REMASTERING Skyrim Gameplay With 20 INCREDIBLE Mods! | Best Skyrim Mods Going Into 2025
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Changing Skyrim gameplay elements with dozens of community created mods.
Authors of the community have given us mods for all systems of the game: perk tree system, magic spells, standing stone ability system, enchanting system and much more!
Utilize these mods for both Skyrim Special Edition and Anniversary Edition, drastically improve gameplay systems, to play through it once again for the 20th time!
Some of the mods showcased in this video are veteran releases, but still stand tall as one of the best gameplay overhauls ever created by the community.
Best Skyrim Mods 2024 and going into 2025.
Thank you for watching!
🟠 My Nexus Mods Profile: https://www.nexusmods.com/users/87503268
🎮 Join My Discord Lounge: https://discord.gg/tSqAghxMA2
💎 Follow Me On Twitter: https://twitter.com/SynMods
🔵 Second Channel (Gameplay Clips): https://www.youtube.com/c/SynGaming2
⚫️ If you want to go the extra mile and support the channel’s further growth, you can do so here:
00:00 Gore Mods & Creature Asset Packs
01:23 In depth Experience Gain Overhaul
05:04 Artifact Overhaul
07:22 Religion and Worship Gameplay System
09:28 Standing Stone Gameplay Overhaul
11:09 In Depth Perk Overhaul And Unarmed Combat Addons
13:12 Magic Spells and Magic Gameplay System Overhaul
15:40 Enchanting System Overhaul and Fixes
Mod Links:
Simple Beheading |
Dismembering Framework |
Dismembering Framework – Official Humanoid Asset Pack |
Draugrs – New Models and Textures |
Falmer Overhaul – New Models and Textures |
Dismembering Framework – Creature Asset Patches |
Experience |
Experience MCM |
Missives |
Missives – The Witcher Board |
Atlas Map Markers |
Reliquary of Myth – Artifacts of Skyrim |
Wintersun – Faiths of Skyrim |
Andromeda – Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim |
Adamant – A Perk Overhaul |
Hand to Hand – An Adamant Addon |
For Modern Combat Overhaul Users:
Adamant Tweaks for MCO |
Hand to Hand Tweaks for MCO |
Mysticism – A Magic Overhaul |
Mysticism – Cleaned and Upscaled Textures |
Thaumaturgy – An Enchanting Overhaul |
Thumbnail Art:
Images shot and edited by me :p.
Characters by my good friend Viper.
Her presets can be found here |
PC Specs:
Intel i9-9900K CPU
Corsair Pro Vengeance RAM 32GBs
ROG Maximus XI Hero Mb
Asus ROG RTX 3090 OC GPU
And Corsair PSU (1000W) + Corsair Fans
Noctua’s Cooler, NH-D15
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#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimremastered #スカイリム
Taqs:Skyrim,Skyrim Special Edition,Mods,Top 5 Mods,Top Mods 2020,Nexus Mods,Mod Showcase,Mod Overview,Elder Scrolls,ES5,Best Mods,Skyrim Mods,Mod Organizer 2,Dawnguard,Hearthfire,SKSE,ENB,Vortex,4K Textures,Next Gen Graphics,RPG,Elder Scrolls Redfall,Skyrim Special Edition Mods,Next Gem Skyrim,SkyrimMods,Skyrim Remastered,Skyrim Gameplay Mods,Best Skyrim Mods 2024,Best Skyrim Mods 2025,Heavy Burns,Mern,Sgt. Gimlinho,Redshift,NexusMods,BasedMods,LoversLab
コメント (150)
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Hey guys, this is a video that I wanted to release for months now, and I finally got around to it.
Some older entries showcased in this video, but they still stand tall as the best overhauls in the community. Also, I wanted you to have a list of gameplay mods that I use, so you can replicate it yourself. Plus, it’s kind of fun to go down the memory lane, and revisit mods that made the community great.
If you have any questions, ask me down below, I will pretty much be responding to almost all of them.
Much love,
You need to make a full on modpack at some point, I don’t have the modding skills to make anything like this functional. At this point, it just feels like getting c*cked.
Is your modlist available on your Patreon?
BRO THESE SHOTS ARE SO GOOD! Your enb preset as well when you walked in dragonsreach sheesh
What about console? Anything similar to this?
