LORD TUSK – Skyrim’s Secret Boss Location
Skyrim Facts 37:Where to find the Secret Boss Location on Horker Island (Lord Tusk) and the unique weapon location Horkers Bain!
👉 More Facts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbj5aiHJfHU&list=PL57RhA0ctbHYcjHN1obg_aFkp10zw_3Mi&ab_channel=ESOShorts
You can find lots of Skyrim cheats, glitches and bugs in The Elder Scrolls game and have allot of funny moments with them. The creators of The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim Special Edition, Bethesda put allot of hidden details and secrets into the game this Skyrim gameplay shorts series seeks to uncover the Skyrim lore, mysteries, secrets behind many of Skyrim’s locations that have yet to be found. Today we will be taking a look at some useful Skyrim tips and tricks you can use in your own gameplay in The Elder Scrolls 5 Skyrim.
#shorts #skyrim
Taqs:horkers bain,skyrim unique weapons,skyrim,skyrim secret boss,skyrim end boss,skyrim secret boss location,the elder scrolls skyrim,boss fight,skyrim lore,eso,skyrim facts,skyrim secrets,skyrim hidden details
コメント (306)
If you reanimate one of the dead sailors, they talk about how they want to settle down on the island and the treasure they were after
Not really a secret literally right there off the east end of the island.
*unrelenting forces him off a cliff or gentle slope like literally everything*
Read the smell of the .ace again matey, Horksbane….not Horkersbane.
Did he say Solthime
I find it funny that people are still putting out quote secrets for a ten-year-old game
This mf had Meridas Beacon on my first playthrough
It’s called “Solsthiem” not “salty time” 🤣
Discovered time ago
Dark elf way fire bolt and blade. Was a standard fight
I liked, where are my “more secrets”?
I kill him zwo Hit (Dragonbone Warhammer)
I can see why Hasan *allegedly* likes to leave the room during videos; his chair gives more insightful commentary than him.
I accidently found this
I took it down with one strike using the DawnBreaker man
I feel like at this point he’s pronouncing things wrong in purpose
“Scattered human remains” immediately pans to a dead dunmer.
“Horkers bane” literally says horksbane
whenever I found this island for the first time I killed Lord Tusk and went to loot his body, all of the bones around glitches his body and launched him right into oblivion, never to be seen again.
I am a God in Skyrim, as long as I have my armor on… 🤗
Why kill horkers
That’s no horker, that’s my ex! She finally lost some weight, good for her.
proceeds to kill him in one hit with a wooden sword that burns for 29181769 damage
That’s crazyyyy found and killed him a long time ago but never knew about the Weapon
“Scattered human remains”
*Shows a dead Dunmer*
Man just leave the big tusk alone.
It just wanna survive and killing it grant you no reward.
Welp, time to start another playthrough and sink a hundred or so hours in
I killed this dude with a single arrow
I’ve watched three of these shorts and not in a single one have you pronounced the name of a weapon, or piece of gear correctly.
This would be a great weapon to give the Housecarl who lives with you at Windstad Manor, seems like he’s always fighting horkers
We had trollsbane, now we have horksbane
FYI Solstheim is actually pronounced Solsteim as the scandinavian languages, which is skyrim place and character names are influenced by, don’t have the english TH sound.
Wondering how he wrote the journal while fighting the animal.
Bruh I really love this series but watching his stupid face in one corner really bothers me and kinda ruins the experience
Hate it when people don’t play on legendary, how boring must it be to just kill everything easily.
The name is literally right in front of you and you still manage to pronounce it wrong
That seems like a very cool mace 😂
The best Skyrim player 🙂
fun fact: mace is broken in the game files. unique effect is not applied. congrats. you just faced a horker boss for a standard iron mace
I read the journal first, and was ready to kill those fucking Horkers- We have a loooong history (By that, I mean they killed my first player, it was the first time I died, and now that must feel the demi-gods hate).
Found him n one hit him without mace. Not very beefy…
Found that once, never thought anything of it.
Seal club
Just busted his ass yesterday
Where is soltheim
I spared lord tusk
I loved finding Lord Tusk
Dude i was attacked from the back from that thing😂
He wasnt hidden, he was guarding the only escape from the map.
