How to REMASTER Skyrim with 10 Mods! (Easy and Simple)
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Finally, it’s out! 😀
#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimse #スカイリム #스카이림
00:00 Intro
00:32 ENB
02:29 Landscapes/Environments
06:42 Architecture/Clutters
09:07 Lighting Mods
10:01 Final Notes
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🔻Mods Showcased
Cabbage ENB for NAT 3 Weather by Cabbage
Tomato’s Complex Parallax Material Landscapes AIO – With DLCs by Tomatokillz
ERM – Enhanced Rocks and Mountains CaptainCockerel
Freaks Floral Fields – A Cathedral Grass Overhaul by BloodyFreak
Nature of the Wild Lands – forest and trees improvement mod by Pomelo8765
Water for ENB by mindflux
SMIM by Brumbek
Skyland AIO by Skyking2020
Skyland Bits and Bobs – A Clutter Overhaul by Skyking2020
Lux Orbis by GGUNIT
(Watch video for Load order)
🧾Panda’s Modlist: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/105778
Don’t forget to endorse the mod authors! 🙂
✔️My Playlist :
▶️ Panda’s Skyrim SE/AE – https://bit.ly/PandaSSE
▶️ Panda’s Skyrim Cinematics – https://bit.ly/PandaCinematics
▶️ Panda’s Modshowcase – https://bit.ly/PandaSEMods
🔻 Additional Tags:
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コメント (34)
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Thanks for watching everyone~ Please watch till the end! 😀
time to play Skyrim again for the 300th time
College days? Bro Im in high school. I’ve been playing Skyrim since i was in 6th grade.
I love your mod showcases, but I find the title of this one a bit misleading, sorry.
“REMASTER Skyrim with 10 Mods! (Easy and Simple)” … and the first mod (the ENB) alone has 8 other mods and 2 other requirements which must be installed before that one. The second one – the parallax – is even more complicated. You get a near endless string of requirements…
I am really, really new to modding and there is – therefore – a lot I do not yet quite understand. ENBs and parallax are among these things I do not (yet) have in my modlist, because I found it far too complicated as a beginner. That is why I certainly would not call this compilation “easy and simple”.
IMHO a really “easy and simple” list means easy for an absolute beginner … and it should consist of mods with next to no requirements. Yes, the result is certainly not as breathtaking, but honestly as a beginner to modding I am happy when I see results and get a fresh feeling to the game.
Perhaps you could showcase something like this in a future video? Some mods without requirements, easy to install even for an absolute newbie?
The annoying part is to install patches… especially for Lux Orbis 🙄
im more of a swearing mudcrabs kinda guy
Do these work on xbox?
You can’t transform it into that with just those 10 mods and you know it… you always have to install the required mods for each mod you presented and with those it will be more than 20 mods, you are only being intellectually dishonest!
I add less and less mods each time, maybe they’re getting better. 🤔
Gift wrapping a turd isn’t remastering, it’s just gift wrapping a turd. I recently “upgraded” to AE, and thus far I have been overwhelmingly unimpressed. Quest markers pointing into the sky, garbage new items, and lazy implementation for starting these so-called ‘quests’.
Oh, here comes the courier.. what’s this? A note… Oh, here’s a note on a tavern counter I’ve never seen before…. Go here, do a thing, here’s your new content! Wow, an unimpressive ugly armor set or garbage weapon that I wouldn’t have purchased for free on the Creation Club! Thanks Bethesda! Oh joy, useless pets to lug around the useless junk I certainly don’t need that you forced upon me thanks again Bethesda!
I have three incomplete quests right now in my journal that I can’t complete because after reading the note, the quest marker is 3000+ feet up into the sky, and using TCL commend I can’t even reach the marker because it is beyond the games actual ceiling! I’m SOOOOO glad I “upgraded” to this new level of incompetency.
So, making my game look good is the least of my concerns, I just want a semi-functional game…. gift wrapping a turd won’t fix this Bethesda product.
Another cahntent to consume 🍻
Hi great video.!! I bought Skyrim because I would like to play its main story and all its missions and explore everything, something that I have never done in its entirety over the years =(, and I am looking and learning about these crazy mods but I am not an expert in mods or computers, much less the Nexus site.. I saw that you created a very interesting Eldergleam mod package.. I wanted to ask you.. Can I click on the Nexus site that sends me your link, the auto install and I can already play it like that without doing anything else.? Can I play the game’s campaign with all its missions with this package.? Can this be used with skyrim anniversary edition? And last thing I would like to play it in my language Italian, do you think it creates problems with the mods.? Thanks if you can answer me =) I really appreciate the work that is behind all this.. congratulations.!
Hah you beat me to it, I thought about doing a lighter modlist like this a bit back to get people into modding but sadly never got around to doing it. Glad you did it!
The enb water is some of the best looking water ive seen in a game.
Uhh, enb isn’t only thing with adnaced stuff anymore. There is a mod that does everything enb does but unlike enb it doesn’t hog system resources. I think it’s called community shaders… anyway latest addons made community shaders incredible. When it comes to resoution of textures you use i said it more than once: use all replacers with the same resolution to preserve perfomance so you don’t have to chose between visual quality and performnce, you get balance of both. When it comes to grass and tree mods my advice: be carfull with them because they also can hog alot of system resources and it’s easy to install one that might have heavy hit on performance.
Excuse me i played skyrim in my high school days. The audacity to say i placed in my college days! ……. I mightve played in my college days too…. And today… actually i played yesterday i feel attacked by this intro 😂
It doesn’t matter how good a game looks, if the gameplay especially combat in Skyrim is crap, which it is.
That’s a nice and short graphics list, but… no DynDoLod? You can shove as many texture and mesh overhauls into a modlist as you want, but the game will still use vanilla billboards and models unless you use DynDoLod to create new billboads from your enabled modlist.
Cheers Panda!
as stated on the mod page, ERM is NOT compatible with Majestic Mountains. deal breaker.
Gotta love how it says just 10 mods and then the first thing that comes in is an ENB
Probably need some NPC enhancer mods as well
As the saying goes, one can never quit skyrim, one can only extend the pause from it.
looking fresh and clean 😆
installing 1 mod, it requires more 10mods, each mod requiers more 2 X_X
Thoughts on Community Shaders instead of ENB?
Great video as always brotha🤙🏽 just reinstalled skyrim the other day and began modding again. So much has changed since I last modded back when SE first dropped! MCO is crazy and I can finally make 3rd person gameplay fun! I haven’t even touched graphics yet and already have a ton of mods, and picked up some I missed thanks to your video👍🏽 can’t wait to start playing
Will Eldergleam Ultimate include NotWL? Best tree mod imo and is even fully navcut unlike FF so actors no longer get stuck running into trees in places.
get out from my head , this is so beautiful and i dont want to mod skyrim again for the 1000th time ❤
Hey capt panda are those mods available on xbox?
man i really can’t wait for the new eldergleam, i’m so eager to jump back into skyrim you have no idea!
Great video! This is pretty much my current modlist, but I use Simplicity of Sea and Happy Little Trees instead. I also use the Complex Parallax Materials textures addon for Skyland AIO and Skyland Bits and Bobs.
Cabbage enb is my fav out of all the ones i’ve tried, highly recommended for anyone who hasn’t tried it out yet!