20 Incredible NEW Skyrim Mods to Transform Your Game!
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#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimse #スカイリム #스카이림
00:00 Intro
00:24 SD’s Seamless Sneak Transition and Idles
01:09 Chatty NPCs and Followers
02:26 Olenveld
03:37 Glorious Giant Clutter and fixes
04:16 Tomato’s Markarth and Dwemer Ruins
04:51 Mehrunes Dagon Unique Shrine – Shrine Objects Swapped
05:27 Jump Slide Fix OAR
05:47 HFs – Wagon Wheel
06:16 Healing VFX Edit
06:55 Detailed Landscapes – The Reach AIO & Karth River Rock Spires
07:39 Imperial Castles of Skyrim – Fort Battlements v2
08:20 Orc Exiles – The Cracked Tusk Keep
9:09 Broken Fang
09:43 slightly Better Dust aka Dust not Clouds
10:15 Ysmir’s Tear II Fuzzbeed’s Dungeons
11:02 Kanjs – Nordic Puzzle Door Animated
11:36 Retextured Signs
12:15 Nirn Necessities
13:11 Northman – Armor Mashup
13:50 Big Thanks
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🔻Mods Showcased
SD’s Seamless Sneak Transition and Idles OAR by SarcasticDragon (No ESP)
Chatty NPCs and Followers by JobiWanUK (No ESP)
Glorious Giant Clutter and fixes by markuskarttunen1 (No ESP)
Tomato’s Markarth and Dwemer Ruins by Tomatokillz (No ESP)
Mehrunes Dagon Unique Shrine – Shrine Objects Swapped – Base Object Swapper by wankingSkeever (No ESP)
Jump Slide Fix OAR by fricticerkag (No ESP)
HFs – Wagon Wheel by Halffaces (No ESP)
Detailed Landscapes – The Reach AIO (BOS) by BecomingNplus1 (ESL)
Imperial Castles of Skyrim – Fort Battlements v2 by H Shirlock (No ESP)
slightly Better Dust aka Dust not Clouds by FrankBlack (No ESP)
Ysmir’s Tear II Fuzzbeed’s Dungeons by FuzzBeed (ESL)
Kanjs – Nordic Puzzle Door Animated by Kanjs (No ESP)
Olenveld by F0RCEFI3LD (ESP)
Healing VFX Edit by Kittytail (No ESP)
Retextured Signs by monkeyangie (No ESP)
Orc Exiles – The Cracked Tusk Keep by JJerem (No ESP)
Nirn Necessities – SMP Accessories by Everglaid (ESL)
Broken Fang by snozz2004 (No ESP)
Northman – Armor Mashup – HDT SMP by Fuse00 – NordWarUA – Hjartulv (ESP)
Don’t forget to endorse the mod authors! 🙂
🔻 Additional Tags:
skyrim, skyrim 4k, skyrim le, 4k, skyrim graphics 2022, skyrim enb, skyrim se, skyrim 2020, best skyrim mods 2020, skyrim se 2020, skyrim mods 2020, skyrim graphics mods, skyrim se 2020 mods, skyrim mods, nextgen skyrim, skyrim 2019, skyrim enb 2019, best skyrim enb, best skyrim mods, hd texture pack, best skyrim graphics, skyrim se best graphics, skyrim modlist, new skyrim mods, best graphics mods for skyrim, skyrim crash fix, skyrim se mod list, textures, skyrim ultra modded, skyrim modding guide,skyrim se ultra modded 2021, Starfield, Bethesda games, Relaxing music, Skyrim Anniversary Edition, Skyrim AE Ultra modded, Ultra modded Skyrim SE, Licentia Skyrim, NSFW Skyrim, Skyrim armors, Skyrim next gen, Truly Next Gen Skyrim, Nolvus 4.4, Nolvus 4.4 Skyrim, Skyrim and eldenring, skyrim vs eldenring, elden ring, elden ring 2, Skyrim Magic mod, Skyrim best magic mods, magic mods for skyrim, magic mod skyrim xbox, new must have mods, RPG games, Latest skyrim mods, skyrim new mods for 2023, starfield, TES 6, Next Elder Scroll Game, TES Online, MMORPG, RPG Games, Role playing games, skyrim must have mods, skyrim hidden gems, best skyrim modlist, best skyrim armors, I remastered skyrim, remastering skyrim in 2024, remastering skyrim modlist, graphic modlist skyrim
Taqs:Skyrim Mods,skyrim graphics mod,skyrim ultra graphics,best skyrim mods,next gen graphics skyrim,skyrim,Nolvus Skyrim,Magic mod skyrim,skyrim animation,animation mods skyrim,skyrim ui mods,skyrim parallax,Skyrim 2023,skyrim anniversary edition,skyrim mods 2023,skyrim combat mods,skyrim armor mods,best skyrim mods 2023,how to install skyrim mods,skyrim overhaul mods,amazing skyrim mods,skyrim xbox mods,skyrim modlist,TES 6,Remaster Skyrim
コメント (50)
Thanks for checking the video out! 😀 Help me by leaving a like and watching till the end!!