I accidentally found him way before this video
I remember finding this randomly and it was fun
Who is right empire or storm clock
Looks more like a walrus
That fucking bug where Horkers randomly do like 500k damage
Yeah… not secret at all.
I accidentally fought him when trying to recruit Gunmar
Every video he butchers pronunciation
I can take it out I just gotta activate invincibility
Beefy opponent dies in 4-5 Hits. Skyrim enemys are a Joke Sometimes xD
Sooo you found a seal club mace?
Walrus are now orcas
So you’re saying I’m missing a unique weapon…
Hmm.. he may be strong, but can he beat my 100 sneak 100 one handed player with the blade of woe backstab with double damage from the thieves guild while undetected for upwards of 20×30 damage?
And then maybe a crit.
All hail Lord tusk
My guy I played this for 10 years and you tell me this now? Hold on let me check this out on my coffee machine.
Lord Tusk should have a cult following
I’ve also found a Lord Horker as well
Guys… I think I’m at that point now… no… NO!
After 10,000 hours… I think I know everything in the game… I knew Lord Tusk years ago…
Please… someone… anyone… tell me something I don’t know 😭😭😭
I remember that one of first things found in game on ps3
When I encountered this, it was both horrifying and hilarious at the same time…
I found it by accident a lil while ago 😂
You can’t just mispronounce the name like that lol
Oh God
Who plays in the 3rd person ? That’s terrible
What Skyrim game is this please tell me bois
Imagine being killed by a giant walrus
I killed it before watching this
Say the weapon name right its horksbane
Wait there was a mace there? Damn I missed that.
It was kinda funny finding a bunch of skulls on Lord Tusk after killing him.
Yes a seal
Where do your get the “er”😂
Is this an Easter egg from the movie tusk
Love good old island soul thiem
Secret fun fact, at the mountains on the main island theres a nest of the random tiny dudes that have a semi-buried boat like thing called “strange vessel” that vessel is actually a dwavern airship from their time wich is not know why was it there(maybe is crashed by the time the war was starting a fell when the dwemmers dissapeared)
I got there but didn’t kill the Horker since it didn’t attack me
I remember accidentally killing the poor thing in one hit
I keep him alive, idk why It just don’t feel right killing him, same with old salty
30 damage to just 1 kind of enemy? Nah I’ll stick 2 my 300 damage bone mace
Ah yes Lord tusk the random boss I accidentally stumbled across while exploring Skyrims frigid icy lands looking for something that I can’t remember at all now, tho I never found that mace or the journal I think so now I must go exploring again but purposely find Lord tusks island now
There is nothing like scrolling through YouTube shorts and then hearing “You can actually” ☺️😩
In side the island it’s full of gold
It’s full of gold
You’re the best ESO 💯👍
I came across him a while ago I didn’t know it was a hidden boss just thought he was a slitly stronger then normal horker I had the strongest gear in the game and was just map exploring so it was super easy.
That’s not a Horker, that’s my wife!
My ax killed it in one shot my my ax does say it doesn’t allow damage it does 273 damage
I was walking around and came upon this island and boss. I was just beating the shit out them normally cause of my ptsd back in 2013. Mods made these demons for me. Especially that cave near solitude. Anyways I saw this fat fuck and didn’t even question why it was named and 2x the size. I readied myself for combat and then the battle commenced. It lasted about as long as my nookie time and lemme tell you. I enjoyed it just as much.
Took me 10 seconds to defeat with Molag Bal’s mace.
How the HELL do I keep learning new stuff about this game?! I literally just visited Kagrenzel for the first time after easily 2000 hours across 3 platforms.
So… that was a boss? Damn… Killed it with a damn bow took like 8mins or something
One reason whu skyrim sucks dick, that weapon is sooooooo “unique” I mean, look, the names different!
Bro they made seal clubbing a boss
Additional Fact: You can loot skulls inside Lord Tusk (he’s a Carnivore)
Also, the dead people are later known as the Blood Horkers Pirate, they were trying to find a settlement before Japhet’s Folly.
Ok the island of ‘So-fine’
I found lord tusk on accident
This guy really making me want to play Skyrim
PANR has tuned in.
