Bad Ending 😈
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コメント (156)
Dragon Born sounds kinda like Harrison Ford
that’s real nice. lets see paul allen’s mod
Unpopular opinion:
Serana is an annoying follower.
Aala or Mijoll are true wife material.
sounds like Detective valentine from fallout4
Gotta love the entire Skyrim fandom coming together to force a rape victim into a sexual relationship.
Subversion, good ending: SDA INSTALLED
credit artists 👍
CHIM chads normally don’t take rejection well lol
She asked for it
Like she had a choice lol 😂
Modded for who?
What achieving CHIM does to a mf
Bro couldn’t let that slide
I hate that the “Loremasters” basically personally went outta their way, to ensure that particular piece of lore is as f-ed up as humanly possible… Just so we can’t marry the only person in Tamriel that’s worthy to marry the Dragonborn…
Edit: They were like “Nah… We’d rather connect it with the worse Daedric Prince, commiting the worst action, saddling characters with such trauma that places get named after the dying wails of a woman” “So, no… You can’t marry best girl in Skyrim, and make her happy”
You can tell the OP has never seen a real vagina.
Can we focus on the first second like 😏😏😏
Lydia best wife. Serena is not interested, and that’s cool
DB has become as bad as Molag himself 😔
He’s installing killable Serana mod
I could honestly understand why. Doesn’t mean I like the outcome but I could totally get it. :/
Upload the mods and make them submit. Ethics be damned.
I’m sorry what’s the mod? I get the whole story in Skyrim where you can’t marry her in the end but I confused.
Maybe if more characters had more fleshed out personalities and were interesting companions, serana wouldn’t be so victimized 😢
Dragon Born is that “nice guy” I keep hearing so much about isn’t he.
I deadass wish someone would help my dumbass mod this game
When did Nick Valentine become a medieval knight?
Bethesda allows those mods on PC but god forbid i have tits on xbox
A shot for every simp who found this video 🥃
Man yall need to leave this vampire alone gad dauym
I’m surprised nobody’s talking about the dragonborn doin this to his vampire crush with the Dawnguard armor lol
Since when was Nick Valentine in Skyrim
Ah, yes. The killable Serana mod.
Oh, wait, you mean one of THOSE mods. Well then. Lol
😂don’t know what to think about this one lol 😂
Slannesh is pleased
Is that nick valentine from fallout
Knight:”Sure, we gonna be Best friends
Good ending
To think all of this could’ve never been a problem if Laura Bailey was less uncomfortable doing romantic dialogue.
Nick valentine😊
Dragonborn: Merlin
Serena: Meliodas
Had to be done
Who is her? Never played skyrim
Babe i swear my mods just make the game run better
The mods still elude me. But one day, ONE DAY THEY SHALL BE MINE! And on that day, Skyrim shall know true terror as it never has before, and they shall kneel to their new King.
As soon as she said that I would have eviscerated her and laid her teeth on a necklace.
Unmodded skyrim is synonymous to trash !
& Modded skyrim is synonymous to God !
A modded dragon born is virtually God himself 😂
If Serana won’t bend , bend the reality itself 😎
He sounds like nick Valentine
You know something that alot of people forget is serane was raped by molag bal so you know kinda understandable she’s not interested in you.
Plot twist the mod is the everyone can die mod
Ah yes, the crafted wooden strapon.
Time to stake the vampire.
Wait… is this Belethor? Lol
And then the keyboard was no longer used
Is skyrim good? I heard the exploration and roleplay was good and stuff so maybe I want to play it. Though I have spoiled me a few things so I may wait for Starfield and Elder Scrolls 6
Just marry her
LOL. Why did dragonborn say “what” like starlord from GOTG 2?
Dragonborn got to do what a dragonborn must do
Why does he sound like nick valentine from fallout 4?
Why dose the dragonborn sound like the detective from fallout4?
Look at ye simping for a dirty vampire while being in the dawnguard 😑
Make chaos take the world
on the plus side you have a friend
All Mods are canon through the power of CHIM
does anyone know the voice ai they are using for these videos?
What a gentleman. He use this only in the end when there no other options left.
*The brainwashing spell in my back pocket:*
“Is for me?”
Wabajek strike
Ew who would want the bitchy vampire girl?
his feels kinda rapey
this version of dragonborn vs degenerate tarnished from Elden Ring abridged comic should happen lol
>TFW no vamp gf.
Sigh looks like ill be buying another copy of skyrim to mod
Just give that girl in whiterun your “mammoth tusk”
Dragonborn player not taking no for an answer.
Are we not going to talk about tht split second image in the beginning
Husbando, you buy too many hentai manga now we have no house.
Is that Nicks voice?
fine, i’ll do it myself
The Nexus gods has given me creative freedom to choose what reality I desire
I prefer that cannibal chick anyway, she makes Serana look like a Girl Scout.
