Skyrim REMASTER 2025 | Next Gen Immersive Experience Using Skyrim Mods


Get some art for your wall at and use code SYNGAMING for up to 30% off your order!

We’re back with Immersive Mods showcase, in which I try to spotlight creations that simulate realism to certain degree and mods that help with getting lost in the fantasy setting.
All listed mods work for Skyrim Special Edition & Skyrim Anniversary Edition.
Some of the mods showcased in this video are veteran releases, but still stand tall as one of the best immersion additions that you can add to your load order .

Thank you for watching!

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⚫️ If you want to go the extra mile and support the channel’s further growth, you can do so here:


00:00 Immersive Animation Mods 2025
01:17 Immersive Gameplay Mods 2025
06:18 Immersive First Person Mods 2025
07:50 Immersive Settlement And Village Mods 2025
09:46 Immersive Interior Overhauls 2025
11:23 Immersive Visual Changes 2025 (Flora)
12:40 Immersive Graphical Improvement 2025 (ENB Preset)

Mod Links:

Conditional Armor Type Animations |
Leviathan Animations II – Female Idle Walk And Run |
Malignis Animations |
Runway Walk Animation |
Leviathan Animations II – Male Idle Walk And Run |
Vanargand Animations II – Male Idle Walk And Run |
Goetia Animations – Male Idle Walk And Run |
Gods And Worship |
Stormcrown – A Shout Overhaul |
Enhanced 1st Person Camera Bob |
First Person Dodge Animations For TK Dodge |
JellyFish FP Dagger (1st Person Animation Series) |
Stonehills ReRe-imagined |
Darkwater Crossing – A Great Towns and Villages Addon |
Kolskeggr Mine – A Great Towns and Villages Addon |
Cities Of The North – Falkreath (Original Mod) |
Cities Of The North – Falkreath Reshaped |
Snazzy Interiors – Frostfruit Inn |
Snazzy Interiors – The Retching Netch |
Snazzy Honningbrew Meadery |
Snazzy Black Briar Lodge |
Wildlands Renewal – Grass And Ground Cover Improvement Mod |
Fancy Sleeping Tree Replacer |
A Canticle Tree |
Rudy ENB for Cathedral Weathers |

Thumbnail Art:
Images shot and edited by me. c:
Characters by my good friend Viper.
Her presets can be found here |

PC Specs:
Intel i9-9900K CPU
Corsair Pro Vengeance RAM 32GBs
ROG Maximus XI Hero Mb
Asus ROG RTX 3090 OC GPU
And Corsair PSU (1000W) + Corsair Fans
Noctua’s Cooler, NH-D15

If you want to support the channel, turning off ad block would be a free option of doing so.

#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimremastered #スカイリム

Taqs:Skyrim,Skyrim Special Edition,Mods,Top 5 Mods,Top Mods 2020,Nexus Mods,Mod Showcase,Mod Overview,Elder Scrolls,ES5,Best Mods,Skyrim Mods,Mod Organizer 2,Dawnguard,Hearthfire,SKSE,ENB,Vortex,4K Textures,Next Gen Graphics,RPG,Elder Scrolls Redfall,Skyrim Special Edition Mods,Next Gem Skyrim,SkyrimMods,Skyrim Remastered,Skyrim Gameplay Mods,Best Skyrim Mods 2024,Best Skyrim Mods 2025,Heavy Burns,Mern,Sgt. Gimlinho,Redshift,NexusMods,BasedMods,LoversLab


  • コメント (77)

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    • @SynMods
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Get some art for your wall at and use code SYNGAMING for up to 30% off your order!

    Hi guys,
    We’re back with another Immersive Mods Episode; I hope you enjoy it.
    This is my second to last video in my backlog before I actually go back finishing the, at this point, cursed Dawnguard Overhaul project.
    Thank you so much for your support, words can’t describe my appreciation.

    Feel free to ask me any questions below, I read all your comments, and try to respond to as many as I can.


    • @Daniele-we2kp
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Your Skyrim is so beautiful!

    • @トゥルーマンチャンネル
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    If u increase imaxdesired in your ini settings your candles will stop trippin

    • @chrisanders713
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    What do you mean? Most ENBs are too realistic looking and not fantasy enough.

