19 Essential Skyrim Mod I Can’t Play Without In 2025
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13 years since Skyrim’s released. Here are my essential Skyrim mods in 2025!
#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimse #スカイリム #스카이림
I apologize~ too many mods + their links reached the YouTube Limit.
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🧾Panda’s Modlist: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/105778
✅ Wabbajack Official Website: https://www.wabbajack.org
✅ Buy Skyrim AE: https://bit.ly/BuySkyrimAE
✅ Skyrim AE Upgrade: https://bit.ly/UpgradeSEtoAE
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Panda’s PC Setup:
CPU: https://amzn.to/4h9URAv
GPU: https://amzn.to/4j61UMt
Storage: https://amzn.to/3Wj8dm2
Motherboard: https://amzn.to/3Wi1j09
Microphone: https://amzn.to/4h8pJRO
Monitor: https://amzn.to/40aO3LX
Mouse: https://amzn.to/4hdbY4s
Headphones: https://amzn.to/40FBKJj
all links are affiliated links. I earn a small commission for every sale without any additional cost to you~
00:00 Intro
00:25 Essential Must-Have Mods
04:45 Essential Animation Mods
06:54 Essential Combat Mods
08:31 Essential Gameplay Mods
11:40 Essential UI Mods
13:39 Outro
✔️My Playlist :
▶️ Panda’s Skyrim SE/AE – https://bit.ly/PandaSSE
▶️ Panda’s Skyrim Cinematics – https://bit.ly/PandaCinematics
▶️ Panda’s Modshowcase – https://bit.ly/PandaSEMods
🔻 Additional Tags:
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コメント (61)
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💰Ko-Fi Donations (One-time): https://ko-fi.com/captpanda
👕 Store: https://casualpanda.net
🧾Panda’s Modlist: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/105778
✅ Wabbajack Official Website: https://www.wabbajack.org
✅ Buy Skyrim AE: https://bit.ly/BuySkyrimAE
✅ Skyrim AE Upgrade: https://bit.ly/UpgradeSEtoAE
✅ Discord Link (MUST JOIN): https://discord.gg/34zqfZUqpQ
Panda’s PC Setup:
CPU: https://amzn.to/4h9URAv
GPU: https://amzn.to/4j61UMt
Storage: https://amzn.to/3Wj8dm2
Motherboard: https://amzn.to/3Wi1j09
Microphone: https://amzn.to/4h8pJRO
Monitor: https://amzn.to/40aO3LX
Mouse: https://amzn.to/4hdbY4s
Headphones: https://amzn.to/40FBKJj
I’m waiting for my new pc so i can finally mod skyrim and turn my pc into a bbq grill
Are these mods going to be in your modlist (Eldergleam)?
10th playthrough? Bro i had 10 before the game was a year old🤣
That camera shake during dialogue looks awful lol
10th run?
I miss those sexy mods from that one Girl (most wherent THAT lewd…)
Mods links ?
I only have the Gog version of Skyrim can you use that
I have 4k hours just in the special edition 😅. 3k in the old edition before I switched. Skyrim is no longer a game. Skyrim is life. Beyond Skyrim for me is the potential to stretch my legs once again. Mod videos like this one give me more reason to play more. My god Skyrim is so stable now.
Ive done like 1 full playthrough the campaign and ive restarted like 20 times cuz i used to danload mods a lot it was to either change the sound of the arrows shooting off a bow or graphical mods i play on xbox but ye
The maul convo I don’t even bother with when I go to riften and he stops me I stop him by hittin the b button to leave the convo
Hi, can you make a tutorial video about the grass cache pls?
well which enb do you use may i ask
Damn your Maul looks like an anime girl and your default-Nord like He-Man.
Is eldergleam used in the video your game looks amazing
how do you not crash ever thirty minutes, I don’t know how to stop it.
what mod did u use to make the cinematic bar appear during dialogue?
What runed sword is that at 5:08?