Is that his SynErgy SmoothCam preset in the video?
i’m bored, what i could do today…
youtube: what if you look at this video and install again that special edition to mod it for 20 hours again ?
I literally waited DECADES for a live dismemberment moment, can’t believe it’s finally here.
Damn, what are these combat animations? This barely looks like skyrim anymore.
I would like to know all the mods you have installed, your skyrim looks amazing
I’m in total awe…which is a lot of awe! 😳😎🤘
Are any of these mods available on console? Yes I know console Skyrim in 2024 omega lol but I don’t have a gaming PC so that’s why I’m hoping at least some of them are available on consoles.
My issue with the “Experience” mod is that you still need really high levels of smithing to even spend the skill points on something like ebony smithing. So while xp gain for player levels feels better, you still need to craft a billion daggers to get your smithing skill tree far enough along to even use your skill points.
Also great video! Love you’re editing
Name of armor? Plsss😢
I want to run a playthrough with your mod collection, sheesh.
can you share your smoothcamera preset?
how much does the pc have to cost to make all this and more work?
I currently use consoles but I would like to switch to the pc but I would like to do it well.
what first person animation mod are you using during the dismemberment section?
please give me the name of the mod collection you used in this video bro
Nice video!!! What is the HUD mod + weapon sound mod + katana animation mod at 0:23?
Def need that vampire mod list.. been wanting to make a dark fantasy overhaul but dont know where to begin. When is that video dropping?
I watched this video three times in one day just for the production quality. Keep up the good work!
Struggling a little with the script extender, new to pc. This all looks great and fantastically presented, definitely adding these to my mod list once it’s ready
when talking to proventus at 2:12 what mod is that
Are these mods console friendly
what are the armors showcased if ya get a chance bud?
What enb are you using, Syn Gaming?
*What sword attack/combat animation mods do you use?*
Is there a list or video of other mods you used in this game? Such as the combat animations, the different textures, etc.
I wanna keep track of this stuff for when i go back to skyrim
Awesome video, wondering what the visual overhaul mods are also!
armor link in 0:01?
Skyrim: Weeb Edition
What is the combat mod used at the begining of the video?
Hi Syn! What’s the greatsword moveset used during 1:06?
OMG this looks so cinematic, I absolutely love it. If I may ask, which mod adds the weapon trails at 5:51?
What graphics mods are you using?
What musik do you use ?
holy fuck those anime faces look horrible.
I need his modlist
What’s the mod that makes conjuration spells look so dam cool? It’s like a blue flame effect?
My English is not very good, but I really hope you can provide me with the mods you use for combat, as well as the MCM settings adjustments. What you have is insane, or maybe I just haven’t dived deep enough into Skyrim mods.
I just deleted my 900 mods mod list last week but this makes me want to make another one all over again. Great work!!! as always.
If only I have the patience to install these combat overhaulj mods
Experience, is deep and very good
Thanks for the nice video. I wish someone would do a collection on nexus or wabbajack. 😀
Hey, when you showcase mods such as reliquary of myth it would be nice if you mentioned other popular mods that do the same thing, like zimms immersive artifacts.
Not to put down the other mods or anything, but moat people already hade load orders with perk, xp, bandit, leveled list overhauls etc. So just a heads up for the viewer, like, “careful, you might already have something for this but heres what I personally use.”
Can you tell me all the mods that you’ve used for your combat? it looks fantastic and cant wait to try it myself.
Watching this makes me want to return back to modding. May I know what game version are you running for all these mods to work properly?
What ENB preset u use?
What happened with your plans to cover Fallout 4s modding scene?
Does everything gotta be weebified nowadays? Shits kinda getting cringe and old asf. Like im not playing an anime character with anime mods in a medieval game durrr.
Hey, i was banned from your discord for no reason whatsoever, please unban me
WHOA! What were the summoned weapons in the Wintersun section? When he was talking about following Arkay?
What’s the hair mod at 08:04 ? it looks so good
Awesome video. Will definitely check these mods out for my next playthrough. Are the combat animations shown in this video the same ones shown in your last video about combat overhauling?
Can you drop your mod list?
