Cicero’s Secret in Skyrim


Taqs:Skyrim,The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim,Skyrim Tiny Details,Skyrim Facts


  • コメント (107)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • William wright
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    only time I’ve encountered this is when I drop things in the pool at whiterun . guard gave me shit for it. also I dropped something and my follower Lydia asked of she could have it. it’s like damn woman i wanted to give it to you to carry but you were full now all a sudden you got all this room to be pickin shit up.

    • jake vex
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I didn’t know that people would fight over valuables Riften because I don’t really go there except to kill the old lady

    • DoneVito96
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Dude what’s the name of the mod ?

    • dakota frazier
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I call the guards and then steal ciceros kills. My way of role playing ciceros demons

    • Jacob Weatherford
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I usually choose to help cicero because one he amuses the heck out of me and two hes a pretty decent follower.

    • noname unknown
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I didn’t know sideing with the farmers would have them killed. I’ve done both parts never went back to there place after that little side mission

    • MUD PIE
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Well pinky we know what we’re doing today

    • Xavi’s Dad
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Had no idea. Most be a PC master race only feature.

    • itryeverythingathome
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Once in Volkihar i dropped random loot like armour and weapons i kept accidentally picking up during one of the quests related to the Vampires, one of the initiates or NPC’s who live in the castle actually comes up to you asking if they can keep the loot. Found that cool and i obviously let him keep it.

    • Adrián S.
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Mr. Cicero

    • An Annoyance
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    If you choose to got against cicero, doesn’t he comment on it when you meet him in the DB quest line?

    • Shon Wooten
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I think if you drop a black soul gem, there’s dialogue attached to it. Haven’t played in forever, but I thought it was the neatest thing in 2012

    God,i feel old

    • Tomas Jimenez
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    For help cicero it’s easy 500 gold

    • knightly pleasures :3
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    My first thought when you said fighting over your cqbbages was to scream “MY CABBAGES!”

    • Jordon P
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    See I never knew Cicero did that when you turned him in 😂😂

    • BmBVenom312
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Also, Jester can’t die. So also the best companion.

    • Playtovin Plays
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I’m so glad I helped Cicero out I did not know this would be the outcome if I had not I already knew all about the dark brotherhood this was my 4th play through of Skyrim a year back and strangely enough I never even came across this quest until now it’s crazy how much stuff I missed even though i no lifed Skyrim

    • Luca!~
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I dropped some elven boots by some stable because i was overencumbered and couldnt afford the horse, the guy selling the horses saw and asked if he could take what i dropped, i said yes cause yeknow, and when i went to buy a horse again it was free, i dont remember exactly tge situation but that was the gist of it, and i need to try abd recreate it

    • Gaster sans UL sans
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Vantus and his wife end up being one of the first stops I make as a vampire, two people alone fairly far from any major town? What more could a starving corpse ask for

    • Ark
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Whats the lore with cicero?

    • Camren Sketch
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Man… if only there was any chance that jester was part of a group of paid murderers, maybe we could prove it was really him. :v

    • Joshinken
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Why is your game running at 3fps

    • Wolf D. Pain
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Also the Heljarchen Hall that you get is very close to Loreius Farm.

    • Daniel B
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    “My Cabbages!!!”

    • RHProductionsII
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I dont remember what I dropped in an inn but Lurbuk and another npc had ..barely 3 second fight before he got killed.

    While unsure of success rate, might be alternative way of getting rid off him on DB-mission without dirtying your own hands.

    • Psykology
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Your skyrim looks so modern

    • Adam Venne
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I swear people started a fight over a curior letter before

    • Nick Klein
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Bruh I’m going to drop so much gems and jewelry in riften and sit back and laugh and eat some popcorn 😂

    • Brian Johnson
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I look at the blood bath ensuing,

    “MY CABBAGES!!!!!”

    • titanic healer
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm


    • R1chRaR420
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Dropping expensive loot in riften is one of my favorite pastimes. Love causing chaos and watching it ensue.

    • Moga-hunter
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Apparently I got unsubscribed

    • RachieRoo
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I put a loaf of bread and an apple down for the begger lady in Riften so she’d have something to eat

    Then Mjoll the Lioness got into a brawl with two of the shopkeeps

    Over an apple and loaf of bread dropped on the ground…

    • Aztec Patrick
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Secret? Really? Everything that is known about my murder jester is known by me. And the things that are not known about my murder jester, I have made a sort of backstory for.

