The Skyrim Build for your Daedric Prince obsession!
Play Skyrim as the Witch, a practitioner of dark magic and occult rituals. She reaches her hands into the minds of her foes and twists their mental states. She raises the dead and summons daedra, dispatching her foes in continuously creative ways. If you want to get spooky in Skyrim, playing as a master conjurer and puppet master who possesses an array of summons, daedric artifacts and staves then this is the build for you!
Taqs:skyrim,witch,skyrim witch,skyrim builds,elder scrolls,vaermina,skyrim mage build,skyrim mage,mage,the elder scrolls v
コメント (27)
Get comfy with Vaermina as the Witch here: https://youtu.be/25qnYMmKJTk
Is there a male version? I don’t really like playing female characters.
I asked for more daedric prince builds a few videos ago and I’m so happy they’re here
The Witch B*tch is here! Boethia is fun
This charater doesnt sound like she would like my charater who is a honest good man who does some dark things but at the end of the day loves his children and if someone evens so much as dares to kidnapped them none of the perpetrators will survive oh also he hates vampires mostly cause they kill innocnet people
I had an exploit build that fucked the daedra.
This is awesome and I’m glad to see your still doing Skyrim builds.
I recently had my switch stolen so all I can do is watch these.
Mean while the warlock –> 🌚🥃
Playing it and am now approaching the 40 hour mark. Definitely one of the most fun I’ve had with a mage build especially using Conjuration, Illusion and Staffs. Really hope Elder Scrolls 6 makes staffs more viable than vanilla Skyrim
Ha, my current play through is an Imperial woman who started as a miner in the wilds of the Reach, relying on Clairvoyance to find her next lucky strike and illusion magic to survive the dangers. She worshiped Vaermina hoping to make her dreams reality and crush the dreams of those she envied.
Being poor she relied on theft and murder for daily survival. After stealing some noble clothes disguising herself as one of the wealthy she ended up hatching a plan. She found her way into the wealthy homes and palaces of Markarth, stole dwemer artifacts, melted them down and caught a cart to Whiterun where she sold them. (economy mods)
She ended up with enough money to start buying up good equipment, and realised her skills were good for more than petty crimes and mining ore. She worked as an assassin, killing fugitives, thieves and bandit leaders, while still stealing from anyone she could get away with.
As she became wealthier her noble act became less and less of an act, she relied more and more on illusions, what she stole became less trinkets and gold and were people’s literal dreams (Ordinator), she would steal their dreams as they slept replace memories of loved ones with herself turning entire courts and wealthy families into her thralls. Soon she was just a noble, according to the memories of all that knew her that is what she had always been and even she forgot her own past hardships.
She would join the thieves guild but turn them and the Blackbriars into her thralls.
Upon discovering of nightmares plaguing Dawnstar she knew her patron goddess must be the cause and soon she found herself in the Pale with skull in hand.
But she is not wholly evil if much at all, she rarely kills without reason. She has hired beggars of the street as servants and workers sometimes just to give them warmth and comfort. She cares greatly for her adopted daughters and wishes to make reality the most fleeting dreams of the most desperate peoples.
Her thralls are not poorly treated and if anything she treats them as if they were friends. Perhaps she forgets that their love for her is just a dream woven by her controlled by her, their souls already halfway to Oblivion. The waking world of Mundus and the mightmare realm of Quagmire are becoming closer with each passing day.
For where she walks nightmares follow, undead skeevers pour forth, dremora and skeletons run free, free will is lost, and the laws of reality are ever shifting.
But if you are one who only has hopes and dreams left to cling to… then she is your saint, your saviour to make those reality… however if all you have to fear is nightmares and monsters… then she is your devil and doom as she too makes those a reality. In either case your memories will belong to her and Vaermina and your soUl will find its way to the Quagmire.
Did a puppet master build and for some reason I ended up absorbing my own conjuring spells are any spell I used so I had unlimited MP
My build in Skyrim every run is just get a big sword and stab everything
I’m posting a video on where to find loads of ebony
How about an overlord lich?
This is the what?
I loved the witch from the original and I love this SE remake! 😊 Good job FudgeMuppet!
Has anyone did a mod for Skyrim to run the storyline of LOTR Fellowship of the ring and etc ?
Whys the pinned comment a month ago when the video came out today?
I would love to see a modded remaster of The Puppet Master build. I really liked his backstory and playstyle
I would rather deal with the supernatural and be enslaved by daedra than…idk reality?
Nice! These would be cool for all the builds!
The one thing that she is missing is a flying broom
I love your build/lore vids chaps. Thanks so much!
Well met, FudgeMuppet.
Thanks for the recent uploads.
Also, everyone head over to Redshift, and show some love.