After I see this video
My modlist : just add one more bro, I promise only one
yes you can skip, press tab lol
wait a second, mind telling us what’s that first person weapon animation you’re using? it looks incredible bro
Cool video, man! As always. Any chance you could do a video about starter graphical mods? I tried to make the game look as much as yours, but I always struggle with ENB, LODs and grass. Either setting it up or optimizing it for my rig. A video that would shows the necessary basic mods and how to tweak them would be a god send!
What is the armor mod that you use for the sort of black robe set at 13:42? Looks dope!
I cannot put that many mods will cause my game to crash a lot.
the moving play-doh hair is extremely distracting… it’s like there’s an octopus on their heads.
*sigh* back to tamriel then
Very useful vid. May I ask which male NPC retexture do you use with Vanilla Hair Remake?
Are all these mods in Eldergleam?
How does the guys have physics on npc hair at 0:30
What’s the enb?
How am I looking for a video just like this, and you happened to just post this 5 hours ago lmao I haven’t watched the vid yet, so sorry if you already answered this lmao is this for PS5 or 4? Would it work on PS4? (Idk when I could possibly justify the purchase of a PS5 since my 4 is working fine and I don’t NEED a new one. I just want to play Skyrim with some cool ass mods that will make it more immersive and beautiful and shit, and QoL mods too)
Edit: I’m realizing this video isn’t for console, so I’m not sure how many of these are even available on PS4. I looked up “skyrim mod list for PS4 2025” but I’m finding a lot of things for pc 😭
Immersive Equipment Displays has been in my modlist for so long, that something feels inexplicably weird, if people aren’t carrying shields on their backs.
Love all these mods but one I really want to know the name of is what graphics mod did you use for the whole video to make the game look way better thanks 🙏
I don’t like people that skip dialog. It doesn’t matter if they already played the game.
I just got back into Skyrim for the first time since 2017 and wow has the modding scene changed, and for the best! Been binging a lot of videos and yours are so well done, I def have my eye on yours! (I even subbed!)
Random question, what mod are you using to make the children look like that at timestamp 5:51 ? Thanks for your hard work and dedication, it’s so appreciated for us old timers getting back into the modding scene.
What armor mod is that in the picture you posted about your new video
Maybe i can get my skyrim to run, so i can test a view of this mods.
“Open Animation Replacer” crash the game at the main menu.
How do I make my game look like this my game just looks like normal Skyrim
Are there any cool animation mods when using spells?
I don’t even play Skyrim anymore but your videos are so entertaining
Hi. You wouldn’t by chance have a mod that would allow me to play Eldergleam at 4K instead of 2196×1234 resolution would you. Id appreciates it thanks.
Hey Panda! are all of these included in Eldergleam ?
What is the armor set in the thumbnail? It looks awesome! What mod is that from? I just installed Eldergleam yesterday by the way! Thanks!
Is Eldergleam raw gameplay stream/video still planned to happen?
Thanks, as always Panda 🙂
Not playing Skyrim atm, as too busy in 1403 Bohemia! However, I LOVE the Alternate Perspective mod, which is a mainstay in my LO now. I also love Immersive Interactions and all any mod that gives me more immersion XD
great video.
Aaaaaye more mods to add to my own personal one haha
What do you use for more realistic outdoor light patterns .like shadows and what not?
which body mods you are using that make npcs more beautiful ?
Alternate Perspective is superior to Alternate Start.
Ok am I the only one that noticed improvements on the editing ?
Excellent video and ideas for mods. I´m on the “mod it until you break it” path right now, so yeah, useful.
Do I assume correctly that these 19 and previous 18 are included in your Eldergleam v3 modlist? Can you put some light onto it please?
May I know what armor mod are you using for guards and those stormcloak rebels?
Hey there, great vid! And I always admire your games overall look. I see you use Wabbajack. I’ve only been messing with Skyrim and mods for a year, and got comfortable with Vortex first. Would Wabbajack just replace Vortex? Like would I use Wabbajack to start the game like I do Vortex? and if you maybe don’t have one of my fave armors or players homes, does Wabbajack let me add more mods? So I guess I’m asking do I still need to use Vortex if I use Wabbajack?
about lightened skyrim. i think it causes crashes in falkreath when you open the map not sure if this has been fixed
Thanks for being active! love ur videos <3