“Quest items cannot be removed from your inventory” #skyrim #shorts
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This means that the courier is not a new hand. Incredible.
Inaccurate. My courier never wears clothing in game.
(Anyone know why that is? Usually the first encounter is fine, after that all clothes gone)
Why does everyone hate this quest
At that point get rid of the arm
I never found that quest to be annoying
This resonates with me deeply
You are over encumbered.
I hated that quest…
Oh nah
bro thats like one of the most annoying skyrim quests
Where do you get the suit from? Very interested?
A nEw HaAnd ToUChEs The BeAcon
Did you guys knew that Meridia in Skyrim was voiced by actress of Meredith Stannard from DA2?
Dude wtf…. I just completed this mission an hour ago. And now… here it is…
Fun fact console commands or reloading to last quick save allows you to remove Meridia’s beacon. Poor noobs tho.
Dude everytime at tenth level she finds me. And that courier can find anyone better than the government smh
I love this bastard
“How does that guy always find me”
I remember the first time i found her beacon, i thought it was a rare quest that you found in a certain chest and i was so excited i thought i found something unique. Now i get annoyed when i see it in my playthroughs
The idle animation cycle for the courier is absolutely perf, I love the attention to detail
fucking lost it when he turned his hand upside down and couldnt drop it
Literally could not resist the nightgale armor lol no matter how much I tried it was my fav
Imagine you could throw it away and not do the quest and this is what actually happened
He’s actually the descendant of courier six, from Fallout: New Vegas. Thats why he’s so good at his job
The day i complete meridias quest is the day i get a life
Then you have to travel to a point where you can’t use a cart to get there.
She’s sounding a little manlier than usual, just as sassy none the less
Fun fact: there is dialogue in the files that hints that you at one point could drop the beacon. Enable ‘dropping quest items’ or whatever the command is called, drop it, then pick it up and she’ll be flustered/ annoyed, “Do you defy me? How can my love reach skyrim if none will do my will, to Kilkreath with you!”
Dude I’m on that quest right now any holy *SHIT* when I say Malkoran is tough
y’all got any tips? I’m a khajiit w heavy armor and one handed weapons, only lvl 14 but I’m in too deep to back out now
Dude knows the location of the secret thieves guild entrance plus the dawnstar sanctuary. Will almost always pop up in those places for me
Saying how did he find me like we don’t shout our way through any living creature between cities
my Male person be waiting outside buildings and shit. I’ll exit a building in the orc encampment and next thing you know I hear hey I get a letter for you.
I normally get the becon out of a chest
Why wouldnt you want to do the statue of meridia quest anyway? Only gives a wicked sword that causes undead to explode…awesome
Haha tru
I never understood why people do not like to touch the beacon.
Where did you get the Nightingale armor?!
The sword you get from it is super fun for clearing the dungeons cus of the it’s increased undead damage and the chance to explode the slain enemy.
The nightingale armor! Looks awesome dude
Perfectly accurate
There’s 2 things that considered bad news :
1. When your doctor says “i’m sorry”
2. When meridia says “it’s Beaconin time”
Am I the only one who is excited to get becon for the sword
lol i found this MF in a chest after killing a Blood Dragon on legendary with a wooden sword
The virgin playing the game like a normal person VS the chad modding
You underestimate couriers my guy. I mean one literally took over fallout new vegas.
Hate that bch
Theres been times where i have to pick it up, as its in a daedric plane ans i wont ever get it back, on its on that island full of pirate’s, then theres the other times where ill mark down its location Incase in wanna do that later
Where did you get that armor?
The courier, though as nails, survived all the way upto New vegas and earned his own game

Skyrim the prequel to New Vegas the couriers story
I love games where you can’t remove quest items from your inventory and they take up slots/weight, essentially lowering your inventory.
This would be an actual nightmare. I would never enter cities or towns again. I’ll just go live in blackreach
I’m absolutely certain they leaned claryvoince
*Pick up all (Sees Merida’s Beacon)*
Sweet armor
I heard that the thieves guild is under new management
Not gonna lie I would get so much gold from that quest I would buy a house afterwards
The loremasters were right, Meridia is like your annoying ex gf
I don’t get it , just do the quest and you will get rid of this orb
just do the quest it takes like 20 minutes
Not sure which is more annoying. Meridia’s Beacon or the Courier.
I mean technically there’s ways around it. For one you just DON’T pick up the beacon. And for two, IF you do happen to fuck up and grab it, there’s always console commands to remove the item from your inventory(pc only as idk how to open the game console on a console). But at least then you don’t have to listen or worry about that crap
Random, but you look like you could be Andre the Giants son
I actually really love meridias quest. Dawnbreaker is pretty useful against draugr + vampires so I usually use it during my runs of dawnguard.
Every skyrim player HATES that QUEST
Idk why everyone hates this quest it’s not that bad and the voice makes it immersive
Yooooo lol im currently playing a nightingale vampire and just accidently picked it out of a chest ive been purposely leaving it out of all the loot i pick outta chests but i was caught lackin lol
I don’t know man, the Meridia quest was never as traumatizing to me as people made it out to be. The tutorial ist far worse even with a safe right before character creation.
I love how aggressive that thing gets if you ignore it for long enough.
I still don’t get why some people don’t like this quest, you get a cool sword that have good affect against the undead.
The Mission takes like 5 minutes an you get a badass weapon. Idk why ppl hate it sm
What that cool armor he’s wearing
I love nightingale armor
This guy makes the best and most relatable shorts of these games
They can release an update to remove the introductory dialog for that fucking dodecahedron and everyone will still play it in their heads
The funny part is that immediately after completing the Dawnbreaker quest the so called “Beacon” gets stolen again
Question is, where did you get that nightingale armor?
I have over 10 pounds of Amulets of Talos LOCKED into my inventory from a quest glitch.
Courier got V.A.N.S 2 from fallout 4.
“Hope you like killing dark cultists at level 5 bozo”
is it only me who hates every single skyrim god
I just got that quest item like 30 mins ago and havent started it
Yo the armor looks fantastic
When I got the Meridian’s Beacon (since I always called it that), I just:
Voice: A new hand touches the beacon!
Me: What?! Oh, that scared me!…
Voice: Listen! Hear me, and obey!
Me: Yeah, naw. I’m just gonna kill this dragon that comes out of nowhere, just to ignore whatever you’re saying.
Me: …NO.
We know how it feels
Maybe he placed a magical tracker on you while you sleep
Yall complaining bout the beacon but how bout that 9 pound iron sword that the orc lady gave me… And idk where I should deliver it…
Nightingale armor
Meridia is the absolute worst mission in the game lmaooo this is so spot on I literally don’t even pick it up when I find the beacon
For real tho, this mufu just runs up you in the most random places

Ohh hey good , I found you ! …… fkin stalker
I feel like im being watched now cuz this happened with the same light armor
She catches me off guard every time
lol.. in my latest play through I just left it in the chest.. now I forgot which dungeon to go back to..
Meridia beacon hahaha thats it
A new Ham cut into Bacon
The worst is when they don’t even activate a quest, so you can’t remove them but you don’t know what quest they’re for.
And it also weights the world
nice nightingale armor
That Nightingale armor is on POINT
Found the beacon today and left it to rot lol
Legit every time i find that beacon… i dont pick it up… ever.
Sword you get from completing that question is actually kind of good
Couriers definitely have the clairvoyance spell.
hey at least you can get rid of it by doing the quest half the stuff from the thieves guild quests cant even be dropped when you pick them up unless you use console commands
“Listen! Hear me and obey! A foul darkness has seeped into my temple! A darkness that you will destroy! Return my beacon to Mount Kilkreath, and I will make you the instrument of my cleansing light!”
All couriers know a little illusion spell called clayvorave (I know it’s not spelt right)
There’s always that sense of dread when you find it, but up until the final room, it’s actually a pretty fun dungeon, imo.
I actually loved that quest, and the sword…
I ask the same thing all the time when i see this fucking item, why we have a annoying mission for a weak sword? The developer’s probably doesn’t receive some hugs and love in the day they made this mission.
The quest is actually fun but after the ninth time i kinda understand
I actually just got this in one of my chests and just left it there to rot
I thought this was noob from MK
omg i laughed so hard
Why does everyone hate that quest you get a sick ass sword after
The virginity radiating from this
Meridia is such a menace
my favorite one is when the mail carrier says, “I got something to deliver, your eyes only,” and gives you the letter from the orphanage and says, “she asked me to pass them out to everyone I saw” like, yeah, definitely my eyes only
I actually love the Meridia’s beacon quest because of how lucrative it is. Shit finances my house in Solitude every time.
Ore the first Stone from barenziah
LOL this is perfect!
Also, love that nightingale armor!
What’s so bad about the beacon? I did the quest and it was fun. I got a super cool sword out of it
As soon as I get my mail the courier goes flying
“Let me guess…someone stole your sweet roll”
The beacon is not a bad thing. That quest gives you the best sword in game
It’s so true
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW This Nightingale Cosplay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man you’re THE MAN
i woke up the dead laughing at this
“How does that guy always find me?”
Are you asking, because WE DON’T KNOW!
*A N E W H A N D T O U C H E S*
*T H E B E A C O N .*
The arrogance of the aedra are without fathom
Bro this shit just happened to me, for the 150th time but still.
love this skit and the nightingale suit/costume is awesome i m thinking about buying one now
Dang it
Dude sounds like Obama
It’s always gotta be heavy too. If its gonna force me to keep it constantly, why must I sacrifice my carry weight space??? Looking at you unusual gems…
am I the only one that likes how the sword look as a wall decoration so much that I don;t mind the quest?
Do Meridia’s quest! You get the Dawnbreaker from it!
Dragonborn= looks like i have no much choice in the matter..
Meridia literary floating you 1000 meters on the sky: Because i order it
Dear God no, I litterally have had that thing go from the box, to a constant random enemy’s. It made me start actually looking at what I pick up. I even picked it up once went back to the box and it was in fact still in the box I once had 3 beacons on me because I went back to see if they were still there.
Took the nightingale armor and ran didnt wabt my vampire lord to sell his soul to a demon bitch
everyone is so traumatized by that beacon but every time I find it, I get so excited because Dawnbreaker is my favorite sword
JAJAJA hasta en ingles da risa
I recall using a mod once… timing is everything? You could set the trigger to Max level trigger only. Sigh…. the peace and quiet I had for so long.
Love the vid.
This Mission!!

What’s the deal with the hate on the beacon? The quest takes like 10 minutes and gives you a pretty decent early game sword
The courier running away : ‘Finally got rid of that thing.’
Damn that beacon!!
In my latest playthrough, I found a workaround. I placed the crystal on its pedestal and then noped out until I was stronger.
Not sure if I’m 100% correct about this, but, that armor is the Nightingale armor which means it supposedly hides your identity (?)
So the fact that the courier still finds him and knows who he is, makes it funnier when he said how does he always find me
Beacon touch
Umbra was a great weapon in Oblivion if you never went to turn it in.
Massive damage, and it didn’t add weight to your inventory.
It was in a chest near Whiterun boy boy boy I closed that chest so fast and got tf up outta that cave
It’s not the quest that I hate, it’s the beacon. It’s kind of like the other quests that generate at the specific levels. I’m never ready to do Sanguine’s quest when I see him the first time either. The beacon is just feels worse for some reason.
Playing legendary and Giants are chasing.
Mail guy. Ah, I got a letter for you.
Dragonborn. Nooooo
Giant. Batter up
Dragonborn. Introduced to space program
I couldn’t remove the golden claw from my inventory in my first playthrough
the true final boss of the ldb
Actually, Meridia’s beacon actually isnt a sphere. Its more like an oval.
Funny but they can after competition of the quest
Not The Beacon!!! Worst quest/quest item ever lol.
It’s an annoying quest, but decent loot. When I finally actually completed it I kinda wished I had done it sooner
Wait, why does everyone hate this questline so much. It wasn’t that bad if I remember correctly?
A new hand touchs the becon!!!
Precedes to cut off hand
alright il sub but only because its funny
It definitely IS annoying, but the quest is actually pretty easy.
I love sword from this mission
Proceeds to bring the beacon to the shrine and leave.
I remember a meme where someone was warning parents to check their Halloween candy as they found Meridian’s Beacon in their kid’s Skittles.
They really had me because if you didn’t finish certain quest and was a hoarder like me

The courier IS the author of “letters from a friend”. His decendents will become mass effects shadow brokers before the trimouth dude.
Why this Merida sounds more like Clavicus Vile?
why is this quest so hated? just don’t go to the temple
I hate that beacon hahaha
My boy got the nightingale armor
Tbh… I would LOVE if the courier randomly activated daedric quests.
Sweet Nightingale costume. Also what’s with the overwhelming hate for that quest? Was one of my favorites and it leads to one of the coolest looking swords in the game.
Why people hate meridia’s quest , it is still better than dwevmer ruins
The most fearsome quest meridia. Only the Skyrim player’s knows this feeling hahaha
My hand stuck Meridia:

Nah u actually gotta use it the mission from it gives you like 10000 gold and an op sword
her sword is not even that good
Bag that quest!
I actually like the meridia quest for some of my builds .
I actually like dawnbreaker
I mean… dawnbringer aint a bad sword
The best Bethesda content on the internet
Somebody should write that into the game
I had this happen while fighting Odahviing…
whats the fuss about this bacon anyways? im just new in skyrim
If it was a British Siri voice, I wouldn’t mind so much…why is this so uncomfortable to grab?…lol!
Literally just got this stupid thing earlier today
I just got to level ten in my current playthrough, I’m in constant fear.
Sometimes it be that way.
Has that happened to you Nai ?!
Lolmfao she hired out

