Skyrim Maps in Halo Infinite


Skyrim has arrived in Halo! Canadian Guitar artist Ethan Hibbs has created a series of custom, Skyrim themed maps in Halo Infinite’s Forge mode. He also created the cover for Skyrim’s theme in the background.



  • コメント (50)

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    • Ethan Hibbs
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    Thanks for the shout-out! Happy you like them!

    • KontrollFreek69
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    Maybe it’s just me, but watching his videos
    stoned as shit, makes you really appreciate and explore the lore. HaloxSkyrim. Blows my mind, keep it up man. 💯

    • Night Rider ​🏳️‍🌈⃠
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    Time to buy halo

    • KingFrxstty_AE
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    Kinda cool

    • Cam
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    I wonder if he’s played Skyrim

    • MastaDJMax
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    I scrolled a bit down and the video stopped playing, scrolled back up and the video started over from beginning… Can you please not upload those bloody shorts? They are terrible to watch.

    • Ecmel Bal
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    The world could be in ruins, but Todd Howard would find a way to sell Skyrim

    • Sean The guy
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    I gotta play this with my friends

    • Planet of COWS
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    I just got a hilarious bug in skyrim where one single falmer was 1/5 of the size of the others. Unable to kill the poor fella. Tiny Falmer qute

    • Eatthemcupcakes
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    This is so cool! It’s kinda weird seeing the Talos statue without Heimskr waving his arms in front of it though 😅

    • David
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    I don’t think we’re in Bloodgulch anymore Toto.

    • John Chris
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    Normal Skyrim maps inhabitants will think this is an alien invasion.

    • Raven Eskridge
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am


    • Place Holder
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    Somehow the talos statue was more emersion breaking than the jet

    • Willzb2000
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am



    • Nicholas A.
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    bruh omfg post part 4 of the skyrim iceberg its been 3 fucking months

    • Mysterious Pirate
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    hi epicnate love your videos on Skyrim 💌😊🌹👋🕊️

    • clement verkimpe
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    it’s insane.

    • Sapphire Moments
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    Finally some positivity in the downward spiral that is Halo Infinite! Good work, Ethan, you’re work will not go without notice!

    • Z3AL0T
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    I remember feeling proud of myself when I properly aligned 2 grids in Halo: Reach — This is incredible talent 👏🏻

    • Xezbeth
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    Thats absurd.

    • Bob Bobinson
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    When you first saw the cloud district we’re you blinded by it’s majesty? Oh what am I saying? Of course you weren’t.

    • Discount Disco
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    Sigh Todd’s done it again he managed to re-release Skyrim in a different game.

    • [Dark Autumn 3D]
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    *YAWWWWN* “Musician turned Forge Master? Buddy I’ve been a singer, pianist and musician for 27 years.. Also been a traditional artist for 27 years.. Been a 3D model artist, texture artist and animator working with several games engines for 19 years. I started working with the Halo CE engine when it first came out. You say it like he’s a legend and the first to do it. “Musician turned games designer.” He’s simply late to the game. Not Halo. Just in general. I have 19 years working with games and 27 years as a musician. Compared to this guy? I’m a damn Guru.

    • Rowell Ganancial
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    Did he do Cyrodil (not sure if it is correct spelling)?

    • Zeketh the Geeketh
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    the halo hud on skyrim landscape is one of the most disorienting things ive ever seen

    • Matt A
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    Skyrim: Halo Infinite forge edition

    • Ryzek IV
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    Master Chief Armor
    And crashed Banshee in a sector of Oblivion for
    Elder Scrolls 6

    • Bad Script
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    God, do I love Halo.

    • amazedsatsuma
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    I was a Spartan once…but I took a full charge Plasma Pistol shot to the knee

    • Darth Syphilis
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    I love this, but I wish it wasn’t a Short. This is a normal video on a nintht of the screen on PC.

    • Aria Vachier-Lagrave Ch.
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    This is like the reverse of when you put too much mods in Skyrim it becomes unrecognisable

    • Planet of COWS
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    Those are really well made!

    • Cal
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    not too hard considering the greatest cities in the hold of skyrim have like 9 houses

    • WirableCrown
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    Master Chief, were are going?

    Sir, to the Cloud District.

    • Marianne Barrington
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    So cool ❤

    • RoleplayJustyce
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    Bro… fuckin’ hell

    • Shandy Staggs
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    You can’t tell me this isn’t Skyrim
    Now I realize how insane Forge mode really is
    I mean first we had that Toy Story map and now this?
    Truly incredible.

    • Mason Veillon
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    Iceberg when??

    • – TARI –
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    why halo out of everything? the one game that noone plays

    • Zack Delarosa
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    That’s insane even the Talos statue too

    • The Zenith Rage
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    Makes you really mad at Bethesda not releasing a game. Where 1 guy did this by himself in an extra game mode in halo..

    • Lobotomite97
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    What a beautiful autism project

    • Voltaic Fire
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am


    • Twilight Knight77
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    I desperately want another elder scrolls series, but I really want them to make another elder scrolls series, but make it better than Skyrim!

    Frankly, how big success elder scrolls in fallout is, they really have huge shoes to fill

    • Nemisis 007
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Todd Howard started selling Skyrim DLC for other games he’s already sold so many different versions of Skyrim, including Skyrim on an Amazon Alexa, lol.

    • Aircobraman1
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    Great. Microsoft is going to queer up Skyrim now.

    • Jay
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am


    • Jaela Ordo
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    Always been impressed with what people have done in forge for decades now (since Marathon in a way) and this is just incredible.

    • Monando Boi
    • 2023年 2月 22日 8:40am

    I don’t know HOW people do this lol