This is the bane of every endgame character | Skyrim Gameplay Highlights
Gameplay highlight from part 332 of my Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition Let’s Play on legendary and survival. You can find the whole playthrough here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2e9YdI6fp8&list=PLobdprIgcqJ-7HzrDzInvB3xaRyuzHE6L&index=1
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Taqs:skyrim short,skyrim highlight,skyrim gameplay,skyrim funny moment,skyrim funny,funny moments,highlights,skyrim highlights,let’s play skyrim,let’s play skyrim se,let’s play skyrim special edition,skyrim legendary,skyrim survival,skyrim survival mode,skyrim playthrough,gameplay skyrim,elder scrolls,the elder scrolls,skyrim shorts,shorts skyrim,tes shorts,elder scrolls shorts,funny moments skyrim,highlights elder scrolls
コメント (54)
This short is from part 332 of my legendary/survival Skyrim playthrough. You can find the full video here:
Or, watch the entire Let’s Play from the beginning right here:
Want more shorts like this one? Find the playlist here:
As always, feel free to recommend clips for future shorts by providing time stamps and video information.
“Its not a bug its a feature”
And can someone pls tell me what armor the kitty cat is wearing
I remember my first run, i was using the solstehiem home and put miraaks clothes on one of the manequins, it then later glitched to the entrence of the basement, youc an imagine my terror when i went down to the basement floor just to see miraak waiting there for me
Dragon claw doors are just completely broken for me. I had to delete the game just to fix it. I thought that loading back to an old file would fix it, but it ended up being every file I had and I worry theyre just all corrupted now. The only Mod I use is Skyrim Together, so it could obviously be that, or its just Anniversary edition.
It’s kinda crazy but in a twisted way that’s pretty much what happened. They built fod and then god took them with him.
Where is this home is it mode or something like that?
Never had that issue.
Titanic mannequin
Tiannequin if you may
Which estate is that
Get legacy of the dragonborn. Gives you a whole museum to display your stuff along with a ton of extra stuff. Player houses, weapons and armor, new daedric artifacts, fully voiced npcs, a self sorting storeroom for all of your random junk, and a bunch of storylines. All the displays are custom made for items so they never get messed up like that in my experience.
Ngl, this one made my lore brain lul😂
Having to many powerful magic items in one place is dangerous, it warps reality and attracts the attention of others…
blew my mind bro, its official now, they shifted out of existance even in our world
Lyle Shnub single handedly uncovers the mystery of the disappearance of the Dwemer..lol
I haven’t has any issues with this in 2 years, no idea why
which mod do you use?
The worst thing is… that that actually makes sense lore wise.
The Dwemer building Numidium and clipping into another place of existance makes perfect sense with all the insanity going on in that universe.
Don’t use CC houses lmao they all suck
Dude, I love Skyrim, have consumed too much content, played too many hours and over saturated myself over the past 12 years…
But you my friend, are so refreshing and have me laughing and smiling… Thank you
The Numidium was just a big mannequin. Seems logical.
Being Bethesda, the dwemer probably horse glitched into the pit of the sun.
Hendraheim house is terrible. I stopped using it because i lost all my weapons in that house lmao the walls eat weapons. I put my golden katana on the wall….. and it’s still stuck there 🥲
That’s remarkably accurate to the actual lore about their disappearance.
The mannequin was the Numidium.
On my highest level character one woth other 100 hours on it i lost my ebony blade as it glitched out of the thing where u put it on display in that very room i didnt use the ebony blade but still i dont recommend using that storage room
Skytim AE just brough more bugs in game xd
“It shifted”
I mean… not WRONG lmao
Skyrim has one of the most schizophrenic item placement and physics system I’ve ever seen in a video game. One of my favorite things in Morrowind was that items DIDN’T have physics and you could actually decorate your house without it experiencing a violent tonal phase shift that tears the fabric of reality itself when you step out the door.
This is why you don’t use CC houses…
Maybe the Dwemer shifted realities into our world and that’s why the Mesopotamians have similar style to Dwemer
A sort of AVP Aztecs or mortal Kombat Aztecs type thing
Anniversary edition is just a floating bag of glitches! Hearthfire was never great but now the whole games on a trip 😂
Honestly thats not too far off the truth
I refuse to do any daedric quest. So there they are, still on my quest list.
The Dwemer Noclipping out of existence due to a Bethesda bug is now canon in my mind
What location is this????
Day 2 of asking for Enderal
I don’t remember this in Skyrim? Although I finished it like 10 years ago(Or whatever year it came out) so, things could have changed I guess 🤷♂️
The dwemer is in the backrooms at this point
One of my mannequins once took auriels bow and the sunhallowed arrows out of a display case, i just went home and found that mannequin in dark brotherhood armor in the middle of my armory the arrows lying at his feet and the bow in a corner.
It was always going to come to this it was always the mannequins never trust the mannequins never
in that same home, i took an armor set off of a mannequin and moved it to another and later on when i revisited the home, i had that armor on both mannequins
Should use legacy of the dragonborn mod. It’s fantastic adds a giant museum and more items to the game
I have a DLC that has these manikins and it shifted! Scared the shit out of me! Thought the house was haunted! 😳
I placed a couple of enchanted suits for a spell sword, and somehow the Ahzidal mask duplicated from the mannequin to the wall
One of these decades, I’ll get around to actually watching this series properly. The first short I saw had me hooked enough to look into the channel but here we are like a year later I haven’t gotten around to watching anything. I do religiously watch the daily shorts though so that is appreciated
Say Titanic mannequin 5 times fast
Confirmed the Dwemer clipped out of the cell
Oh yeah fuck that lost a few quest swords that way and now they are fucking in another plane while their are still seemingly in the weapons rack is there a fix
Love your vids ♥️♥️
I feel the greatest bane is incompletable quests due to bugs. You almost have to do them a certain order to not glitch them out.
Every time I swearrrrr.