I just love
what you did here 

That’s so accurate
I actually like meridias quest though currently I’m doing it for the 40th time and using arniels shade so it’s easy as fuq
Man has a whole set of nightengale armour
the meridia quest is easy
asf and it’s kinda worth it because the dawnbreaker sword
I hate that quest
I loved that quest
Despite you having the ability to not pick up the beacon, I usually end up grabbing it by accident anyway.
pourquoi vous en faites toute une histoire pour cette quête ? ça prend dix minutes pour l’as faire.
It’s always funny to me that she still INSISTS that I clear out her temple, despite being a literal werewolf (formerly a vampire), necromancer, champion of at least four Daedric princes, and serial murderer of all unnamed npcs that I happen across.
What makes the beacon so bad anyways ive only played 2 days and everyone talks like its hell
Love this joke, but Dawnbreaker is my favorite sword in the game. Always jazzed when I get this quest
Baaah i have started new the AE (before this I just had SE)
if I open them, my quest list grows. But I can’t put them in a box 
Now every level up joining a town the stupid courier is giving me letters
I love to collect books and place them in my home. Do u know what a fu..ing job this is with all the letters!!!!
Noob saibot
I love morrowind, poor skyrim players
This dude really found a way to put that suit as a business expense huh!? Lol
It’s just a bunch of ghosts! Nothing to be afraid of! Grow a back bone already!..
What? It’s a boring quest? Oh. Well, never mind then.
Don’t even get me started on the quest items that weigh 25 pounds
Guys hear this you know where the dragons tone us right back when I was new to the game the mf beacon spawned in that chest I picked it up not knowing what it was I regretted it
You don’t find the beacon. The beacon finds you
I don’t understand these jokes about the beacon. With the beacon you get the quest for dawnbringer, an extremely powerful sword in the undead infested Skyrim. When combined with spellbreaker shield, you become nearly invincible.
Who ever made this your 100% right your awesome

Where did you get that nightingale armour?
I hate the freaking beacon dude f it

Spoiler in the thumbnail
I think Merida’s beacon really just annoyed tf outta us
I wonder if the courier gets sick of travelling between Solstheim and Skyrim?
Lollll so true! LOVE the Nightingale armour/gear!
broo im deas
Personally, i do the quest to loot all the gold in the temple from those corpses, the sword is “Meh” mods make it look cooler, though it stats always feel underwhelming.
*laughs in console commands*
You’re so good at what you do homie, you’re one of my favorite!!!
her quest aint quest isn’t that hard just get it over with and get dawnbreaker, i found a glitch where you can get two if you knock it off the holder before getting it.
Dude the Nightingale armor is sick
y’know actually, I’m level 114, I have finnished the main quest and all dlc, I’m now doing all side quests and I still haven’t touched meridia’s beacon, she just annoys me sooo much I don’t wanna do her stupid quest
Not going to lie, i like the meridia quest, lots of gold to plunder and dawnbreaker is a beautiful sword even if severely lacking in damage
What pissed me off about this video is how accurate it is. Flawless.
The courier always finds you because hes’s a member of the United Society of Psychic…Ssssdeliverypersons
Armor. Where do I get it. Tell me now!!
Forgot its super fucking lou- A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON!
I like the work you did for the armor. Great job!!
skyrim be makin memes well into its 12th year
I just finished that quest
I’ll randomly recite this at work or in public and give absolutely no context
Deliver it.
Why does everyone hate that quest? Just for the memes or is it bad?
Every time i see this abomination in the chest I CLOSE IT
i refuse! I dislike the mission and i dislike her monologue
Bro I just got madras beacon lol
that armor is cool af
That half car reminds me of the william osman video
Anyone who has ever played skyrim knows the pain of the becon
Funny, but what’s so bad about it? A quick dungeon and you get an awesome daedric artifact. Better that than the f*#$%ng stones of Berenziah.
Great exactly what I think.
The voice actually reminded me of the Augur of the Obscure.
You could find these beacons on like a bandit camp or something like for example when you leave whiterun and go to the mouton sides there bandit camps everywhere and u can get them which is probably annoying
And I hate this beacon
I ran away from one of them last time
These couriers always chasing you
I think we can all agree she was a bitch. Loved the sword. I ran that sword all the way till I caught an arrow to the knee with one of those shop keeps. Now it gathers dust in my solitude home while my better half nags me about the two adopted orphans who aren’t even mine. And Serana hasn’t returned from her quest to become human. I married the wrong one.
I play skyrim and beat it like 8 times if you was the voice actor for all characters I would still be playing it to this day
The courier’s approach is so accurate lol
I’m still on this quest…
Idk why people hate this mission so much its actually got one of the harder bosses to fight for legendary difficulty
*activates the drop quest items mod*
fake af. Miridia’s voice didn’t blow my eardrums out. 2/10 cause i can still hear
That’s a sick costume and also that mission is really annoying
I was expecting this to take a left turn from the description and go into the courier. He’s found me during dragon fights, in the Ratway; I don’t think he enters dungeons, but other than that he will find you *anywhere.*
You do get a pretty cool weapon from the quest tho
“How does that guy always finds me”
I almost had a heart attack the first time I found that THING!
Something Meridia would do.
Awesome Nightingale armor by the way.
Where’d you get that armor tho, that’s sick
Pov: just killing another high wizard to collect his mask ….that guy appareing outof no where “hey i have a letter sems to be a friend of yours ”
Please tell me where you got the nightingales armor.
I tried avoiding that quest for so long and got caught lacking
That armour is sick. I have had it for so long and not because it’s good for casting spells.
Don’t go hunting elks, a mud crab might see you, and call the guards.
i hate that quest my god, such a mid quest for such a mid weapon
Lmaoooooo I can’t stand when this happens
1 week after breakup: a new hand touches “MY” beacon
Lmfaoooo I’ve been avoiding that for 2 1/2 yrs
BROOO HOW THE COURIER GOT THAT. “Caught the dragonborn lackin, did I?” LMFAO
Does the courier legit end up delivering the beacon to you?

At this point I just speedrun it so it can’t interrupt me when I’m actually trying to rp
Ah yes, the Nightingale who will weild Dawn Breaker.
Love how he’s weeping
Lol is that a fucking Dodecahedron
I always tried to run from him, he always catches up to me
I’ve got so much stuff in skyrim that I can never figure out what the courier actually gives me
Huh oh yeah….. I have never done that quest.and its been years LMAO
I hate meridia with a burning passion
As a wondering soul in skyrim im stuck perpetually holding 297395 quest items i cant toss hahaha
This is exactly how it feels when I first saw this I was like cool a weird rock thing I can sell this but when I touched it, my life is ruined when I then when I started a new game and I saw it, I was like you thought you could get away with it not this time
Not even that bad of a quest either…especially after you’ve hit 80.
honestly that is on of the most annoying quests ever
first time I found this thing… she scared the shit out of me
Me in Fallout New Vegas collecting 99 toy rocket ships to sell for caps. Wait WTF???
Got the dragonknight armor on
*downloads remove quest items mod*
I just finished the quest
she really annoying
I always ended up finding Meridia’s Shrine before finding her beacon, so I honestly never received that randomized “A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON” interaction
Fuck tht quest dont think I ever even did it lol
please tell me she cant be picked up that way
Nice costume, wow
Clearly using detect life.
this is awesome. I am going to play Skyrim tomorrow now
The first ever time I found the beacon I nearly pissed myself. I was NOT expecting a voice to suddenly start speaking. Didn’t help it was during the night LOL
At least Dawnbreaker is a good sword against undeads
oh god yer everytime i see it in chest i im just like “nope” and never touch it and instantly close that chest.
Really!? Prophecy!? All that is bullshit
am I the only one that didn’t get the beacon!? I’m lv 70 and just realizing
I dunno about everyone else, but the only reason I didn’t want to do this mission is because it bugged my game every single time it launched me up in the sky
I get the jokes about it, but I really don’t get upset when I find the beacon. I think it’s cool. I guess I’m the only one.
You ever just back outta the dialogue while you’re in the sky and run around a little?
that fucking beaching beacon
Bruh, I was FALLING TO MY DEATH and I see the courier heading my way…not only did I not die, but I received a damn letter!!!
Whats wrong with it?
So true lol
The character sway is accurate as all hell
It’s always the heavy ones too
I haven’t played this game in years let alone this quest, and I still have the speech burned into my skull
Here we are years and years and years after its release…. and of course I know what Nightingale Armor is.
courier’s hacking i swear he always finds me but when i see him i usually paralyze him then run away
Bro I found that shit in a random chest and realized I could leave it there and never touch it, then I got stupid and forgot I left it there and accepted it
This quest was so easy and the reward for it is huge, have no idea why people say its a dumb quest
He just dipped as soon as the job was done.
I once found her beacon in some random chest in the bottom of a huge dungeon. Opened the chest, saw the beacon and closed the chest and left lol
a friend once said on chat “a new hand touches the bacon” so yea maridia bacon is the meme of the group
Nice armor, where did you get that from?
I made the mistake of picking the Runed Lexicon up off of that quest guy’s dead body, it becomes permanently stuck in your inventory without commands
Fortunately there’s a mod that revoices meridia with a much calmer and softer voice which makes it less painful to hear it’s pretty much a MUST HAVE for me.
why couldn’t she be as fun as good ol uncle sheo.
I remember Clavicus Vile telling me that there won’t be strings attached for my reward then when I looted the chest behind his statue Meridia’s Beacon was there lol.
Why do people not like Meridia’s quest? You get a sweet sword just for doing things you’d be doing anyway.
That is to true.
Completely unrelated but my character on Skyrim(names McStabABtch) is currently got the exact same armour on, just gotta love the look of the nightingale armour
I’m digging the outfit
Love your Nightengale costume! Great skit
Where did you get that costume? I want one
Man the messenger is literally the god of sight like he just sees ALL
The beacon quest is cool though. I use a lot Dawnbreaker.
Destined to be the lackey for every single person he comes across.
The costume looks really well made
Not realistic since my eardrums are still intact smh my head
I usually violently and viciously kill the courier in all my play throughs
Yo i tought that was Moon Knight

YUP! everytime I saw one of these guys running up to me or open a chest and see that…..NOPE!!! i don’t care how many hours, IM DONE
its funny her loading screen information says shes not eveil for a daedric prince but is the one hated by all
The floppy run into the idle bounce

Do ppl hate meridia or smt?
This is why I like Oblivion; quest items weigh 0.
Bruh that nightingale armor is sick
fyee suit
The nasaly voice impression made me think of Freiza and I would pay good money for Freiza to voice Meridia
Am i the only one that loves that quest especially in the early game
Gotta love the nightingale armor
Cool Nightingale armor dude
Bro I literally cant get away from the beacon when making a new game
I hope this guy doesn’t try to k,ll his wife likey other favorite Skyrim youtuber

The Massager always fine the Dragon Born is so true. How the hell does he know were u are, especially when u in a dungeon after u come out he’s there waiting for u
or the time when the Dragon attacks
The very first time I had that question I loved it. Every time after the first I curse my very existence
Why people hate it tho?
I find it a fun easy quest that gives a free daedric artifact
Nightingale armor is still my favourite armor set in the game, regardless which build you make
Idk if it was a glitch but the courier found me while I was fighting Alduin the first time
Love the nightinggale armor(is that what it is?)
I’ll never get why people hate so much on Meridia’s quest. The dungeon is cool, Dawnbreaker is cool and you get tons of gold
I really don’t understand why everyone hates the Beacon so much. It doesn’t take _that_ long to watch the cutscene, and it’s just another quest in your log.
It’s not like Dwemer Ruin #217 is so enthralling that you can’t take your eyes off of it for 90 seconds.
That crap terrified me when I heard it in the cave
I only heard her talk once even tho I never did her quest for days and then I just cleared it bc I needed something
Saw the shape and color and knew exactly what quest it was.
Am I the only one who kind of like that quest
Just another day skyrim
But dawnbreaker is super op for low levels
Why’d they make quest items take up inventory weight, it wouldn’t be nearly as annoying if I didn’t have 6 pounds of unusable inventory
I hate this. (Meaning that I sympathize.) I’m still carrying around Arodils journals even though I finished the quest. I don’t need them any more.
the courier probably just sets you as their current mission objective and uses clairvoyance.
Say you own a 3d printer without saying you own a 3d printer
God if I could somehow work at Bethesda back in time I’d tell the boss it’s a bad idea
i love this so much, the laugh at the end is the cherry on top
I’m sorry but what’s so bad about the beacon
I thought it were a Noob Saibot costume for a moment.
I absolutely love that my first response to seeing it was a disgusted, “oh fuck”. Even though I only started playing a couple of months BEFORE anniversary edition.
Edit: oh I also forgot to add that it has been a while since I played because well college life
Would it be, an old hand touches the beacon?
What does this mean?
where do i get that nightingale armor
I refuse to believe in canon meridia wouldn’t do this whole dialogue if she could
Jokes on you the most overpowered sword comes from that mission
I really wish they didn’t have weight.
Her voice is very annoying.
Meridia sounds like cavicus vile. He would be a dick like that, too
She ways catch you lacking
Why do so many people hate that quest
I swear that Skyrim music be peaceful I end up going sleep afterwards during a quest
The fact that you put in the effort to have Nightingale armor is applauseable
She would drive me insane irl lol
That Meridian laugh is annoying as it is
Should make a mod called “Miridians Hammer” which is a commonly purchased item in every store that allows you to smash the fucking thing.
Like the beacons are just a common pest, like rats, so everyone has means of getting rid of it.
Reverse Robbery
Nice nightingale armor, gotta say, kinda jealous
this is really good every skyrim player doesnt like that quest at all
But you get dawnbreaker which is hella mid anyways
Don’t you get a pretty good shield out of that?
“A new hand touches the Beacon!”
Maybe so but if you think I give a crap about your stupid sword you’re wrong, you just get to come with me for all eternity.
best jumpscares in video game history a 3am “A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON”
Meanwhile in Oblivion Umbra is a quest item and cannot be removed from your inventory. Enjoy your overpowered 0 weight sword with a great enchantment
I just loved it

