I Can’t Play Skyrim Without THIS Mod
The Wintersun Faiths of Skyrim mod lets you worship any Daedric Prince or other god you desire and gain unique buffs and powers! This Skyrim roleplaying mod has over 50 deities to choose from!
Taqs:skyrim,skyrim mods,elder scrolls v,wintersun faiths of skyrim mod,elder scrolls lore,skyrim roleplaying mod,skyrim lore,skyrim best mods,skyrim mod,fudgemuppet,elder scrolls,mods,wintersun,daedra,wintersun faiths of skyrim,daedric prince
コメント (156)
My Full Wintersun Faiths of Skyrim Mod Showcase: https://youtu.be/g8G7jAr9mY8
Hail sithis
I like to be an Arkay follower that uses heavy armor, one handed, block, and restoration. Turns you into a tanky unkillable paladin-esque kind of character. Heal over time during combat and revive on death. 😎
I’m worshipping hircine all the way
Is there story overhaul mods? Adding more to the story in a way that doesn’t glitch the hell out of the game? As well different endings added? Or just end stories for specific quests and reputation you’ve done? Hopefully any added voice work or voice acting is pretty good and not terrible voices for new or reworked npcs.
In Vanilla skyrim rp i always worshipped Hermeus Mora, Molag Bal or Namira but now with this mod it might change
If you ain’t Nord then your not a true son or daughter of Skyrim and you don’t deserve the title dragonborn
If you worship Sheograth (prince of madness) very random effects will be granted to you. Your favor may just too 130% and then you get some free cheese (good to sell) or you may drop to 20% and be blow to by a meteor
Is it on ps4?
Vanilla Builds when?
Talos or Mara.
Honestly I wish this was a official part of the game maybe one day though added in the creation Club
To each their own. I personally can’t play without the mod that changes the critical hit sound to the vine boom sfx. Like they sound so close to each other that it feels wrong not to install the mod.
Finally, I can truly be a Meridia worshipping vampire slayer in peace.
Hey guys, i have a problem with skyrim se rn. Not sure if its bc of mods or not. But whenever i try to load the most recents save files the screen goes blank after loading.
I thought it was bc of a mod i downloaded but i tested it by removing the mod and continued playing but it ended up the same.
Help me if any1 had the same problem pls
All hail Molag Bal
this and the disparity mod, height and unique race powers what’s not to love.
*Me:* I can’t wait to choose which Daedric prince to worship!
*Meridia:* Hippitty, Hoppity, my beacon is now your property
People Cant Pray to Jesus but they can pray to their virtual gods. Sad Society
If ur not playing EnaiRim, you’re doing it wrong
Dagoth Ur?
Deep Divine 👹
Shegorath is always my answer
The developers of wintersun make a bunch of other mods that i literally WILL NOT play skyrim without.
One day, the ofgicial games will give blessings from more than the Divines.
I mean, it does feel strange as an Mer for instance to worship the Divine, even get marroed through the church of one of them. Even as a Nord actually, less than for a Mer, but still, Nords do have their own pantheon after all.
For me, a must mod is “Dovahkin relaxes too”
My current play through has my Breton Hedgeknight/battlemage being a bit of a black sheep among bretons by being a devotee of Sheor/Shor 😤😤😤
Idk what God or deity to follow if I’m playing a nord base character who would you suggest me to follow
Kill the innocent. Top RP. You’re a muppet alright.
Honestly I’m just waiting for a mod that lets other people worship you like how you worship gods in this mod
Im thinking of downloading this mod and making a Dragonborn that worships Hermaeus Mora and also downloading the mod that allows you to become a Lich, his entire goal would be to gather as much knowledge as possible to become a sort of a demigod
Current character worships Meridia. A combination of her purification blessing and Dawnbreaker ensures no draugr or vampire is safe.
Yeah I use this mod too but I can’t play without Touched by Dibella for SnuSnu Nwah mommies
Is it avalible for ps4?
The mod I can’t play without is better jumping because the inability to jump while sprinting urks me.
For my vampire hunters, go worship Meridia
She turns you into a *holy knight of divine fury against the darkness*
Basically, you can air strike vampires and the like with the angry fist of a god
Lorkan: Am I a joke to you?
Dagoth ur try again buddy
Nocturnal the baddest baddie of all baddies
Ma’iq the liar should be a god.
Nothing beats daddy molag
it doesn’t matter who i follow i’ll aways make some time to bully Azura
I would worship molag bal
I worship Jesus Christ my God
Hersem without question.
I will worship Jesus Christ 🫡✝️
Bruh this is ganna be epic
Mommy Azura
*Sad Switch player noises*
If I can worship Dagon count me in
Hermaous mora
Meridia is so op. Her ability to blast undead with the supreme light which does 673 damage to undead in a radius. Soooo good when you wanna fuck up a dragon priest quick. Hail, Meridia!