Funny vid but i feel like i gotta remind people that just cuz you do allot of shit for others that doesnt mean youre entiteld too their love or a relationship
I just like hearing Stephen Russell talk
You can RAKE the willing
Wait, wait wait, wait wait .wait wait wait wait wait
Yeah… In this case, I’d hope for a mod that adds a reputation system, and at max reputation you can actually marry that individual. Like if you go traveling with Serana enough, you’ll be able to marry her.
Seriously, she’s the hottest NPC in Skyrim, and she needs to know what it’s like to genuinely feel loved.
Nah that’s the good ending bro
PT-91 Twardy says touch the funny pillar
Serana, being a literal victim of abuse in Cold Harbour:
-Sorry, dragonborn, i.. i dont think i want it.. We still can be friends tho!
Dragonborn with 106373859590 sexlab mods instaled right after that answer:
*-Who cares? Today – smash!*
Moral of the modded story is this. She already says no, she has very good reasons for not wanting to marry and I do not blame her. Don’t mod to ruin the backstory of a character.. I can’t stop yah but if you care about Serana as a character at all, you won’t mod it in
Mind control? Reality manipulation? Hypnosis?
modding the game to romance her is such coomer shit. kinda sad tbh.
she was just playing hard to get.
I downloaded a bread 🍞 mod and played Skyrim .. never found the mod
Then I was curious as why there was a option to have kids with a npc
I looked at the mod
I found the bread mod, but when I read it again , I found the problem
I installed the breed mod … not the bread mod
Completely understandable have a great day
Well i prefer marrying Mod Waifu but have serana as side chicks
Lolz 😂 bet
The first frame 💀
Incel Born
Wait you shouldn’t add mods in the middle of a play through?
My pause game is insane
Actually this is the whole reason why I got an Xbox. Next is PC 😈
and now ur gonna be my slave ur gonna be nothing more than a pocket p for me
Krekk0v art??
I was reaching for my comically large stake.
people who say yo bro when they are talking to a stranger means they are black! WATCH OUT
🌝🍆😈 The sex mod
Serana gets the tentacles
I don’t get the obsession with Serana. She bitches constantly, she spazzes the fuck out when talking, she won’t stop fucking with every interactable PC or npc object, if you’re a necromancer she takes the best corpses for herself and if you aren’t she’ll ignore them in favor of the random dead chicken on the other side of the dungeon. I consider her a necessary annoyance at best.
That’s…genuinely disturbing to hear out loud. I uh…I’m gonna go uninstall a mod now…
the power of CHIIM
Dragon Born:You force my hand…
*Downloads “Specific” Mod and starts to play in VR walking up to her*
Idk I was never really interested in her was too busy trying to get orc waifu and as soon as I got orc waifu I had to make her stay at home and complete the dawn gaurd dlc just so I can get my orc waifu back as a follower in my adventure so… I’m pretty sure I friend zoned this vampire lady instead
*deep throats the mic*
My issue isn’t that you can’t marry her. My issue like with most followers is that they only exist within the perimeters of their own quest and stories. And rarely ever react to the characters.
Serana: I’m in danger
jesus christ i thought he would just try to get with any of the other people who want him. but dude went straight to mind control.
power corrupts and absolute power over a world corrupts your saved files.
always remember to backup your saves before modding!
We can either do this to easy way or the hard way.
Incel Dragonborn strikes again
Background music?
That what just made me think of when starlord shoots his dad but the reverse is dragon born stabs her for no sex
I’m really hoping that’s snow
you tried to sneak that immage in there didn’t you? too bad now we can control shorts like normal videos
Serena wouldn’t marry you because of her trauma, she get raped in the temple to become a vampire.
That’s fine. I think Yuriana is more my thing anyway. And neisa
He went full Molag Bal on her.
Technically all of us that wanted to smash, and or marry Serana are manipulating her emotions and mind through the use of mods. Now if you’ll excuse me, I got some Serana mods to download.
Dragonborn a incel ong
Mods as God intended
what’s the music that plays during the creepy part of the video?
That blue & pink mark….. 🥵🥵🥵
Bruh we she mid ( I never imagined it)
This is creepy as hell. This is like when Mad Hatter would rather kill Alice than respecting her decision in Batman TAS.
This is video of the year material for me.
I’ve made everyone a woman in my game with max body slide files
To be fair, that ending is idiotic. She was 100% romantic and in love with the DB, she was down bad and then says: “No!” I could understand if she said, everything else is okay, but not marriage because what happened to her but she just friends ones you. Like what?
I always found her annoying so once i murder her dad i just leave her somewhere
All true
That’s not snow on her face
Moral of the modded story, don’t betray the Dragonborn, or you’ll pay a heavy price for commiting such a sin.
Sofia better
_presses up on the arrowkeys 💀_
Would paint her insides white like the stairs of High Hrothgar I would God dammit
Yo, i was genuinely curious as to what mod he used. I need to know.
then the game corrupts because the mod was used in a already completed vallina game
Welp I’ll be the first to ask, sauce?