REMASTERING College Of Winterhold With Skyrim Mods!
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#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimse #スカイリム #스카이림
00:00 Intro
00:31 Immersive Gameplay Mods
06:18 Major Overhaul Mods
12:07 Additional Recommendations
14:30 Final Notes + Load Order
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🔻Mods Showcased
Improved College Entry – Questline Tweaks by Parapets – SomethingObscure (ESP)
College of Winterhold Fee Tuition by Jayserpa (ESL)
College of Winterhold – Quest Expansion by Jayserpa (ESL)
College of Winterhold’s Welcome Gift by dabiggieboss – shazdeh2 (ESL)
Better Spell Learning by scientic (ESP)
Immersive College of Winterhold by Grantyboy050 (ESP)
Obscure’s College of Winterhold by SomethingObscure (ESP)
Ultimate College of Winterhold – Definitive Edition by WhereDeadAngelsLie (ESL)
Ultimate College of Winterhold – an ICOW and OCW Patch by themayor897 (ESL)
The Midden – Expanded by EasierRider (ESP)
OCW Arcanaeum Flying Books by Spongeman131 (ESL)
Immersive College NPCs by VorpalRunner and SomethingObscure (ESL)
College Of Winterhold Brazier Overhaul Yea by WhereDeadAngelsLie (ESL)
Ultimate College of Winterhold – Definitive Edition by WhereDeadAngelsLie (ESL)
🧾Panda’s Modlist: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/105778
Don’t forget to endorse the mod authors! 🙂
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コメント (59)
🛡Play Warhammer 30:000 Tacticus for FREE (IOS, Android)🛡 https://play.tacticusgame.com/CaptPandaNov
P.S Thanks for tuning in!! 🙂 Please watch till the end, and leave a like~ It’ll help me a lot!!! (and try Tacticus if you’re interested! :D)
My mans said “Warhammer Forty-thousand” 🥲
Great video and college overhaul. I’d personally recommend “Immersive spell learning – DESTified” over “Better Spell Learning”. BSL hasn’t been updated in a while and needs patches for every single mod that adds new spells (I know because I spent a while making them for a load order back in 2018). ISLD (which was inspired by BSL) works with any spell mod, and the MCM lets you tweak learning speed to suit your roleplay.
Man, I always really liked both ICOW and OCW, and it was always a struggle trying to choose between the two mods. Glad to see there’s a patch that combines both. Don’t know how I missed it.
You couldn’t of put a 1 second shot of the apps in your load list during this 16 minute video?
for the algorythm
Dropped this at the perfect time this is just what I was lookin for 🖤
been searching for a while but does anyone know if were supposed to download the patch for Book covers of skyrim in the OCW FMOD beacause there isent one in the ultimate version ?
Bro great video
I really want a mod that takes one of the overhauls, and makes that what you can build the college into. Showing up to a rundown college feels kind of right. The energy the base characters give matches a College far past its prime. Once you take hold as the Archmage then it would be great if there were options to pay for upgrades and even do quests to track down materials to return the College to glory.
Holy shit people went ham on this area ! Jeez now I got some work to do when I get home 😂
Great video as aways! can’t wait to see the new Elderglean
Another amazing video! Keep up the excellent work!
bro your modpack’s textures are amazing LOOKS SOOO CLEAN
For those who either find the overhauls as adding too much or if you have a low end PC, I suggest trying RubberSpaghetti’s overhaul mods, specifically the one for this college. It is very lightweight so your PC won’t suffer just because you want to enhance your game’s looks a tiny bit. Obviously though, it’s nowhere near the grandeur of the mods mentioned here.
I dont get why a mages room would have 3 bales of hay in it lol what a dumb mod
Honestly the ideal College Collection, in my opinion. Great video.
Also, and I’m not sure but correct me if I’m wrong, I wish there were a questline after the College’s Main Questline that explores your character becoming worthy of the title Archmage. Because thinking about it, they just throw the title on you without any pre-requisites. It would be nice if they’re were a questline mod that makes you feel like you’ve actually earned it.
Maybe you already answered, but
– the menu mod is great, what is it? The cross menu which appear on the right and the vertical menu which appear on the left
– characters overhaul ? So beautiful everyone
Immersive gameplay. From a guy who has huge health bars floating above the npc’s/enemies head 😂
Looks amazing. Thanks for the video.
We will end up like Hermione Granger study everything although we always do that.
0:26 oo whats that hand animation mod? Its like how eso first person hands push a door open
Ah yes, with cool mods comes patches patches patches. Also remember guys, gameplay immersion doesn’t always mean fun to play!
I love these mods and this series!! The only thing I don’t like is how the last mod gets rid of the cool trees in the courtyard.
Just when I thought I had settled my list, time replicate this entire setup. ❤
Although, I really hope there’s an option to replace the AI artwork or remove it. Not trying to start a war, I’d just personally rather not have it.
“Now that’s a real man” lol
I love the immersive NPCs mod because when a dragon shows up at the college, it gets blasted from multiple directions all at once. Always hilarious.
Hello Panda, I’ve been wondering if we can get a eldergleam update ?
College of Winterhold Fees is not very immersive for Canadians (only 400 septims) or Europeans (no fees) lol 😉
spell tŌmes
not toomz
great video mate
nice video. surprised you didn’t put the mod to fix the bridge to the college.
I used Fire Breath to prove I’m a dragonborn and the whole college came after me
I know it isn’t technically a College mod, but the Great City of Winterhold, The Old Ways, and the Augur’s Hideaway are all some really cool mods that really make the area feel so much more interesting and adds some layers to the college.
Having Nordic Cultists, Anti-Magic Nords, and the College together make for a fun time lol
I recommend Spell Tutor instead of Better Spell Learning. It is a more flexible mod that lets you fine tune how magic is learned, it basically combines the options of Better spell learning, vanilla, challenging spell learning and others into a single completely configurable mcm menu.
You should try Immersive Spell Learning – DESTified. It is much better.
What retexture are you using for the college architecture?
What mod u use to replace ferilda
This is so well done that I am about to risk my load order because I want them all but I don’t want to start a new game. If I need a new game, this will happen some other time. 👍👍
Just saying that when using obscure college of winterhold for a full playthrough longer than lvl 10….. prepare for ctd
Big fan, thanks for the video
Thank you for showcasing my little mod, it’s very much appreciated!
Enb effect and enb light make them more beautiful ❤
Great video
Great video!!
Im noticing the harry potter inspiration.
This video is quite frankly, Magical. 🎆
Magnificent video!!!! 👍🏾💯
I hope to see those new mods in eldergleam 3.0, that came out since 2.2 release!
I played with some of these mods last year on a mage playthrough, and they were fantastic! 🎓📚✨
The Magical College of Winterhold is another lovely overhaul.
If I had a PC I’d definitely get Eldergleam 😊 (but I would need help installing it teehee 😅)
What is the mod that makes Winterhold into Hammerfell? 06:08
One of my favorite up and coming mod authors! I used to be really big on modding Skyrim, just as I was leaving the scene I started to see some of your videos pop up. Great Video, I look forward to seeing more
This was a really fun video. Thanks for showing me all of this!
Bethesda ruined Nord lore yet again…. The Ancient Clever Men get replaced with, generic mage guild… thank G0D for MODS
2:39 I paused the video, not understanding what you were talking about, and then remembered not everyone in the world is as lucky as us french people, having no fee to pay to get to uni…
What outfit are you wearing in this? It looks great
Great timing, just started the college storyline on my Novlus playthrough!
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