The ULTIMATE Skyrim Dragon OVERHAUL with Mods!
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#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimse #スカイリム #스카이림
00:00 Introduction
00:35 Texture Overhaul
03:23 Gameplay Overhaul
08:32 Animation Overhaul
10:10 Make Dragons MORE Epic
12:51 Final Notes
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🔻Mods Showcased
HotD and GoT Dragon by KaienHash (No need to Download)
GOT Dragons 16k-8k Cleaned by KaienHash – XilaMonstrr
HoT Dragons 8k016k Cleaned by KaienHash – XilaMonstrr
Drogon Alduin by XilaMonstrr
Rhaegal Paarthurnax – Monstrrous GOT DRAGONS by XilaMonstrr
KS Dragon Overhaul 2 by KuzakuSara
Diverse Dragons Collection SE (DDCse) by opusGlass
GoT HotD – Diverse Dragons Patch by Archlyde123
Dragons Use Thu’um by DarkWandererAmon
DCA – Dragon Combat Animations by Cult
Creatures : Preview by Distar
Dragon Breath VFX Edit by Kittytail
Majestic Dragons – Larger and immersive proportions by Lucaoys
Wyrm – Dragons Sounds Rework – by Satafinix
(Watch the video for Load Order)
🧾Panda’s Modlist: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/105778
Don’t forget to endorse the mod authors! 🙂
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▶️ Panda’s Skyrim SE/AE – https://bit.ly/PandaSSE
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コメント (76)
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Great video but I cannot recommend KS Dragon Overhaul. Its a script heavy, buggy mess.
Great video my guy! Dragons got old so fast, I refused to enable dragons from spawning for years, I lowkey forgot about them lol
Damn, with all the new mods, I really need to get a new graphics card, a 2060 super is getting outdated.
1:07 gaem of throne dragon 🤮instant dislike
A few popular dragon mods make the first southern tower dragon battle nearly impossible (and take forever).
What music have you used in this video? It sounds so familiar, but I can’t point it… something from LOTR maybe?
use alduin as balarion not drogon, balerion is much more of a devourer of worlds than drogon.
Instant gaming nice capt but you bought the wrong game🤣🤣🤣
Oh man i was hoping they would make riding dragons more freely but still cool mod
Not a fan of the dragon textures or sounds mods, but the combat overhauls gave me dark souls vibes, so that’s defs a win,lol
G O T Dragons are awesome, I’ve been using them for a bit now, I can always tell when I’m about to get jumped by them because of the game stuttering from texture overload. I tried the sound overhaul, but I wasn’t as enthused with it to keep it in my list. I tried Diverse Dragons but that was just annoying, like Draugrs spamming unrelenting force at you annoying,. I have a couple player homes that I believe have an increased chance to spawn dragons baked into them, because almost every time I arrive to them or leave the house I get the sudden frame stutter and a dragon attacks. Now couple that with Diverse Dragoons spamming spectral attacks or necro attacks on top of the regular chances of a town attack it just gets really tiresome. One of those combat mods looked interesting though, the one that ragdolls them in midair, beats them having to do the whole crash and skid slide that just makes the ground impassable.
what armor is your character using?
Not me who…..as a kid. STARED AT PARTHUNAX nose. Thinking it was his eyes. FOR YEARS I THOUGHT DRAGONS LOOK TERRIBLE. Hahahah
What version of Skyrim are you using? Nice video by the way!
The original designs look far better. In my opinion, there’s no need to turn Skyrim in GoT. Also, I’ve said it years ago, but “Drogon” is definitely the least creative name for a dragon I’ve ever read. That’d be like me naming a wyvern “Wyvarn”. Yeah, that’s perfect. :/ Also, bats are now called bots, and wolves are wolvas.
Thank you so much for showcasing Dragons Use Thu’um! Author here. Hope you like it!
For Dragon combat mods I’d like to recommend _”Dragon Combat Overhaul UPGRADED BABY YEAH”_ (yes, that’s the official name lmao). It may be more chaotic than KS Dragon Overhaul but it allows a dragon to summon reinforcements and to perform elemental explosions when they land or start flying, among other things. It’s honestly one of my favorites and I recommend you to try it out.
Yo what mod is that griffin shield from super cool, it looks inspire by ancient Iranian art, would love to know! Thanks and great video!
nice mods! and I must say you have very beautiful camera shots as well!
got the dragon mods, but what i really want to know is what mod is that cloak on your character in the very beggining from???
Thank you so much, your video helped me a lot. Now my dragons look GREAT!