I played a couple play through with mod and have say highly recommend
Molag ballinn all the way
Shor or Kyne.
It’s a really good mod
I use the one that turn all of them into female with big fat you know whats 😂
Talos, I will remain faithful to the true God of man
I am my own God, I worship nothing!
Hircine for me
I love this mods so much
Wintersun is great! I finally get to hail our Dread Father, the Void, Sithis!
Hail Sithis!
Most recent playthrough has been with this mod and I adore it
I wonder why they won’t let you worship the dark gods
This mod is a tik to much rol play😂😂
I’ve always been ride or die for Malacath
As a heathenous abomination I refuse to serve a god unless they pay me
50? What is this, the Greek Pantheon?
I’d pick Jesus every time… This mod is shameful.
Lord Hermaeus Mora guides the Half-Dragon Syndra as she grows in power and knowledge.
“Who will _you_ worship?”
Can I not worship all of them?
No matter what who i worship will not change whether I get buffs or not I worship the party god sanguine
Me neither, I hope TES 6 will have this kind of system by default. Or at least somehow acknowledge that your character might worship their racial pantheon rather than the Imperial one
Go play something different then mods are garbage
Molag bal
Talos, always Talos
Is that how to pronounce the mod authors name? I always just used the name “moonprince”. Thats the keyword for finding his mods as well
I know Shor is in Wintersun, but I wish they would add Lorkhan.
Mara of course. Maybe Azura too. And some others… well… heh😂
I often like to rp as an adventurer/hunter who worships Kyne because Kyne is spirit of wind & sky & her faith bonus is pretty badass(wont spoil it unless someone asks) or if I’m doing a playthrough as a Bosmer I like to choose the god of stories and the Bosmer. The mighty Jephre 💀💀 mf may be named jeph but his faith bonus is also really cool lmaoo
I can’t play Skyrim without the “Oordinator Perks of Skyrim” mod. It basically gives your skill tree 3x the amount of options in new or reworked skills and reworks the enemies skills, too. I also don’t mind a good spell mod that works with the NPCs also.
However, with all these games coming out like Diablo 2 Resurrected (Diablo 2 is the best game of all-time) I can’t help but realize that video games are a huge distraction. That’s not to say I won’t play them anymore, I just don’t think it’s a good idea to spend so much time playing games. We have work to do in the world and within ourselves if we want to live in a better and happier world
Magnus is my go to. I like playing hybrid magic and melee based builds, and needing to spec into less magic is helpful.
Plus that devotee bonus is incredible..
Akatosh is the only God for a real Dragonborne!🤔😜
Agreed, love this mod!
Straight up facts. Currently I’m worshipping Kyneareth but IRL I worship YHWH
Ofc I pledge to knowledge. Hormeous Mora
Godhead no one alse
It’s very basic and isn’t worth your time for anyone who actually mods. It just brings in side buffs for doing side tings. It doesn’t hold much worth in Skyrim when you’re already installing magic mods, quest mods, DLC addons and the like.
Easily skippable mod that doesn’t add much to gameplay.
the fuck is with the twenty different notifications of this video
Riddle’thar is the best god, sneaky as he is wise. Deadly as a blade in the night and yet as soft as silk when stealing tattoos from the necks of empiresses.
I use this mod and always go with Shor because (and correct me if I’m wrong) your character is supposed to be the reincarnation of Shor
Of course if it is an option I would worship daddy Dagoth
My favourite mod by far! Right now I’m playing as a follower of the all-maker. Bloodskal blade with the warlocks ring makes melee combat fun, plus preying to the all maker to regain his powers makes you feel like a Paladin!
I always thought some of the most underrated roleplaying mods were the big friggin anime titties
Worship Nocturnal. Khajiit is a Thief first, Assassin second.
is it available on ps4
Some of the gods are much better than others. Both in power and concept.
Molag Bal.
Mine would be nocturnal…..or Sheogorath
I’ve had it. It’s a nice mod. Specially, because you need to give time to pray.
Mod is absolutely essential, been using it forever now. Thanks fudgemuppet 👍🏻.
So basically, you’re playing as a diet cleric.
I don’t remember who I worship as a mage most the time. It’s not who you’d expect though.
Who is the hooded statue with the hawk?
I’ve worshipped jyggalag a few times and I’ve also worshipped ebonarm. I’m currently worshipping Syrabane because I’m playing my first High Elf character. Yes, this is my first High elf character I’ve played since I got Skyrim 10 years ago.
Installed Wintersun recently myself. Decided to start a fresh playthrough as a Nord Talos worshipper and lean hard into the Dragonborn aspect, focused on shouts and stuff. Lotta fun.