Man! This reminded me when I accidentaly started the miraak’s dlc while I was in a random town and decided to just ignore it. Later, I found like 4 dragons and this asshole…Miraak kept stealing all my souls and I was so pissed I had to do the whole dlc to continue
I did that quest maybe twice. ever since, I keep finding it in the most unsuspecting chest in some dank, low level bandit camp and I WILL NOT pick it up
you can stay there, lady!
Also the 20 pound elder scrolls—
Meridia sounds more like Clavicus Vile.
_”There’s an axe. An incredibly powerful axe. An axe powerful enough for me to have quite a bit of fun, indeed. If you bring it to me, I’ll grant you my boon. No strings attached. No messy surprises. At least, not for you.”_
I honestly hope there is a reference to this in elder scrolls 6 because of how hated it is. Would be pretty funny
My mom dips when she sees it in a chest until lvl 50
I hate when they are also like 20lbs
That is why mods are a must, and having the option to “hide all quest items” is a life saviour. Also they dont weight anything, even if they show weight in the inventory. If you remove everything but quest items from your inventory you will be at 0
When the quest item takes up half your carry weight
Nightingale armor, nice
just give it to your follower
The irony here is that a “Nightingale” is doing Merida’s quest.
Bruh I swear, they should allow you to store quest items in containers. I get that you can’t drop them so that you don’t lose any necessary items, but you should be able to put them in containers and have a quest marker for them
I remember doing the Clockwork mod, and I got down to the house, and the courier was there waiting for me…both times I’ve done that quest line…
This is PERFECT!!!!!
That’s why I kill couriers
A new hand touches the beacon
A New Hand Touches The Beacon
The way I deal with it is: picking it up and then completely ignoring her quest out of SPITE.
This needs to happen when a mod allows to drop it. It’d be such an amazing troll. To be fair, you could probably drop that item off at the altar or whatever, then opt to never finish the quest once it’s returned and no longer in your inventory.
The carrier is a true god, unkillable and can always find you
This was definitely worth watching. Gave me a good laugh it did.
“Item(s) were added to your inventory”
*inventory has 450lbs of gear*
That nightingale armor is sick
Dude that Nightingale Armor is AWESOME
Or mistakenly grabbing one of them damn stones of berenthia
Man that mage at the end of this quest is the worst!
Paused my game, watched this video, then 1 minute later I travel to solitude and get chased by the courier..
In my newest playthrough, I literally just ended up with the Beacon… opened a chest and went “aaaaah Hell…..”
But.. You get a fancy sword with low damage.
The courier’s subtle sway gets me every time.
“Nope. Sorry. Nothing.”
I once saw Meridia’s beacon just sitting in a chest. Grabbed all the goodies around it and left it be.
Never did her questline, and I don’t plan to.
Can you do a video where you review that outfit, looks like the one from Etsy. I would be interested in purchasing. Thanks
I mean, is this quest really that bad because of the way the game is written and what happens you can actually get two of the swords from that mission instead of just one
lmao oh I try not to avoid that little beacon in just do the mission because I’ve actually like the sword you get from it especially when you can get to they’re great weapons when you’re playing as a Vampire Hunter.
i have over 70 alto wines stuck in my inventory and i can’t remove any
i have no idea what quest they belong too either
Am I the only person who did this quest and didn’t think anything of it? I found out it was a meme later and remembered literally nothing about it.
How does that guy always find me?
This is my favourite quest
Love the costume where can I get one
those are quest item, do the quest, no more item
I love the nightingale outfit
i dont understand this meme at all, i like this questline and dawnbreaker is a hella cool sword
Honestly this quest gives a really fun sword to use
Oh no Vietnam flash backs
being forced to carry around a dozen amulets of talos, meridias beacon, stones of barenziah, and tolfdirs alembic all this time ;^)
I hate this quest so much because it catches you off guard early in the game and it’s so difficult to complete
And so begins the:
“Now I gotta just get this quest over with so I can get rid of this thing….please make it stop…”
the armor is amazing!!!! well done!!!!
Not even kidding, found meridia’s beacon, left it there. I do NOT want that thing.
A new hand touches the beacon
That sword is good for dungeons tho
What happens if you kill the courier before you get the delivery?
You’re tripping, that quest is amazing
A nEw HaND…!
Quest items you cant drop and set you over your carry limit so youre forced to drop stuff you wanted to keep. The worst
player.drop 1
I usually do it with keys because I’m not a fucking janitor.
i enchanted tf out that armor
Courier: I’ve been looking for you. *Hands beacon*
*Adds mod that allows me remove her* I’m free
But the sword is accually good for the start… atleast in my opinion
still don‘t know what everyones problem with this quest is lmao… it’s straight up my favorite sidequest. been plqyibg this game since it came out and never once got tired of this quest
How much was that costume?
I chuckled
Bro no way

Nah bro that courier was taught how to fast travel i swear to god
That’s the shabby doll from SH4?
nightingale cosplay looks so sick!
go finish her quest and toss the sword as soon as your feet touch the ground again
That item was the whole reason why i stoped hitting take all
I modded the game to let me remove that fucking thing. Fuck you Meridia,
that’s a really cool costume ngl
Just sell it
Got served by meridia lool
I didn’t understand that quest to well..
Somehow I knew
That nightingale set looks hella nice
I just beat that mission, I really don’t understand what the big deal is
Curse whoever decided to make quest items undroppable AND have weight
I don’t get it.
A nEw HaNd ToUcHeS tHe BeAcOn
Dude… just do the mission
Rope beacon to stick, proceed to beat bandits with it – annoy the Goddess of misplaced knicknacks because a new face touches the beacon every 3.5 seconds.
Who’s laughing now?!
Where’d you get the costume? Looks very well made.
Ahem *clears throat *
“A neww hannd, touches the beacon.”
“Listen, Hear me and obey!”

I’m trying to keep my inventory clean, what do I do with all these damn instruments!

This shit got me hollering

That courier got me killed one time
why does everyone hate this mission, i once found it in the first 15 mins.
My 15th character in i go to the barrel in the beginning with the potions in it and i find the beacon. I immediatly logged out and deleted that character
Where he get that outfit though?
Lol I always leave that damn beacon behind
I just put it on the pedistal and leave, lol
Thats why i dodge this quest
The most hated on item in the game lol soon as i see it in the chest i just walk away
the *_woah_* is so fucking accurate
like why is this dude nearly sprinting at me, only to stop so damn abruptly and make the most soul-snatching eye contact possible
Dude ran through a whole camp full of forsaken just to give me a letter. I was behind a tent, crouched, and was about to pounce. Lord this courier service is better than the USPS.
Thats a really good costume, the dragonborns outfit looks okay too i guess
Back in the good old Morrowind days, you could drop a quest item, lose it and permanently fuck your game over forever by making the main quest unbeatable.
Sooo true
Here goes f9
Literally every time
Lmao I have ovoid the beacon before you just don’t ever take it
Stones of barenziah that for some reason refused to stack
That Nightingale armour looks sick
If anyone needs to know, the beacon usually spawns at the end of bleak falls Barrow, at least for me.
Ya I feel ur pain half the time I just end up keeping the Danm thing and forget about dawn breaker
Happens to me every time and i m literally running out of space right now
If I ever see this guy, I back out the conversation and fast travel.
On the PS3, I had a game breaking glitch copy where if your save data file was too big, then once you finished the mission, you would fall to your death about halfway being let back down to the ground by the entity
I hated that quest but I liked it at the same time mostly because it gives alot of EXP and loot.
Does anyone know where I deliver that damn thing to??
Amazing how this game is over 10 years old and content is still being created around it…
I’m proud.
The courier is the true evil why i attack him afterwards my playthrough
Jokes on you, I’m just going to go to prison!
I love every daedras, deities and the Seven gods chose the same guy like “yeah fck this man in particular”
your beacon has been paid
I’ve never understood why people hate this quest so much it’s piss easy to do when you get a good sword out of it
am I the only one who enjoyed doing this quest line
Lmfao fr though
ugh I know exactly what you mean, no means no!
*My eye twitching badly and start pray to derea prince to burn entire town to ground*
Meridia I am yeeting your ass beacon to the next dimension
I dont get it honestly its not a boring quest I go out of my way to do it specifically for the sword because its a decent oke
Why does moon night look like nightingale armor
Everytime I seen this item in a barrel or chest I always left it there until I actually wanted to teo the quest. Made the fatal mistake of collecting all items at once.
Thankfully that quest is easy enough….but yes, LET ME DROP QUEST ITEMS!!! I have all the fucking black books in my inventory and it pisses me off!!
I do this quest just to get dawnbreaker to play a memed out paladin who hates undead, fr tho the explosion on death affect dawnbreaker does to undead is pretty freakin good
I do this quest only for the sword lol
**sigh** “Can’t believe I fell for it again. Guess I better restart the game… Hopefully this time I won’t fall the same trick again, this is the 5th time this has happened to me.”
People that don’t like the Meridia quest are just weak, yeah, I said it. I be hunting chests specifically for the beacon
good thing courier didn’t deliver the beacon or did them? I never got one though
That Courier would have suffered a fate worse than death *_*
I actually like this quest.
I always kill everyone I see when I’m lit exploring in skyrim
(I know this is old but thought it be a funny comment to add) “QUICK USE CONSOLE COMMANDS TO REMOVE IT!!”
This is great
Your Nightingale armor is sick af
Quick load a last save DO IT!
Easy to overlook that homie has an actual nightingale set.

*Reloads Quicksave*
*Kills Courier*
*Entire Game becomes hostile due to invoking the wrath of Hodd Toward*
“Your hands only” I have and will never forget that line
“I’ll keep the sword. But find someone else to spread your religion.”
Not gonna lie, thought it was supposed to be the augur of the obscure for a second…
What sucks is when the quest glitches, so you can’t get rid of it, like ever
Great content
I want your armor
i’ve literally never met someone who has done meridias quest on purpose it’s always by accident
Was literally watching Mirrak absorb one of my dragon souls and bro came to give me my mail what a legend
Just remember to pump stats into stamina for all the quest items you cant get rid off… Screw you Meridian Beacon unusual gems and screw you crimson nirnroot… and if i could id trade all my Elder Scrolls to Sven and Fus Ro Dah him off the throat of the world…
Is it just me or does skyrim have the most glitches out of a lot of games
Actually this quest has a lot of gold laying around
I’ll deal with Meredia’s pompous ass just to get the dawnbreaker. Makes clearing out the thousands of nordic crypts a breeze
I don’t get why it gets so much hate? Yeah she’s abeesh but you only listen to her once and the quest yields decent loot
So accurate
I well and truly love this quest.
Bro straight up has a full set of nightingale armor
Where did you get the armor?
I feel like I’m the only person that likes this quest I absolutely love the sword it gives you
Meridia: “A new had touches the beacon.” Me “same hand different time just shut up I’ll be there in like a day or so I’m still in freaking whiterun so chill lady.”
courier knows all, man has found me while I was doing horse shenanigans and scaling the side of a mountain
When you have 400 hours on a character with 150 pounds of quest items
Why do so many people hate this quest? It’s one of the more unique ones
this is what console commands and mods are for. Or just strait up save editing
Can I ask what’s so bad about the quest?
Okay being real here. Why does everyone hate her mission? I really like the quest and the reward.
I’ve watched q million of these videos and I STILL PICKED IT UP
After like 2 or 3 playthroughs i just leave it in whichever chest it is in.
Goddamn courier. I don’t know how he doesn’t die trying to get to me in the caves. Keep up the vids man I love them
Lowkey one of my favorite quests tho
Meridia is a whole menace . In eso and Skyrim
Saw this thing in a random fkn chest and just vacated the area, I was NOT about to deal with that mf
I fcking hate quest items that stay in your Inventory….like Galiuses journal!
I was sneaking using invisibility spell, while hiding behind bunch of logs. Then i got approached by the courier lmao.
I understand this. I found it by accident and couldn’t get rid of the damn thing.
Skyrim players:
Meanwhile oblivion players: ah, yes. Umbra sword considered a quest item, so no one can remove it from you no matter what, truly, non removable quest items is a blessing.
Tbf tho the Dawnbreaker sword is great at low levels
I once have npc deliver me a message in the middle of the river. After delivering he just ran on one place in water till I left xd
A new hand touches the bacon
I don’t understand why everyone hates finding the beacon, I went a did that quest immediately every time because the sword is awesome, and daedric artifacts were always too of the list for me xD
Nice Nightingale armor.
If you direct a follower to take all from a chest with the beacon in it, they’ll actually pick it up. It’ll just chill in their inventory until you’re ready to do the quest
I have affectionately nicknamed it “Vilkas’ anal bead”. No hands are gonna wanna touch that beacon after this.
I looove this Nightingale armor

where is it from?
Do the quest there’s a lot of gold in her temple and the sword at the end is awesome
Congrats man you have meridias kidney stone once more
I know the internet tells me to hate this quest, but I honestly love it lol
She has the most annoying feminist Teachers voice
Trinkets,odds and ends.. That of thing
Now, Skyrim may be my favorite game, but this totally ruins it.
u guys know quest items don’t actually take up space until the quest is completed
got the nightingale drip
Courier actually is just Julianos himself. He knows all.
PTSD central everytime you open a chest and see Meridias beacon
I like the nightingale armor
I don’t really get the Meridia hate tbh. You spend so much time in Nordic ruins fighting Draugr that having a weapon that specifically helps against undead is a big boon. Not to mention the vampires in the Dawnguard DLC.
I live the brotherhood armor
Jokes aside, that cosplay is absolutely amazing man
I like how he always says your hands only but then tells me it’s a letter of inheritance like I thought it was suppose to be my hands only why you reading my shit
I swear everytime I see the beacon in game I cry a little and my soul breaks a little bit mote
I’m just sick of that fucking Amulet Fragment being in my inventory. I legit don’t know what quest it’s apart of and i’m too lazy to do anything about it.
I want this to be an actual part. Of Skyrim

I actually like that quest just because i like the blade to hang up in my house as decoration.
*Moon Knight!?*
I found Maridia’s beacon in a chest I found in a level 7 bandit camp. I play skyrim enough to know what levels characters are just because of how much damage I deal
Can’t you just get the quest done and over with? Plus you get a sword that’s basically a middle finger to undead which is naturally great for killing vampires.
honestly i wouldnt mind if they didnt weigh a fuk ton
The worst thing is when you dont notice it and just grab everything
I need someone to make a mod that allows the courier to find you in sovengaurd the soul cairn dungeons and the planes of oblivion
I think I’m one of the few who doesn’t mind the quest itself… just hate the timing.
You want to play in an order of events so at some point you’re going to do the Daedric Quests b2b… but it always shows up around level 10 or so… and you’re still doing the main Quest line… annoying af… but the Quest itself is pretty good
Worse than a pipebomb in the mail
Isn’t that nighten gale armor am i correct
I actually never found a beacon IIRC. Played to level 40, never saw one
The reaction is spot on

