Transforming Skyrim Into The ULTIMATE Civil War Experience with MODS!
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Next video… Eldergleam update! 😀
#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimse #スカイリム #스카이림
00:00 Intro
00:31 Base Mods
04:29 Immersive Mods
08:32 Massive Overhauls
12:42 Thank You
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🔻Mods Showcased
Actor Limit Fix by meh321
Civil War Lines Expansion by JaySerpa
Civil War Checkpoints by Ceftadzime
Civil War Battlefields by Ceftadzime
Civil War Refugees by Ceftadzime
Lawbringer by Epic Crab
Man Those Borders SSE by GoodfellowGoodspring – Elastic Fantastic
Hold Border Banners by Thicketford
Civil War Aftermath SE by Korodic
CIVIL WAR OVERHAUL – Redux by Apollodown & schofida
Skyrim at War Reborn by OperatorYoRHa
🧾Panda’s Modlist: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/105778
Don’t forget to endorse the mod authors! 🙂
✔️My Playlist :
▶️ Panda’s Skyrim SE/AE – https://bit.ly/PandaSSE
▶️ Panda’s Skyrim Cinematics – https://bit.ly/PandaCinematics
▶️ Panda’s Modshowcase – https://bit.ly/PandaSEMods
🔻 Additional Tags:
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コメント (50)
🎮 Play War Thunder NOW for FREE on PC, PlayStation or Xbox. New players and players who haven’t played in 6 months will receive a MASSIVE bonus pack including premium vehicles, 100.000 Silver Lions, and 7 days of Premium account! https://playwt.link/captpanda
Be sure to leave a like, comment, and subscribe to the channel! Road to 30,000 subscribers~
Next video will be about Eldergleam’s next update!
Which are the armor mods of this video?
Hey Panda, can you please make a video on how to use Wabbajack to auto install Eldergleam? I can’t figure out how to do it, and I’m sure it would help out a ton of other people too! Or if you already made a video just tell me 😅
Look up “your soul is mine” on the nexus. 🙂
What’s that gore mod you have?
Those dialogues you shown, most of them are vanilla.
Nice video my friend
So these mods work well with the Nulvus ultra?
Theres another mod where the the civil war progresses through anyway if you dont pick a side. I believe its Open Civil War’s settings set to do so and have Organic Factions, Fort Takeover Framework and the entire Lawbringer framework of mods all communicating together to get it to work
Are all the mods you’re showcasing in your videos comparable with the newest version of Skyrim?
Will this work in VR
Love not having proper timestamps 😭
Hey @CaptPanda Is Eldergleam v2.1 almost finished or should I go on ahead and get v2.0.3?
I love your modpack. I would like to see blackreach and the strongholds and the forts get touched up and some cool player homes like dragons nest. Keep up the good work brother!!!
Great video! I think it would be neat if you could do an overhaul like this but for the Dark Brotherhood, the Thieves Guild, or even the College of Winterhold 🙂
Amazing video, my man! Perfect sponsor too, very topical haha! 😀
Great video! Thanks a lot. I will definitely use some of the mods in my next playthrough. But what about the armour mods? What are those? 🙂
Love your videos dude!
Could you maybe tell which mod is the one you use for spells that look like doctor strange magic 😀
Much love!
I’m a simple man, @CaptPanda uploads, i watch.
The question here is..how many of these civil war mods are actually stable enough to include in a playthrough? Civil war mods don’t have a good reputation when it comes to game stability
Which armors use for imperiales and stormclocks, please link
One mod that I would highly recommend is Immersive Aggressive Opponents – Armor-Based Opposite Faction Aggression, which makes it so that if the player is wearing legionary armour they will be attacked by Stormcloak soldiers on sight and vice versa
Kind of a niche thing but going along with the actor-limit fix mod — does anyone know if theres a mod out there that makes big crowds of a faction less… roboty? 2:25, every single soldier reacts at the exact same time and pulls out their weapons in unision. It would be cool if there was something out there that could stagger reaction times for NPC’s of the same faction to prevent something like that.
