The BEST Skyrim Mods Of The Year 2024! | 30 INCREDIBLE Mods In 15 Minutes
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War Thunder is a highly detailed vehicle combat game containing over 2000 playable tanks, aircrafts and ships spanning over 100 years of development. Immerse yourself completely in dynamic battles with an unparalleled combination of realism and approachability.
Our yearly tradition of showcasing the most popular Skyrim Mods created in late 2023 and throughout the year 2024 is back!
As usual, we showcase the most popular mods for Skyrim Special Edition and Anniversary Edition, using metrics such as unique downloads and overall reception by the broader community, with a pinch of my own preference.
This time around, I’ve added a small twist to make thing more interesting, by also introducing categorization, allowing for more obscure mods to get the yearly spotlight.
Thank you for watching!
🟠 My Nexus Mods Profile: https://www.nexusmods.com/users/87503268
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🔵 Second Channel (Gameplay Clips): https://www.youtube.com/c/SynGaming2
⚫️ If you want to go the extra mile and support the channel’s further growth, you can do so here:
0:00 The Best Animation Mods In 2024
03:18 The Best Gameplay Mods In 2024
04:53 The Best First Person Mods In 2024
05:53 The Best City And Settlement Overhaul Mods In 2024
08:04 The Best Combat Mod In 2024
09:13 The Best VFX Mods In 2024
10:35 The Best Adventure / Quest Mod In 2024
11:32 The Best Visual Overhaul Mods in 2024 (Static Clutter)
12:44 The Best Visual Overhaul Mods In 2024 (Flora)
14:07 The Best Character Preset(s) In 2024
Mod Links:
EVG Clamber – Slope Animations |
Dynamic Female Swimming Idles |
Malignis Animations – Conditions |
Artificer – An Artifact Overhaul |
Dismembering Framework |
Modern First Person Animation Overhaul |
First Person Interactions |
Skyfall’s Fortified Morthal |
JK’s Blue Palace |
Drengin’s Blue Palace Terrace |
JK’s Blue Palace Terrace |
Skyfall’s Blue Palace Courtyard |
BFCO – Attack Behavior Framework |
Lightning VFX Edit |
Precision Magic Trails |
Dragon Breath VFX Edit |
Ascend – Hidden Peaks of Skyrim |
Skyland Bits and Bobs – A Clutter Overhaul |
Skyland Bits and Bobs – Complex Material |
Oddments and Miscellanea |
Peasant Dreams – A Common Bed Replacer |
Deep Slumber – A Dwemer Bed Replacer |
Dunmer Dreams – A Dark Elf Bed Replacer |
On The Mend – A Healing Altar Replacer |
Nature of the Wild Lands |
Freaks Floral Fields – A Cathedral Grass Overhaul |
Viper’s Preset Collection |
Thumbnail Art:
Images shot by my good friend Viper.
Her presets can be found here |
PC Specs:
Intel i9-9900K CPU
Corsair Pro Vengeance RAM 32GBs
ROG Maximus XI Hero Mb
Asus ROG RTX 3090 OC GPU
And Corsair PSU (1000W) + Corsair Fans
Noctua’s Cooler, NH-D15
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#スカイリム #skyrim #skyrimmods
Taqs:Skyrim,Skyrim Special Edition,Mods,Top 5 Mods,Top Mods 2020,Nexus Mods,Mod Showcase,Mod Overview,Elder Scrolls,ES5,Best Mods,Skyrim Mods,Mod Organizer 2,Dawnguard,Hearthfire,SKSE,ENB,Vortex,4K Textures,Next Gen Graphics,RPG,Skyrim Special Edition Mods,Next Gem Skyrim,SkyrimMods,Skyrim Remastered,Skyrim Gameplay Mods,Best Skyrim Mods 2024,Best Skyrim Mods 2025,Heavy Burns,Mern,Sgt. Gimlinho,Redshift,NexusMods,BasedMods,LoversLab,BardsCollegeGraduate
コメント (89)
Play War Thunder now with my link, and get a massive, free bonus pack including vehicles, boosters and more: https://playwt.link/syngaming24
Hi guys, our yearly tradition of showcasing the most popular Skyrim Mods created in late 2023 and throughout the year 2024 is back!
