The ULTIMATE Skyrim Modded Moveset Overhaul 2025 (Blade & Yamato)


🔴Fantasy Reshade For Cabage ENB 1.2

🔴AR Smoothcam Preset All In One

🔴ARJARIM Greatest Heavy Body Preset

00:00 INTRO

00:05 1. BLADE

00:08 ADXP I MCO BDO Sura Blade Moveset

00:47 MCO I BFCO I SCAR Sekiro Shadows Die Twice Genichiro Ashina Katana

01:26 Samurai – Dai Katana 2H Katana Animation (MCO SCAR)

02:13 Soulworker_chii

02:54 For Honor in Skyrim Animation – Kyosin

03:16 2. Dual
03:23 NarakaBladepoint DW

04:14 wolong Dual Wield

04:47 ADXP I MCO Nioh2 Dual Katana Moveset (SCAR)

05:24 Isshin – the Sword Saint Moveset Collection (MCO I BFCO)

06:00 ADXP MCO Star Wars Jedi Survivor Dual Wield

06:46 3. Crimson Yamato (final)

08:13 4. Paywell
08:15 MCO Jetstream Sam Remake

09:04 Mofu_Vanilla’s Katana V2.0

09:45 Nio Katana low

III. Outfit
1. Thumnail

2. Video

#skyrim #스카이림 #スカイリム

Taqs:Skyrim,skyrim mod,skyrim mods,arjarim,arjafield,BDO Sura Blade Moveset,Genichiro Ashina Katana,Samurai – Dai Katana 2H Katana Animation,Soulworker_chii,NarakaBladepoint DW,wolong Dual Wield,Nioh2 Dual Katana Moveset,Isshin – the Sword Saint Moveset,MCO Star Wars Jedi Survivor Dual Wield,Crimson Yamato (final),MCO Jetstream Sam Remake,Mofu_Vanilla’s Katana V2.0,Nio Katana low


  • コメント (34)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • @ARJARIM
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    I would like to thank Haku and Jun for encouraging me to make videos again, and the creators who created movesets that allowed me to make videos.
    🔴Fantasy Reshade For Cabage ENB 1.2
    🔴AR Smoothcam Preset All In One
    🔴ARJARIM Greatest Heavy Body Preset

    • @DJParulan
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    What”s the run animation at the start of th video?? These movesets are awesome!!!

    • @istealthlgaming1859
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    Omg these movesets are 🔥🔥🔥 imma have to try some out

    • @MGame0042
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    I wonder if there are modlists dedicated to the flashier moves and such. I bet that would require lots of patching though, from what I’ve seen of modlist creators patching for immersive or vanilla plus Skyrim based modlists. I could be wrong though, and there is something already out there or in the works.

    I also still wonder if a modder or team could expand on the Akaviri humans maybe being East Asian people(even though ES wikis say they were related to Atmorans and wiped out by the Tsaesci in Akavir). Also make them a playable race similar to the Dwemer/Dwarves or Falmer/Snow Elves with regards to modded races. Maybe a lore reason could be some Akaviri humans escaped the attempted extinction and settled somewhere else, with them trickling into Tamriel/Skyrim over the long passing of time. The beast races of Akavir sound cool too though!

    • @lesderrane1376
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    hey, how do you make the camera move with the character the first 0:05 seconds of the video? thanks.

    • @MateusRDMelo
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    Crimson Yamato is my favourite. Simply Amazing

    • @NeoAngel1984
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    Fun thing:

    Skyrim is a Fantasy videogame about “vikings”.

    With that moves/attack animations, they transform the game in one of a samurai era…


    • @MateusRDMelo
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    Amazing video. When i have a pc for this, your mod will be the first thing that i will be downloading

    • @erenYeager4eva
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    All is good but you should really mention about the speed. Many of are too fast to be immersive. I don’t want enemies dropping dead in just 3 swings

    • @enzothunder2996
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    The one with the bow is sick …is it available on console?

    • @soisisoolooiilal9322
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    You say all that about the paywall stuff but yourself do it for some simple stuff like presets of mods that are actually free. Kinda hypocritical

    • @AllyWayz-u1v
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    what jacket mod is that at the beginning

    • @ScatterDusklight
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    Hear ing FGO lostbelt 7 OST in a Skyrim mod video sure is a surprise.

    • @Omnipotent849
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    What Body type are you using, I noticed that when I tried a few of the katana ones with the UBE 2.0 body the Katana is invisible, or the scabbard is invisible?

    • @Omnipotent849
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    Jet Stream Sam moveset… THERE WILL BE BLOOD… SHED!!!

    • @MysticDove
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    You never cease to amaze me with Skyrim! glad to be part of this community! ❤

    • @BB_MMX1
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    The Katana is my favorite weapon and have been loving the Mofu katana moveset since v1.0. However, I have been wishing for more variety. Lo and behold, an Arjarim video drops like a hot potato. Thank you so much❤❤❤❤❤

    • @shinnasuka1005
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    All these move sets are so awesome. I’ve been using the Star Wars mods and the move sets for the sabers are a lot of fun. This is why skyrim modding never gets old. You picked some really good ones for review on this video.

    • @SoothingHorrors
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    What armor mod are you using? Your outfit looks really good!

    • @Eaise-u6e
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    I love the power fantasy Movesets. I need to add these

    • @HavocDarkRed
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    I’ll look into these mods as I am getting back into modding Skyrim and I have been looking for a katana mod. Now I have some choices.

    • @IamXarizmatik
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    This video is the best! Thank you! 😍

    • @gaunterodimm5974
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    I didn’t realize it was skyrim at first 😅. I just clicked on the thumbnail thinking it was an indie eastern game lmao

    • @quironakatsuki9962
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    Noice! Katana recieved crazy movesets this year, Sura Blade and Crimson Yamato are the best ones in my opinion, not sure about they being balanced though 🤣

    • @Ackeirz
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    love this so much

    • @yorupendragon9690
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    Goated video, also goated F/GO’s OSTs.

    • @AzzamAzman-j6p
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    Im glad I opened this. Thanks for the info❤

    • @TomCherrytree
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    Wow, that’s one of your best showcases so far 👌

    • @Saotome_Satomi
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    what hair mod do you useing?

    • @itstosicc2405
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    Great video! Would you consider making a video for dodge animations?

    • @_eRuDiT0_
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    Best Channel!

    • @luxfi777
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    oh i love this

    • @hammond809
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    Your videos are always great, you never miss. I’m currently rebuilding my modlist and your videos are a great help.

    Cant wait to try the mods in this showcase

    • @Karatejin
    • 2025年 2月 01日 8:40am

    Hey there!
    I had been using For Honor Moveset [all of them] and EllderRim for a while!
    I thinse I will try these ones, too!
    Nice showcase!