I finally understand the Dwemer | Skyrim Gameplay Highlights
Gameplay highlight from part 305 of my Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition Let’s Play on legendary and survival. You can find the whole playthrough here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2e9YdI6fp8&list=PLobdprIgcqJ-7HzrDzInvB3xaRyuzHE6L&index=1
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Taqs:skyrim short,skyrim highlight,skyrim gameplay,skyrim funny moment,skyrim funny,funny moments,highlights,skyrim highlights,let’s play skyrim,let’s play skyrim se,let’s play skyrim special edition,skyrim legendary,skyrim survival,skyrim survival mode,skyrim playthrough,gameplay skyrim,elder scrolls,the elder scrolls,skyrim shorts,shorts skyrim,tes shorts,elder scrolls shorts,funny moments skyrim,highlights elder scrolls
コメント (171)
I get Scatsbury vibes for this and I love it
How much y’all willing to bet the game designers made it that way on purpose?
Yo was that a stalrhim warhammer?
Use a dead body, works better.
Man he be doing the Indiana jones
Who would win, the dragonborn waggling a pot over a pressure plate, or one dollar store tube of super glue?
place some small in the corner of press plate – something like gold or your peeny. xD
You have to slightly move the object first…………….. 😅
dwemer 😭
Well aela is gonna have spear headed children.
Just tell her to grab it
Aela and Lydia kinda hot
Thats not the dwemer, its the ancient nords
Too lazy to launch skyrim vr. Can someone tell me if it works?
Goddammit….. time for my annual Skyrim binge
это заклинание телекинез ?
You are torturing my wife!!
*Automated dildo invented in the 5th Era.
*Nords from the 4th era
That Nordic, though.
I just snipe that down lol
Something something used to being penetrated something something lots of male companions
It just works
I have been in quite a load of pain throughout this night(now morning) but these Skyrim shorts have considerably improved my mood thank you.
This turned into a porno real fast 😂
That…that’s not a dwemer ruin. That looks Nordic.
yeah the devs made that mechanic useless. you simply run within 3 seconds away from the pedestal mechanism after grabbing the item for one and two they smooth brained their physics engine value. so it was either let it get knocked over by the engine itself before you get to it or they make it immovable until picked up. bethesda is not as talented as it once was in daggerfall and morrowind. personally i blame oblivion and todd howards crappy game philosophy.
It’s not Skyrim if the dragonborn isn’t making every follower in existence regret being born
Tbf that potion bottle looked mad heavy bro
Dwemner? I’m pretty sure that’s an ancient nordic ruin.
Normalize torturing your companions in video games
Everyone always forgets that pulling the old Jones didnt work
…Isn’t that a Nordic ruin?
One word: FUS
But… that’s a nord ruin?
the trick is to stand on the pressure plate
Sometimes they are locked in place
in vr you might be able
The trap was so simple that sure a dwemer kid was it’s creator.
it’ll let you do it on PC. but not on Xbox for some reason. I usually shoot it off with an arrow.
Which mod allows you to move objects freely?
What type of hentai tag from hell is this ???
What is the hammers name?
That looks wrong
I don’t think those are Dwemer ruins
Dwemer? Yur in a Nordic ruin
I’ve tried that same thing, but it was an enchanted iron helmet. I was trying to swap it with my plain one.
That’s not a dwemer trap I’m sorry to be that guy but it was made by the ancient Nord’s
Your technique, frankly, is lacking.
Dwemer? That’s a Nordic ruin
Maximum penetration
see, your problem here is Indy had two hands, the dragonborn only has an ethereal source of antigrav, so you can´t move both at the same time.
You can swap items though, pick something smaller than the other item so both have a place then take the one you want
Dwemer? This is in one of the Nordic tombs
You can do you just have to move the potion a little
That’s a Nord ruin, not Dwemer.
everything is a dildo if u brave enough
It’s Nordic, not dwenmer
That’s not even Dwemer, it’s ancient Nord-
Her: harder
Technically it wasn’t the dwemer. but it was the ancient nords.
Reminds me of my travels with vorstag, stupid follower can’t heal themselves 🤬🤬 they deserve death
Actually theres an invisible barrier around those pedals that affect items that you’re holding
Ram rod 9000
Try it in VR and one hand on the potion the other on the replacement item 😂
I would just scream and shout and let it all out.
Literally unplayable
“Man now I know why the dwemer did this.”said in a Nordic ruin
That’s weird that used to work in vanilla Skyrim I figured that out on a fluke years ago unrelenting force shout knocked a mug on top the pedestal.
No. It takes absolutely too much time and precision for a sane man to exploit
Nordic ruin you meant.
they really missed an opportunity they’re
that’s not dwarven it’s nordic. ancient nords built it…… dwemer stuff ruins is the bronze shit powered by steam. the game has been out for over 10 damn years so calling nordic dwemer is just insulting.
Wait I’m confused isn’t the Dwemer the Dwarves
That ain’t dwarven 🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏻♂️ that’s Nordic brotha!!!
You know what’s really hard is getting a statue of standing up on a shelf in your house
Don’t worry, Aela’s used to getting stabbed repeatedly from below. There’s several pages in various websites that can attest.