Hope you enjoy the video as much as I enjoyed making it.
Ask me anything, I read almost all comments you guys leave below.
Much love,
where vampires and werewolves video at 😭
The combat animation is amazing, can you share which mod(s) you are using?
Outfit at 12:15 and 12:27 ?
Really need your modlist bro. Your gameplay looks so intensly great!
What HUD mods/presets do you use? It looks so good!!
What armor mod is that at 9:14?
Came for the mods, stayed for the S-tier editing.
TFW the blue palace is actually red
Never play Skyrim before, should I give it a go?
What are the clothes shown in the bed replacers section , at 12:17 ?
Great video once again! Any word on an updated mod list guide like you had on your Patreon before?
Please what combat animation is at 4:29 and 4:45 plss!!
Can anyone tell me where to find a link to Syn’s modlist? I can’t seem to find one anywhere. I seriously need to know what his armor list is, lol.
i’m curious what setting option did you took in BFCO i suppose mco like ?
great video again
One thing that kind of annoys me is that some mods that you mention, notably dismembering framework, don’t do anything on their own. It’s a framework that requires additional assets to work and there are 0 mentions of which assets you’re using in the demo
are we even playing the same game bro ,u game looks is mind blowing.
bro is probably playing on a SpaceX pc setup
I’d like to play your skyrim modlist !
please make a modlist
My goodness the quality of your videos continues to surprise me, I get distracted by the editing and I don’t know what you’re talking about so I have to backward the video
what are the 2 armors at 14:34 ? thanks
Fiine, I will reinstall Skyrim … No joke tho, those mods look amazing, and I need them all
Dude please create a modlist!
Your skyrim looks great! I was wondering which ENB you are using.
DAMNN that’s so good!
Fantastic video as always! I was curious though, what armor mod did you use during the BFCO showcase?
“Nature of the Wildlands” really is a fantastic mod!
It hits the excact amount of filling your forests, the density, the models, the added objects – Perfection!
what are those 1 handed sword animations?
Watching your videos and installing mods has greatly improved the animations but I probably made some mistakes as I dont get the full effects as shown in your gameplay.
I can’t say it often enough, your videos are simply the best, thank you
Hey! I have to thanks you! U braucht me back to modding! And Jeah i m still new to that but Yeah!
Here my question! Could u maybe describe how u getting the Elden Rim Moveset to play? I have CpR Precisoon, Precision creatures, Praylut Interpreter, elden Art, of course MCO, OAR, BFCo, and Jeah! But it always showing me the standart MCO moves, which are great, but i really want to know why Elden Rim is not working! I know probably u have no time for Answering! But maybe someone see s it! 😀 luv your videos! Thanks!!
What was that snow with the parallax effect? I need that in my modlist
Hey, I want to ask you what mod are you using for the decapitation at 3:47? Really nice video by the way, informed me of a lot of mods that I would appreciate to know and have in my game.
(Nvm you answered in the video :D, then i guess i wanna ask how do you combine er katana iaido state with er light greatsword? also i feel like there’s a third animation mod you combine with those 2, and for last what mod do you use for the sword impact effect?)
6:34 lol my man, fantastic edit
Beautiful video as always!
Hey what armor(s) is your Ciri character wearing? Looks familiar but can’t quite place it. :3
Happy Halloween 🎃
What mod do you have that allows such perfect dismemberment of wolf heads? Also, what blood spray effect mod are you using for when the weapons connect? Is that just dismembering framework alone?
Are there any mods that increase fire spell damage realistically? So tired of my flames spell not doing any damage despite the fact that people are essentially wearing metal that would heat up and boil you alive due to the flame thrower coming from your hand.
Great showcase looking at some of the big mods making there way into mod lists. We are pretty spoilt by the talented people sharing their work and keeping a 13 year old game alive.
Out of curiosity has anyone compared Voltage by SRW0 to Kittytail Lightning VFX? Must be a close call with small points making the difference in choice. Like so many mods.
Keep up the good work Syn and thanks for the info and heads-up.
The problem is some animation mods don’t work at all
9:00 – 9:10 is dude finally gonna tell us what attack animation he’s using or no?
Wheres the Dark Overhaul or vampire showcase?
what is that kimonois outfit
Thank you for the video !
