Dragons are Americans | Skyrim Gameplay Highlights
Gameplay highlight from part 334 of my Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition Let’s Play on legendary and survival. You can find the whole playthrough here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2e9YdI6fp8&list=PLobdprIgcqJ-7HzrDzInvB3xaRyuzHE6L&index=1
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Taqs:skyrim short,skyrim highlight,skyrim gameplay,skyrim funny moment,skyrim funny,funny moments,highlights,skyrim highlights,let’s play skyrim,let’s play skyrim se,let’s play skyrim special edition,skyrim legendary,skyrim survival,skyrim survival mode,skyrim playthrough,gameplay skyrim,elder scrolls,the elder scrolls,skyrim shorts,shorts skyrim,tes shorts,elder scrolls shorts,funny moments skyrim,highlights elder scrolls
コメント (53)
This short is from part 334 of my legendary/survival Skyrim playthrough. You can find the full video here:
Or, watch the entire Let’s Play from the beginning right here:
Want more shorts like this one? Find the playlist here:
As always, feel free to recommend clips for future shorts by providing time stamps and video information.
Rip horse 💀
No, they are speaking gently so as not to destroy $%@!
They’re not actually dragons. They’re Wyverns which are often confused with dragons but aren’t technically dragons
Lol 😂😂😂
Americans do this because we talk SO DAMN FAST. Most native english speakers can’t keep up with us.
Damn I aged 20 yrs waiting for you to get to the point
oh key
As an American I can say we sometimes have trouble with our own language sooooo they may just talk like that regularly
I mean do you think a being about 8 times larger than you can speak your language at the same pace? they have bigger lungs it’s gonna take em a minute
Dragons are like Americans.
Proud, Boastful, and arrogant.
they also do not understand the concept of mortality.
why do you think the suicide rates in America are so damn high?
Well, how else will they understand me
The dragons talking English is hard for them because they have not really been taught it
Actually all tourists do it. Americans just get blamed the most. Ethnicity isn’t an excuse to accuse. All who are involved in an action should bear it’s punishment. White, black, Spanish, swedish, etc. Deeming one race or ethnicity the problem just because they’re MORE known for doing it doesn’t mean others don’t do it too. You should all be ashamed simply because you think Americans are the soul problem in this world. You should all know better than that.
I like to assume they speak slowly and clearly because if they mispronounce a thuum using English itd go off 😂
My man you have an American accent 😂
Everyone does rhat Lyle lol. It has to do with psychology. Basically, because your brain knows that you’re not likely to communicate well with someone, or at least believes you won’t, you will subconsciously focus much more heavily on what you’re saying, and how you’re pronouncing your words, as to increase the likelihood of successful dialouge lol
Bro, what in the fuck are you wearing
Speaking slowly and deliberately to someone who you are unsure can understand you is both a viable and intelligent strategy. The majority of human communication is nonverbal, so slowing down speech patterns can help accentuate these more subtle facial and body cues.
Aight, but as an American with a thick ass Louisiana accent, I just want you to know that it’s really so you understand me not cause I think you might not speak English / are dumb, rather because I speak in a native accent that is barely English / am dumb.
You are not wrong. XD
Do you you use bow the most if yes there’s a good qwest bow you should get les you gave it away
Lot of people in the comments missing the point (and unnecessarily offended). The joke is, Americans (and many other English speakers, but mostly Americans) visiting a non English speaking country might speak in English to a local. But the local doesn’t speak English well (if at all). So the American tourist (or English speaking person) will repeat themselves louder and more slowly, almost patronizingly. If they don’t speak English, then repeating yourself louder and slower in English won’t matter. They still won’t understand you. The stereotype is, American tourists think or assume that everyone speaks English wherever they go. You don’t have to be offended. I’m American, too. I thought it was funny that the way the dragons speak reminds him of a condescending English speaking tourist in another country.
Tbh how did you obtain the dragon tho? Was if the shout to summon after completing main story?
Love your legendary survival series and never noticed you put the episode that your short is from thats awesome thank you for that. As for the Americans do this thing I think its just a foreigner thing because I have met tourists that talk the same way I think its to try and slow yoir speaking down so hopefully they understand you better. I personally have never done this in my travel. I usually just learn a few words to help me, like I usually learn to ask if they speak English in whatever language is dominant from where I’m visiting.
I do this to fellow Americans…
In fairness, most Americans are monolingual and when other people use english as their second language, they tend to talk slow. So, we assume, naturally in my opinion, that that is how to best communicate
Or there just big immortal lizards that struggle to speak English or whatever the common tongue is known as. But I can see it tho lol
Hahaha very funny if it’s true Also I love all the people in the comments basically going WELL ACTUALLY 😂 hahahaha
There are other reasons for why they talk like that but this is hilarious. It really sounds just like that lol.
That’s actually funny asff😅
Odaviing is mansplaying to you he is about to land.
Do you understand?
I’m American and I never really realized Americans do that I apologize for our stupid country 😂
Lyle trying to tap in to the healing magic of outraged youtube comments with this one. Get well soon!
Oh my god your right dragons kinda do talk pretty fast when they shout so annunciating when they speak humab languages makes so much sense since annunciation is a way to try to make the language easily understandable
Was dating a girl and we went on vacation to CoastaRica. She couldn’t understand spanish to save her life. One day we ran into some other Americans and the guy had a bad speach impediment from a stroke. He asked her were she was from in Cali and her response was loud and slow “I DON’T SPEAK SPANISH!”. The guy turned to me and said “Wut Da Fuk I’d Rong Wif Her”. I busted out dieing my response was at least she’s pretty right. Guy starts busting out ima have another stroke. Whole time we talked to him she’s like why aren’t you translating what he’s saying, it’s not funny I don’t understand.
its adorable you think only americans do that
never done this in my life but i’m going to now just to fucking spite you lyle
As an American I’ll start doing this
I mean, the dragon is not speaking is native tongue; The dragonborn is
No, their language is literal magic spells. Their accent is “slow, deliberate, and correct” because they talk that way in their own language.
Lmmfao you got us there Lyle😂😂😂
many Americans travel and speak multiple languages so to you peeps that speak Spanish or Japanese and talk shit some of us understand you and don’t bother to embarrass you.
So if they don’t speak English all that well I should just talk at my normal fast pace with my redneck slang and slur? 😂😂
Ha Americans abroad either do the slow talking (which is a good thing) or they say something normally the first time, then try to yell it when they repeat themselves as though that will somehow help. I’m thinking Lyle was referring to the later
As an American I am embarrassed how often I hear that
It’s called annunciation and it’s respectful to do to somebody who isn’t fluent in your language. Every culture does this to someone who only knows the basics of their language and if they were to speak at a higher rate of speed without annunciation it would be cruel so in fact yes Americans can be kind 🇺🇸
Oh god you did that impression too perfectly, I’m getting flashbacks
So funny. I love you man!
Or it’s simply that english is hard to speak and understand for most of them and they need a sec between words to be like (shit, how do they say it again) which would honestly be cute af
I now identify as a dragon fufufufu