The BEST And Most POPULAR Skyrim Mods Going Into 2025
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Here are some of the best and most popular Skyrim Mod releases in 2025.
Some of these have been released earlier, as sometimes I encounter hidden gems that I like including in these videos. Others have received updates, and were worthy of another spotlight.
All mods included work on both Skyrim Special Edition and Anniversary Edition.
Thank you for watching!
🟠 My Nexus Mods Profile: https://www.nexusmods.com/users/87503268
🎮 Join My Discord Lounge: https://discord.gg/tSqAghxMA2
💎 Follow Me On Twitter: https://twitter.com/SynMods
🔵 Second Channel (Gameplay Clips): https://www.youtube.com/c/SynGaming2
⚫️ If you want to go the extra mile and support the channel’s further growth, you can do so here:
0:00 The Best Combat Mods Going Into 2025
03:33 The Best Creature Animations Going Into 2025
05:08 The Best First Person Mod Going Into 2025
06:27 The Best Thieves Guild Themed Mods Going Into 2025
08:55 The Best Visual Effect Mods Going Into 2025
10:12 The Best Magic Spell Mod Going Into 2025
11:22 The Best Flora Overhauls Going Into 2025
12:42 The Best Architecture Mods Going Into 2025
14:15 The Best Follower Mod Going Into 2025
Mod Links:
Leviathan Animations II – Greatsword MCO Moveset |
Vanargand Animations – Mace Moveset MCO |
Leviathan Animations II – Greatsword Sneak Locomotion And Attacks |
Next-Gen Decapitations |
Combat Animation Overhaul – Dwarven Sphere |
New Creature Animation – Dwarven Centurion |
DNFA Wolves Combat Behavior |
Comprehensive First Person Animation Overhaul |
Thieves Guild Requirements |
JK’s The Ragged Flagon |
GG’s Thieves Guild Headquarters |
JK’s Thieves Guild HQ |
GG’s Thieves Guild HQ Patch Collection |
Healing VFX Edit |
Summoning Portals VFX Edit |
Embers XD Torch Edit |
Elemental Mastery Magic |
Freak’s Floral Solstheim |
Imperial Castles of Skyrim |
Forts of the Old Empire |
Forts of the Old Empire – Complex Parallax Material Addon |
Skyfall’s Diverse Windmill (currently early access available on my Discord server) |
Ashe – Crystal Heart
Thumbnail Art:
Images shot and edited by me 🙂
Characters by my good friend Viper.
Her presets can be found here |
PC Specs:
Intel i9-9900K CPU
Corsair Pro Vengeance RAM 32GBs
ROG Maximus XI Hero Mb
Asus ROG RTX 3090 OC GPU
And Corsair PSU (1000W) + Corsair Fans
Noctua’s Cooler, NH-D15
If you want to support the channel, turning off ad block would be a free option of doing so.
#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimremastered #スカイリム
Taqs:Skyrim,Skyrim Special Edition,Mods,Top 5 Mods,Top Mods 2020,Nexus Mods,Mod Showcase,Mod Overview,Elder Scrolls,ES5,Best Mods,Skyrim Mods,Mod Organizer 2,Dawnguard,Hearthfire,SKSE,ENB,Vortex,4K Textures,Next Gen Graphics,RPG,Elder Scrolls Redfall,Skyrim Special Edition Mods,Next Gem Skyrim,SkyrimMods,Skyrim Remastered,Skyrim Gameplay Mods,Best Skyrim Mods 2024,Best Skyrim Mods 2025,Heavy Burns,Mern,Sgt. Gimlinho,Redshift,NexusMods,BasedMods,LoversLab
コメント (92)
Play War Thunder now with my links, and get a massive, free bonus pack including vehicles, boosters and more on PC and consoles: https://playwt.link/syngaming25 | Mobile: https://mwt.game/syngaming
Hey guys! Apologies for being late with this video, but real life has gotten in the way quite a few times during January.
If you have any questions, ask me down below, I read almost all of your comments!
Much love,
What armor is she wearing? @07:55
Those elemental spells remind me of guardian abilities from destiny 2. Like arc souls prismatic hunter grenade and titan stasis slide attack
Man I wish you had a mod pack! I just don’t want to bother with re-modding Skyrim again Lol. Your load order looks fantastic.
Where is your character‘s hairstyle from?
Great video as always brother!