    • @danielg.5573
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Hey Syn, i’ve always loved your videos, i don’t think i’ve seen any one who does reviews quite as well as you do. Have you ever considered making collections for nexus, or are there any in particular you recommend? Every time i watch your videos i get the strong urge to start skyrim once again but it’s always a chore that takes a few days to get setup right.

    • @spritsfal5088
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    2:47 Holy fk I NEED to know how to create THIS. That entire character from body/face/clothes is gorgeous!

    • @Lazy___Demon
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Greetings Syn! I join the question about the modlist – in particular the NPC, actor and armor present in the videos. Everything is very beautiful and questions arise – where to get it or how to achieve it))

    • @primus-1-
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    whats the name of mod that makes your character speak?

    • @countdookie6987
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Ive always liked Modding. I started with DA2, then moved to Minecraft, into FNV and now Skyrim.

    I never watched any guides and only relied on reading guides and comments. Even on FNV, i managed to mod it despite it being also quite deep.

    But for Skyrim, i had no idea where to start, but i knew what i wanted. YOU helped me get started. Im not making mods myself, but i have learned all the essential things because of your installation guides. Im currently almost 500 mod loads in on a cruddy 2016 laptop and i only got to this all because of you man. Thank you!

    • @TheIronside100
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    I want to play Skyrim and start modding but idk how or where to start

    • @splashyyy1685
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Great video as always! Could i please have the name of the dress at 0:35?

    • @lunarcontact
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Another awesome video. Thanks so much ❤

    • @elenadostoyevska3465
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Was Rudy enb used in the entire video? Great video as always syn!

    • @adevilscupoftea
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Is it possible to have Malignis and Vanargand at the same time and choose which ones to enable/disable? I like the jog animation of Vanargand.

    • @KasKamizuki
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Would be nice if we can get access to some of these female presets you using in your videos.

    • @5000winchester
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    what npc apparence mod you using?

    • @mizarddo
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Your video edits have always been great. 2:42 what’s that attack animation? The kick was so cool.

    • @dragonrykr
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    No intro? Weird

    • @redhorse7203
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    make your modpack instead of this garbage videos

    • @zironthegamer
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Can you post us a mod loader for this video ?

    • @henjisatana7287
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    вот бы ты сборку выложил свою, цены бы тебе не было(((

    • @DD-Tauriel
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Thank you for making this video🙏
    I’m modding my Skyrim so it will be as immersive as possible.

    • @dahelll
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    what is the hair pack along with the smp patch at 0:52 ?

    • @StrayPaolo
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Yoo what’s this armor / outfit at 1:06? It looks so good !

    • @shirononamae7901
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    What is the name of that katana moveset used? It is so damn cool.

    • @Brandon-tz5jk
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Great Video ! , Is there a tutorial out there that shows the installation process of the TK Dodge Ability? I’ve been having some difficulty since I also download my mods through Vortex. Continue the great content!

    • @urbonx
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Oww man. Nice too see another video from you 🙂

    • @fianilhampratama2313
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    anyone know how to remove aliasing, i already used dlaa and set enableAA in enb overlay enabled but still got noticeable aliasing, jaggy edge things

    • @ElderScrollsAIMusic
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Top-notch production as always. Well done!

    • @tiosavitar995
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Your characters are crazy, can you do one video about them?

    • @Brokencheese2
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    What’s the desert location?

    • @atisruksasup
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm


    • @leabrand2792
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Good old rudy enb, I never stopped usiing it. Thanks for the showcases, syn. ❤

    • @anyoldthing
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    looks a bit too cartoonish for my liking but it’s cool what you can achieve with mods

    • @LumenSeeker
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Sick mods, man! I am new to modding games. Can you do a tutorial video on how to install and run them? Thank you, sir. just subbed!

    • @alballeda2919
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    What’s the clothing of 8:22? It’s beautiful!

    • @Didrikkhu
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    High quality video as always

    • @Th3Messenger99
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Just found your channel and I must say that this presentation is top tier, my friend. I can tell how much effort and work was put into this but it is a labor of love and it shows. Subscribed and keep up the amazing work. Well, there goes my plans…time to binge-watch all your content. Cheers.

    • @Fludella
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    I am waiting for the mod pack & you better believe i’ll be paying

    • @jameslock8997
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Congrats on the Displate sponsor, Syn!

