 Hiding the sun for the sake of her lady (and nobody cares about it)
3:20:06 She gets attacked by vampire even though she’s one of them
3:22:40 “Oooh I love this song!”
3:27:41 #2
3:29:21 Final fight against Serana’s dad
3:35:34 She wants to talk more to Serana but the game won’t let her
3:41:29 Faendal hates Faunya now
3:42:57 Stealing in her own house (+ she gave Faendal back his body pillow)
3:44:45 “Wait why do you have my horse’s skull? Is that normal?”
3:47:24 The way she put this vase upright is very impressive
*More timestamps in the comments below!*
Thank you for another comfy Skyrim stream. Always so much fun watching you adventure through this game, lots of laughs too.
Thanks for the stream Fauna Skyrim day is comfy day . Excited for what you are going to bring us in this super March
There were so many interesting and funny tangents today, and lots things I am nostalgic for from older internet too! Thanks as always for the fun stream.
This was a fun skyrim stream! I haven’t been able to catch many streams live recently cause of classes, but I’m glad I got to see some of the stream live today! Vod gang or not, I always enjoy your content! Thanks for the stream Fauna, and take care 💚
So this stream was basically a fever dream; the ‘cursed playlist’ segment with the Boxxy impressions…
Skyrim really does bring out peak unhinged kirin, loved every second of it.
On today’s stream Fauna gets really unhinged getting lost in caves and basically embraces her inner cringe, and we all love her all for it. Far too many relatable tangents to recall here but also the fact that things were a lot more simpler back then. And perhaps sometimes we have to be reminded of those simple times when we become far too jaded at how the world has become.
Also Skyrim is a fun game. It is sad that we have to say goodbye to best vampie waifu Serana though, that DLC was pretty good. And of course thank you so much for streaming as always. Through sun and rain we will always be here supporting you too!
Really fun stream fauna. You still look like a teletubby though
Wow it feels crazy to have finally completed this quest! Faunya’s journey with Serana felt like it could last a lifetime! I’m sure Faendal felt the same as well, but maybe he wasn’t as enthusiastic. This was one of the most memorable Fauna sagas! Thank you for an amazing stream and happy hype month!
I see that Faunya is setting up her real estate arc like Toradoras teacher now. Thats true character development.
This really keeps me sane progging the latest FFXIV boss . Thanks for the stream
Skyrim streams are always my favorite, nothing beats cozy (and more often chaotic) adventures with Faunya
I wasnt expecting such a nostalgia trip from this stream, nothing like the finely aged cringe internet days Although I suppose Skyrim itself is already plenty old … man am I old
I was busy and couldn’t watch the stream and could only catch the superchats section. I heard you were unhinged in this stream though, so I can’t wait to watch the VOD! Thanks for the stream!
Thank you for the stream fauna
You really bonded with a Skyrim NPC over being called a deer
The way you sounded so disappointed when you found that nobody cared about the shrouded sun
The potions you never use age like fine cringe from 2007
Another classic Fauna skyrim experience and a great finale to the Serana storyline! I was dying when she got stuck in that quicksave death loop! Fauna brought an especially fun energy today, just the right amount of unhingedness. I loved all the nostalgia talk about the pure but cringe age of the internet, I need that playlist! Didn’t expect to hear “I am Fauna, you see!” today.
PS. As a modern board game enthusiast, I felt a little attacked (jokingly) by the hate on 20 minute rules explanations… there are a lot of lighter games out there that are a lot of fun!
Todd’s goal is to release the 100th anniversary edition of Skyrim. Only then will he finally release the long awaited Serana Marriage DLC. Why 100 years later? Because then only real vampires could appreciate it. Well, and you Love Serana enough for the rest of us
Looking forward to your hitman week capped off with the hitman endurance next week too! Surely you’ll finish at least 1 campaign
I don’t know how you managed to make Skyrim into relaxed and cozy zatsu-like content. It’s really nice though. If there’s any lull in the chat, there’s always something to talk about in-game, often something entertainingly blursed.
Thanks for a wonderful stream, Fauna. Nobody does magical Medieval murder quite like you.
That deathloop really did a number on Fauna’s braincells sending her back in time But genuinely reminiscing the old internet with Fauna is one of the things I cherish the most. Wish we could go back to the simpler times