“human” yeah those are elves, they aren’t people. Ysgramor ysgang
After seeing the movie Tusk I have an irrational fear of walruses, i will pass
man I remember the robbaz video on this
Robbaz taught me this
I remember spending literally thousands of hours of my time on this game on 360. I’ve been distant from playing it again (remastered edition) on the XB1 because as much as I want to, I miss my old progress. But this particular youtuber makes me really consider just playing it all again.
“Beefy opponent” just stand on the rock and shoot arrows?
Another one to fight cool I already beat every other boss perhaps this one will be hard
When you pronounce the th in soltheim as an ‘f’ 🤮
What about the boss mudcrab in solstheim
Damn this clip triggered my OCD bad
Fun fact: the sounds for lord tusk are the same sounds used for hippos in assassins creed origina
*me using a fortify destruction 46000000% potion:*
I actually found this by accident alittle while back. Didnt see the mace though
When i accidentally stumbled upon this, i was looking for stahlrim, and just so happened to read the book and was in shock
Skyrim’s short comings is how this weapon isn’t unique looking what so ever
Of course the mace is just a standard steel mace.
That’s super ducking cool
“scattered human remains”
Elves: am I a joke to you?
Based walrus
uh huh, yeah hes pretty scary
*insert horker screams here*
Gonna use my command animal power on big papa horky
No wonder Bethesda keeps rereleasing it, the devs are pissed that half the random shit they put in there was never found.
Oh I accidentally killed that guy
Actually ı didn’t find this boss he found me it was a rainy day and as soon as ı read the book he came from somewere with bunch of another walruses and started to attack me it was like a horror movie
Eh not so much of a secret
Soul thime
It… its a walrus
The secret boss is a mcfuckin walrus.
I don’t know how to react to this.
seal clubbing joke here:
Or you can just snipe it with a bow and be done in half the time
Wow, I’ve never heard of this
I got lost
(Distracted) on my way to back from getting the scroll and ran into this chubby behemoth
When you explored skyrim through and through and nothing surprises you anymore xd
The polish on this game is insane!
Everyone else: souls-stime
This dude: sole thime
If you ever played the shipwreck Alternate Start it would spawn you relatively close from here, died a few times from him at level 1 lmao
Soul-theim and horkersbane when it’s horksbane. I hate seeing these videos why do they keep coming?
I have the the ebony from the lady in closet in whiterun
Lord Tusk wasn’t too tough, more like really fatty….. cause of all the blubber…. no? ok….. walks off the stage.
my character is a super mage called merlin…lol. Couldn’t help myself. He was quite.. developed in the magic department.
i met mr tusk rather late in my adventures.
I thought. “He’d be nice with a side of cheese.
my character was hungry.
mr tusk got roasted.
and so did.. everything else in a 100foot radius 😅
I guess I already knew about this because I do a lot of searching in that game.
Is it really a secret if its easily discoverable…
I find lord tusk allover the coasts of solethiem for some reasom
bow and arrow feels like an unexplored weapon for these mens that died
Never Quick save at a death spot
Ye, I remember when I saw that beast the first time. I almost shitted XD.
I use Dawn starter killed at horker, and that makes I put in a chest full of ever unremarkable weapons that collected in my Armory at Lakeview
All hail lord tusk
“even with the club equip hes still beefy opponent to take down”
*kills the thing in 4 swings*
“Even with the mace equipped, he is a beefy opponent to take down” *Has a full health bar*
Lord tusk! My brain: Lord SUS
Horksbane looks like a weapon from ,,The Hobbit the five armys,,
Ummm my daggers alone can deal over 200 damage with one attack. I think i can take Lord tusk haha
I killed that guy in like two seconds
Robbaz needs to go there
I thought only Kaarstag was the secret boss in this game
He was a boss? I thought he was a leveled enemy.
Elon tusk?
Its Sols-theim not sol-theim
This is a reference too the book “the terror”
So somehow a friend of mine made a battleaxe that can take down a dragon with one hit and when he showed me how powerful the axe really was he took down this boss with one hit.
Solstheim. Solst – heim.