Hey Syn! Thanks for the video 😊
Btw what armor are you using in the male character at the end?
Hm, seems nice. Would like to play the “new versions” of skyrim from youtube but man, i really dont plan spending another week downloading and fixing hundreds of mods 🙂
Great video! Thank you.
Can you guys share the hair and armor from 4:58 with us?
I would love to see a mod collection you made Syn you have amazing taste of what we see in this video
Your videos are awesome as always! Keep creating more videos like this @Syn
Love the way your characters [and game in general] looks!
Also love JKs mods, been using those for years and can’t live without them.
Also, noticed STB widgets, started using that too now and wondered why I haven’t earlier.
What hair is this? 12:17
anyone know the armor he used at 11:37
0:04 which outfit is that?
Can I ask about your modlists and such? I’m also specifically enthralled by 13:55, the character looks so pretty and I wish to have the same appearances alongside my Ciri designed character.
Also, that combat camera lock-on and that face close up during dialogue is new to me, can I ask what those mods are?
Subbing just for that!
I’m so sick and tired of these shitty 3rd Person Combat Mods. NOBODY plays in fucking 3rd person!
What kind of assembly is this in the review? I would like to try this one out for myself.
Nice animations ! 😮 also what are the armor shown in the thumbnail ? Fits well with the fighter play through
I have no idea why people play Skyrim in third person. That view in this game is awful!
Bro I just got a mod list together built from the ground up fresh install the whole works. 172 mods now put together and tested over 2 weeks and is running smooth. Then Syn Gaming drops another awesome mod video only making me wanting to add more…WE CANNOT ESCAPE NEXUS’S GRASP!
Not sure if you have it linked anywhere but I would love your full mod list. Have a skyrim itch and love the look and play of your game.
Is the preset that appears in the first few seconds of the video available for download?
Have you ever thought about a mod pack? Your game looks amazing, and the combat looks really intuitive and fun to play with, or if you use one can you tell us wich one?😅
Your videos are great, good work man
Skyrim modded is at the same level at TESVI, change my mind
you have NO idea how long ive searched for a fix for the decapitation bug where helmet stays on the body even after decapitation,like head flies out but helmet stays if that doesnt break the immersion idk what does
skse is on nexus btw guys ao no going through the trouble of installing throught the skse website!
Hey, I can’t get TK Dodge working for some reason. I know it wasn’t mentioned in this video, but It’s a new video so I thought you could help me. Also, Great video!
Can someone link me to the HUD used? that HUD looks clean and nice.
me in vanilla wolf already annoying….here some mod to make it more annoying make it more smart to attack player…lol
Another banger, thank you and glad you’re back!! What armor is your male character wearing?? Thanks!!!!
Great showcase! I probably have already all of those but I enjoy watching your content a lot.
what is your UI Hud used in the vid?
You’ve probably heard of them by now but if not, check out Natural Forts of Skyrim as well as the Reimperialized series by TheLootist
You should make a wabbajack
Ah yes. The iconic “sneak attack with a greatsword”. XD
lol a lot of the animations are heavily inspired in Elden Ring weapons and enemies, pretty cool.
Amazing video dude
Still waiting for a mco/bfco moveset for werewolves and vampire lords
B****, you forgot my mod! lmao.. jk
can anyone tell me hair mod he is using in game?
14:32 what is name of the mode/s for Serena?
10:07 , 9:07 And how do I get that body and cloth fizzics mods. I looked some of them up but not sure which one shall I use. I like this kind of model. Maybe mod/s for clothes couse I know none, this would be good to know
thanks if or any help I get
edit: time stamps
KITTY TAIL is always cooking! great showcase!
Woop hoo!🎉
I’ve been trying to figure this out forever. What’s is that Monster Tree Giant mod?
Gorgeous storyboarding on the showcases here.
What I wouldn’t kill to get ur HUD and Widget Settings please make a simple video about how to get your type of HUD
Nobody does mod showcases like Syn,like mini cinematic movies.
Can’t download all of those mods bc its all OUTDATED! I BEEN CLICKBAIT!
Bethesda will never be able to make a game comparable to Baldur’s Gate 3 or Elden Ring, let alone compete with these modders- I fear for the awful fate of Elder Scrolls if they continue to make garbage like Starfield.
