The BEST Skyrim Mods of 2024 (so far)
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#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimse #スカイリム #스카이림
00:00 Intro
00:30 UI Mods
03:25 Gameplay Mods
06:55 Animation Mods
10:09 Immersive Mods
13:01 Thank you~!
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🔻Mod Showcased
Subtitles by kpvw
Dialogue History by powerofthree
NPCs Take Cover – Smarter Anti-Cheese AINPCs Take Cover – Smarter Anti-Cheese AI by JaySerpa
Take a Nap – Sleep on Chairs by JaySerpa
Simple Beheading – NG by Seb263
Stress and Fear – A Dynamic Sanity System by JaySerpa
Modern first-person animation overhaul by sandant25
Horse Behaviour Improvements by Monitor144hz
EVGAT – Dynamic Climb-able Ladder Doors by SeaSparrow
Dynamic Looting and Harvesting Animations by GiraPomba
Divines Prayer Animations by GiraPomba
Animated Ships by Vicn
Diverse Campfires – Base Object Swapper by FrankBlack
Animated Carriage Vicn
Animated Carriage Additional Route Vicn-kuroishitam
Ryn’s Lumber Mills by Ryn
WiZkiD Hunter’s Camp Overhaul by WiZkiD
Skyking Signs by Skyking2020
Skyking Unique Signs by Skyking2020
🧾Panda’s Modlist: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/105778
Don’t forget to endorse the mod authors! 🙂
✔️My Playlist :
▶️ Panda’s Skyrim SE/AE – https://bit.ly/PandaSSE
▶️ Panda’s Skyrim Cinematics – https://bit.ly/PandaCinematics
▶️ Panda’s Modshowcase – https://bit.ly/PandaSEMods
🔻 Additional Tags:
skyrim, skyrim 4k, skyrim le, 4k, skyrim graphics 2022, skyrim enb, skyrim se, skyrim 2020, best skyrim mods 2020, skyrim se 2020, skyrim mods 2020, skyrim graphics mods, skyrim se 2020 mods, skyrim mods, nextgen skyrim, skyrim 2019, skyrim enb 2019, best skyrim enb, best skyrim mods, hd texture pack, best skyrim graphics, skyrim se best graphics, skyrim modlist, new skyrim mods, best graphics mods for skyrim, skyrim crash fix, skyrim se mod list, textures, skyrim ultra modded, skyrim modding guide,skyrim se ultra modded 2021, Starfield, Bethesda games, Relaxing music, Skyrim Anniversary Edition, Skyrim AE Ultra modded, Ultra modded Skyrim SE, Licentia Skyrim, NSFW Skyrim, Skyrim armors, Skyrim next gen, Truly Next Gen Skyrim, Nolvus 4.4, Nolvus 4.4 Skyrim, Skyrim and eldenring, skyrim vs eldenring, elden ring, elden ring 2, Skyrim Magic mod, Skyrim best magic mods, magic mods for skyrim, magic mod skyrim xbox, new must have mods, RPG games, Latest skyrim mods, skyrim new mods for 2023, starfield, TES 6, Next Elder Scroll Game, TES Online, MMORPG, RPG Games, Role playing games, skyrim must have mods, skyrim hidden gems, best skyrim modlist, best skyrim armors, I remastered skyrim, remastering skyrim in 2024, remastering skyrim modlist, graphic modlist skyrim
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コメント (38)
Let our sponsor BetterHelp connect you to a therapist who can support you – all from the comfort of your own home. Visit https://betterhelp.com/captpanda and enjoy a special discount on your first month.
5:20 what mod is that sword from, I’m just looking for good weapon replacers.
sponsor aside, this is a really great channel, its like refreshing to see energy like this being put back into skyrim right as i get back into the game. subbed
Thank you for the video, but there’s only one thing that i cant understand. How the hell all the mod showcaser have such a smooth modded Skyrim.
