12 Must-Have IMMERSIVE Skyrim Mods!
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Part 5 of my immersive mods series 🙂
#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimse #スカイリム #스카이림
00:00 Intro
00:32 Dialogue-Related Immersion Mods
05:00 Small Immersion Mods
06:17 Landscape-Related Immersive Mods
08:44 Gameplay-Related Immersive Mods
12:45 Final Notes 🙂
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🔻Mods Showcased
Collision Dialogue Overhaul by JobiWanUK (ESL)
Cheeky Kids by JobiWanUK (ESL)
Scared of Shootings – NPCs react to aiming bows by wankingSkeever (ESL)
Cooking in Kettles on Campfires – Base Object Swapper by FrankBlack (ESL)
Real Water in Buckets and Barrels and Pots and Pans by FrankBlack (ESL)
Immersive Shortcuts -SE AE by Retrophyx (ESP)
ALT – Windhelm Entrance – Defensive Towers by Yuril (ESL)
Subtleties of Skyrim – Red Mountain Lava – Distant Ships – Vvardenfell Mushroom by Yuril (ESL)
NPC Spell Variance – Spell Variety AI by Kenny Leone (ESL)
City Bag Checks by Jonx0r (ESL)
Seeking Out Stuff – Immersive AddItemMenu Quests by wankingSkeever (ESL)
Fire Ignites Arrows (and Bolts) by Solus (ESL)
🧾Panda’s Modlist: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/105778
Don’t forget to endorse the mod authors! 🙂
✔️My Playlist :
▶️ Panda’s Skyrim SE/AE – https://bit.ly/PandaSSE
▶️ Panda’s Skyrim Cinematics – https://bit.ly/PandaCinematics
▶️ Panda’s Modshowcase – https://bit.ly/PandaSEMods
🔻 Additional Tags:
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コメント (53)
Download now for FREE and start EARNING! https://benjaminone.onelink.me/rky7/CaptPanda
P.S thanks for tuning in once more! Good news BTW… I now know the name of the cloak lol it’s “BDOR Bolyn Cloak”. I appreciate it if you can watch till the end and leave a like to please the algorithm Gods! Thanks as always everyone!
Wow still so many incredible mods like AddItemMenu Quests and the Shortcuts, that’s unbelievable what this community achieves. Thank you Captain!
What is the armour you are using?
I have to say, you’ve definitely become my favorite Skyrim modding channel. Your videos are great and they’ve helped me put together a really cool Skyrim mod list for myself. I appreciate what you do, keep it up !
I’ve been waiting to play again until Eldergleam 3 drops. Can’t imagine playing any other way.
man, ur skyrim visually looks the best out of all skyrim yt videos i’ve EVER SEEN thank god u already created yt mod pack
How did you get AddItemMenu to work on AE? Tried it but it crashes my game on startup
I’m currently using eldergleam I haven’t really messed with the landscape part of the modpack but would the shortcut mod conflict with it ?
My Modlist: Ah shit. Here we go again.
Mah brotha 🍻🤙🏽 bro that bulge line is hilarious 🤣
seeking out stuff requires add item menu NG, which is hidden on nexus. How do you get it to work?
Are these mods added to Eldergleam?
What armor is in the thumbnail?
annoying voice, just use AI
Nice song choice for the intro mate 👍🏻
Nice video and thanks for featuring two of my mods 😀
I LOVE the idea of the “Collision Dialogue Overhaul”!
One thing I often do when modding my game is to actually go into the game and turn on god mode and then just have my character run around the roads of Skyrim to check for problems with any new mods. And while I’m doing this, I love having my character run into other npcs on the road just to hear them complain.
Now, with this mod, doing that is just so damned much more fun and entertaining!!!!!
at 07:10 is sun coming out from the mountain or by passeing for some reason ?
For 13 years modding this game, I never used Killable Children Skyrim, I will though, if I ever add Cheeky Kids.
What end is on for this video?
Racist lines?! Sign me up!
Skyrim is the home of immersion mods, and honestly i would put alot of stock into them being the reason people are so captivated by this game.
Still hoping you let me know what mod that cloak is from
Hi Panda!
Great, that you declare ESL-Files in the Link-Section.
Really helpful, when you fight with PlugIn Limits (wich we all know too well!)
Well Done!
What is your graphics pack and can I get it on Xbox?
Oh man… Your videos make me wanna play Eldergleam Ultimate so bad 😂 just love the visuals and your vision for it. Looks cozy and immersive. Anyways, great video as always.
Edit: almost forgot, the shortcuts mod is such a great one.
The cloack is really cool! Where is it from?
awesome video can you tell me what’s that armor in the thumbnail is it on the nexus and does it come with the bear cloack and what enb preset are you using
4:27 what made the view of the drawn arrow so weird? It’s too visible that the arrow doesn’t move when you draw it
The one where you bump into others is funny af and will def download. But I wouldnt count it as immersive, due to the insults not fitting into the dialect Tamriel has. They feel top modern. I dont ever recall anyone saying “piece of shit” to anyone in none of the TES games lol
Hello. What ENB are you utilizing?
Killing it, brooooo 🔥🔥
I wonder if Skyrim ever will “die”, crazy.
There’s like 30 new mods from the past couple months that I need but I somehow got my game running really good with 750 done myself and even though I”ve done it countless times I feel like if I tear my lods down and do a handful of mods then it’s not going to run this good again haha.
That one brown cloak ive seen in a couple vids now that you wear…what mod is it from?
Love your mod overhauls ❤
Why is beauty a redguard now?
What armor is farkas wearing? Is that a armor replacer for companion members?
what mod are you using for your guard armours?
I like the shortcuts one!
As for immersion, how do we stop our weapons clipping through the cloaks 😂
been binge watching ur videos of the past year for about a week now, got around 250 mods installed and working perfectly together. which most of them are from ur videos! well earned sub here from me sir 🙏
Hi. Great video. What mod is that magic circles in spell casting?
Can you tell me which HUD you’re using? It looks incredible!
what is that spell mod at 9:11 where the vampire turns into mist?
I am curious, will all of, if not, most of these be included in the next Eldergleam release?
“I’m not afraid of you!” “Shut up.” Lmfao
so if I were to download eldergleam, would these mods be included or I could just add them to it?
What mod is that fur cloak from?
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