Once again a video full of mods to add to my modlist 😂. Amazing content as always Cap
What are the armour mods youre using in the video? They look different and better from the current armour in elder gleam v2
The Conquest of Skyrim mod was the best thing in terms of Civil War but being still a WIP mod and having so many CTD due to conflicts with other mods made me uninstall it again.
I hope one day this mod is fully finished and can be played without much trouble.
What is modlist that showcased in this video?
7:56 what is the mod for night sky here?
Are you planning on releasing the Eldergleam Ultimate soon ?
It’s not as vanilla friendly, but I would also recommend Conquest of Skyrim if you want something new. It let’s you make you own faction in the civil war, build your own army and claim land for yourself the same way you would with Lawbringer
Panda, thanks for sorting this out. I’ve been waiting a long time for someone who can tell and show in detail the theme of mods for the Civil War.
Skyrim really was garbage… I can’t believe Bethesda is still operational
yooooooooooooo whats the armor mods? they all look so good bro
1:55 Impressive mod, but that’s vanilla.
Nice gotta have them all . Honestly until the first mods started dropping addressing the war I had completely forgotten that there was supposed to be a war .. don’t think I knew of remembered it during my first play on launch back in the day.
I get big battle limitations do to Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. Even PC at the time. But the world details in hindsight it was just weird and lazy
Nice mods. These will go well with Ambient Warfare audio mod, It feel like battles are taking place in the distance, its immersive.
Your modlist videos are a go to for me when I want to overhaul the games mechanics. The mods you recommend always add a lot of impact for a small handful of mods. Worthwhile content.
Yo, this video is awesome, one question are these mods working on the latest version of Skyrim AE1.6.1170? Have these mods been updated to stop being so script heavy and destabilizing?
Always looking forward to these Skyrim mod showcases
ok. THIS is now going way beyond weird!
Here I am starting to build my new modlist, First., Biggie Boss talks in his stream about mods that i not only want in my lest, but also demonstrate clearly how to install and optimize them. Ha! Coincidence ONE!
Next Mr. Cheezy comes out with a new video about mods that as it turns out, I am also planning to put into my list !
Coincidence Two!! Another “Ha!’
And now, by another strange coincidence YOU ALSO bring out this video. . . . and what is it about!?
You guessed it! . . . Mods that i was thinking about for my list!
. . . . what was the number of coincidences now? . . . oh, wait! I know! Three, right!
Wrong! I am wise to you guys! I know your evil scheme!
Admit it! You all spy on me to find out which mods I am thinking of and “”Just happen to bring out videos about those mods!”
Right???? . . . and why dare you all doing this???? Ha! It’s your evil plan to entice me to watch your videos so that your viewing numbers go up and YouTube has to pay you all more!!!
But its NOT going to work, I tell you! It’s NOT!!!
. . . . oh, damn! Too late! I’ve already watched the video!
Oh well! At least I DID get some juicy ideas . So, thank you, i guess.
But no more, I tell you! I’m watching you guys! No, wait ! That should be “Not watching! ”
Oh, I’m just so confused!
. . . thanks! Timely and fun to watch as usual!
Hey! Are those civil war armors in Eldergleam? I like ’em!
Wow! I am so filled with possible playthrough ideas!
Now, i just have to somehow get them into my game without having my PC blw up!
I LOVE a good challenge!
Is it compatible with your collection?
Hey Panda, random question, but how do you get your first person textures so clean? I have a few mod lists, but the textures for hands and weaps in first person are really old looking
My brotha is back with another Skyrim video. I’m locked in 🍿🍻
Please add them to your modpack
Yo War thunder!?!? That game is crazy!!!! I play it all the time! They should definitely sponsor Capt Panda again O_O
First my friend 🙂