Dwemer diagrams really fell off | Skyrim Gameplay Highlights
Gameplay highlight from part 322 of my Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition Let’s Play on legendary and survival. You can find the whole playthrough here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2e9YdI6fp8&list=PLobdprIgcqJ-7HzrDzInvB3xaRyuzHE6L&index=1
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Taqs:skyrim short,skyrim highlight,skyrim gameplay,skyrim funny moment,skyrim funny,funny moments,highlights,skyrim highlights,let’s play skyrim,let’s play skyrim se,let’s play skyrim special edition,skyrim legendary,skyrim survival,skyrim survival mode,skyrim playthrough,gameplay skyrim,elder scrolls,the elder scrolls,skyrim shorts,shorts skyrim,tes shorts,elder scrolls shorts,funny moments skyrim,highlights elder scrolls
コメント (27)
This short is from part 322 of my legendary/survival Skyrim playthrough. You can find the full video here:
Or, watch the entire Let’s Play from the beginning right here:
Want more shorts like this one? Find the playlist here:
As always, feel free to recommend clips for future shorts by providing time stamps and video information.
Hey, not all Dwemer could be logical geniuses with a masters in engineering. For every Kagrenac and his schematics, you got to have one random dwemer dude go “I wanna draw an arrow and a pretty gem, it looks kinda cool”
“Yeah so first you grab a soul gem and then you sorta just jam a stick into it, and you’re done”
That’s hilarious, shit looks like a literal fuckin’ toddler drew it. Which would kind of be impressive… if even their toddlers could draw up diagrams, but still.
How I understand it is:
1. Acquire an arrow.
2. Acquire a soul gem.
3. Combine the arrow with the soul gem (through some inexplicable method — if I had to theorize I’d say via the same or similar transference process Lich’s use to store souls in a Phylactery for power … either that or it’s just the most basic way of saying “enchant the arrow”).
If you do vr try blade an sorcery it fun
This is in Falbtharz, right? I’ve only gotten as far as cheating my way down the exit lift using a wooden plate and reigniting Trueflame. If this diagram is in that ruin, then I have some work to do.
Also this diagram looks as if bring your child to work day and science fair day had a kid that was a prodigy at tonal architecture and weapon craftsmanship
This is a friggin children’s drawing!!!
The degeneration of the Elder Scrolls series depicted on a piece of paper
Note the planetary alignment chart in the background, that is the real secret. Then somebody’s kid used it for drawing practice.
Its from intro to dwemer craftsmanship class.
I like to think that the circles are supposed to be the tone involved with their creation
That’s a Cameo 2 when you used to enchant arrows in Morrowind
Wow, someone spent a whole 2 minutes drawing this without correecting a single thing, the Arrow is bend and Not even symetrical ffs XD
You should craft up some reduce conjuration cost gear and summon some bone men and creepy shade priests to help you tank before you transform.
thwse videos make me smile from your positivity
“The dwemer were so advanced, I wonder what their thought process even was for making such a contraption!”
*hundreds of years prior*
“Attach rock to stick… hmmm… this hard… me should make funny picture just in case”
Are… are the dwemer really just Orks?!
Instructions unclear. I am now trapped in a soup gem.
Good stuff. I’m trying to play Skyrim too but for some reason the frames keep skipping despite relatively good enough specs
Same energy as students handing in papers late in the semester. Prof: “what happened to you? How can you turn this in?” Students: “it’s not easy.”
ok, now thats a good video
Clearly the dwemer engineer brought in a picture their kid made to put up on the office fridge
These are the same guys who made Snow Elves into those goblin like creatures!!🤣
Nice picture but lmao 😂
It’s so complicated our minds can’t comprehend it
Kindergarten Dwemer Blacksmith picturebook 😂
I like to think that a dwemer child came up with it and the adults just let the child have his moment
Step 1: get sticc
Step 2: get spriggan sap
Step 3:
Step 4: arrow time