That’s funny cause that’s like a completely useless quest item that you have to carry in your inventory since the start of your game that you have no idea what’s it for until the endgame music comes on 40 to 80 game hours later and you realize it’s useful for the endgame…
Me when I stole a man’s pelvis and couldn’t get rid of it
Even I yelled “FUCK” when he touched it.
Like the silver shroud quest in fallout 4
The first time I found that beacon my tv was loud af at 3am and I nearly shit myself. PTMD post tramatic meridian dissorder
This is the wrong music bro
“unusual gems”
You caught skyrim aids basically
That’s one cool cosplay
I hate this quest. Literally.
Console command it out of existence
This blasted ball has made me make sure i look through every item in a chest before hitting “collect all” xD gods i hate that quest
I’m so sick of her, I don’t even pronounce her name correctly, I call her Meranda
bro i need that fucking costume its sick as fuck
Simple solution: Ask the God of Nexus to remove it
As a Skyrim player I can confidently say I hate that quest it offers me nothing but a useless or sword
Dawn breaker is just such a disappointment though even upgraded to legendary it still sucks
Time to load last save
i fucking love your NPC speech lol
That mf always sneaks up on me, I’m used to using ‘take all’, scares the shit out of me when that thing starts talking cause I never expect it or look for it.
Another hand touches the beacon!
That’s fire you got the nightingale armor set
Fuck me and my hand that touched that foul shit
Bros in nightingal armour….. if that man don’t want to be seen he ain’t gonna be found……
see you soon.
That costume reminds me of moonknight.
Exactly how I felt every single time I pick up that item and OMG how in the world does he find you no matter where you are world best spy hmmm
why does everyone hate this quest so much? It may be the most profitable dungeon in the game and the blade can be useful.
The courier always finds you anywhere and he always can recognize you no matter how many times you change you’r looks
How did I know it was going to be this one?
Can anyone see the text at the top of the video? I can’t
Am I the only one that looks for the beacon to get Dawnbreaker ? I fucking love that sword lol.
Man they shit on her quest too much
The story and prize looks quite dope to me
I quicksave before opening anything, just to avoid that
“A new hand touches the beacon”
you cant have the stkyrim mail guy in a vid without the “nope, sorry, nothing”
He uses the clairvoyant spell same as the player can
Why does everyone hate meridias beacon quest
As some one who has like 7 story items that cannot be removed, and take up a good quarter of my inventory, this is highly relatable.
It’s funny because after I found the beacon for the first time. it now is forever staying in whatever chest I find it in
ever since i switch from console to pc player.modav carryweight 1000000 has become my bestfriend in skyrim and fallout. i wasted to much time cleaning inventories.
The best way to avoid meridia is to go to her shrine and activate the quest, this tells you where the beacon is and thus which chest to avoid.
Just do the quest then you are able to drop it
*A n E w H a N d T o U c H e S t H e B A c O n*
So true
Yo that nightingale cosplay though!
im fuckin dyin

The courier performance was almost perfectly accurate to the game
Only problem was he was clothed
ohh… another jinnkidd.. how original. another typical brainless mainstream media fed sheeple with no intellect and no capacity to have one original thought
Dont forget how heavy it is on your inventory too…
I Alr done this quest some times.
Still dunno why people hate it
That’s an engram from Destiny u gotta focus it to get rid of it
Easy fix reload the last save.
Lmao this one had me rolling bro I specifically dodged Meridia beacon but always somehow pick it up
That beacon gives you one the best swords in the game though. What’s the problem?
Yo, the Knightingale armour though…
Love your armour btw
Tbf the sword you get from that quest is actually pretty good
Dude, that outfit is badass, I gotta know where to get one
I still don’t get why people hate this quest
Meridia must have been so annoyed you kept ignoring her beacon so she hired someone to give it to you
The only item players avoid like grass
Okay its like 3 dungeons and they’re not even that hard or complex, ESPECIALLY if you use stealth. What’s with this meme?
Me: idonwanna f off
game: did I ask for your opinion? now imma weigh you down like brick of plutonium
Awesome Nightingale Outfit.
Fun quest in skyrimVR
I personally enjoyed the quest, but really only cuz I got an ebony shield from one of the chests on the balcony. For context, I play a punch crazy Kahjit with full ebony armor
I dont understand the hate for that quest. By the time the beacon decided to appear for me, i was always level enough that to breeze right through it…plus damn that quest can give some serious bank
My favorite part is when meredia brings you up into the sky and flings you back down
I usually save if just before doing dawnguard quest line…. Splody vamps are my favorite
Can’t run from those layer lines
Depend of the message, one time he come in a dungeon for delivery a message
I need that set of nightingale armor irl
*Watches hentai and blindly reaches for the lotion*
Fuck! Wrong item!
Stone of Barenziah… I hate you
i find this funny cause i swear this quest is unanimously HATED
……*loads last save*
I hate the dialogue, I hate the quest, love the loot, LOVE dawnbreaker, HATE this self righteous daedra. Much prefer the wolf queen quest in solitude and the sequel quest, actually it is a perfect use for dawnbreaker
I like the sword too much to ignore the beacon, no matter how annoying she is. But you can easily just not loot it if you find it in a chest, and.i doubt anyone just gives you it.
bro look like live action smoke
Lol the quest isn’t even hard
the Mysterious Gems are definitely harder lol
Where did you get a nightingale armor costume?
PTSD hits hard.

Damn found it in a Ruin the shock almost killed me
I don’t mind mission items being non droppable. But people who make non droppable WEIGHTED mission items.
Awesome constume. The beacon quest the one quest we all hate.
Left out the part where they load a save from three hours ago just to avoid having the beacon stuck in their inventory.
Bro all these blackbooks in my inventory
I’m not gonna lie, I’ve seen that before in chests and wholly ignored it.
The body movements of the delivery person are amazinggg haha. He doesn’t even look like a real person.
When you pick up an elder scroll and your now over encumbered because you also have the gems for the thief’s guild but never handed them in
Once I was parkouring my way along some rooftops in Solitude and the courier materialized out of thin air on the roofs to deliver his message, there is no escape
The first time i played skyrim my game glitched and gave me two dawnbreakers, so i was dual weilding them. I was very disappointed when i got a new system and beat the quest
Skyrim was kinda neat back in 1802 when it was first invented by Jebediah Skyrim, Nowadays, it’s kind of old and stupid
*insert Darth Vader’s* “NOOOOOOO!!!!!”
Edit: plot twist Meridia sent the courier
that Sword you get from that quest though
Personally no joke I actually did the quest. It had no right to give me this quest for what level I was at. So to give you an understanding at my position I was like 11 doing the werewolf or whatever quest (please don’t judge me for not knowing what it is) so after I did the quest I had a few more little side quests to do and when was at a specific dungeon after I accidentally killed one of my teammates by actually turning into a werewolf and scaring him off making him want to kill me so I had to kill him. anyway after that I went to a specific room with a specific looking… ORB. anyway after touching it I had to do the quest it was pretty easy at first but then came that final room and oh boy… They don’t call it a final room for a reason I swear to God even after lowering the difficulty I couldn’t for the life of me beat it. So I just eventually gave up anyways few years pass and eventually I found my Xbox 360 and I started playing the game again. but I played it for a long time after I found my Xbox and once you behold there is one little quest that I had to do and so basically after quickly getting there I went to the final room and in about four to three shots I just straight-up killed the dude and it was so.EASY like I couldn’t believe my eyes anyways I got the sword it was kind of garbage after what I did to get it. it’s so funny where you get godlike items and you could just sell them at a pawn shop for like 1000 gold
I saw it and said son of a bitch by instinct
That is some kick ass Nightingale Armor
Basically true
Who’s tried to run away from the male man

Bro as a person that’s beat skyrim several times I can relate heavily
Holy shit the ptsd I always got marideas form bleak falls
NOT THE BEACON. Hate that thing, annoying quest trash reward
Dragonborn: “I’m completely lost, how did I end up on the side of a mountain?”
Courier: “There you are, I’ve been looking all over for you…”.
I like your authentic idle animation.
Y’all all I gotta say is I’m loving the outfit that this dude is wearing

This is exactly how mt last 32 play throughs have gone.
Now that’s a quest that I just do as early as I can so I won’t get the harassment from that damed rock
My boy spawned in a bandit filled dungeon just to give me a letter #determined
This is like the time I was playing ESO, and a quest giver followed me to Oblivion. Like how tf did you get here?
The laugh at the end got me
I love the cosplay
Same with fallout
Dude looks like the new smoke for mk12
The Radiant Raiment Fine Clothes I can’t remove from my inventory in any way:
Couriers tracking you down and delivering your packages and letters, even when you’re not at home. Amazon’s been slacking.
If a courier delivered me Meridias Beacon I would kill him on sight
some time ago i was peeling some jicama for me since it was a hot day, before cutting it in to little parts i took it in my hand and it looked like the beacon of meridia, i got gaming ptsd.
I don’t know why people hate this so much, it leads you to getting the coolest sword
I had it in my inventory for god knows how long but eventually did a clear out of quest items and Tbf it’s not a bad quest
They should a quest items in morrowind to add to this since you can obtain super important items and then sell them and they will be gone forever and you can’t progress the storyline
At least the quest items have no weight.
Love how he tries to throw the beacon but it just sticks to his hands.
Nice nightingale costume just remember it’s hood sick af
*Mods the game to remove it.*
*Also have big tits now… The mod came with it, I swear.*
The first thing i do is completly that quest intentionelly. That way i cant be jump scared by it
Brooooo do yall remember the quest to call the truce between he jarls? I had to start over the entire game because that glitched on me a good couple times man
Why do people hate the Meridian’s Beacon quest so much? Like, I hate it too, but I don’t know why.
It’s always worth it to be brought up into the sky, that view is incredible every time
Ok yeah but where did he get that nightingale armor
I always check loot containers twice before collecting anything. I do not want my characters associating with daedra unless they’re absolute scourges to society
Why she send me to heaven in that same armor
Not even in the YouTube reels and shorts can I escape this hoe
The beacon always appears in a random dungeon chest when your guard is at its lowest and you brain autoloots the entire chest. Suddenly you’re being told to head to southwest skyrim and you can’t remove it.
That nightingale armor goes crazy, did you make it yourself?
I don’t get the issue everyone has with it? I think it’s a nice challenging dungeon and the weapon is pretty dang good
omfg thank you, you made me laugh on a terrible day and really turned the day around hehehe thanks ^^
Time to load the last quicksave
That nightingale armour tho