    • Not A Koi
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I stole a kettle from an inn and dropped it because I didn’t want it then the inn keeper said
    “You dropped this” and gave it back not marked as stolen

    • Amazing Autist
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I haven’t encountered this Quest but why does he kill the farmer? What’s the cart that goddamn important?

    • Jack Zandara
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Look I enjoyed your videos for years but c’mon man you’re milking this game dry. You NEED new material.

    • King Bob
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I drop swords and sheilds in ins they ask me is it fine to take? It saves my carry weight and your absolutely broke so give er

    • Silas Bertrand
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Oh god… I made a mistake.

    • Damian Morningstar
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    it’s not a roit, it’s a peaceful protest.

    • Objectified Cross
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Actually you don’t even have to drop valuable items. I’ve seen violence erupt in Riften over a fucking bucket. Yes, a literal bucket. lmao

    • Disguised Munkee
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Get a mod.
    Drop Meridia’s Beacon.. let a guard pick it up to return it to you… but it’s too late, a new hand has touched the beacon.
    Run the fus out of there.

    • Mirrio Hudson
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    If you get them to call the guards on Cicero can you use the house of the dead farmer as a beginning of the game player home?

    • Matt Jackson
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I dont have it recorded but years ago I just dropped a weapon in white run and a kid gave it back to me

    • devinbahm
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Straight up didn’t know that first one.

    • Some Guy
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    If you help Cicero, he remembers it, and will mention it when he comes to the Sanctuary.

    • Bob LaBla
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I thought we all knew about the jester doode.

    • Crab
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I love how the game treats Cicero. The man is utterly batshit and is treated as a joke. But he’s the Night Mothers escort for a reason, the man is a sadistic master assassin, having the favour of Sithis itself and he outpaced an entire den of hostile assassins and was able to cross halfway across Skyrim to hide before his injuries finally catch up to him. And even then he’s able to put up a good fight against DRAGONBORN after all of that. The dude is built different.

    “Cicero saw a Dwarf! Right there! A Dwarf! Oh wait… sorry…. no Dwarf….”

    • coincidental commenter
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    The Riften fiends killed each other over a stolen cabbage I no longer wanted

    • Souless Slime
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I dropped a shirt I stole on accident and decided to pick it back up and throw it away outside of town (I thought it would stay there like garbage.) I pick it up in front of guards and it gives me the guild option (pay 0 gold). I told the guard, that is too rich for my blood.

    • Noah Taylor
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Shit I thought this channel was dead lol. I always enjoyed these videos, I’m kinda pissed YouTube hasn’t been recommending them. I used to play them while driving, and I really enjoyed them even though I only played through skyrim once haha

    • FatBean269
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    What visual graphic mods do you use?

    • Dark roadsahead
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I was sneaking thru a bandit cave grabbing torches and dropping them. When all of a sudden a bandit comes up to me and is like here you dropped this. Then hands me the torch and walks away without even discovering me.

    • mjolnir baldur
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Never knew about the dropping items thing. The only one I got was when I dropped old armour at the college of winter hold and some guy asked if he could have it.

    • Rideca74
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    When I encountered Cicero for the very first time, I had to chuckle a WTF? out loud. I grew up in Cicero, IL.

    • Milokiss82
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    . . . I was expecting there to be some sort of connection between “Dropping things on the ground” and “Cicero’s carriage”. Seriously? Just gonna-? Alright, Whatever.

    • Phalamy
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I once dropped some gear in a random Forsword dungeon while stealthing, and one of the damn Forsword just walked up to me, told me he found my item and gave it back to me.

    • Jacob
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Riften nibbas when they hear gold hit the floor: 🤬👊

    • Lee G
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Cicero is stuck…STUCK

    • HumansHunter
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Die Grafik 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

    • Void Zero Nothing
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    What do you mean “isn’t the full story”? Yes it is. He is transporting his mother to a new home. Our mother.

    Hail our Dread Father, the Void, Sithis! Hail our Unholy Matron, the Night Mother! Hail the Dark Brotherhood!

