The FASTEST Weapon in Skyrim
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コメント (51)
This is your sign to go play skyrim again.
I got that off my first dragon is that not normal?
Does it respawn?
I forced Lydia to use it.
All Skyrim editions or just “anniversary” 🙄😒
Not only have I heard of it I have it, I found liar’s retreat very early on and it was a insanely Hard dungeon that made me take a break from the game for almost a month
i literally spent 5 minutes trying to find it cause it decided to glitch into the stone, but, i barely use it cause i’m not specked into two handed weapons, but i keep it with me JUST in case i wanna level up two handed weapons
It’s meant to be on the table next to rahds corpse but because Skyrim is a Bethesda game you’ll more than likely find it glitched under the table right out of view or it’ll be dancing around diamond city in one of ya fallout 4 play throughs 😂
Bro, Skyrim is 13 years old.
We have that item in our inventory in every play through.
People who play melee in fps are psychopath. How so you endure that camera.
I’m pretty sure there’s nothing left in Skyrim that people don’t know about especially if you just Google all weapons this is in the list
I’m just saying ebony blade is way more overpowering because in legendary difficulty it saves you so many potions
Wish I could spin it around and smack people like an orcish beyblade
My go to weapon!
Tip: the speed you swing your off hand weapon is based on the weapon in your main hand. So if you hold a dagger in your right hand and a mace in the left, the mace will swing just as fast as the dagger.
Usually put this on display in my house never thought it was that broken but personal favorite is bloodskal blade due to its effect and the fact I enchanted it with a broken fire enchantment. I used the one way to multiply enchantment effects
You can’t use that shout with enchanted weapons tho, right?
Blow your nose dude jesus christ thats awful to listen to
I have been playing skyrim as the wolf queen race in the last 2 days.
Does it beat Dual weilding swords cause I’d love to be even more of an orc chain saw
i remember shoving it in a chest and that’s it. although when you’ve got 4 fallowers you don’t need to do anything for yourself. an immortal rankling you find wandering around after siding with them, barbus, losean lechance ghost, and a follower of your choice no mods
hey i’ve seen nick facts you didn’t know about skyrim like 1000 times, ik it from his vids😂
Oooooh I want to make a build around this
Sorry it’s not the best because it doesn’t have the coolest drip
This is literally the weapon I use all he time I use nothing else lol
Wow, never heard of it!
Load my game > not found > I might found it and sold it somewhere because that hammer is ugly
does it beat maxed out ebony blade though…?
I could just download a mod to do this
Need this for my survival character
Talk about a whirlwind of death
The best 2 handed weapon.
Sadly, still worse than almost any one hander.
For comparison, it has the swing speed of a mace. The highest damage mace is 22 base, and this is 21. So it’s worse than a mace in 1h. And maces are worse than axes, which are worse than Swords.
You also cannot dual weild for even faster dps, nor can you off hand alteration magic, ect.
NO TODD IM NOT BUYING SKYRIM FOR MY NEW XBOX AGAIN (yes I am I wanna use the bop hammer)
I do double glass short hammers andjust F SH Up!
Yes one of my favorite weapons gets recognition
Forgot about the long hammer was like I’ll make this my build, never got to it yet
Fastest “Weapo”….
Good stuff.
Any hints of where this would be in liars retreat?
So fast you forget the N in the title
Oh yeah my dad used the fuck out of that
That’s the one stuck under the table right? And sometimes just not there
Is it just me or does this guy sound like Juicehead? I’ve been watching for a while and thinking it, but it surprises me every time how similar they sound. That’s not to diminish bear. I think his videos stand on their own
I like those ghost weapons, mainly the drainblood battleaxe. A lot of power attacks.
Todd is trying to get us to buy Skyrim again
I’ve played Skyrim countless times and don’t remember this weapon 🤐 always something new to find huh
I’ve got fortify blacksmithing/enchanting by 5,000 % potions that need to meet this weapon
Elemental furry all the way