Why wasn’t the courier naked?
Iv never understood why people hate this mission like for real its my favorite weapon dawnbreaker
“How does that guy always find me”
Clairvoyance is a novice level illusion spell. The real question is how does anyone lose anything.
Had a courier run up to me while I was fighting a dragon. Had a bow out and arrow nocked when he pulled me into conversation mode, snapping the camera down from the sky at him and switching to menu controls. Since I was no longer holding down the mouse button as far as the game was concerned, the arrow I had nocked does what nocked arrows do when you let go of the mouse button: it fired, straight into his face which the camera had locked onto automatically, killing him instantly, mid-sentence. Cue the entire town shouting MURDERER and trying to kill me in kind, completely ignoring the dragon that was still attacking.
My question is why did he open an unknown package?
I tend to leave it wherever i find it, hate when i end up with like 5 of the unusual stones
i dont really get why ppl hate that quest so much, i just left it until i wanted the cool lookin sword
U look like sun zero from mortal kombat
I like how the prison guards let you keep the giant axe from Daedras Best Friends questline in prison.
It makes absolutely no sense.
In a world that has magic and dragons, we find it hard to believe the ONLY courier can find people lol.
I do not understand why the beacon is so hated
I still don’t get why it’s so bad I play Skyrim like a good couple times ten years now and I still don’t see the
Tbh it’s such annoying dialogue, but I personally feel the weapon is worth it lmao I like it
This is exactly how I felt when I got the beacon.
My first instinct was to drop it out of my inventory.
worst part is one time the beacon quest glitched and I could never access the statue to actually go and complete the mission thereafter..
Just complete the quest bro and then just drop the sword
Looks like Gothic scorpion
I somehow guessed the joke before the mailman even left
Jokes on you, I love hearing her tell me to do something. (Favorite line in the game) I just ignore or forget to do the quest.
iv tutch the be-ken and got rid of it so whats the fuss
The quest isnt that bad the end part has heaps of money and gets u a shiny sword
Just do the quest, get the ultimate torch, And wield true power. It’s quite an easy quest too.
I just realized that it’s 3d printed.
I actually got caught lackin in the game, I was looting a chest, so I just take every thing, and as soon as I exit, sound on, she starts up and startles me
I wanna know where to get that
Trick the game into selling the orb to an NPC.
Skyrim is broken enough to let you do that.
Poor guy, he was already a Nightingale, now he has to serve two daedric princes, must be rough.
Where did you get the nightingale armor? Or did you make it? It looks amazing
Couriers are like door dashers bro
I want that mask and hood
I almost died laughing just hearing the beacon say its new line “caught the dragon Born lacking did i?”
Just take it to the temple but don’t complete the quest it won’t be in your inventory
I dunno man I think the sword is pretty epic
I would love a mod that makes the beacon reposition itself on rare occasions into any container the dragonborn is looking in, as well as a mod that plays a loud jumpscare sound every time it appears XD
I kinda like Meridia’s quest. I enjoy killing necromancers and looting lots of gold. The sword makes a great wall hanging.
Bro literally, I got 15 lbs of stuff I can’t put in my chests
Why do people hate this quest so much?
You nailed the sway the Skyrim npcs do and the video is all the better for it.
Courier is a fucking Daedric god I just know it
*loads previous quick save*
*Opens a chest and sees Meridia’s beacon*
*Closes chest*
I wasn’t even here, man.
That is so annoying
The lip sync is spot on
I luv dawnbreaker but gawt damn can miridia fuk off
I think it was a glitch but the courier somehow found me on the Throat of the World and for the first time I thought what the greybeards said about there being another dragonborn in this age was true and that the courier was the true Dragonborn
The story is that courier took a blow too the head and was buried but survived.
Every time i see that damn beacon, i always avoid it.
And yet it keeps spawning in new chests!
It’s trying to catch me off-guard with me constantly hitting the Loot All button!
I have the item, I just ignored it… is it important at all?
Is that Nightingale armor?
Literally like the only reason i save alot, cant get me if i know whats going to happen
it’s gotten to the point I don’t level past 9 anymore.
I hated this item it kept crashes my game so many times
“I’ve been looking for you. Got something I’m supposed to deliver. Your hands only. Let’s see here, a letter from that Jarl! Moving up in the world I see.”
I love it when there’s a 20 lbs elder scroll in my inventory that’s completely useless
That nightingale armor looks sick
Became Malcolm Holmes
I like that he’s in the Nightingale armor
I do it for the sword
lmao lacking!
I think I’ve seen it in like 5 diff chests now and refuse to grab it
After my 2nd play through, when I found the beacon I said,” Fk that shii!”, And left it in the chest. You just hear Meridia’s voice slowly fading away, ” Wait Wait where are you going?”
Nightingale armor!!!! THAT LOOKS SO COOL!
At least quest items don’t weigh anything.
Disappointed that he didn’t say ” nope sorry, nothing “
Bro that mission is only good for collecting
I just admin command it by deleting the item
*Opens Chest*
*Sees Stone of Meridiah*
*Closes chest*
Im good actually Miss Meridiah.
The funniest part of this to me, is the idea that a LITERAL GOD has to rely on the postal service to catch the Dragonborn! XD
Even if you ignore it. It will find you.
I Intentionally take it and then Like 100 of hours remember that this is in my pocket
The fucking skeleton key I still have in my inventory
There should be a mod for this to dilever what ever quest item you pass up
To be fair, yeah the dialogue is incredibly annoying. But, the dungeon at Mount Kilkreath is one of three locations where you can find a single Imperial Closed Helmet, and Dawnbreaker is extremely useful throughout the Dawnguard quest line. Especially if you’re starting at lower levels and don’t crank the difficulty all the way back to Crayon Eater.
Shiiiit that Nightingale armor set looks like the actual thing
Every question in my journal WASNT BY MY PERMISSION now I’m an errand boy
Are you related to andre the giant
I don’t know why I hated that messenger. Fun little homebrewed game. Every time I saw that guy coming I worry to evade him at all costs. No fast travel allowed, using the environment enemies and wildlife is not only a bonus, but it also is advisable and needed at times.
I hate the beacon, if u finish the quest. later come back in game, u got do it again. does it again again. don’t touch the beacon
The dawn breaker quest lines are so good loved them
At least dawnbreaker is cool
Where did you get the nightingale armor
Supportive comment about original post, I do like it
I don’t get why everyone hates that quest it was really easy since I had sneak 100
My first play through of Skyrim, I did the whole quest line
I just do this quest soon as possible and then im free.
Is it weird that I unironically like meridias quest?
Also, it is one of the best spots got get massive amounts of cash. If you look all the bodies, you get on average about 90-95 gold per corpse
Gotta love the nightingale armor though.
I’ve made it a point of not picking it up.
The currier should be in his underwear.
Quickload immediately
And weights over 20kg
that should 100% be a mod or update that this happens if you dont grab the beacon
Haha funny joke..loads the save and stabs the courier before they speak to me
I was gonna say. NO WAY he has Nightingale Armor and haven’t gotten the beacon. I’ve had 2 different characters thst literally skipped Whiterun, went to Bleak Falls Barrow and ended up with Maridias beacon, thans to Take All, at LEVEL ONE!
Didn’t know what the beacon was. Didnt care. I still grabbed that shit anyway. Im a loot goblin. ANYTHING THAT I DEEM IS WORTH IN VALUE, IS *_LOOT!_*
Plus the Dawnbringer is a pretty great sword for Burial Mound Diving.
You know whut in my 1k hours in Skyrim I have never gotten the beacon am I lucky or unlucky?
I think that deliveryman has a quest marker just like the player, and it’s his quest to find you!
If I hear that line one more time after opening the most random chest possible I’m going to go play on some train tracks
Hmmm what is in this chest “A NEW HAND TOUCHES THE BEACON” Noo NOOOOOOOOOO
I read the title and immediately thought “This is a Meridia meme, isn’t it?”
Hate this, but can’t go wrong with dawnbreaker.
I why do i get a feeling this mans account will end in a similar way as a certain skyrim impersonator
Caught you lacking
Just do the quest, it’s not a big deal
This reminds me, I’ve had an empty can of rat poison in my inventory for as long as I can remember in fallout 76, what do I do with it? I can’t get rid of it it’s a quest item apparently
Nailed the awkward idle sway animation…
only ever had him find me by the roads
How much does that suit cost online
Yoooo that nightingale armor is sick
I always assume the courier has a quest marker pointing towards you
I have never touched Skyrim in my life, never heard anything about it’s story or anything, so please explain wtf this thing is I see it everywhere
Why does everyone hate this quest so much….
Bro looks like a mortal kombat character
For some reason the Courier is always naked when he finds me. It’s quite disturbing and I don’t like it
I thought this was going to go in the direction of: NPC – “Alright, this is a robbery hand over everything you’ve got!”
You – “(Sigh) Fine, here.”
NPC – “Ah! I said _EVERYTHING!_ gimme those items too!”
You – “Trust me, I would if I fucking cou-”
NPC – “Goddammit! Gimme the- Wait, what???”
(Grabs items on belt but can’t take them.)
(Continues to try resulting in bumping hips together trying to get them off to no avail)
NPC – “Humph! Grrr! Raugh! So. Fucking. Hard! RRRRRRR”
(Girl appears around corner)
NPC2 – “What’s taking you so long-”
(Sees NPC in the compromising position with that dialogue)
NPC2 – “Wow…”
(Turns and storms off)
That’s the first swords I go for in skyrim
i swear that god damn courier is so determined at his job. you can be walking away from a murder scene of 3 imperial guards and in the distance you can see a man.
intently towards you while waving a letter at you
I find the simplest way to get rid of it is to take it to her statue, put it in place and then do a runner.
The one that gets me is how the Dark Brotherhood assassin finds you even when me being in that area was a random event.
I love that quest
Love the nightingale cloak
“Exploding Bolt Schematic, gems, gold, cool, take all…”
Give me the beacon, I want dawnbreaker!
Is anyone gonna talk about how you get this artifact from a chest randomly not from the courier lmao the courier literally only brings letters
Im reading a Skyrim crossover that I believe answers the whole “mailmen” finding you in the middle of nowhere in the fanfic they use a spell I mean it makes sense
Funny story: the Courier found me and after he walked away he got targeted by a dragon lol
A new hand touches the beacon-
*reloads 3rd oldest autosave*
Literally the most annoying voice in that whole game. Whoever wrote the dialogue did terrible, and the acting was over done.
“Listen and obey!”
“Bitch, I am Shor returned, you better back the hell up.”
I just wanna know where you got that Nightingale drip though
I specifically looked for the beacon so I could do the quest and get a cool sword
Missed the part where he stands there doing nothing but saying he’s too busy to talk right now
Yep be like!! Also good acting and great cosplay.
A nEW haNd tOuCheS tHe BeAcOn
That bgm always makes me wanna play again
Idk y people make fun of this quest. I liked it alot
Over-encombered with quest items.
I’m stuck moving really slow and now I half to get a quest done to get rid of it.
IMAGINE if the courier could actually deliver the beacon
He has the movement down now too tf is this man just a npc learning how to npc more
And that is why I don’t use the take all button anymore haha
Ngl i liked the dawnbreaker,it was worth the effort considering I’m always exploring old ruins
I mean okay. I dont get the hate for this quest. Its not even difficult.
Greybeard call trauma? We’re all about the Meridia jump scare.
This is even more terrifying knowinh merida is actively destroying the personality and individuality of her subjects, so “a new hand touches the beacon” and the attempt to run away from it make it quite horrific
I remember getting the Whiterun axe and doing the peace talk after. It was stuck in my inventory forever.
My man just pulled out the common destiny engram
Tip if you find it in a chest just have a companion pick it up that way you can start the quest when ever you want
And some of them actually weigh on your carry capacity, I have 4 elder scrolls all 7 lbs each, I WILL NEVER SELL THEM TO THE MOTH PREIST
I got the reward for this, used it on a single bandit and never used it again. On the way home I looting someone’s house and saw they had a weapon rack… I stole everything but left them a gift.
I can never escape that bitch..lol BUT THAT GUYS IDLE THOUGH!!!
I love how that item is the MOST hated item in all the game, I don’t think I’ve ever found someone who actually likes that quest lol
I made a new playthrough and got Meridia’s beacon where you were supposed to get the first dragon shout to start of the game (‘-‘ )
Honestly, I like doing Meridia’s quest. It’s entertaining, and nothing beats decapitating vampires with the Dawn Guard and Dawnstar
*courier presses button on modified stealthboy and reveals his crisp NCR ranger drip* “this tamriel place is wild” *runs off to go play caravan with sheogorath*
Everyone bitches about the beacon, but I’m always excited to find it. It means I’m about to get one of my favorite weapons in the game.
Very nice armor!
Meridias beacon is always like the crazy ex girlfriend that somehow always knows where you are…. then outta nowhere she pops up to start some shit
Not gonna lie I actually liked that quest
I dont get it. WHY HATE THIS QUEST? I liked it alot. Except the travel there
Well Meridia, if you want me to pick up your beacon so bad, maybe YOU SHOULD STOP LEAVING ME STRANDED IN THE SKY
I ignore this beacon in every chest. Until i get to a point when i stop caring and accidently hit loot all. Heartattack every time. Thats why im getting grey hairs in my early 30s.
The dragonborn can follow a quest marker so maybe the courier can do that too.
Even if you go near her shrine without the beacon she still speaks to you and it’s so annoying!
Load a previos save
I think i’m the only one who love this quest :c
I just never pick it up anymore
I swear to god I thought this happened to me once.
My gosh darn elder scroll
I remember the time I found that in my frist chest
“eh too bad im just not gonna do the quest”
NEED a mod that does this, having the messenger give you the beacon!!
It’s EXACTLY what I imagined, but was hoping it was not.
Second to this, a villager saying “oh I think you dropped this.”
“A new hand touches the beacon.”
*Drops beacon*
“Who’s left this trash around?”
How does he always find me. While having markers pointing to like 200 npcs in your quest list
The courier knows all, me and him are very familiar with each other
. Killing so many people, he’s always like. “Hey dragon born, got some inheritance for ya. Go a killing again?”
I wish Merida was like how she is in eso
– dosnt give u annoying quests
– helps u fight molag bal
– finds ur soul
Edit my bad I wasn’t paying attention to my spelling
Skyrim and Fallout New Vegas. The two scariest mailmen in the world
What is it with Bethesda and couriers being creature of habit and massive capability if given the opportunity
In my opinion, I’ll actually like that thing definitely early game. The dead bodies have lots of money. The sword sells for a very good price or if you keep it for your first cool, looking sword
Is it bad that I go hunting the beacon in most playthroughs?
I love the dawn breaker
The people who won’t play skyrim with a billion mods : Yeet that fucker to nazeem’s house
Accidentally got duped dawnbreakers in a recent playthrough soo
Bro that a dope ass costume
lowkey love the nighnting gale fit
Oh I must be the only one who just does the quest just to have the location and get a neat sword that I either keep, sell, or just put it up for decoration
that nightingale armour is so cool!!
Idk what’s so wrong with the quest tbh I mean i could care less for it but hey free weapon so who cares
I think this is one of the first side quests I started while randomly roaming with decent gear, and just played along as if nothing was wrong, but watching these memes and videos on this quest about the beacon tells me I’m missing something-
It’s worse when it happens to be in a chest and you just quick loot without looking, I have had several instances where I almost had a heart attack, I’m pretty sure. Honestly, on occasion I have loaded a previous save because I don’t want to do her quest.
no shit lol I had reload my game to keep reminding myself not to go to the temple

I got the same orb from a random spider early on
I don’t get it, she gives you a meh sword…. Or is it just how loud it is?
I swear I will remain the only one in all of Skyrim that enjoys that cursed quest
Where does this man get his armor?!
Lmao that should be a mod
Where did you get that suit at?
I actually really like this quest
Why do people hate this quest?
I cant even remember the last time I grabbed that damn thing
Can some one explain this to me?

What’s up with meridia’s quest ? I did it recently and it wasn’t so bad, just a bit difficult boss but it was really nice
It’s my belief that Couriers are taught the spell that makes a path to your currently active quest, and that’s how they find the people they’re supposed to deliver to
Ngl the sword you get for completing that is sick
Just fockin deal with it…I did that the first time I got that thing by accident.
It’s to fitting that the video got caught in a load loop and I had to restart it. Right when he went to hand the Dragonborne the box
Wait… But… The Courier… touched the… wait a damn second……
i would just fucking shatter meridia’s beacon with a hammer
You poor soul… I’m so sorry…
Unironically my favorite quest, cool sword.
*downloads mod that allows me to drop quest items*
See ya bitch
What’s wrong with picking up the beacon?
I have never refused to pick it up. Does it respawn somewhere else if you don’t?
Just ran across this is a dwarven ruin. Don’t remember which one. Looks like it’s lost forever.
Next thing you know they’re going to start airdropping them
Why do people hate meridia qust so much? It gives a cool sword
100% think quest items should be 0 carry weight
Welp time to install some mods to erase you from my game and you and your beacons
You know, I honestly don’t mind doing the quest. Sure it’s a bit long and repetitive, but so are most big dungeons. Not that bad tbh.
I found it on the first container for the golden claw dress.
I want to put something like this in a game now.
I had finished reading the dragon elder scroll and he runs up to me
Idk why this quest gets so much hate. Dawn breaker is easily my favorite weapon in the game
Just do the quest. It’s not that long and there’s cool enemies exclusive to that dungeon.
In my first Skyrim play through I killed some bandits and looted what I thought was a cool rock from them but then it would not shut up
I actually like that quest
I’ve played a whole game trying my best not to find the beacon. It was going well until i killed a dragon and found it on it’s corpse.
If I’m a low level and find this, I’ll get Barbus and have him kill the final boss while I wait and loot that dungeon does have alot of money waiting to be taken
It’s annoying, sure, but I really do like the sword.
The wobbling of the courier makes everything

Does she still make the comment if you visit her shrine first? Because I had the shock of my life when she wasn’t an utter asshole when I got near that shrine btw mistake with a new character.
I didn’t follow it up by getting the beacon though, so hence why I’m asking, does she still scream at you when you get the beacon, or does she have different dialogue for following the quest she gives you at her shrine to find the beacon?
The bouncing as he does the NPC dialogue lol
Luckaly your beefy enough now to go curbstomp that dungeon
Skyrim: items added
Me with over 1000 books and misc items: what tf was added?
yeah I’ve always wondered how in the actual fuck did the messenger always find the dragonborn.
The slight swaying of the courier is my favorite part.