Rip-off scatsbury
Dwemer probably using some weird sound tech to keep it stuck to the plate
“Dwemer” in a fucking nordic ruin… jesus christ
Dwemer…. I thought Asians were smart
“This shits great!”
Every person who has ever tortured an NPC 😭😂🤣
Aela sounding kinda sus over there
Use slow time shout take it out jug on simple
Bro just use the time stop shunt then place a urn on it before it ends level 3 lasts for 3 minutes
That’s not dwemer its nordic
That’s some real out the box thinking
Dude was like now I have the powerr hahahah
Just do like Weird Al in UHF and snatch it up.
It’s rustic and old looking. That’s Nordic my guy.
Well I see what the hero of Oblivion is doing
“You took it pretty well Aela 😉”
Or you could’ve told her to take the Potion bottle and you place the jug on the pedestal as soon as she takes it. 😉
Ah yes, playing the game on easy is why she didnt die.
Lol your doing great!! Lol
Try in vr.
how you mean dwemer you are in a nords crypt not in a dwemenr city or building this was made by nords
You give her trap spear instead of your own.
Selfish coward
It would have to be the same weight right?
Bro said Dwemer 💀
I’ll tell you now, the thing you were trying to do is very possible in the Vr version
it did not work in raiders of the lost ark
LMAO didnt expect the ending dude all serious then shing shing shing shing
A mod is probably locking it into place.
How did u get that hammer
Could you have used the stop time shout, the world I think its called, to swap the items b4 the trigger activates?
When you go through some of the ruins you can find what almost looks like stadium seating where most of their traps activate behind dwemer fencing 😂 can you imagine they bring the falmer down, take away their eye sight, set up pressure activated traps literally everywhere 😂😂😂😂
Shoot it with a arrow
but thats a nord barrow not dwemer
Just use telekinesis lol
Real life Sheogorath
Me Watching This Clip: 🤔🤨😲😱 “WTF U Can Carry Stuff In This Game How?????”🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I always thought aela was hot 🥵
Only the key if you get the potion without setting the trap is type “tcl” in skyrim command
Bro that’s a Nordic ruin.😅
I like that the warhammer is basically a giant block of ice.
Eye-eh-La not ayla
One that’s a Nordic ruin. Two how you gonna do aela like that. She’s a total baddie. Aside from mjoll that the main squeeze right there. Unless I have RoH installed. Ignacia is totally that chick.
Yeah…that’s an ancient NORDIC barrow, not a Dwemer ruin, so…not the Dwemer who made that trap.
Bro you are in a nord ruin not a dwemer ruin
whatuhewl is this Patrick Bateman style of speech
Nords! This is an ancient Nord tomb, goddammit! The pointy eared cave dwellers like the golden shit, not rusty grey!
Try to stand on it and have the pot by you then place the pot there and leave
Theres an invisible collision space around the pressure plate. I wish there wasnt. Ive tried this before, even without anything on or around the plate. Consider it a Bethesdism. A Bethism, if you will
So you’re saying Dwemer aided Atmorans in trap making?
What’s that hammer!
Yep… that’s… that’s basically dwarf fortress.
This is one of those rooms where the telekinesis spell comes in very handy. I even like using it when I’m getting Mehrunes Dagon dagger fragments. And it’s fun throwing stuff at people
Turns out, that’s not a trap by the Nords. That’s an an ancient torturing device by the Nords.
Edit: I finally read the replies after 2 months and fixed it lol
Use bucket it always work if not, there isnt enough bucket
Fus-ro-Dah exists.
But tries pushing bottle with pots.
She kinda seems like she’s enjoying it
Just use telekinesis heh
Alea liked that
You should have used the poop bucket, the all-powerful bucket of legend
Take à potion? Done.
Penetrate aela 50 times ? Done 😈😈😈
If he had a bucket everything’s would have been fine, the great bucket god can fix anything
That’s not a dwarven ruin, that’s a nordic ruin.
ok she doesn’t get damaged very much but there is a way to never activate the trap and if you can get the vital off without setting it off then you get an achievement or whatever called “deft hands”…….. you have to nudge the vial like 200x towards a corner of the button without fully pushing it off. then place the large jug onto the button next to the vital. you are free to now take the vial without setting off the trap.
😂 🤣 You’re insane 😂 🤣
This was fantastic
It’s because physics where turned off for that placed item in the creation kit.
They do such things to avoid random physics glitches from activating traps and such.
Thats a nordic ruin
I too like to play video games very poorly for likes
You have to use an arrow but it usually if not always breaks the game and locks the quest
What’s the weapon called?
I can see why Bethesda made it difficult to move and place items
! This ain’t dwemer! *triggered as fuck*
What dungeon is this!?! 😂😂
I swear, I have successfully done this in a different dungeon.
I also like to just snipe them off with an arrow or firebolt.
They got that extra strength dwemer velcro.
I tried doing the same thing recently and it was super disappointing. They should have rewarded a clever approach to solving a dungeon
He said dwemer when its nordic 😂
Still find it odd he doesn’t pronounce her name how the characters pronounce her name: with three syllables.
Slow time shout……..
when you can’t get a pot on your phial so you spear your lady
Wow, that almost did some damage.
Oof, right between the legs
Hahahaha torturing Aela