    • @ladyuna59
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Hey,does anyone know which collection/modpack is used as a base for this video? Everything is so pretty,it’s amazing,it doesn’t even looks like skyrim

    • @jesseheisenberg3613
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    What armor is that at 1:28?

    • @aether6098
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    My 4gb vram gpu: “no more boss…..I’m tired”

    • @ShadyGranny
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Dude, I don’t know if you have a mod list you live and die by, but I legit need it. My mods are a mess, and I’m still going to keep watching your videos. Please help a brotha out.

    • @ConnorEllisMusic
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    nah fuck enb.

    • @JoseMendoza-lh9xu
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    With all theses mods elder scroll 6 next to me next level in so many ways lmao

    • @Slurpified
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    An immersion vid yess love me a good immersion mod list thank you for the work in providing us this. Btw that face mod you got on npcs is a little mehh.

    • @truthbiased3282
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    your character look and npcs are stunning … hard to believe it skyrim

    • @Amadeone
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Ah, I love your videos. They are so visually pleasing and relaxing to watch. Every one feels like a movie. Thank you for making them.

    • @LongLiveTheKingMusic
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Great video as always, brooo!

    • @t.t6294
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    holy hell what was that kick animation at 2:40

    • @tercsi.richard
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Hey Syn! Don’t you think about creating a Skyrim modlist? Because in your videos your game looks beyond amazing, every little detail, npcs, animations, textures, new add-ons and building, the whole game, the mods you pick are just amazing, it would be cool to see your own modlist!

    Keep up the good work:)

    • @dans5662
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    great video

    • @Emotori7
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    What was the animation of her hiding behind a piller and peaking around it?

    • @lerryagusgunawan2929
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    is there someone can actually guide me trough discord chat or something like i really want combat mod similar to other videos like this, its like really cool but im still struggling to understand how to install it etc.

    • @SupomoTumonos
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Please man make the UI video 😅

    • @jwayneadams
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Mod to have 2 swords on back?

    • @MaidenSakura
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Comment for the algo <3

    • @cyberletho
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    I have tried a few modlists and they all break.

    • @McDuffys
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    *sigh* fine, I’ll download Skyrim again…

    • @meriwidget3474
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Just got back into Skyrim and modding, and I’ve now subbed to your channel, the quality is amazing! Been a little overwhelming, but other than friggin bodyslide, I’ve gotten my game looking amazing, thanks to channels like yours.
    May I ask what armor is being used at 1:31 ? Thanks for your hard work!

    • @danielmendoza839
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Thanks for another amazing list. Keep skyrim look and feel like the immortal gen game it is. 👍

    • @andrewsanbelmo5652
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Thank you for putting together such a superb showcase! I’ve been learning about the Skyrim modding community for just over a year and I’m so grateful that there are so many talented mod authors and content creators out there willing to share their passion and guidance.

    • @Hikari_Kazehana
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    I’m curious about the hair mods your using personally.

    • @samuelsun3560
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    is.. that background music from Frieren?

    • @Valkirja1
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    That female preset at 0:34 is so pretty, I must have it 😢

    • @samuelsun3560
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    hey Syn that Mofu Mofu mod has became more modular thanks to the Tops and Bottom mod

    • @Gearsgrunt117
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Woah, what sword animation introduces a kick at the beginning?

    • @AvatarV
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Those female presets are 👌🏽 mmmmm

    • @gonzeh
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Thank you so much for featuring Stonehills ReRe-imagined. Super appreciated 🙂

    • @LeonardoBlundi
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Which daggers are those, Syn? Don’t do that to us!

    • @suerose9849
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Thank you for another great video 🎉

    • @haroldgodwinsonshouldhavew3875
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    what mod are you using for Kolskeggr Mine to look like that ( the roof and in general texture since the og mod is kinda meh)

    • @SweetElleh
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Your commitment to showing before and after shots doesn’t go unnoticed. I cannot imagine how much time it goes into it, and I wanted to let you know it is appreciated.
    The community is lucky to have you.

    • @jarrettbarboza2762
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    What happened to the dawn guard video

    • @ethanchen4504
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    So uh… any chance you release the mod list 0-0 is there a collection on nexus where I can just click a button?

    • @zero-5695
    • 2025年 3月 02日 8:38pm

    Hey what’s the male armor you’re using for the light armor that’s shown when you show Vanagard Animations at the start? Sorry I’m not good at describing