And for pc only and it will never come to consoles
Is there a modlist that has all of these mods implemented? Im currently running Nolvus and while I do love it. Im looking for all of this and more.
whats the mod that adds the elden ring unsheathe ash of war thing
I REALLY need one video showing your graphics Mod dude, like enb, reshade, grass, trees etc… Everything looks so clean and Smooth😮
Gotta check some of these out but I am sorry that asian inspired character looks so dumb it really doesnt fit in the game at all.
great mods, picked up a few new ones watching this to use,
i use master of one, a damage edge perk overhaul. for perk tree though, its fantastic, each perk has 5 tiers, each tier gives you a bigger buff for that skill, tree etc, but each tier also introduces a debuff, so you can just upskilla little in alot of skills, or you could become a master of a certain perk, but with a pretty severe penalty, eg, you could become a master of say….greatswords, doing 90% more damage, but the 2 handed axes, and warhammers do 50% less damage. or a perk could do more damage, but at a cost of higher stamina, or less magic cost for a spark destruction, but you have a % increase weakness to fire, i find it very balanced and somewhat prevents you from becoming an invincible demigod, and it also makes you consider and plan your character. and where you invest in health magika or stamina becomes very important, soooo many options.
right now im an extremely deadly 2 handed warrior, with very good 1 handed skill for those tight spaces (precision) so in melee combat im very powerful, but mages pose a huge threat to my character, ive had a master sneak character who can cause mayhem undetected, but if he was detected, was severely penalised for it, makes for excellent RPG gameplay.
oh also, you dont need to unlock perks in order, perks higher up the perk tree do require higher skill levels to unlock, but you dont need to unlock the lower perks in the tree 1st, you could build up to level 100, never have unlocked a perk, and just select the top one, that one will be perk 1 of 5 so still weakish compared to if you unlocked all 5 tiers of that perk, if that makes sense? hope i sold it to you all
Isabella von Carstein playtrough coming soon
What skill is that? The conjured weapon light version? Looks so cool. Great Content as always
nice what collection are you using?
Wish the dude would tell us what the mods were and what application he used on what version of the game.
Can you share your mods list ?
bro what modlist are you using your ingame looks cool and smooth :O
What armor mods did you use in this showcase?
Guys what mods i need so that my whiterun looks like this 1:26 ?
does anyone know the hand to hand animation syn’s using? it looks cool and i wanna use it too
your animation mods?
What is that katana animation?
This is awesome, can you show us your attack animation mods? They look cool but I can’t find them
Wish I could do something like that in my game man ❤️ great video man ❤
That was incredible, the production quality was crazy and the graphics in your game look next gen in many shots, kudos…
do you have the link for the female preset and bodyslide and outfits thanks
What mod do you use to add such cool effects to Dawnbreaker? Or is it purely Reliquary of Myth? Cause on the mod page there is nothing shown with the effects when you slash around with it.
please answer :3
what’s the armor mod at 1:28?
Can you release a guide video for ui overhual
sigh… what is the armor mod?
What are the name of the songs you used in this video? Loved all of them…kinda wish Skyrim had them in-game
What ENB and Camera Preset are you currently using? It looks amazing!
Dude, if this is what is possible with the Creation Engine with 3rd person melee combat then I am thoroughly disappointed in Starfield’s Melee combat. The Devs should be ashamed of themselves for that crappy implementation of melee in Starfield. I mean, come on. No Stealth finishers and Kill cam. WTF
Yeah… I think I’ll download Skyrum again… T_T
We need a tutorial on the visual overhaul. Love how ut game looks
Syn, what is your modlist? And what enb do you use? It’s so beautiful to see abd the colors look so right. Also the environment and animations are of another level!
what are the outfits from your thumbnail?
The UI is incredible ❤
I just need a UI and Camera Video from Syn ngl 😭😭
Dismembering Framework!!!!!!! AWESOME
Aw shoot here goes another syn production 🍻 bro you gotta teach me that intro.
Great vid!
Imagine a combat system that allowed the player to control where the character would slash. Instead of selecting the right trigger multiple times to generate an animation for the same slashing movement each time, we could select left on the left thumb stick + right trigger to slash the enemies left side or right on the stick + right trigger to slash the enemies right side. This way if the NPC was blocking with a shield, we could slash at a vulnerable spot making greater damage. This will make fighting less of a button mash three power combo most RPGs have today.