One f my favorite mods is “Footprints” which as the title implies simply adds the visual effect of leaving footprints which helps to track game you’re hunting of foes that run away like vampires who have a tendency to become invisible. Convenient Horses is another which allows you to put things in your saddle bags, level up your steed, adjust the heat’s behavior routines, and even name it. Convenient Horses also allows you to whistle for your mount or even call it from the aethers with a horn that you get when your purchase one.
Amazing mod list and video ❤
I think when I’m making my mod list, I’m not going to go the route of changing THIS drastically how combat works. Skyrim is a timeless game, I’m just trying to give it a facelift 😭
JK here, thanks a lot for the Jk’s Ragged Flagon and Thieves Guild HQ spotlight!
Comment for the algo 😊
8:57 anyone know the armor mod?
I’m still new to the channel and might be featured already in another video.
I’ve always been curious about Skyrim mods. I played the game years and years ago and not for long. After watching a few mods videos, I finally decided to try it. I don’t know much about computers and nothing about mods. So I was in shock when I began to actually do it because what NONE of these videos explain or even mention, is that for every mod that is shown you need to have 10 other mods first, and to get those other 10 mods to work you need to have 10 other mods for every one of those other ten mods, and so on, and so on. To use a mod I saw in a video that made me want to play with it I ended up with like 20 other mods I needed just to use that one mod I wanted. I think mod videos should have a warning, or at least a mention of what it takes just to use one of these mods let alone all of them. I don’t know how practical that would be though, so I guess it’s just one of those things you have to find out for yourself haha
Thanks for showing CFPAO (for the fourth time if I’m not mistaken)! 1.5 has been a long time in the making and I’m honored the update was good enough for it to find its way into yet another video! Even years later (has it been that long already?), it’s still always amazing to see the impact my work has had on the Skyrim community, and I am truly thankful for having had the opportunity. Here’s to another year!
These mods show just how far the Creation Engine can be pushed with the right add on tools. If only Bethesda would learn this.
Another great video, thank you for all the showcases! ❤
I love ashe so much! Really enjoying her story!
Anyone know what red armor he’s using towards the begging of the vid?
Those wolves are literally elden ring wolves, using their back to headbutt you lol
Could you do a tutorial for the UI mods you are using in this video? I quite like the placements of HUD elements in this video
my guy, what’s that incredible mod of combos in the air you are using in the first few seconds of the video?
btw if you care about immersion/balance/a coherent game at all, do not get that ashe follower mod. It is unfriendly to immersion to say the least… lol
Great vid. If you don’t mind, what serana replacer are you using? I know the hair is from YunDao but can’t find a similar replacer.
i loved that the netches got some neon installed also 😂. now they float in style
Sigh, time to install more mods I guess 😂
Ahaha when i see that you made a other great video, am getting anxious because i know i will have to make change to my skyrim again….😂
What mod shows your level in the corner? I don’t see anything like that on morehud or edge ui
As someone who hasn’t kept up with modding developments in a few years this is greatly appreciated!
Aaaaaye my brotha. Good to see you posting again. 🤙🏽🍻
Hey Syn, that third person combat is calling my name – looks like you’re using underdog death animations and precision together. Any tips on how to get those two to work together? I can’t get those animations when I enable precision
Hey Syn! If its not too much to ask could i ask what mod(s) you have installed that allow you to shoot the arrow while dodging backwards like in 5:04 ? Love the videos man! Keep up the great content!
Is mod organizer still the standard for mod support, or has vortex caught up?
I have tested a lot of movesets and for me there are none better than those by smooth
Wich mod gives this nice camera shake when hit an enemy?
honestly my modded combat in skyrim feels better than most souls games at this point lol. dismemberment and smooth’s For honor anims paired with elden power and Valhalla feels really fun to play
Gotta love the repeated showcase of Next-gen decapitations fixing the original decapitations problem 🤣🤣🤣
do you have mods for character preset? you characters are always very pretty!
Nice. Now let’s see a LoversLab mod list :3
Skyrim have been getting free dlc for years now
Exactly when we needed you, you return
ever year I think it’s over soon and yet there is mod after mod, improving Skyrim to a level beyond most games released today
this is true for content expansions, gameplay overhauls and animations
Can you share the enb you are using and also this amazing realistic ground / snow / sand
Oh no, and I just started a heavy personal custom mod setup for Skyim again (SME base) – and now this? I’m doomed.
Earliest I’ve been to one of ur vids Syn 😀
17 seconds ago
I am early!