Update Your Skyrim Textures With Only These 3 Mods! You’re Welcome #shorts
It’s always a good idea to have a good mod as a base, then adding individual texture mods to overwrite things if you prefer. In my case, I’m using Skyland AIO as the base that makes the base game CRISP with a K. When it comes to the buildings of Skyrim, I like to use Noble as it makes everything look cleaner and less roughed up. It was man-made after all, so this mod makes that fact more noticeable. This is a nice base, but if I am to ever make an entire cities overhaul video, I would overwrite the s out of this mod too. But this video needs to do well in order for that to happen, so make sure to leave a like and subscribe!
Clevercharff’s AIO: This particular mod author is loved within the community for making a s ton of texture mods that not only make Skyrim look better, but they add a totally different feel to the game and I’m happy to discover that there’s an All-In-one mod that overhauls things such as Caves, Forts and Dungeons, Mines, Nordic Ruins, As well as major cities.
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コメント (37)
Full video link: https://youtu.be/mZW9ktbWwP8
This will break my xbox
When I downloaded the skyland and other texture mods with vortex mod manager, it says they are not compatible, anyway to solve it
Personally i use SRP with The great cities and also Subdivide and smooth on my Xbox to overhaul architecture and environment. Pair it up with Elden weathers and Lux and luminescence and the graphics look like something that could be in a game from 2018
I use the mod “Mythic Skyrim” for PS4. It turns Skyrim back to the days of the Mythical Era. It was beautiful to extreme levels.
that’s some ass, I meant ass, I mean’t butt, I mean dumptruck, I mean graphics
I’m still download Immersive and pure 400 mods I don’t have premium so I gotta install one by one being going at it sent 6 o’clock this morning my wick kinda slow to dam my back killing me time I get be after at least 5am in the morning
those mods make the game look cartoonish. if anything it its worse than vanilla
Thick graphics and shaped textures
It breaks the game. Skse doesn’t launch
Is it on PS5?
What armor is that?
enb + a decent preset will make anything look 10x better aswell
Try this:
High poly project
Cleaned skyrim se textures
Sse upscaled textures clothes
Sse upscales textures plants
Skyrim realistic overhaul 1-3
Project Clarity 1-3
Pfuschers 2020 Parallax
Doesnt get better than this. Not possible
Skyland is a great base imo
are these available on xbox?
Me and all consul players are very sad rn 😢
My game looks soooo damn good sometimes…
What mod is your armor is that
Wow ses beau
I love Skyrim 202X as a base but it looks way too good for skyrim sometimes lol.
Very thick texture 😋
for crack?
If you like mods to your games never ever and I mean this whole heartedly NEVER GET PLAYSTATION PlayStation never has good mods I can’t even get good graphics I wanna throw mine in the garbage
I’m on Xbox so what should I get to optimize the mb usage as much as possible like idk getting only Skyland architecture and clevercharifs aio instead of the full sky land
I was looking for this, thank you so much.
Lmao, this is awesome as $@&#. You just mentioned my fav load order of textures xD
You’re using fat ass mod as a base
A skyrim fan spends half his life talking about qualities that the game doesn’t really have, and the other half of his time he spends trying to turn the game into the perfect hentai
Shame they removed it from the Xbox mod menu😢
What armor mod are you using?
installed The Pheonix Flavour: Dragons Edition and never looked back. Not much can touch it.
Great improvement for Skyrim
I use noble skyrim as main, Skurkbro’s Retexture for architecture, Scandinavian forest for… forests
Great choices tbh