    • Kitty Thane
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    i dropped a bottle of skooma in riften. npcs started killing each other over it XD

    • TommyTheCommie
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I droped clothes in the town by the college of winterhold and the homeless guy asked if he could take them

    • Alduintheworldeater
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Found that out the hard way

    • above average nerd
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    No one. Cicero after I get the farm guy to repair his cart

    • Charlietheturdil
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I want to be able to place my sword into soft material in 6

    • Kappin cupcakes
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Bumfights……skyrim edition

    • Goatman
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Yoooooo it’s Nate!!!! Love your content

    • Deaganus
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    i opted to kill the creepy clown. I locked in an unending battle because there’s no way for him to be defeated. Great game design

    • 1un4cy
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    For as many bugs skyrim has, it’s definitely made up for by all these fine details.

    • C I
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Shoot I have Dozens of gems in my safe in Solitude. Time to tale them to Riften.

    • Psycho Lamborghini
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I started cracking up so much over them fighting over cabbages

    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    On my first playthrough when you go to meet malborn in the pub, I dropped a wheel of cheese and got killed in a brawl.

    • Realience
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Every time I see Cicero on the road, I make sure to convince the farmer to help him, because I know the alternative

    • The 8 Ball
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I actually had no idea he killed them…

    • Jordacus
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Shorts = Unsubscribe

    • Svein B H
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Is there meant to be a link behind the various responses to dropping items in the first half of this video, and the first encounter with Cicero in the second half? Or is this a video about two very separate things? Confused by the title I guess.

    • ASMR Artists
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Hmmmmm I wonder if you can find a random dead guard along the road somewhere or even in the jail itself

    • Adrianne Lamoste
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Does anyone here know what mods he uses for the visuals?

    • Lyndonmaman
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    There’s also guard dialogue about Cicero’s murders. They’ll say something like “Did you hear what happened at the Loreius Farm? So many stab wounds….” It gave me chills first time I heard it.

    • Makki
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    you really run out of content lol.

    • ChopStick Pony
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I did the riften drop once and it was a riot

    • GoodMusicFeedsMySoul
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Cicero follows me to this day. His chat dialogue is great lol

    • Nedredd Dwr
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I love you, nate

    • James King
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Omg i have been players since lunch and i didn’t know the riften people do that…..and right now i am stupid Ritch so i want to drop and just drop like 5000 gold coins…like individually lol

    • Cactus
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Yes that’s certainly ONE of his secrets.

    • Nameunvalid
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Wait hold up, a decade later and just now I’m finding the reason why riften is so crazy

    • Robert
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    What graphical mods is he using

    • sully
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    What is a Vampire Troll Pelt?

    • Petzouqi
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Yes I was flabbergasted at how 2 Dunmer were killing each other over a BASKET that I dropped

    • MrMasterMan
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    @TheEpicNate315 please reply 🙏😭

    • Sean G
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Why even mention the first half

    • Roberto 666
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Missed opportunity to say “murdered to death”

    • Titch9847
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    “Unknown culprit” is adorable 😂

    • Legion 2.0
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I’m subbed, but haven’t seen your content on my feed in a long time.

    • not cool 🎵
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Skyrim is actually a really detailed game good job Bethesda now add that much detail to starfeald

    • xavier bedard
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Ayt now we just recycle content nice

    • Zeromusa
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    All I can hear when all the people start fighting for the items you dropped is “MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE! MINE!”.

    • RetroAlienFreakaZoid
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    When ever I’m doing a hard core role play session in Skyrim as the listener of the dark brotherhood I always side with the farmer instead of Cicoro Because I pretend my character can sense the death around the farmers and that they will die if I Help them 😂😂😂😂😂 I may have a problem

    • Andy H
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I dropped a nail in Riften and they thought over that.

    • Sune Tvardsky
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    EpicNate shorts are exactly what the world needed! You are the man. Awesome video on the children of Atom!

    • Mr. Pierogi
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I’m pretty sure Cicero says he recognizes you when you first see him after joining the Dark Brotherhood and he then talks about you turning him into the guard and killing the farmer.

    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    I remember that mission I sent him to jail😂

    • pigeon
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm


    • AnExtremelyRadicalisedDraugr
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Guards in Riften, corrupt as they are, will force you to pay 5 gold if you drop stuff on the ground.

    • Skyler Paulsen
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    thank goodnes I made Vantus help

    • regdab
    • 2023年 5月 13日 8:40pm

    Milk wagon