God I hate those horse step sounds, they sound so 2011. Please modder-gods, help us! Create horse step sounds that are worthy of Skyrim, like in RDR2 or M&B II !! Thank you for the video 🙃
We can feel the modding draught hard x), maybe folon launch’ll breathe life into the fo4 modding scene : )
My man you gotta take a look at ube btw, crazy face presets
ether i have a mod that already does this or something idk but ive never had them just stand there before. btw betterhelp is crap guys but some sponsors you sign a contract with for all we know capt. panda might be stuck in a contract with betterhelp
You do not need any of these mods. You only need a bare minimum mods to that are made to fix bugs. So no these are not the best mods. And you should only be using mods with perspective of playing vanilla. Which means playing as vanilla as possible with only what is necessary. If there’s not actual real need for it, then don’t add it. Like others have mentioned there’s mods for glitches and mods for improving graphics. Even the default UI is used by most even though it’s bad.
You’re the goat 🐐 can’t wait to get my pc to use your mod list!!!!
bro, get a different sponser, BetterHelp is bad news
When will someone make a dark messiah combat mod for skyrim
Amazing! By the way, what your walking animation mod is? I really love it but don’t know what it’s name
you put out toptier content and i recently installed Eldergleam v2 wich i am absolutely loving!
several people have pointed it and i will too, betterhelp should probably not be playformed at all, i get you needing some income and i got nothing against it i just hope you won’t continue with them specifically.
No good. It makes you go insane because of the types of users who have extremely low standards for installing mods. Completely frivolously. And the standard has nothing to do with the quality of the mod. It can be extremely good quality and well made. The standard is based on worth to install. Yes characters talking over subtitles can be annoying. So does that mean it is worth it to install a mod to improve? No it is not. Somebody with high standards treats the game as vanilla as possible. Somebody with low standards installs every qol mod they see just because it improves the game.
Yes it is true if the developer implemented a great mod into the game, I would be happy for the improvement. But that does not mean I’m going to install a mod just because I prefer the improvement a bit.
I only install mods that are necessary for fixing bugs. A few that update graphics without major change. And one single qol for the menu system. Only because the default is severely extremely that horrible that it might as well be a game breaking glitch.
The only other mod I would install is changing repetitive voice acting because it actually made the game unplayable for me for years. And I have to try extremely hard to ignore it in order to play.
In the end of the video, there’s a scene depicting giant white walls and a citadel. What is this mod? I really love the look of that environment.
Do you have a wabbajack list yet?
capt! what texture pack and landscape mod are you using? they looked sooo clean and organized compared to 202X which what i’m using rn
hello just wanted to ask what armor was with the backpack one around minute 4:48 thanks in advance! GREAT VIDEO AS ALWAYS BTW!
What ENB is this one? Thanks Capt for the video!
5:18 anybody know what is that walking animation ?
What texture mod did you use in the part when you showcase the subtitle mod..
Love your Eldergleam modlist, thank you!
Do I really need 40gbs of pagefile to run your absolutely beautiful modpack cause I want to get back into Skyrim just cause of your modpack but I want to be sure before I change my pagefile size to such a ridiculous amount.
hi panda what is your farmhouse stonewall textures?
‘couple of months since 2024 started’ my guy, it is nearly august
Skyrim forever !
What about OUTLANDER UI, It’s an amazing Mod that covers pretty much everything AAN AND is compatible with many famous ones
If I see another BetterHelp sponsorship on this channel I’m unsubbing. I use the SponsorBlock extension so I saved everyone else the hassle skipping the scam sponsor.
excited for Eldergleam Ultimate
Great list, these are bangers for sure. I also love Modern Wait Menu. Might just be me, but it rocks in my opinion.
I didn’t know anyone used subtitles in Skyrim outside of dialogue…
As much as I love your videos, as someone who does suffer from mental illness, I hope you won’t take BetterHelp sponsorships anymore.
Love the videos, but please don’t take sponsorships from better help anymore.
Bro, i understand you’re trying to hustle. But mental health is a serious thing, don’t just take sponsorships from anybody. Better help isn’t really good. Look it up.
My brotha with another upload 🍻
need a 4090 for more skyrim modding XD