How long Do Orcs Live in The Elder Scrolls? #Orc #tes #elderscrolls #skyrim #lore #eso #bethesda




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    • DaMcMad Lad
    • 2023年 6月 13日 8:40am

    I think they stait that the orcs have a human life span due to their elven side getting corrupted upon the birth of malicath

    • Efecto N
    • 2023年 6月 13日 8:40am

    Is the scenario you are showing a mod? Which one is it?

    • Grey-Soul Ghost
    • 2023年 6月 13日 8:40am

    Well they’re still mer, even if more distantly related, and from what I remember reading about Barenziah, dark elves are kinda like children/teenagers until like 40 years, so I imagine the others are the same. With orcs having a heavy focus on combat and many having the ideal of dying while still young (though I think that’s specifically warriors, Gro Shub is pretty old, and I don’t think Gorza or her brother Moth in Markarth are young either, they left their strongholds a long time ago and have been smithing for over a decade at least) I would say that they’re really pretty close to elves in terms of their natural lifespan, so at least 200 years I’d say, though they can go up to 300, and though orcs aren’t always prone to magic, it can heartily increase your lifespan, so an orc that does magic can likely keep themselves for even longer much like their cousins. That being said, besides many being warriors wishing to die younger, dark elves and high elves have higher birth rates, and wood elves can average anywhere from 12-20 children to a family, but orcs notoriously go tribal and the leader picks their spouses first, and a few times, so I imagine there just aren’t nearly as many orcs having kids, and when many of the ones who are born die in battle while younger, it certainly makes it seem like they don’t live as long, though I think that’s due to their way of living

    • Jon Arbuckle
    • 2023年 6月 13日 8:40am

    Most races live near 80 years but this applies mostly to the humanic races

    • Danny1o1272
    • 2023年 6月 13日 8:40am

    Poop demon…

    • Gore Obsessed
    • 2023年 6月 13日 8:40am

    They Live forever or die in battle so usually about 40 or so

    • SKYLORD the 1st
    • 2023年 6月 13日 8:40am

    I would imagine an orc out there who is so good at battle that he is immortal wandering around trying to find a worthy opponent

    • Some Guy
    • 2023年 6月 13日 8:40am

    Honestly, consistently living to 60 is pretty impressive for a race who are simultaneously Amish, Native American, and a kratocracy.

    • Adrian Anic
    • 2023年 6月 13日 8:40am

    About becoming chiefs they probably do it around their 20s meeting the one who wished to die he said he was too old abd i guess he was 30 or 40 something. If the chief is old he either wasn’t chsllenged or he killed his sons.

    • Kevin Watson
    • 2023年 6月 13日 8:40am

    Lol shit elves

    • Smoke
    • 2023年 6月 13日 8:40am

    The short answer is we don’t know exactly since most yearn for a glorious death. They mock humans and other races for growing old and
    feeble and question why anyone would want to live in suffering and or dependence on others.

    It’s mostly a cultural thing, the orcs who wish to live longer than their peers normally shy away from other cultural norms as well. Urag is the perfect example.

    Another example other than Urag for an orc who doesn’t prefer the stronghold lifestyle would probably be the gourmet as I find it extremely unlikely his dream of being a world renowned cook is adhering to the code of malacath

    • xyrenia of cthrayn
    • 2023年 6月 13日 8:40am

    By corruption you mean swallowed whole by boethiah and his aldmeri followers were subsequently changed in much the same way as azura did to the chimer to make the dunmer.

    • Neko Mochi
    • 2023年 6月 13日 8:40am

    I still do not understand how an Aedra can be corrupted into a Daedra. Surely it’s just the terminology.

    The Aldmer who did not leave Summerset like the Velothi worshipped their hero-god Trinimac. Trinimac and his devotees were deceptively defeated by Boethiah, causing them to be corrupted/deformed into the entity called Malacath and his orcs, who became the Prince of curses and the pariah folk. Did this cause the rest of the Aldmer to dencounce Trinimac as ‘their ancestor’ or ‘Aedra’? Is that why he is now Daedric?

    It’s all very vague, but I like it that way.

    • Trash panda
    • 2023年 6月 13日 8:40am

    They live as long as it takes me to hunt them down and bury my battle axe in their nervous system.

    • The_ShadowSaint
    • 2023年 6月 13日 8:40am

    Dude Elenwen was in ESO and that’s 2000 years before Skyrim. Elves sure as hell do live that long.

    • Valiare
    • 2023年 6月 13日 8:40am

    IIRC, they can live roughly 80 to 100 years, but, due to their warrior culture they seek out glorious deaths before they can become infirm.

    • Cnut
    • 2023年 6月 13日 8:40am

    I guess its not proven but i swear ive heard many times that when they were cursed their lifespan reduce to around the same as men. Orcs dying at 60 reinforces that because fighting is out of the question if youre any older

    • Seawind
    • 2023年 6月 13日 8:40am

    So they’re Elves but they aren’t pussies

    • Merilirem
    • 2023年 6月 13日 8:40am

    It would be pretty cool if Orcs simply didn’t die of old age and could only be killed by outside sources. It wouldn’t even matter due to the culture but could make a certain amount of sense given that they have stronger bodies than the long lived elves.

    • P Tse
    • 2023年 6月 13日 8:40am

    Gro Shub was giving a history of how old the Arcanum is. It doesn’t mean he was alive since the 2nd era.

    • Ryan Calhan
    • 2023年 6月 13日 8:40am

    Not very long in Skyrim with the Stormcloak victory.

    • Dr. Awesome Is awesome
    • 2023年 6月 13日 8:40am

    Video idea: how about backgrounds of minor characters like Gro Shub