Your grass mod? It’s so incredible at this moment 12:40
What about dragon riding mods?
hoping to see this in Eldergleam Ultimate! Great video as always!
anyone known where that cloak from 0:38 is from?
i’ll tell you what i need, a dragon replacer that replaces alduin with nicol bolas and parthurrnax with ugin, that would just butter my toast
A new mod to ride dragons that would be amazing
What mod is that armor and cloak from?
What cloak fur are you using @ 1:25
broski modlist for cities and guards pls 😊
loved the vid and your game looks like what i imagine TES6 would be, keep it up
The retextures are no doubt high quality, but something about turning timeless, millennia old dragons into teenage looking, friendly faces just seem awkward lol. When you see them you just wanna pet them..
Try “Epic Dragon Combat REDONE” and “Skyrim Enemy Revamped”
Can we use creature distar’s and dca together? Both look good
What enb are you using in this video is it cabbage ? If yes is it modified ?
Dey nevah should’ve had put dragons in places that arent “dragon arenas” like how the first dragon fight goes.
Feel like the GOT dragon’s are a different take on dragon’s and miss the feel bethesda are going for.
If there are any dragon’s in the next elder scrolls I hope they borrow some of the dragon’s dogma 1 and 2 ideas cuz those games have peak dragon’s specially Gregory
The “dragons” aren’t even dragons, their wyvrns
Sorry to ask but what is that fur cloak mod you’re using? Doesn’t look like anything I can find on nexus, looks awesome, also great vid as always 👍🏻
It’s just – GAME IF THRONES. Not “the game the of the thrones “
Skyrims stole so much from ASOIAF they yea, you might as well steal the dragon designs too 😅
Hey, Panda! Awesome video man! One question, wich enb do you use? Your enb look so clean and beautiful that i wonder wich one do you use.
Been playing lorerim for days, level 20 and still haven’t seen a dragon as can’t beat bleakfalls barrow.
The game of thrones dragon mod is not texture mod, it’s a full replacer.
Wow! Watching this video was like watching an epic movie!
These are great mods, and they really make me want to do another complete Dragonborn playthrough.
. . . . . Look out, Alduin . . . . I’m coming for you!!!
I am SO looking forward to Eldergleam Ultimate!!!!
Honestly, I don’t like the GOT and HOTD designs for Skyrim. The dragon’s look too brutish and dinosaur-like, like they’re just beasts. They look foreign to the overall style of the game as well.
I’m a little confused. So you don’t need the mod in the first link at all? Because the 8k-16k texture mods have it listed as a requirement.
Edit: Nevermind, the screenshot at 12:58 clears things up.
That Chicken Charge looks hilarious
Yeah those are NOT dragons. Those are WYVERNS! There’s a big difrence between a dragon and a wyvern. Skyrim have wyverns NOT dragons.
I used game of thrones dragons for a bit but it just didn’t feel right. The original Skyrim dragons are based on the dragon from the movie dragonslayer and is a high fantasy look for dragons. I’m still figuring out which dragon textures I like the most but I’ve recently been using dragons modernized but might switch to one that just retextured the vanilla dragons
I tried creaures preview but the affect creatures just stood imobile, animal verison of T pose.
Oh! You back!! Good too see your video.
Certainly will be using some of these mods when I build a new load order in January for a new playthrough. The new dragon sounds are amazing.
so excited for Eldergleam Ultimate
Hi what is the shield you are using?
The plug is no good for skyrim cos only the steam version and occasionally gog are supported by modders
Oh damn, do my eyes deceive me or are they giving dragons Monster Hunter animations now
Jap, that i totally need for Skyrim VR. Dragons became boring and this something a dragon absolutly should never be.
These are awesome mods. Will this be added to your Eldergleam list in the future? 😮
Sheeeeeesh 👌🏽 what armor or cloak you using here?
Hi! What is the name of the armor and shield you are using in this video? Pls.
should have been a full modlist 😆
what is cloak mod?
Hey capt panda can you please create a eldergleam v3 available on pc and xbox.
amazing modlist! been wanting to enhance dragons! so glad i found this
Hey panda, what a nice video, question, whats that fur cloak you were using in the video?
Very good selection my friend! I think I will add them all 🙂
I’d add to this Immersive Dragon Riding Controls
Just a short question, which file of GoT Dragons is needed? There are 5 main files
I thought you was dropping the ultimate mod list for a second I almost dropped everything lol. Great video
The ElderGleam NG looking crispy.
The timing is crazy man! Great showcase 🤙🏻
Awesome was just about to work on my dragons, the timing is crazy!