Old salty
I used bend will on Lord tusk so I didn’t have to kill him
Just say that you love me…
I’ve consistently played Skyrim since its release 11/11/11 bought it several times on different platform. When they relaunched it again I really tried to focus on one character. I’ve 100% done everything just scattered on different characters, currently been playing on this single orc for several ingame years and over 1200+ hours I’m almost completed this “100%” characters but I’ve been slowing down. Like there’s something inside me that won’t let me finish I keep getting sidetracked and loose my focus, I don’t think I can bare the fact of completely this game it’s very strange
When I saw the walrus and the word “tusk” , I got reminded of the horror movie. Someone please get it out of my mind.
When I made it there it was dead then I realized I killed it already
Start a clothing line consisting of only pairs of shorts with “ESO” printed all over them
He didn’t show it on the map I don’t know where it is help
You can go to bofa and find meme god there
Almost 10 years later and still finding new things inside the game 😭
“20 more damage to Horkoses”? So, in other words, it’s useless if I use it against Walruses. Got it!
There’s also the King Mudcrab.
Did he just call the island solftheim?
Sounding like a true Nord, soulsThiem
Why does this need your face in it?
Ur big stupid face in the corner ruins the video.
Do the giant nirnroot next I was really surprised when I found that
Canadians: _This is why we use the mace before they get so big._
Ah, the Ebony Warrior’s faithful steed.
Your pronunciation of solstheim angers me deeply. Pretend it is spelled “solsteim” that’s how you say it
(No offense intended)
Wrong name pronunciation.
Watch the movie TUSK
Wait a minute… I think I killed this boss by accident with my destruction mage on my first playthrough. Can’t remember because I threw 40 fireballs at him once he came at me. I honestly didn’t know he was even a named enemy until now. Didn’t know there was a mace I was supposed to use either. 😂
I love this thicc boi
“You will fight me mister walrus OR YOU WILL DIE”
Oh you mean tony
I actually ran into lord tusk by accident and thought it was the funniest thing!! 🤣🤣😂
I found him exploring on accident but he died
Thank you Gyro…
Horkers are technically seals and still are being killed because fur and tusks
I found this when looking for stalhrim
One of the better unique weapon mods changes the effect to launch horkers into the atmosphere.. I don’t remember which one but it’s much better than the original effect
Skyrim is trash
It’s Horksbane, not Horkersbane.
Not secret. Just saying. If people didn’t know about this stuff, they didn’t explore enough.
Is no one else talking about how horkers bane is essentially a club like the clubs they use in real life to kill baby seals…. Now that’s fucked up
“boss fight” fight is just like fighting any other enemy
It dose 10 damage
Me: See’s as DPS is 30
Jesus this game just keeps on giving…
Found him by accident once, killed him in one hit… Nice one bethesda
*Secret Boss*
Me : (1 hit kill with magical fork in legendary)
It’s soul-steim btw. Not sulthem
It’s a movie reference “tusk”
You are saying “solstheim” wrong
Brah ur one of the apprentice difficulty player in sub I only watch players on master or legendary
It’s 2021 and this dude still pronouncing Solstheim wrong
You’ve been saying Solstheim wrong for months now.
Alright ali a calm down
So basically, you find and fight Justin Long?
Not tusk, not again
When I first heard it while running around on ice in Skyrim I was like a dragon! Turns around the corner wtf is that.
Do horkers respawn? I used to enjoy hunting them but eventually i stopped finding them. Did I hunt them to extinction?
>human remains
>they’re obviously dunmer
okay n’wah
I came here with water walking boots and Lydia came in right as I was killing the last one and she ran up and started stun locking it with her giants hammer
Already knew
I have faced him very unique encounter.
Hes running out of things who dint know about lord tusk
Lol he’s a chump. I 4-shot the toughest boss in the game, don’t talk to me about a fucking walrus. Stealth Archer, all day everyday.
One of the things I don’t like about Skyrim is that you can change the difficulty at any time and make any fight extremely easy, another one is that magic is underwhelming on the late game(damage wise) without mods.
Look at the absolute SIZE of that lad
“Even with the mace he’s a beefy opponent to take down”
*kills it in 4 swings with the mace*
In all the seven years I’ve played this game I have never fought this boss
no no no no
I had no idea that there was a weapon on thay Island, and i fought tusk just yesterday
Only drops a cup😑
Some how I found this guy while I was a really low levle
Me in full dragonbone
Lord tusk of murder mountain
Fun fact, the entire encounter is an overlord reference. There’s a specific part in overlord where you can club baby seals to death, hence the mace in skyrim
So many years and I’m still finding out new things about this game
Pretty sure I can stealth kill with 1 arrow, no prob.
