13 Must-Have New Skyrim Mods You Shouldn’t Miss Before February 2024
🔴 Yeshua ENB & Reshade For NAT 3 Weather
– https://www.patreon.com/posts/yeshua-enb-for-3-96013617
🔴ARJARIM Greatest Heavy Body Preset
– https://www.patreon.com/posts/skyrim-i-arjarim-90224523
🔴 ARJARIM Animation Operator
– https://www.patreon.com/posts/skyrim-i-arjarim-74918212
00:00 INTRO
00:23 1. GAMEPLAY
00:26 1) Animated Ships
01:15 2) ColdSun’s Visions – NPCs AIO
01:47 3) Modular SMP Hairstyles
02:28 4) Guards pose with weapons IED-OAR
03:07 5) Equip Spells As Shouts (SKSE)
03:55 6) Sanctified Steel
04:34 2. ANIMATION
04:42 1) Wa Ribbon HDT-SMP PATH Walking
05:22 2) adxp mco scar Seven Spears
05:57 3. OUTFIT
06:04 1) Shadow Armor
06:34 2) Legacy of Ysgramor
Backported Extended ESL Support
07:31 1) Pandora Behaviour Engine
08:10 2) Honor in Skyrim 3.5
08:41 3) Frost forged Rune Spear
09:16 OUTRO
#skyrim #Скайрим #スカイリム
Taqs:skyrim mods,Скайрим,スカイリム,스카이림,skyrim,skyrim mod,Animated Ships,ColdSun’s Visions – NPCs AIO,Modular SMP Hairstyles,Guards pose with weapons IED-OAR,Equip Spells As Shouts (SKSE),Sanctified Steel,Wa Ribbon HDT-SMP PATH Walking,adxp mco scar Seven Spears,Shadow Armor,Legacy of Ysgramor,Pandora Behaviour Engine,Honor in Skyrim,Frost forged Rune Spear
コメント (27)
Sorry but what is the appeal of oversexualized outfits (the one you wear on ships), body shapes and animations ? i’m genuinely curious… though you’re not the worst example of this trend, but i really just don’t get it. Other than that, good video 🙂
Hey friend, what grass mod do u use?
Thanks 🙏
I can’t wait for beyond Skyrim
Just so folks know you dont have to use Backported Extended ESL Support, mods loaded into the latest CK version are updated to header 1.71. All you have to do is change that header back to 1.70 using SSE EDIT.
Using Backported Extended ESL Support is a bandaid at best, and 1 more .dll mod you have to worry about being in your game (and yes it has bugs).
Good mods !
Can tell me what mods u use for combat animation ?
2:38 lmao guard has brought a second helmet for backup
Thanks for the mention. Great video!
Guys am ineed of your experience for same reason my weapons can’t be placed on my back the animation plays but weapon placement is still vanilla if anyone knows how to fix this I would be grateful for the help
I want you to read me lullabies pleeeeease
This is a long shot, but I have a few spare minutes to type this. What would you do in my situation?
I’d finished my Skyrim mod load order, and made a collection on Nexus. Then went to try it, and it didn’t work, with the error message referring to the wrong skse version. So, my mistake was to use a downgrader to fix it. Midway through, I realized it was removing the CC content, which a lot of my mods worked with. To restore them, I verified Skyrim. Then, when I went back into Vortex, about 90% of my mods were disabled. The esps are still in the folder, but enabling the mods caused an error message. I had over 1000 mods, I don’t wanna start over. Again, what would You do in my situation?
BROOO ITS girl MXR brooooooo, boys new mod channel just dropped
I was so excited for the spells as shouts mod but man I wish someone could make it function like oblivion where the spell comes out of your hand and not your mouth!
Good stuff keep it up, btw what is that ninja run animation
Still can’t play Skyrim after the last update. Waiting for a few SKSE mods to update.
What grassmod is shown at the end of the video on the tundra?
Thank you! Very well presented showcase.
I’m I the only one sick of playing Skyrim and think its time for the new Elder Scrolls?
ColdSun the unsung GOAT
0:56 very immersive. Great mod.
Hi, what’s the run animation mod in 7:55 ?
what sword animation did you use on 3:23 ?
i am so jealous of your skyrim😊
Animated ships is best mod so far 😮 for 2024
Thank you for these videos!