MASSIVE Skyrim Mods Worth Sacrificing Your FPS for in 2024!
https://www.patreon.com/c/MasterCheesey (MODLIST 100% FREE)
0:00 – Intro
0:36 – Nordic Door Animated
Kanjs – Nordic Puzzle Door Animated
1:29 – Healing VFX Edit
Healing VFX Edit
2:07 – Olenveld
4:18 – Slightly Better Dust
slightly Better Dust aka Dust not Clouds
4:52 – Orc Exiles – Cracked Tusk
Orc Exiles – The Cracked Tusk Keep
6:01 – Malacath’s Chosen
Malacath’s Chosen – An Orc Furniture Replacer
7:07 – Alt Riften Well
ALT – Riften Well
7:41 – Unique Farmhouse – Falkreath
Unique Farmhouse Architecture – Falkreath
8:44 – Saviik’s Solitude Overhaul
Saviik’s Solitude Overhaul
10:12 – Outro
Music included in the “Immersive Music” mod by:
Adrian von Ziegler – https://www.youtube.com/user/AdrianvonZiegler
CD Projeckt Red – http://www.cdprojekt.com/
evilbluekoala – https://www.youtube.com/user/evilbluekoala
Vindsvept – https://www.youtube.com/user/Vindsvept
#스카이림 #skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimse #スカイリム
Taqs:Skyrim,Skyrim Special Edition,Mods,Top 5 Mods,Top Mods 2020,Nexus Mods,Mod Showcase,Mod Overview,Elder Scrolls,ES5,Best Mods,Skyrim Mods,Mod Organizer 2,Dawnguard,Hearthfire,SKSE,ENB,Vortex,4K Textures,Next Gen Graphics,RPG,Skyrim Special Edition Mods,Next Gem Skyrim,SkyrimMods,Skyrim Remastered,Skyrim Gameplay Mods,Best Skyrim Mods 2024,Best Skyrim Mods 2025,Heavy Burns,Mern,Sgt. Gimlinho,Redshift,NexusMods,BasedMods,LoversLab,BardsCollegeGraduate
コメント (29)
Saviil’s Solitude paired with Skyrim Fantasy Overhaul Solitude makes for an epic Solitude setup.
Solitude textures?
Whats your orc stronghold retexture?
your audio octagonally pans to the left ear, is that intentional?
Thank you so much for featuring Olenveld!
You mentioned that you wish the symbols for Nordic Puzzle Door Animated would light up when they were in the right spot. If you look at the underneath of the dragons claw it gives you the correct sequence for the symbols.
what is the armor you are wearing? you should do a video on all the armors you use for showcases if you havent already
I’m digging that Solitude overhaul. I’m one of those “Fabled Forests/Great Forest of Whiterun Hold” enthusiasts, so I’m limited on city overhauls that don’t mess with my beloved giant trees!
Hello! your game looks fantastic but I’m curious if I can get it to look just like yours, would you mind telling me what your specs are? I’d greatly appreciate it. Thanks!
I really want to download Olvenveld but the lack of Lux Patch is what keeps me from doing so.
Now, seeing your video I wonder : what lighting mod are you using ? It really looks great !
great video as always.. very nc graphic’s. happy moding all
Looks fantastic. Well done!
No, you shouldn’t say “orISmer” . At least, I guess an orSImer would mind if you do ! 😉
the random sword being flung in at 3:05 is peak skyrim
Nothing makes making the game unplayable worth it imo
Don’t listen to the haters, you doing good with these vids
Thoughts on Cracked Tusk by schlitzor or JJerem?
We can now choose from multiple mods overhauling the same minor location. The modders are heroes.
No mod is worth to sacrifice fps bro
Just when I think I’m happy and done with modding my world perfectly – you come release a video and give a few more must haves 😀
Love the Slightly Better Dust, and of course anything Sothasimp. Exploring Pieter82 mods and I’m pretty excited.
I tend to stay away form a lot of the newer Solitude overhauls as they tend to stuff things up – still can’t get Skyfall’s Courtyard working, and I hated that other overhaul of city which made it too clean and clinical… but i’ll track Saviik’s.
Thanks again mate…. best Skyrim YouTuber out there – in my opinion 😉
What’s ur pc specs? I want to upgrade soon bc I want to “next gen” my Skyrim but my rx480 and ryzen 5 3600 are just not doing it.
What armor are you sing in this video???
You could have included the other mods in this video – its only 10 . 5 mins long – hardly long.
I do like mods that overhaul the orcs, their keeps, armor, weapons, etc., and it seems like these mods just keep getting better with each new one. The mod for Cracked Tusk Keep looks awesome!
Great title for the video, by the way! I have always had some mods that i just love so much for what they do with the visuals and immersion, that i just have to keep adding them, even when it harms my fps!
I much prefer having as high an fps as I can (as we all do!) but i have had times when certain areas in the game drop my fps to the middle 30s. When this happens, i ask myself just how often this happens, and if it actually does hurt the playability of the game. A lot of times it really doesn’t.
I wouldn’t want my game to be this low continually, but if it is just a location that i don’t spend a lot of time in and just pass through, I can’t really get that concerned about it.
For example, there are places on the Riverwood bridge where if you stop on the bridge and look around, you can experience fps drops depending on which mods you use. But how many times do you actually do this? 99% of the time I just quickly pass over the bridge to get someplace else and never see an fps drop. There are quite a few other places in the game where this is also true, but almost always the fps drop is usually not noticed when you are moving. It is usually when the drop becomes noticeable for a length of time that i start getting worried.
I have recently gotten in to modding again and your videos are so helpfull!
Why people want everything to glow? Some potions (ones made with glow dust, glowing shrooms or something equivalent ok), but books, tattoos, doors, eyes etc etc… I just don’t get it…
Instantly downloaded Saviiks Solitude
saviik’s solitude is not compatible with lotd, AND what fails me is why do people think that you have to have to be able to go into every npc’s household I’ll never know. Despawning and respawning said npc at morning and evening seams that it would do far better than make 100 houses for 100 npcs that nobody will ever talk to.
Is your enb regular cabbage?
Kanjs delivered top notch mod as always 🩶🩵