Wait isn’t the annoying part the Speech? Why don’t people…turn down the volume
Dawnbreaker is a pretty god sword and you get a little bit of gold from the dead soldiers
The courier
I never did get why so many videos make it seem like the questline is terrible. It’s really no worse than any other in the game. Plus dawnbreaker just looks cool.
I don’t understand why everyone avoids it
Say does anybody just go to mount kilkreath and stick the beacon into the beacon hole and as soon as meridia stops giving you the 411 on 1/3 of what actually happened in meridia’s temple and just gap it.
… you don’t want one of the best weapons in the game?
The literal chest that you get reward in the first required dungeon of skyrim I got the beacon fuck rng
I am the only one who likes this quest.
Save in a new slot every 30 seconds and get ready to light that b*tch up when you see him coming on the horizon.
Sick Nightingale Armor
He found me next to harken’s castle! How the hell did he get me mid combat on harken’s island?
Tbh the meridia quest does pay handsomely if you loot literally everything
Well I’ll just ignore your quest
Initiates load last save.
You guys can figure out the rest from there…
I already knew about Meridia’s beacon after watching twitch streamers. When I first saw it in a chest I calmly took every other item and walked away.
Bro sick-ass Nightingale outfit I need to know where you got it
The daedra truly are evil
Anybody know where I can find that armor in real life
I feel the need for a 3D printer and some superglue
Yo is that a thing, can the courier give you that damned beacon
Edit: mispelled the
Omg, I would both love and hate if that could actually happen!
You find the Beacon in a chest, but decide not to pick it up? The damn Courier tracks you down and delivers it to you!
I know exactly where it is and I refuse to touch it
I once downloaded a mod that allows the courier to appear anywhere and he appeared in sovenguard simply to tell me about the death of the woman I killed like 2 minuets before
The courier must be a daedric prince to be able to find anyone no matter the place
OMG I was thinking “watch it’s gonna be the beacon” and it was the beacon! I’m dying
I feel like I’m the only one who still does that quest for the heck of it… Btw like the short. ^^
Nastalgia hitting hard today
“How does that guy always find me? It doesn’t make sense.” Proceeds to stroll through a town wearing full black ominous looking armor, hood, a massive greatbow, and at least 7 enchanted long swords.
Me: “You know, I downloaded a house mod that also turned certain boulders into Hot Taro. And, these Hot Taros looked a lot like your beacon here. So…”
Meridia: “DON’T YOU…”
Me: “Whew! These are hot! And would you look at that? I’ve finally got rid of that beacon too!”
Brohhhh fuckin imagine if that happened
Man return mÿ shit to temple such and such or cross the map because it belongs to some lady
*me, a handless individual*
So true
Bros courier voice is ON POINT
How’d I know? LMAO
With this one, I’d actually be excited because the sword Meridian grants the Dragonborn is one of my favorite vanilla weapons as its deadric and extra damaging to undead because of the enchantment, very handy if you have any amount of one-handed skill. Just make sure to turn on an unleveled loot mod if your going to grab it at low level, other wise you’ll be stuck with the watered-down version of all unique gear, including all artifacts of deadric gods.
Game: you cant get rid of it
Me: *uses console commands*
10 weight and cannot remove it
Meridia’s voice sounded more like clavicus vile
To be fair her quest gives you lots of gold and an amazing sword that turns the undead into nukes
Dragonborn: DAMN IT MERIDIA!!! No i do not want to kill that necromancer defiling your ABANDONED temple for the umpteenth time!!! Or revive your little cult. Go ask Nazeem or Ma’iq the Liar. They seem to have plenty of free time.
Hey nice nightin…..
The Thief’s Guild hired the Dark Brotherhood to ensure this name is never said. This is your only warning.
“a new hand touches the beacon”
…. that’s not my hand, lady meridia
I would love a mod that makes meridias beacon chase you around Skyrim oh wait thats already in the game.
Yo, that armour is cool as fuck.
I dont get why everyone hates this quest… Then again i kill every thing in skyrim and dont give a shit about the game i like shooting lasers and playing big iron.
Can anyone tell me if this dude’s armor is actually in Skyrim? I see it in irl YouTube videos a lot but have never encountered it in-game… Starting to feel like the ranger set from new Vegas as a protagonist uniform
ahhh a quest that i both hate and like….. i hate i as its so god dam annoying having to wait and take an hour to mke your way to the dam temple wout out waisting money, but i like ot due to getting dawn braker and im more then happy to say i had a duiplicaction glitch with dawn braker twice
I left that fucking thing in a random chest somewhere SE of whiterun when I found ot the second time.
What i want to know, is WHERE DID YOU GET THE NIGHTNGALE ARMOR!!???
Imagine the courier delivering Meridas beacon
Edit:I posted it before he opened the box and _how the fuck_ did I know?
Honestly that quest is annoying but it’s also the only way to get the cool imperial helmet. Only one in the game and it’s perfect for doing a legion soldier playthrough.
Still left this beacon in the giant’s chest outside of whiterun
That courier impression was perfect lol
Just do the quest and put the sword in one of your houses that’ll you’ll never vist lol
This shit legit turned me from thieving the first time I picked up one of those fucking gems of the crown of what’s-her-fuck
guess having a quest item that weighs 5000000 and will always make you unbelievably slow, and you’d havce to travel to *listens to the words of the devil* the piiither aside of the map while fast travel is canceled. but you get a reward that’ll make it so you’ll never have max weight limits.
yo. there is nothing I hate more than that f@$#ing Beacon
Mod that delivers meridias beacon to you while you are attempting to escape helgen
Only time i would do that quest is if i want to play as a paladin
I found her beacon after reuniting barbus with clavicus vile in the reward chest lol
Ah, you gotta love the NPC wobble.
“Your hands only” lmao
She is louder than that
This meridia voice sound kinda like that the super suite Taylor chick in the incredibles ngl
But, like, I love the Dawnbreaker. It’s such a good sword!
I just refuse to pick it up, unless I actually plan to use the sword on that character
I found that in a bandits body once
and I swear to God that messenger is a daedra
I hate this quest so bad, I removed all my important items I wanted amd forced cleared my inventory to get rid of it honestly
A true masterpiece
Man. I am so laughing
This stupid f****** thing is the only reason I don’t auto loot every chest
This is why I left for fallout. No daedric fucks to ruin my Sunday afternoon….
Oh fuck a legendary gunner.
Why is he panicking? He has full nightingale armour.
He absolutely NAILED those courier lines!!!
Oh, you wanna play?!
~ player.removeitem 0004e4e6
I remember being 15 and having the crap scared out of me by Meridia’s Beacon when I picked it up.
I mean the quest is a bit annoying but you get an early game Dietrich weapon that’s pretty damn good with advantage against undead and doing decent fire damage to everybody else with a long-lasting charge to boot.
Uuugghh freaking meridia , those things are freaking everywhere
I know the feeling
Man, that was so accurate, I literally just left one of my characters cause of how much quest items I had…. including the stupid beacon
Damm they got him.
Anytime I find this item in a chest I immediately turn around and leave
Todd: We really respect player choice/freedom!
Skyrim: Can’t kill half the NPCs, quest items can’t be dropped, locked in a cutscene for the first 5 minutes, then a scripted dungeon.
For real, Skyrim takes about 30 minutes before you get off the rails.
Honestly, the beacon never bothered me that much
*downloads droppable quest items mod*
God I hate that stupid thing. The blade isn’t even really worth it ether.
I knock that quest out ASAP and I’m usually high when I do it
this is a certified bethesda game moment
I’ve always been afraid that quest items that stay in your inventory might fill up you weight limit
I actually like this quest it’s a great early game sword for anyone who plays on hard it carrys the whole game.
“I don’t mind doing the quest. And the sword is cool.” -
It’s actually me who said that.
I’m more impressed that the courier still recognizes me even though I now wear a mask and changed my face like three times.
The dragon born can do whatever they wants, has no limitations, killed numerous dragons, the emporor, re/dethroned a nation, learned an ancient language, runs every major guild, has seen sovrenguard before death is nearly immortal, but has never once bested a courier.
Suddenly fallout new vegas makes sense.
“Your hands only…”
For a hot second you reminded me of Giancarlo Carlo Esposito!
Headcanon that the courier is some form of Divine.
•TRIBUTE: paid to deliver, do so impossibly.
•IMMORTAL SOUL: they may die but return as a similar but different form, sometimes mere moments later.
•SHRINE: Every town, every region, many houses, have a post box.
Lord how mercy I hate that bitch she always seems to find you
Use the MarkForDelete command on both beacon and the delivery guy
I have 3 elder scrolls stuck in my inventory from the dawnguard dlc.
On my first and only playthrough of Skyrim I got the beacon thinking it was treasure and when I heard the voice I thought it was perhaps a glitch but I was swiftly mistaken. Not long after I now learned the annoyance that is Meridia
Just another day, lootin another cave. It’s these relaxing days killing bandits that make it all worth it really, my wife and baby are asleep so I can finally game for a while…..”loot all”
Wait was that-
Just put it in a chest
I used too just clear that place out with my dragonbone sword I made with like 2 hours of gameplay
Am I the only one who enjoy this quest ?
“You are carrying too much!”
Why doesn’t everyone do that quest? It’s easy (sorta) and it awards a nice sword
In Oblivion, I had a character that was capable of talking to enemy npc’s because he could go completely invisible…
Yet the couriers always knew… could always find.
The quest marker is canon in elder scrolls
I wonder if the mailman just runs around every town and village until he eventualy finds the player
I haven’t played Skyrim in a hot minute, but what was wrong with the Meridia quest? Just tedious and out of the way?
The funny thing is, the reward isn’t *that* bad. I mean, looks fine as a decoration in Breezeholme.
Pcs have consoles. Setqueststage002fc4f 3. Quest Complete, woohoo.
Dude I love that quest. Early game glass sword
I just do the quest. It does give you a good weapon for the dawnguard questline.
“I’m gonna find your stary ass and kick it to the dark side of the Moon, if you don’t get the fuck out of my inventory!”
This whole skit is *chef’s kiss*
At least that orb gives you and awesome undead slayin sword
just going into rando dungeons after level 12 you must always inspect the loot boxes carfully before taking all.
for meridia’s beacon is always lurking somewhrere at that point.
good news is her beacon doesnt respawn once you found it, it stays in the place you initialy found it.
where did this nigga find nightengale armor
Omg that’s great
I honestly don’t know why people hate Meridia’s quest. It was no worse than what I’ve experienced in other dungeons… but this was a funny video all the same.
I literally just finished this quest 30 minutes ago on a new playthrough, HOW IS THIS IN MY ALGORITHM
That’s awesome
why does everyone hate this quest so much lmao
the worst item ever the only good thing about that quest is the sword and thats only if its the modded deadric artifact mod that boost all the stats of the artifacts
That armor was my favorit in skyrim
You actually want to do that quest believe it or not
Keep it up man it’s cool seeing you grow
Why does everyone hate this questline? I personally liked it
I always purposely do meridia’s quest dawnbreaker is badass for fighting dragur
Maridia: Do my fucking quest bitch.
Me: *NEVER!!!!* Installs a mod that makes it to where you can remove quest items
That waste of 0.5 carry weight
I did this mission at like level 13, and that boss 1 shot me like 3 times god damn
It’s a Problem when THE Dragonborn can’t even Drop it
What do you mean “how does he find me”? He just needs to follow the trail of devastation the dragonborn leaves behind at every stop he makes lol
Why does he always your hands only so suggestivly
And this is why I use a mod that revoices Meridia, she is too fuckin loud
I like this mission a lot, as she hates evil and so do I.
Be it werewolves, dawn guard, to necromancers they all gotta go.
*me ignores and forgets about the beacon until 400 hrs later*
The moment I saw it my gut instinct was “THROW IT LIKE A FUCKING BASEBALL”
Hours later after coming back to Riverwood,
“Are you the one they call Dragonborn”?
players: “Aww shit, here we go again”.
Lore the community came up with is that the courier uses clairvoyance to find the dragon born. I would love it if someone made a mod that shows him casting it to find you and than after to find his next delivery.
I’d love to play Skyrim again… Too bad it doesn’t work anymore XD
My God you got the carrier down to his “your hands onlly- leets see” perfectly. A real fallout and skyrim player right their
I hate that quest with a passion
Why are you sad tho? The sunbreaker is one of my favorite swords
A new hand touches the bacon
Pov: You pick up some elder scrolls for a cool vampire questline to find out you carry it the whole time until you do one of the main quests.
I pretty much just spawn the item after the cave and get with it done quickly in early game to avoid frustration
“insert Darth Vader no sound effect”
Her beacon is more powerful than the dragon born him/her self. That is unless you DONT TOUCH THE BEACON RAHHHHH
You take the beacon because you have no choice
I take the beacon because I want to rob her and get two dawnbreakers
We are not the same
That and quests that don’t complete due to bugs … I’m aware you can force them to clear but only on pc
This was too accurate too the game even fallout like I need that 0.1 carry weight
Mods the the rescue!
Bro if the beacon could be delivered via courier I would never leave my player home
Good thing there’s a mod that makes me drop the beacon and fail the quest
Merida’s only slight is her pompousness
Aside from that, I absolutely LOVE the FUCK out of her quest
Because it doesn’t question my moral interests, who’s side I’m on, or even what race I’m playing
She’s a giver of light, and though she looks down on mortals with a distainful sneer, she has a very special hate boner for undead
And her weapon is not half bad
Install mod that lets me remove quest items, remove the item.
I just go to the place immediately. One of my first stops in a new playthrough purely so I don’t get that stupid item in chests
That is true it is almost not funny

You know what I do on this quest I just drop the beacon off and then run away XD
I hate the quest but love the blade at the end
HAHA YOUVE BEEN BEACONED man I left that beacon in one of the dwarven cities
I always hated when you would pick it up by accident below level 10. It locked the sword into being whatever power level it was based on your current level. And trust me this sword gets overpowered if you wait to pick up the beacon until like level 50. It becomes an absolute madman powerhouse. The enchantment damage is almost tripled and it hits like a tank.
See what’s worse is that the quest isn’t even that bad. We just all hate her annoying loud voice.
Myridia ALWAYS gets her mark… Sooner or later
That courier could find you even if you were in another dimension i swear
Bruhhhh so I started playing skyrim again recently and I power level haaaard before delphine sends us for the dragon stone right. Well I get to the end of the cave and sitting pretty at lvl 20+ and this beach is sitting in a chest iv NEVER found her in XD
There is actually dialogue in the game for getting to the shrine without the beacon. I only found that out last year.
Just get it over with! The first side mission should be this!!! Otherwise you’ll see it in most of your loot chests!! It appears everywhere!
You would think that if an item couldn’t be removed from inventory, they’d at least make it weightless, but NnNnNnOoOoOoOoOo….
this is the quest to get the dawn-breaker right? I don’t get it, pls someone explain
To be fair, Dawnbreaker makes it worth the hassle.
Honestly gotta say best channel I have seen with fallout and skyrim memes and videos
That outfit though
I hate the quest butbl dawnbreaker is good for early to mid game
Your clips are legendary man !!
Mod to destroy quest items
3D printed Meridia’s beacon.
I love the Dawnbreaker as a sword…..even if the guard is kinda dumb
I normally trying to get it over and done with as the artefact isn’t that bad also looks cool when it’s mounted in the wall or display case
Eh I didn’t mind that quest cause of getting dawnbreaker at the end
Wait does this happen if you don’t grab it? I always so cause I like the sword but f it’s annoying
Fun fact in the elder scrolls lore she’s also known as The Shining Bitch.
Easy fix, console commands.
Lol nobody in this threat from my generation will even know that the music used here is from one of the greatest game series ever dark cloud
I’ve always avoided the Dark Brotherhood quest until I found out at higher levels it will spawn in any chest even on a easy chest
The idle movement