Never in my life have I’ve seen this
Skyrim is so ahead of its time in the amount of content inside that game
Its not soltheim its solstheim (sols-time)
My lord, Lord Tusk
“scattered human remains” shows dead orc
Skyrim vr
What’s solfeim?
Honestly Mike are so powerful that I want to go fight Lord Tusk with my bare hands
Anyone else rock up after getting ridiculously high level and schmack him in 1 hit?
i watched all your shorts in like 15 minutes. keep them coming broski. perhaps the Bow of the Hunt under Clearspring Tarn would make a good one. hunters and game always spawn when you go there the first time
Has he done the ice elemental cave?
Damn you!! All these videos make me want to revisit Skyrim… 😭 I got three playthroughs with over a thousand hours a piece… Leave me be until elder scrolls 6!!!
Now I know that feeling of that meme
Silence wench! I don’t want to be horny anymore…. I just want to b happy…
But equivalent to video games 😩
Someone should make a JoJo mod for Tusk
Me: I’ve done and seen everything in this game!
Skyrim: haha bitch get yo ass back here.
What else is there that some of us haven’t been told of from this awesome game. Skyrim just doesn’t wanna stop showing off more secrets.
the way he pronounces “Solstheim” makes me irrationally angry. its “soulst-heim” not “soul-theim”
Yes the island of soulfime
Already knew this. Found it by myself on the old ps3
Found it randomly lol
There’s a giant mud crab somewhere too.
I‘m always cringing away when he says sol-theim
Fun fact: In the spanish traducction this horker is named “Señor de los colmillos” (lord of the fangs) wich is a jab to the spanish traducction of “the lord of the rings” this one being “el señor de los anillos”
Because of this guy I feel like play Skyrim all over again.
I tried going to this island in VR way underlevel. This was not a fun experience.
Reminds me of Mr.Tusk from that one psychological horror movie on Netflix
The way he pronounces Solsthiem 💀
One shotted him
The way this dude incorrectly pronounces Solstheim hurts me to my core
Mehrunes razor: “well you see about that”
I’m just here to say you got max carry capacity all wrong in your short where you drag a body around. Yeah just resto loop until you can make a fortify enchantment potion that makes enchantments 20,000 percent better and then make a few of those potions actually and do a fortify carry capacity enchantment and a fortify smithing then Smith a great piece of armour or necklace and enchant it with fortify carry capacity enchantment after drinking your crazy op potion. Then boom max cap carry weight
I just hope the next game has this much of little hidden stuff
I definitely remember beating tf out of him
Mmmmmm… Seal clubbing
Keep up the good work
The mace is kinda pointless, considering you can get stronger things elsewhere. I guess it would be a pretty cool enchantment to put into storage
“It does 10 damage”
Screen clearly says 30 damage
What? It’s secret???
Lmao, you’re gonna need about 100+ Lord Tusks to take down the Dragonborn 🤣
I always forget about this one
Secret for others…horrible surprise for me when tailing the messenger
“Even with the mace equipped he is a beefy opponent to take down” *kills it in 4 swings*
also kind of certain there is a seal clubbing joke in there somewhere
I can’t believe how much there is I had no idea about in Skyrim, it makes me want to pick it up again!
Like the fact he still plays on anything but legendary
(Not being sarcastic)
Don’t watch the movie “Tusk”
There the dragon in dark reach. The reaper in the soul carin and the troll in the dark brotherhood sanctuary. This game was the best but then Subnsutica was discoverd and its second best.
Came across this guy by accident, was not prepared!
I found this from roaming because I had almost done everything
Ok ok our next build is going to be the heir to Lord Tusk
Lord tusk has the smell of musk in the dusk
Get it?? Tusk…musk…dusk?? I should leave now
Hold up I found the journal not to long ago I didn’t think the horker was real now I gotta go get the mace and creature
A Horker Boss!!!— Skyrim and ESO never fails to surprise me.
Solstheim is Morrowind, not Skyrim, sera
The devs had way too much fun with Horkers
Lol I just found this yesterday wasn’t much of a challenge even on legendary
Hi I like ur vids ESO
Hello there