Does Eldergleam work on the most current version of Skyrim anniversary edition, or only version 1.5.97?
Ayyyyyyy, killing it like always 🔥
I can’t find some of them is it because I’m on console
Great video as always. How are people bothered by the vanilla cloud dust effects?? I think they are perfectly fine. That feels like a waste of a mod to me but I’m sure someone out there will appreciate it.
Very good selection of mods, I picked 3 for my next playthourgh
Dose anyone know why when I go and search for the mod nothing shows up ?
3:57 My problem with the clutter mods and with most mods replacing wood, is the wood looks too clean and straight, making it look unnatural. I know there’s some industry at this point, but in this kind of setting, there should be imperfections in the cuts, and not perfectly straight and cylindrical.
Hey Cap, what GPU are you running?
Loving the showcases of late 💜
Edit: What character animations are you using, Panda? They look so clean 🥺
Have to admit I don’t understand the current trend of making objects look squeaky clean. Like those Giant poles? No dis, but there’s no grit, no wear and tear. They looked… plastic o.O
I recognise this is 100 personal pref, but the originals looked way better. 🤷🏼♂️
Thanks for the showcase as always Panda! You should update my fort textures, the update is a massive improvement 🙂
OK I just started moding Skyrim for the first time ever on my Xbox a month ago and all I can say is thank you to all the guys who create all of those amazing mods I’m amazed how you can really make your game look so much better. But there is one thing that is garbage and it’s not moders fault ofcourse but bethesdas and that is distand Lod my God it’s shows that bethesdas game engine is not old but ancient I hope they fix at least that in Elder Scrolls 6.
Whats the jump animation mod during the jump slide fix showcase?
1:13 Chatty npcs makes Skyrim feel a bit more like oblivion lol
Great vid !! i was wondering what the enb/lighting mods were though your game is gorgeous. first time seeing one of your vids
I’m not really a fan of the idle mod. I feel like I’m watching stop motion animation.
What armor is at 3:04
Yeah, im in a Capt Panda video once again 😛
There is no way with all these mods that I can set up a modlist with less than 1500-2000 mods.
and the mods keep coming, in a few years we all got our own “Nolvus” list since we get banger after banger mods
My game is going to crash because of the number of animation mods I’m putting in. Ah, well, worth a shot.
Thanks for shouting out my sneak transition mod, will be improving it a lot in the future! The transitions just got redone in the latest update, they look much better now.
10:24 is that axe part of the mod or separate
Thank you for giving some attention to my wagon wheel 🙂
Smoke Not Dust
Thank you capt. Panda you made me love skyrim again.. and your game looks so beautiful 😍 ❤
Chatty NPCs doesn’t feel right, the NPCs stop whatever they’re doing just to approach someone to make a quick couple line chat and then robotically go back to what they’re doing.
I enjoy watching your videos, there calming and relaxing.
01:09 So it makes them more like Oblivion npcs.
Great showcase as always Panda 😊🐼
Yeah, but, but, but you’re breaking tea bag. lol
What armor is at the start?
Ahh…yes, for the Algorithm Gods i shall, and i will watch this whole video.
Awesome as usual! Thanks for including my Karth mods!
Hey Panda! Wonderful video again buddy. A question, wich mod do you use for physics? It’s complicated to install and apply?
Thanks for showcasing my mod again! and all of these new awesome mods too! ✨🤍
Cool video and thanks for featuring Chatty NPCs
Whats that music playing at 01:09?
But…how will people test bounce now, with this sneak mod?
I’m joking btw.
I was watching your other videos today lol, in one of your recent video I saw your world map was different. It was a beautiful written design. Can you tell me what mod it’s from
I’ve been eyeing Olenveld myself! Looks pretty hype!
My boy is on fire, keep it up dude! 😀
Another capt panda video. 🍿
Man y’all subscribe to this dude he be working.
That Detailed Landscapes mod looks sick! Can’t believe I missed it. Definitely adding.
Will these mods be added to the Eldergleam Collection?
would love an update on your Eldergleam Ultimate Modlist, whats left to do etc etc
Thanks again Capt. Panda, I’ve added your video to the Mod page 🙂
Never been so early! Love your work so far!