Skyrim’s Marriage Bug
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Bethesda: “Some may call this bugs. Me I call them Features.”
Look, some people just don’t like to be tied down.
Getting the milk
yup guess what happened with my argonian character? guess. GUESS.
he kept returning to the mine like he was a little victorian child
And this is why you marry scouts
Ok who tf felt the need to marry this guy? Legit I want to know who felt SO COMPELLED by the story of this lizard boi that they wanted to spend the rest of their life with him.
This has the makings of a really cool story.
If you’re in riften he has enough time to go to work, swing the pickaxe once, and then return home to sleep for one hour before doing it again
He just signed the papers for tax purposes, we were both always terrible with committing to a path.
I was taking classes in Winterhold at the College and he was just promoted to head of HR… To be honest the marriage would have worked in a different time, but if you chain together two ships passing in the night than neither get to where they need to be.
Argonian literally went:
“It’S nOt YoU, iT’s Me”
He went to go pre-buy some milk.
And since he’s the only marriable argonion and there are no marriable Kajeet, you have to marry him if you want an odd couple playthrough
reptiles are solitary creatures. he’ll be back for mating season
-Your adopted kid
Mommy wheres daddy Derkeethus?
Is he ever coming home?
He does what Ymfah did for like 4 runs
Derky! 😢 so that’s why he left me
Oh,how the turns have tabled
-Now forever together
-Alright, byeeeee
It’s not you, it’s him.
You can marry ppl… I should go play the game again
He left for the milk
Yeah, so do we.
Bethesda magic; also known as a bug
Can’t blame, you’re off adventuring constantly yourself.
Bro pulled a Uno reverse card and does exactly what the DragonBorn does.
And he’s essential as well, so you don’t have to worry about him dying either.
I remember on a playthrough I kept trying to marry Aela the Huntress, but there was a bug that everyone would spawn dead at the wedding including Aela, I ended up having to marry Njada Stonearm for the bug not to happen.
I’m pretty sure the unofficial patch fixes this
Bug? This is attention to detail.
I had to install the Unofficial Skyrim Patch mod in order to fix this lol
The truth is glitch or not that’s a fair strat. The richest person is the dragon born. He inherits when you pass. You got played
Is that happenig too when he joons the blades?
Derkeethus went to the shop for ingots and never came back
Shame cuz he’s the best
Spoiler alert: Derkeethus is the next player character in Elder Scrolls 6
I married derkeethus in my current playthrough and I keep him as my follower so he doesn’t run off. Trying to find him is fucking hard because he returns home for 2 seconds (literally) then runs off again
He wanted to be an adventurer like you.
Then he took a ring on his finger.
*But that won’t stop him*
He’s just off getting some cigarettes.
Now we know how every other spouse we could get feels
He went out to buy some milk.
you call it a bug, I call that a Feature…
Make sure to give him a set of armor
I mean the player also just fucks off to wander skrim after getting married so it makes perfect sense for him to do it too
if you marry an Argonian in Skyrim if you got problems you need to see professional help there is nothing worthwhile about the Argonian people in Skyrim
Nice video but small correction I have to make, you call it a “Bug” what a great and intoxicating innocence, those do not exist in Elder Scrolls Games. The word you, good sir, are looking for is “Feature”.
I have the Bug that he is Stuck in the cell. He follows me to the first cave after the cells and turn Arrondissement and back to his cell
If you think about it its kinda what the player does to non bugged npcs
Remember in skyrim there are no bugs only features
Man, so this is what it’s like to marry the Dragonborn
He forest gumped you
In my last play through I made sure he doesn’t have to walk around anymore. But don’t worry he made a beautiful contribution. His body made a great meal and his soul made a great chestplate.
He is the only marriage candidate that still goes to work in the mine after being married. so his AI is set to go to the mine in the morning than to the house he shares with the player at night. so mostly he just travels between those 2 points and never reaches either… he does the same if you ask him to join the blades but replace house with blades temple.
I think I only married once in all of my play throughs, and it was to Aela, and I realized my mistake almost immediately. She never again gets to adventure with me. Hated that.
No no, it’s called a feature
He’s just like me fr fr
He changed his mind
OK, I have 3 questions. One, what is the quest where you rescue the Argonian called? 2, can you marry someone of the same gender as you? And 3, How do you marry someone?
Just goes on a walk about.
So basically he runs out In search of great treasures while the dragonborn sits at home cooking. 😂😂😂
Cuz I’m a ramblin man!
Always loved him, he’s cute and has some sense of humor.
+ he says really Argonian stuff like, to oblivion and back , and talks about the hist .
Always badass hearing him say that
Id just go for Sahavee. I just saved her life tonight after marrying her ages ago. She is the target for Blood on the Ice. And the only female argonian you can marry.
That’s why he’s barely ever home, I thought he just had to instantly go to work or something
Went to go get milk and never came back 😂
Not a bug, just a a AI becoming self aware and saying fuck the system.
Stuff like this is why the Companions are categorically the best marriage options. Because “talk to the companions leaders for work” is a permanent misc quest as long as you’re not on a job for them already, it’s pretty easy to find where your spouse ran off to
He’s not never home! He’s just an adventurer like yourself! You never catch him at home because he never manages to be there when you are😂😂
Like Janassa(The Dark Elf in the Drunken Skeever) Every time I married her she would never go home. Turns put it’s part of her code to take everything she can and run.
I had him as a companion and I geared him out….he ran off with all my shit and I couldn’t find him
“It’s wearing a dangerous spell”
So he got cold feet
Hes was getting the milk.
There also the bug where the quest for the only female argonian you can marry where her quest won’t show up.
He probably just doesn’t want to… Bug you in your house
Off to get a carton of cigarettes.
Don’t worry. He’s just on his way to get milk
Poor guy
I actually married him. I noticed that the reason why he never comes home is because he actually *keeps working* as a miner in Darkwater Crossing. When he gets off his shift in the evening, he will leave Darkwater Crossing and try to go home to your character’s house.
However, Derkeethus will never be able to walk from Darkwater Crossing to your house before his next work shift starts in the morning, when he will return to keep mining. So he is stuck in an eternal loop of never being able to come home after work…