I love how all skyrim players lowkey hate that quest
I got Merida’s Beacon in the chest by the first word wall on my first playthrough. I thought it was a part of the main quest until I learned otherwise.
Nice as the outfit.
I get dawnbreaker first tho cos Im kinda boring according to your dislike of the quest.
If I accidentally loot that chest and I forget to make a quick save before opening it, I just kill myself. I will fight a whole g** d*** dungeon again. Just to not deal with meridia’s b*******.
Load last save, then convert the game to VR somehow and throw that fucker on the ground, and pull our a warhammer. Golf it off the throat of the world for best effect
just started playing Skyrim again after like 10 years, I did some very early game grinding and when I got the shout at the end of bleak falls the beacon was in the chest
This is enough nightmare fuel for me to kill every courier that approaches me.
Say what you will about Meridia’s beacon. Dawnbreaker is the perfect sword for Dawnguard.
Shame she didn’t know it was a shadow clone
Quick! Someone get Master Rahool! I don’t care if he is from another franchise! There is loot in that thing!
After playing Oblivion I have a mod, or it’s just a setting in a mod that prevents me from getting that quest if I’m a vampire.
I often visit her shrine to have her tell me where it is. Once it was in that Dwemer ruin under Markarth!
I’ve never understood the issue with this quest. Would someone mind explaining?
“Hello, Dragonborn. I was just calling concerning your horse’s extended warranty-“
I swear the courier takes his job to seriously
I actually like this quest and beating the shit out of that necromancer
You made me re-install Fallout3 and 4 plus New Vegas, now Im about to re-install Skyrim…
Best revenge using dawn breaker to fill the Blackstar again and again then using those human souls enchanting gear to empower your necromancy
What’s funny is the courier actually delivered meridias beacon into my inventory
Finally got him

I remember playing Skyrim not to long ago like a month ago if I remember correctly and guessed what I found the beacon in the 1rst dungeon related to the story you know the one that give you Fus
I remember finding the beacon in a bandit outpost in a locked chest.
Not by some random guy giving it to me.
Bro I was on a boat in the middle of the ocean and mf was behind my LOCKED captains cabin
i just use console commands to force end the questline
Player.removeitem 1
Fuck the achievements no way in hell am I getting stuck with that thing

Fun fact in earlier builds of Skyrim you could drop quest items, and in the case of Merida’s Beacon there was dialog attached to it thats still in the game. If you use console commands to drop the Beacon you can trigger up to 3 lines of additional dialog.
Honestly I like the Dawnbreaker quest. It’s a cool sword and you fight cool enemies
Idk why it’s so memed and complained about. I fuqn love it and Dawnbreaker is my favorite weapon
That quest

I don’t understand, why does everyone hate this quest?
i stg im the only who gets happy when i find meridias beacon, them desecrated corpses be RICHHHHH
What’s so bad about that quest?
Fellow nightingale
Omg this should be a mod!
Is there a mod to make the mail guy look like the mail guy from zelda
Ironically I made my companion grab it out the chest, and it hasn’t appeared ever again loool
Always finds you in the most random place you can be coming out of a cave and he knows your in there somehow
i wonder if a villan could give the main character a quest item that would make them overencumberd on purpos, then you would have a real reason for killing the villan.
Why does everyone hate that quest so much. I actually like it.
Can someone explain why everyone hates Meridas beacon?
Couriers have clairvoyance
i hate that quest i keep skipping it every time XD
Haha I’ma have to finish that quest soon
I just finish the quest and betray her at the end
Nightingale armour. NICE!
What a Meridiot (get it?)
Bro you need a TV series
I mean at least I get a sword thats crazy good for dealing with Draugr and Vampires
Makes the Potema quest a breeze
Thing is, my last playthrough i ended up at her shrine before picking up the beacon, and I couldnt find the beacon.
Took me 2 weeks to find it, no quest marker, due to being in a quest dungeon…
I perma paralyse that guy every time
Too Accurate!!!

The cool part is Meridia will actually talk to you if you can manage to drop the beacon
I love the meridian memes they’re hilarious, but I don’t see why people hate the quest so much.
Just install the mod
Just take meridia on an adventure and ignore her pleas to go to her temple, even if its right next to you
The worst part of it is the actual quest itself isn’t really unfun, I find myself enjoying it once I get into it… its just never knowing where this thing can pop up….
I haven’t been to a city or village in weeks. My house is in the middle of the woods so I don’t go to town to drop off mats. I haven’t seen a person I left alive in MONTHS, and I criss cross across the region at random. How did you locate me???
Why does everybody hate this quest so much?
I kinda like it.
Couiers use a form of magic to find their clients. Or that’s how it felt in daggerfall
Quest items be like “WHAT IS THIS 40 POUND FEMUR BONE FOR?”
“A NEW BEACON TOUCHES THE HA- Dammit i messed up the line again”
This is art
How do I have 3k hours in Skyrim yet not get this reference. Like really is the beacon THAT common? Is my RNG that bad?? Or… considering reactions good?
Just going to point out he did the animation that the courier does while standing there. And it was every bit as distracting as when the courier does it in the game.
Opeed a chest one time and saw it and was like Nope, I’m going to leave that right there. I never went back to that cave.
why do people hate the meridia quests, I honestly go out of my way to find the beacon to get the cool sword.
I hope someone makes this a mod
Is it possible to play through the game with all the quest items in your inventory?
You would be super slow to start off with but i reckon you could move after a few weeks of gameplay
I actually enjoyed this mission that having Lydia as a follower
I remember there was a quest in Skyrim that required 3 dragon bones, I never did that quest
‘Player.removeitem 0004E4E6’
I want that outfit so fucking bad looks so sick
I dont normally use mods but theres now an acception mod that removes meridias beacon
Meridia honestly annoys me, but not because the quest gets forced on you or the voice. The really annoying part is not being able to start the quest when you want to. I have hundreds of hours in several playthroughs, and I think I have found it a total of two times.
I usually do this quest just for the closed imperial horsemen helmet
Me: *drinks a strength potion and breaks the beacon* whoops
Aw c’mon, dawnbreaker is a pretty lit sword imo. I always make sure to grab it as early as I can in my playthroughs lol
Plot twist the Courier is a werewolf
meridian star is actualy an easy quet, but for some reason i also hate it. I don`t actualy like any of Skyrim dungeons…
Why is it stuck ?!!
Bro where did you get this armor from please tell us please I want to buy that armor look so cool
i think the burning blade of agony is actually pretty good especially since its fucking destroys the vampires
Just don’t do the quest
Honestly I like hearing her random conversations
I sure wonder what this guy’s least favourite quest is
Lmao worst mission in the game
I love this follow up!
*loads save*
You can really find it everywhere
I need a mod that replaces the courier with The Courier from foNV
when I first got this, I still went to school, I was up at 12 when I shouldn’t have been, should’ve been in bed, and I pick that thing up, and it started booming, I immediately paused the game, which she talked over the pause showing her godly power, and I had no idea were the remote was
I kind of want to do a playthrough now where I avoid touching the beacon for an entire game. I’m pretty sure I couldn’t do it, because I like the “take all” option when opening a chest.
Just gives to a corpse
Gotta be carefull with the take all option, this bitch hase like a dozen beacons.
That fucking guy runs up to me while I’m infiltrating a fort full of high level bandits on the far side of the most remote mountain, right as I’m pulling back an arrow. Like bruh you’re in the wrong line of work, try delivering some death for money, enough this courier nonsense…
I always think that the mailman use clairvoyance to find the Dragonborn
You know, just going and doing the quest early game is actually really good because you get Dawn breaker which in early game is a kick ass weapon
I’ve only managed to get my hand on the beacon once, because I just like messing around and putting buckets on npc’s heads and following the messenger after he runs off and stuff like that, but I do have a few more serious savefiles, and I touched the beacon, and I knew I fucked up, I didn’t know how, but I knew I did
A courier would have to find anyone. They could even cross a country to deliver it in reasonable time
I feel ur hand
Time to lose some keys.
Courier is the most powerful skyrim character
Nigga don’t just run up on me like that! Don’t you see how I’m dressed? Do you think a mentally stable person dresses like this? I couldancaught a case!
Why does everybody hate meridians beacon quest like just ignore it
At this point im convinced the Delivery guy is a 80 mage with all the points in mana and only knows the Guidance spell
No one escapes the bacon

Bruh I can’t move now why do I still have these elder scrolls
EVERY GOD DAM TIME AAAA THE HORROR it’s funny because the dungeon and dawnbreaker are actually quite fun but it’s just annoying for some reason

you always have the option to just
the quest
It’s do true
I always leave it in bleak falls and literally never see it again
Triggered so hard

everyone hates that quest meanwhile I just get it done to shut her up and get a cool sword my follower is probably gonna use good for hall’s of undead at early lvls or undead on legendary difficulty
Tbh I feel like the courier stalks the Dragonborn
mods: allow us to introduce ourselves
This guy once found me in Soverengard
The courier does catch you off guard ngl
But it’s a cool quest
As i tend to play vampires. I never pick this quest up
Jokes on you Meridia, I’ve got a mute button
it’s not even that bad of a quest line
at least the beacon isn’t a constantly talking dog
F in chat for our fallen brother xD
If Meridia ever figures out how to hire the Courier we’re all fu-…
That shouldn’t be possible
Why crazy.
See I did that for a while, I found it when I was like… level 30? Idk, point is, I found I found the beacon, left it, took the other loot, forgot about it, and then half a dozen levels later I came back because bandits spawned nearby and I cracked open the box and found it again
I still don’t understand the hate for this quest. It’s nowhere near as annoying as the freaking find all the jewels an remake the crown quest.
I lowkey keep finding that damn ball and it’s knows it like…I can feel it watching me.
Unpopular opinion I actually can’t wait till this quest is available for me because that means I can get the sword and start the dawn guard dlc
her temple is loaded with gold, around 2500
I like her quest (I just did it) I can see the world from the sky
also some reason all the bodies in the Dungeon had like 80gold
I used console to get rid of it
Why dose everyone hate that quest?
there is actually a decent amount of gold on the bodies for that quest
just do the quest… takes maybe 40 minutes to do.
Lmao them mail people be making you talk to them to when they get in arms reach
Even while wearing the fkin hood that hides your identity the couriers still know, yet never snitch, based couriers (or they all are forced to play Fallout new Vegas to find out what happens to snitch couriers)
I like dawnbreaker, so I don’t mind this quest.
Mother…. Nooooooooo
Can that happen
This is it, this is peak elder scrolls content
the courier has a quest marker on the dragonborn
I’m glad we all hate meridians and it’s not just me,she sucks and that questioned sucks
I honestly just do her quest ,got the sword and refused her offer , because i know her bitch ass is going to appear in a treasure chest that i will completely empty in a rush (Witcher muscle memory dies hard) and then i will have to hear her nagging, i just ignore her ,do her quest take the sword and then get the wabbajack to farm dragons (dragons and i am not sure boss can’t be changed or buffed so its literally just a constant rain of fire ball lighting and anything that basically deals damage)
Haha and its the loudest voice
I always called him Wayne Rooney no idea why but it just kinda fits the currier
The Waffle House has found it’s new host
I dont understand the hatred for this quest. Just go do it and get the badass sword. What’s the problem?
The last time i played, i foud it in an spider egg sac… she still found me tho
Uk funny thing is it’s a 2 second mission that loads your pockets with some coin. I was annoyed by it but just bypassed it but just doing the mission lmfao but this is funny AF lmfao
The only good part is the f ing reward other than that I hate it and Meridia.
Saw the beacon in a random chest one time and was tempted to leave it alone. Immediately after I was decked by a random NPC, I’ve always grabbed it since
I had one play through where as soon as I got to bleakfalls barrows I found the beacon in a spider egg sac
Yeah I hate that questline. Plus the whole try to ignore it when you see it in a chest doesn’t work. It just pops up everywhere like this skit.
Most annoying quest to get at least to me.
These shorts are so good
I once had my follower pick it up so I wouldn’t deal with it and they went missing, ended up finding them on the other side of the map naked, no equipment but the beacon was still there
Bruh i started my first playthrough and I found it in a Giants Camp Chest and I was encumbered and didn’t have anything I wanted to throw out so I had to walk all the way back to Winterhold
I don’t get it.
I usually do the quest for XP. But at a certain point ya’ll should’ve just become numb to this quest.
Actually not gonna lie she’s loud af.
Someone is going to make this hidden in a kool mod and drive people crazy.
I don’t get why people hate that quest
I never understood why hate the quest
I knew it was gonna be Meridia’s beacon.
If you leave it will a courier really bring it
To be fair dawnbreaker is my favorite weapon in skyrim
There’s a mod that can make the voice at least a bit tolerable
I actually had meridia’s beacon despawn out of my inventory because I took too long getting to the statue–I had no idea it could do that. Lo and behold, the thing is in another random chest later down the line, and she chastises me for blowing her off when I pick it up. I promptly delivered it just to get it out of my quest log.
I don’t know why everyone hates that quest the shades in the meridia quest can be poisoned and paralyzed. If you do it right the whole dungeon is like 20 minutes and dawn breaker is a cool sword
I am being fully serious here, when I find the beacon, I turn of my audio and them pick it up and play mute for 10 minutes
I mean, it’s annoying but the Dawn Breaker was always worth it. Dual Wield it with the Nightingale Blade to piss off two Daedra at once…
I really dont know why people hate it its a pretty good dungeon
How does he find you? Clairvoyance spell!
This is so similar to what happened to me except on my first play through of the game I was in a cave that had the dragon map or slab and in there was a chest I open it up and there it was that fucking white talking rock
Call him Lackin’born.
That mission sucks ass screw that mail man