Hands down, one of the best RPG games ever made. I’m glad I was a kid with a lot of free time when this game came out.🔥🔥🔥
Imagine meeting serana as a molag bal worshipper
Talos 🙂
Azura is my only goddess
I couldn’t figure out how to pray…
jygachad is the only god for me.
Question… Can you worship Talos…
I’ve not played without Wintersun since it came out
As I almost alway play argonians I mainly go for the Hist. Thing is I could never understand what the devotee buff gives you. It doesn’t seem to work
I have this mod, and I am trying to worship Kyne. how do I go about it? I can’t figure it out.
Y’all really need to work on your Shorts, some are just such nothing burgers
The Old Nord Pantheon… And with my Nord barbarian build I usually switch between Wolf, Hawk, Bear and Dragon.
After years of different paths, ive started a new play through, necromage/lich god, wielding a magica sabre(white), and im researching lore anywhere i can looking for a way to destroy the gods and take their power.
Primarily so i can use the power ive obtained, to eradicate all evil forces of Skyrim and let the people prosper.
The enairim suite of mods are essential. Alot of the content in those mods should really be part of the base game.
Malacath. Noone bests an Orc!
I worship Sithis with the mod. Dagoth or Alduin would be fun to worship too.
What happens If you choose clavicus vile?
Hermaeus Mora for sure
Mara, cuz u know why if u know what her role is
One of the most underrated role playing mods for Skyrim is true alteration armor visuals.
I’m hoping you can choose if you were raised with a certain religion in TES 6 as a trait during the character creation
I’m a Mephala worshipper through and through and you know exactly why.
EnaiSiaion has a smaller version of this list. I forgot what it was called but it was pretty cool. SimonMagus has an even more minimalistic version that is also pretty cool
Such a great mod. Get it!
I would worship molag baul
i know there’s ‘the old ways’ that you can worship, but i really wish you could worship alduin with this mod. RP as one of his heralds who still follows the beliefs of the dragon cult
Im a dunmer so I worship azura and the holy tribunal but I use to be one of dagoth worshippers
My shadowscale, as well as his children, send their prayers to Sithis. Being able to send multiple strong enemies to the void at once is very handy when bringing your child along for training.
me who plays on the switch and can’t install mods
i love worshiping sheogorath you get any random power or effect its hilarious
Been using it for a while now, but I’m loving being a follower of Mephala. Took a page out of your book on the Deathspinner, a dunmer assassin. But I went the crazy way you suggested, dumped everything into stamina. I’m running around on legendary as an epic assassin with only 95 health lol I love it. Level 50 already 😁🤘
I’m currently playing as an Imperial who worships Talos. His parents were killed by the Thalmor for worshipping Talos, & my Dragonborn has harbored a burning hatred for the Thalmor ever since.
While he greatly sympathizes with the Stormcloaks, he can’t bring himself to side with them, not just because of how they treat non-Nords, but because if the Stormcloaks win, Cyrodiil will be greatly weakened, & he refuses to let his home suffer because of that.
I too cannot and will not play without this. I most often play devoted to Shor or Kyne but through the animal totems of the Old Ways.
Also, seeing as how we love the Skyrim that has been kept alive by the mod community would anyone consider popping over to a mod author’s channel called:
Nesbit 098
He’s a good dude who’s been at it for a while. He meets all the criteria for getting monetized except views. He needs more watch hours. Please help him out.
I also always use it. Hermaeus Mora is a very fun choice, collecting the pages and getting perks. Clavicus Vile is pretty unique too.
In skyrim I worship Azura… because have you seen that fanart😍😛😈
I can’t play without the thickness mod
I’ve been following Sithis.
I love this mod
Whenever I try ti mod current skyrim my ske and mod loaders break. Anniversary edition cause my pc to do a kamikaze.
I play a Khajiit unarmed every time I make a new character. I’ve been worshipping Rahjin since I downloaded this mod, I didn’t read the boon I’d gain from worshipping him to 100%. i was pleasantly surprised when it told me I could break locks with the power of prayer.
Let me guess. It’s schlongs of skyrim?
I made a Dunmer character who worshipped Dagon as prince of revolution and saw the Oblivion Crisis as toppling the corrupt Empire’s power. She would have joined the Stormcloaks eventually, despite their racism, because enemy of my enemy is my friend. Unfortunately, the Devotee power for Dagon is utterly unplayable. Makes fights chaotic, destructive, and impossible to take part in. Which, I suppose mostly makes sense, but isn’t fun when playing a warrior.
Is this mod pc only
Wintersun is a dope mod
I prefer the worship system included in Requiem with 3BFTweaks
Can’t play Skyrim without DEEZ NUTS in yo mouth. 😈😈😈😈😈
Early gang