How To Mod Skyrim In 2025 (The Easy Way)
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#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimse #スカイリム #스카이림
00:00 Introduction
01:27 Benefits of Wabbajack
02:04 Clean Install of Skyrim
03:49 Wabbajack & Modlist Setup
06:33 MO2 Basic Guide
09:48 How to Install Mods
15:12 Final Notes
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🔻Important Links
Wabbajack: https://www.wabbajack.org
Nexus Mods Page: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition
Music by https://www.youtube.com/@FantasyLofi → https://ffm.bio/bitsandhits
🧾Panda’s Modlist: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/105778
Don’t forget to endorse the mod authors! 🙂
✔️My Playlist :
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🔻 Additional Tags:
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コメント (31)
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Man.. Where is the tutorial to use wabbajack, it’s placement of modorganizer is different, Infact it has stock game folder inside it from where the game is supposed to load?! I get black screen when loading skse
Will this work with Vortex instead of MO?
whats the point in uninstalling
Great video man
Fur Cape Mod please.
doesnt work, the wabajack will fail instalation in the althro’s dev tools, fucking all the next steps.
Heyos mister mod-man, maybe you (or anyone else in the comments) can help me?
I recently got Skyrim SE on PC, spent all night getting a handful of mods installed and working. I got Simply Balanced so I can tweak exp and damage rates, and it works.. on MY character. My wife started a character today, and absolutely nothing as far as the mod list has changed, but Simply Balanced on her character shows all grayed out 0s and nothing can be adjusted. Any idea what gives?
Very grateful for this video. Wabbajack has always been a bit scary for me, but this makes it seem pretty simple. Might try out MO2 for my next playthrough (using Vortex now). Thanks for being so clear about how to go about it!
I have been quicksaving and overwriting saves on my main character for almost 2 years now… im scared 😳
I promise I haven’t forgotten to watch your vids Capt. Panda 🙂
Just a reminder to all. If you want to mod Skyrim you will easily fill a 2TB drive, so while the offers are on, treat yourself to the best 4TB SSD you can afford, and if you have the cash then get two.
Should’ve added (wabajack & mo2) in title. and should’ve explained why clean installs are important & backup a clean install in an other folder to skip download times and the thingy to block update (even if no one can escape Todd)
Always fun those ones, personally I like the ones that go in the thick of it more, but peeps afraid what dey don’t know, is intimidating when you got no idea what xyz is.
Imo modpacks are overrated, I always just pick ideas from them and make my own load order.
Cool, this will Def come handy when i finish my ultimate mood lost
Damn i wanted to use ADT too and im having a bunch of issues with the DL not recognising Creation Kit.. BIG SADGE.
I’m glad my aversion to Auto and Quick saves is a fact supported by Panda 🙌
Thanks Panda, this is very helpful and will be great to refer to in the future when I eventually get a PC.
I’ve been modding for years across the 3 platforms and >5,000 hours in Skyrim, but only a tiny bit on Nexus 10-12 years ago on my old potato laptop and I’m not technically-minded!
Modding on Xbox now, and I know it well, but it’s a pain in the arse with the limited space and having to do each MOD individually. Takes forever lol.
With such a limited space, building a LO (as I’m doing now) can be a heartbreaking experience, as we can’t have all the mods we want for a playthrough. It’s extremely difficult to get a nice balance between graphics and followers/quests and all the tiny immersion mods I love. I end up either having a prettier game with nothing new, or an old looking game full of immersive, mods and story additions (which is, funnily enough, my favourite LO 😅) As long as my LO is Lore-friendly, that’s the most important thing for me.
Anyway, definitely keeping a tab on your video for the future when I have a i12 6070 or whatever it’ll be by then lolol 😂
PS – would love to play with the Creation Kit and create my own tiny cute player home. Will play Eldergleam One Day, too! ❤
Thanks for this very helpful video. You’re a born educator.
do you have to install full CC as you didn’t mention that
Watching this even though I’ve got around 70 hours in Skyrim eldergleam😭
Hey, can you do a tutorial for Skyrim vr?
Bjr , merci pour ces infos , j’hésite à jouer a ce jeu que je ne connais pas et qui pourtant est dans un univers qui me passionne !
A video from the future? also don’t forget Collections from Nexus, not everyone uses or likes MO2.
Would love something like that when I was starting with modding!
I don’t understand the negativity towards LOOT. I’ve been modding Skyrim since the Oldrim days, I’ve seen a ton of issues, but none were caused by LOOT. Its master list gets updated regularly and is probably better than what any individual could come up with manually.
One more tip I remember is to never install Skyrim in /Program Files (x86)
Epic tutorial bro
YES! Just in time FLYN !
Thanks for making this guide! I can get my buddies to learn how to play skyrim together!
Dude, you’re on fire lately! Thanks for the fun vids!
Im always first