Well damn on my 7th playthrough and I am going this mission right now
Gosh I remember picking that up and getting the bajeezes scared outta of me xD
I don’t understand some of the most hated quests. You take her beacon and do a quick dungeon crawl, simple.
Return to your roots. If you can’t figure out the obvious pattern of where the crimson nirnroot are placed, turn up your volume and pay close attention for the loud ringing
Every time i find it, i groan and just get it over with lol
Shii merida is the darkness
Me: Yeah yeah, I will go destroy the foul darkness, just please shut up.
First time playing skyrim, found the beacon in a box yesterday. Whats it do?
I find it hilarious because everyone complains about this question but for me I guess it got bugged or the god got tired of waiting.
I think I looted it out of a chest and kept going through a cave or whatever as it was like “a nEw hAnD tOucHeS tHe BeAcOn”
After that, its still in my inventory…
I never pursues the quest, it never talked to me again….
Infact the only reason I remember having it is because of these memes lmaoo
That quest is good for Alteration leveling Stone Skin + the laser thing.
I hate quest items so much… Like most of the time I just stumble upon quest items just raiding a cave or hideout and my spell just makes it go flying and I see it like oh wow a sword that doesn’t look normal time to not bother looking at it more then a second and loot it and depos- oh fck
my game glitched during that quest so everytime you fall back to earth from the clouds my character just died from fall damage
Wait the he can bring us the beacon to us….fuck
The way you ran up omg!!!

worst fear
Bro i feel it he dipped after he knew he had the beacon
A NEW HAND! TOUCHES THE BEACON! I used to hate that shiz
I love the dawn breaker but that beacon gives me ptsd
That load save button is lookin pretty good rn
That is almost always one of my first quests so I can get it out of the way and never see it again all run.
“OH God please no no noooooooooooooo.”
Maybe the courier has the clairvoyance spell to find the Dragonborn
I just love how every player avois this item like it is death
You’re lucky. For me, thanks to a bug, most of the time the courier shows up in his underwear. BEHIND ME.
I don’t hate this quest. It does get annoying she has to go through her spiel every time though and no way to stop it(that I know of)
The GD beacon of doom
No not again not ever again
I love your Nightingale Armor costume and keep up the good work and videos i love all the Skyrim Videos
Gotta make a new character now
Every player: SHUT!!! SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
Am i the only one who enjoys this questline, i love it
I really enjoyed the moment when the beacon eclipse the sun. I was thinking ” I know wat you did there, cool.”
Did you think you’re the only one with quest markers the courier probably…
*am I the only one who remotely liked that quest?*
I was smart how I did it I didn’t pick up the beacon I just went back to the Statue later
I always run away from him when I see him but I’ll eventually see him again but fortunately for me he always a good distance away when he tracks me down.
ngl, her sword is pretty good early game.
Dude I love your Videos
XD the second I saw the box I figured it was the beacon
I just started playing what is that is it a glitch quest?
Bruh fax I hate that quest so much
That was good
Bro I was fighting like 6 bandits went to get on the roof and I see the courier walking up the stairs and I’m just like OH HELL NAW cause I murdered like everyone at white run with the thuum storm call
hahaah so true she will find you all ways
I miss celtic meridia
I just fucking cringed
I swear that man is a deadr*
Wait is that ammor is in the game
What’s funny is that this could possibly happen. Meridias Beacon can spawn in any container, so this could maybe happen.
A new hand touches the beacon
Inigo mod, give to Inigo then dismiss. He does it for you. As for avoiding the dialogue. Don’t pick it up from the chest, then tell him to loot all, then dismiss.
That’s the quest I get that sword i dupe
I love that game it’s such a pain in the ass
It’s pretty rad the first time though
Nope. Sorry, nothing.
Currier is the most powerful being in the elder scrolls
Omg I hate that quest
GOOD GOD ITS SENTIENT NOW! If you can do this Meridia; deliver it to yourself!
I dont know why everyone hates on that quest, i love dawnbreaker
It used to be worse; originally, Meridia was supposed to pester you about this every few days until you did it, making her more like your wife than any NPC you could’ve married.
My head cannon is he uses the spell clairvoyance to find the dragonborn, I can’t think of any other way
Bruh I hated and feared this beacon cause it can pop up anywhere your at as you loot or search
A new clown touches the beacon
If you go to her shrine after leaving it behind she gives you a quest marker to go find the beacon
I never got why people hate that quest. It’s not that difficult and the blade is legitimately useful.
They need to make quest items and keys like they did in Fallout. Quest items don’t show up when transferring items, and keys are put on a key ring.
I hated this quest so much. Then finally I embraced it. Stockholm syndrome
Has anyone recently be getting the beacon in the boss chest where you get the Dragonstone!? Like bruh she’s giving me the beacon so bloody early!!
She does have voice lines if you dropped the becon however it’s impossible to drop it
This us every players worst fear
Also, the courier voice line is my notification sound
One time I opened a chest with it in it and it started the damn quest and all my mom hears is: DAMN YOU BETHESDA!!!!
>opens chest
>sees Meridia’s beacon (day ruined)
>*turns volume down*
Bro I swear you right like they armed don’t exist if you could just have one poison dagger that would be off map effective

Love ur vids bro
The moment I saw the beacon I screamed Noooooo!!!
Stop meridia, no one cares ughhhhhhhhhhh
Lol I just did this quest last night xD
You can sand down the flat sides of the beacon to make it look less 3d printed lol
“A new hand touches the beacon…”
Idk why y’all hate this quest, the reward is awesome
I had my companion pick it up Hopefully they don’t send it to me
I would be pissed lol
Bro entered gucci’d out and dripped down in nightingale armor sheeesh
Whenever I find the bacon I have a follower pick it up. And never will I ever have to deal with it, until I want too.
I actually did the quest, it isn’t that bad. I don’t get why everyone hates getting it
Bruh I love that quest lol
I would see the beacon in a random bandit cave chest and always leave it after like the 3rd time doing the quest, just to not hear “…A neewww haaand, touchess the beaconn…”
player.removeitem 0004e4e6 1
The words ever Dragonborn fears.
“A new hand touches the beacon…”
I Can’t really complain about the beacon too much… I get 2 cool swords out of it every time
Yes I know technically it’s only one, but I use an exploit to get a 2nd one.
not even lying. they slipped that beacon into the end chest of bleak falls barrow on me when I was getting the dragonstone and golden claw xD I was like “NOOOO I JUST STARTED”
She does have a dope sword tho….
My favorite part about seeing that is when I close the chest and ignore the item that is my favorite part about the quest not doing it
“I don’t wanna” me every time I see it in a random chest in a random dungeon
Call me weird, but I liked finding this mission early as possible, Dawnbreaker slaps
“another hand touches the beacon”
I don’t usually mess with these types of skit videos, but being a huge fan of the games you parody and you having hella charisma makes me love your vids bro
It does make sense, I thought about it.
Rumor travels fast in a land of no telephones. People like the courier are very skilled at getting from place to place, hence the constant running at you. You’re going about your life in Whiterun and the merchant sees you and trades with you. You leave, courier arrives, asks around for you and they say “I saw him leaving for dawnstar” he gets to dawnstar before you because you took the slow ass carriage. And waits. Because nobody has seen you yet.

that thing is always In the first chest I open
I love this quest, though
“Meridia is the only daedric prince that is not considered to be wholly evil.”
I remember I was in the middle of fighting a frost dragon while I was climbing a mountain I kid you not that man came to me and stopped the entire fight for his delivery
Even with 100 Sneak, The Courier has 100 Perception. Not even a ghost can escape his sight!
Literally any time I find that thing in a chest, I just leave it there on purpose. I hate that damn voice.
“A new hand touches the beacon.”
The sword is fire tho
I’ve reloaded saves to get out of this. Once that have dropped me by 2 levels.
Everyone joking but… Dawnstar blade is based if your doing a no exploit run… I’m happy to this day when I find a beacon. (Edit->) funny skit tho gave a like.
That quest is dope man. I’m always syked to become deff from Meridia. The sword fucks with drauger and vampires to the extreme. (just need mods to make it look good)
*turns off PlayStation*
personnally im fixing to go over there and help do you know how many bandit camps i slay!? dude we could make an army of the undead in a week and kick the thalmor right out of skyrim
I still don’t understand why people hate this mission. I love Dawnbreaker and yeah she’s a bit of a bitch but still. Good weapon at the end and no permanent damage like one quest can’t be done because of how that one was completed or anything like that.
Honestly I kinda like that quest i always get two swords out of it
Going through your junk mail and can’t drop a specific letter. It’s got like three words on it and a drawing of a duck and you have no fucking clue what quest it’s tied to.
That’s dirty
Probably my favorite short that ever existed
Lmaaooo when it wouldn’t come off his hand got me good
I love the nightingale armor
You can actually make a fallower loot the chest you find it in, Fendal gonna have to do that quest himself bruh
Im dead lol

I’ve had the courier find me in falmer regions before
I actually don’t mind the sword you get from that quest. And you can get a shit ton of gold, but it’s really fucking annoying. Still a solid sword tho (and you get to drop the beacon after the quest, best part honestly)
Is it really that bad?
Nailed the courier Impression
There’s a mod for that
I hated that quest item so bad good sword when u say fuck it and do the quest tho
at least they dont have weight, cos then the elder scroll would just be 1 less dragon bone we can carry and then “sell” later
I hate this quest so much I legit throw dawnbreaker off the bridge at the college into the ocean.
fuck dawnbreaker.
I like the beacon and the quest it goes to cause it gives you a cool sword
People really trying to skip out on that quest cuz I do that one every time, I don’t know why one would want to skip it?
10/10 you used the mask
I mean, this quest DOES act as a lay up for early gold, and you can get two Dawnbreakers quite easily, so it’s really a good quest, its just ANNOYING AS FUCK WITH THE BEACON!
Lolololol classic!
It’s not a bad weapon but I never use it
*Well well, caught the Dragonborn slacking, didn’t I?*
Kills me everytime
One time I left the beacon and it kept popping in everything, ugh
“A new hand touches the beacon”
In maridia’s defense, dawnbreaker is pretty cool
Cool weapon though
-finds carrier, marks him as unessential and exacts vengeance-
I started replaying skyrim and out of fear for what the courier may have when I see him I run as far as I can or fast travel away to put distance between us
“Haha man that’s crazy”
*Loads save*
This guy did youtube to justify his cosplay addiction…
Now you gotta hear her in your sleep
Me rn
I had to hide behind a door and save the game and the wizard zaps me to death
Op ass fucking quest
I got her beacon twice you no the funny thing is that I had already completed the quest
Lmao yea the courier always finds u no matter what I swear I could be in the middle of a quest or fighting somewhere not even by a city or town and he’ll just pull up and sometimes even jumpscare the shit out of me lol
Does this actually happen?
You are rocking tf outta that nightingale armor
Danwbreaker is a good sword since most of skyrims enemies are undead
Courier probably uses clairvoyance to find you were ever you are its his mission to deliver it to you so he’s pointed the way
Were did you get ur nightingale suite i want one
Bro your skits are always awesome! Please keep up the great work.
once got it really early on, like WAY TO UNDER LEVELED and had to brute force myself through and play Darksouls basically. 1 hit and I was KOed.
Me w/ the Gauldur Amulet Fragment
Why don’t people like that quest
I thought something was up when he said “your HANDS only” and not eyes

The idle movement is spot on
I think I’m part of the minority of gamers that actually loves Meridia’s beacon…it’s something about being objectively dominated that I love.
Bro it’s a legit jump scare when you grab this by accident
i need need need a mod that replaces merideas voice line (idk how to spell it lol) with this guys version lmao, he put so much condescending sass on that shit and i love it
“A nnnneewwwww hhhaaanndddd touchesss the beeaaccoonnnnnn

I know he’s not supposed to show up in the dawnguard places but this mother fucker came to me in the soul cairn just to inform me of my letter of inheritance from my companion I killed on accident.
That sneeky bsh…
Swear it just stays in my vampire characters inventory lol
Would a good ol’ fus ro dah work? Or would that just rip your arm off?
The horrors….
Yeah I run like hell every time I see that dude
I love how the currier will always say that it’s “for your hands only” even when he says that he was told to hand copies of the letter he’s just given you to anyone he sees
I mean I like the sword when I go dungeon plundering.
Bro I hate dawnbreaker
It’s a great sword if your not a VAMPIRE
Also is that armor actually a in game armor cus I gotta get it if it is
*loads a past save*
I swear- that motherfu**r tracked ne in the soulcharan-
Half the time he jumps cares me.
Free bounty over a panick shout.
Hate meridia and love dawnbrwaker, the true feeling of hate
Bruh this is worse than a Rick roll
Dude, I remember after completing all of the DLCs in Fallout New Vegas and building a home I was decorating and cleaning my inventory, I would like to take out only certain things at a time like kits for example. Like I’ll take out a specific set of armor with a specific weapon and just have that as my equipment. But then I’ll have like 300 items in my inventory I can’t even get rid of because of all Quest items, and MAN did that annoy me
I was in the middle of nowhere in the reach and deep in the mountains and he found me handed me a box and gave me a dildo
Where can I get that outfit
Yeah I’ve gotten stuck carrying it around cuz I’m not eager to do that quest.
Why does everyone hate that quest? It’s not hard, it takes like 10 minutes to complete and you get a cool sword afterwards
Item(s) added.
>items >misc >meridias beacon
Idk how but back on 360 I had an event trigger by whiterun where Meridia straight up took it out of my inventory and respawn at a near by bandit cave and when I picked it up again she got pissed saying I’m taking too long
To Dat
There’s cut dialog if you removed it from your inventory
Gawdamnit meridia
I cringe everytime I find that damn beacon, the sword isn’t even worth the effort.
*_A new Ham Touches the Bacon_*
I don’t want to get Dawnbreaker fuck off
(Now listen before you guys all crucify me just take into account the fact that I’ve only done like two play throughs of Skyrim ) I actually kind of like the weapon not the quest I like the weapon that you get from the quest so I don’t mind doing the quest but I understand why people don’t like it
This was PERFECT!!! I laughed my ass off man!
I feel ya
Epic here too
God now I wanna make a mod that does that…
Damn you Meridia!!!