Tutorial or description explaining how to make my game look pretty much the same as yours?
I may not remember all their names… But I will forever remember all their mods and praise them as angels of the gaming community – ME
Hey syn curious, are you using a moveset when you’re describing the hand to hand combat? It looks very smooth
Do you have a modlist?
Watched it.. Forgot to leave a comment so! I’m back. Those mods are interesting are there any others that anyone can recommend?
Skyrim : Proof BGS has lost its magic from 2011 to 2023. Skyrim mods going strong. Starfield, a trickle on nexus and garbage on creations.
What was teh unarmed combat animation pack? Looked sick
Wow thats amazing, will you ever be planning on making a modpack for these amazing mods you feature? I’m really stunned by how well put this is. I could only dream of playing skyrim the way you do
Hello, I was wondering what the name of the hair mod at 13:27 is? I can’t seem to find the mod.
I haven’t played Skyrim in a while! I miss modding so much, and now I’m definitely playing again, thanks to you!
Will be waiting for that Dawnguard Overhaul update!
Bro what are those awesome animations!!! I neeeed them in my game 😮
Your videos are simply the best, everything is just right. Thank you very much
The comments speak for themselves, your editing skills are absolutely unmatched. Always a joy to watch your videos.
cara seu trabalho é incrível ! e vc é extremamente talentoso ! come eu queria baixar uma mod liste feita por vc . teria certeza q ficaria impecável !!
u planning on making a collection on nexus? i woud very much love to run the mods ur using, and im way to lazy to make my own.
My guy too busy making movies while showcasing mods lmao
Synpai uploaded
What mod list is being used in the video?
I know it’s not flashy, but would you ever make a video on enemy/difficulty overhauls, and stuff like encounter zones, level lists and such?
It’s not surface level, but they greatly enhance gameplay when done right
what hand to hand animation mod you using?
That intro was epic!! As always, amazing video and mods! Good to see you back! 🙂
Incredible video, thank you uploading.!
What animation moveset for the katana? Awesome video btw!
Man, that martial arts moveset looks fantastic, could you share the name please?
Do u mind telling me which mod is the outfit from 13:27 and foward?
Anyway, great video! Must’ve been a lot work.
It’s nearly the first time i didn’t use video chapters 🙂 Great work! Could somebody help me with the name of the outfit on 13:26 please?
Hey, check out Freyr/Mannaz for standing stones. they are super in depth and versatile 🙂
Really nice video. You’ve been really big inspiration. I hope I’m able to match the amazing quality of your video’s. Everything in this video looks beautiful from the game to the editing. Keep up the great work 🙂
Which overhaul mod is this, Nolvus? Looks amazing
Question. What mod is changing the appearance of the college mage robes in your inventory to show the sleeves and more of the outfit in general?
what mod gives you that bow!? Ive seen it before but never was able to find the mod.
The cliffhanger at the end tho. ;_;
What mods does it take to get the looks of the two female characters that’re at the start of the video?
After really long time I switched from Wintersun to Gods And Worship. For me, it have a much better progressing system than Wintersun. But, both are great mods.
Simply thinking of making my game look like yours is making my rx7600 sweat.
Dude where is the dawngaurd overhaul, it’s been 2 months.
I swear to god if this is a soulslike gameplay I’m going to loose my shit
AH, time to subscribe
Well time to rebuild my 600+ modlist with these mods. Ive been wanting to try adamant and mysticism for some time but ive always enjoyed Vokriinator and Odin
Great video, idk if i missed it but what’s the combat system mod? like the attack animations and all that :3
@synmods do you have a wabbajack list?
does dismembering framework work with 1.5.97?
Video chapters make no sense whatsoever.
Nice video
Amazing fucking video!!! You’re mod setup is 🔥.
did anyone now what mod he uses for the katana animations
Can’t believe you not only kept up the quality but you keep getting better! Wouldn’t be able to do what you do, keep it up and nice to see you back 😀
Your videos are visual pieces of art…
what animation mod is this
Great video, thanks. What kind of mod list do you use, mate?
God Howard has finally answered my prayers i’ve waited for so long.
For pc ?
He’s Back!