Please, tell us what katana animation mod you are using, it’s fantastic !
Thanks for staying on the Skyrim mod beat Syn.
Make sure to take breaks and play other games to avoid burnout.
When is the Danwguard vid dropping tho? 😅
Great video thank you
My bias is obvious, but what an awesome video ❤
Wondering what your hud preset is and the widgets top left corner.
Nexus: VC patches are banned.
Modding skyrim is a game of its own at this point
Ahh those first person animations. Skyrim finally turn into Thief, as one of the og creators intended!
Comment for the algo ❤
Year after year I started to modding. Thanks for good timing
A modlist with requiem as a base would be cool. A lot of mods break balance IMO and I like requiems all in one solution to making skyrims progression more satisfying
Is this a modpack? Or you are installing it by yourself? Your skyrim looks amazing 😮
Amazing showcase, as always Syn. However, I have the feeling that 2023 mods were far superior and more game changing (pun indeed) than those of 2024. It’s sad to say, but it seems the golden era of Skyrim modding has already passed 😢
As cool as those new animations are having them be female only makes them instantly uninteresting to me.
Lol don’t understand how a preset can be “not lore-friendly” but oh well. Great work Syn! 🙂
I had a pretty large (1200+) mod list that at some point I broke trying to ESLify a lot of them. Not going to lie… the past few months I keep seeing these insane mods coming to the game and it makes me want to try and fix or just restart. Thanks for these videos, without them I wouldn’t get to see what’s really out there as I don’t keep up watching Nexusmods anymore.
Would love to hear about Nexus Collections or Wabbajack Modlists that feature some of these animation and graphics mods. Never had much luck getting them to work myself.
So we’re just making Tes6 now?
What’s the mod that knock the npc back@3:38.
Dang another content drop? Aite den. 🥃
Great Vid! Just curious, what Japanese style armor/clothes mod you are using for your character?
Amazing content. New sub. Comment for the algo
Are you ever going to cover bethesda’s creations again?
1st person superiority
How is the dawngaurd overhaul going?
Great video as always, which Solitude texture replacer are you using?
Good to see you uploading again, I’m still waiting for those Fallout 4 videos. Great video, btw!
Wooo! Happy Halloween btw!!
Hey man, hopefully you can make a modlist (wabbajack would be better as I struggle making tons of overhaul and graphics mod work together.). I often use your videos as a Guide for Combat and Animation Mods but I struggle making the Visual and overhauls mod works. Thanks
Whaa, 2 uploads in one month by Syn o.O
Malignis animations are amazing, too bad it requires survival mods. :c
Hello, I really liked the fighting animations in the video (with swords etc.). Which mods do you use for this?
Hi, you probably get asked this a lot, and I understand if you do not want to answer, but do you have your mod list posted somewhere? Your game looks insane and maybe the best I have seen in a loooong time both visually and gameplay like the animation mods
What happen to new vampire overhaul mods video? I’ve been checking your channel everyday for that video release ❤
Great work again. Love the montage also. When does the next guide for overhaul is coming?
Hi @SynMods, may I ask what ENB/Reshade you use in your videos? I think out of all the videos I have seen and ENB I used, your game looks the best.
Man. i really wanna play your version of skyrim.
I really REALLY hope that one day Syn makes Wabbajack version of his modpack.
I pray to god.
Thanks Syn amazing mod showcase!
Amazing video, it’s been a while since I was here this early <3
2024 felt like probably the fastest year to go by… While I feel like the mods weren’t necessarily as flashy as previous years, it’s the small additions that get me, making this year one of my favorite modding years! 😀
Great vid man, keep it up!
Bethesda might as well get these modders man, its amazing what they can do and most time its just a single person that makes something amazing.
is there a place for your modlist to be seen?
Skyrim´s modding scene continues to amaze me… damn
SIZE MATTERS is still a few levels above any other “modern” first person weapon animation mod. MFPAO has better bow animation, thats it, everything else looks better and is more responsive in SIZE MATTERS.
Just watched a video from you and left an abo and 3 minutes after, i get notified, there is the next one 😅
I will watch it right away
Love your vids bro. Only here I can get some good mod recommendations.
aw yea it’s syning time