This is the ONLY Khajiit You Can Meet Inside of Skyrim’s Cities
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コメント (62)
Lmao, she tried to attack me, but the beggar I paid a septim killed her for me
That’s funny one time I saw a khajiit in Solitude
What about solitude
“Omg nords are so racist against elves.”
Meanwhile literally everyone against Khajiit:
This also helps the whole saadia debate
Since it shows that the thalmor recruit races other than altmer to find and kill high value targets such as a noble in hiding…
I didn’t know she was an assassin but she only tried to kill me only once and thats in my resist playthrough right now
And of course, she’s a criminal. Some people say stereotypes, I say popular consensus. 😂
Farm tools
If you count your spouse, yourself (if you play as Khajiit), your follower, or College of Winterhold as part of the town it will be 3-5 Khajiit that in the city
That’s because they saw the future and stopped furries from entering society before it was to late. I can’t stop laughing
Jzargo literally
I’ve done that quest so many times and had no idea she existed until now because I just run everywhere
I found them in white run
I have literally no idea who that is, never seen her in my playthroughs
I’ve played Skyrim probably hundreds of times at this point and literally never seen that character😂
If i ever care enough to do the skyim questline… I try to remember this.
One bad Apple Will spoil the bunch Skyrim is racist
Khajit are not allowed inside the cities because Bethesda did this when he made the game that’s why
I never realized that the Khajiits weren’t allowed in cities. Even the Argonians are allowed in, and I can promise you as someone with a pet snake, that reptiles smell WAY worse than any cat.
I never noticed that
What about that Kajiit in solitude that gives you the quest to put out a lighthouse fire?
You sound like Tod Howard! I know it is you!
Well DAMN! I thought she was scoping out my main cat Inigo. Was gonna try and get those two together.
Oh I thought she was just some random attack hobo and turned her to ash on sight because she came around a corner
To be honest I have never actually seen her ever since I always pull up the fast travel to get it over with, this assassin encounter would be effective if they actually put her near the doors you’re trying to exit out but of course that doesn’t happen and people fast travel too fast for her.
Man seriously the thalmor feel so underutilized like they barely hold any importance to the plot besides breaking and dinner party and evil elf going into big table.
The Tribunal Temple is actually very relevant in Morrowind compared to the thalmor in Skyrim where they’re just really there that’s really it they’re evil elf nazis in the background like I really wish something more than that and actually do something actually interesting in the plot that you need to do something about them that is hindering you saving the world.
Weird alien troon voice
They really went into the gypsy part of Kgajiit culture
Me, a Dunmer racist, sensing my coinpurse is lighter
hm…i wondered who she was in my playthrough…..I thought she was a bit odd when i saw her……I didnt even noticed her following me at all……and then she just attacked me out of complete nowhere when i went to Riften….I was so confused.
The khajiit caravans are literally not allowed in any town.
Argonians are only allowed in towns that do business around water. That is Riften, Solitude, and Windhelm.
… Jazargo?
So go ahead and attack her
Does she normally glitch? Because I have played Skyrim multiple dozens of times and she has only shown up to attack me maybe twice.
J’zargo walks through winterhold on his way to sarthal
Where can you find Khajiit companions?
From what i remember she has incredibly unique AI as she will only attack you if other npcs aren’t near you.
Slight caviat to that, if you helped the caravans, there’s a chance some of them will show up to your wedding
Never encountered her as I fast travel immediately after getting out of the rataways😂😅
I’ve been playing Skyrim almost since it came out in 2011, but it was only about two years ago when I first noticed her.
Can you interact with her while she’s just following you?
Now I gotta load my save to check that out.
Bear be like: Shavari is real! (This is a reference to the “The One Piece is real!” meme)
She’s the reason the Khajiiti aren’t in any of the towns 🙄
Interesting that the guards even allowed her in… although the city IS corrupt so I mean yknow
Wow I’ve killed her before this mission… every play through lmao
Why be racist in real life? It’s way more fun to be racist towards fictional species’
I literally did not know she existed. I did not encounter her at all.
I never knew she was a assassin she was always just there standing by the bee and barb because i always fast travel to riverwood after this quest
I always just killed her cuz she was an asshole when I confronted her about following me
You should review John Marston pistol mod in fallout 4
Is there a khajiit in solitude
But I am a khajiit. Therefore, khajiit in town always
There’s cat people all over the towns of skyrim you stupi
theres one in riften whos crazy and gives you a lexicon
Wait, isn’t there a skuma addict in that one capital city?
God I love Skyrim
Your content always make me want to play fallout and skyrim again
The only Khajiit inside a city and she’s an assassin. Really living up to those “Khajiit are shady” stereotypes.
I’ve never come across her and I’ve been playing the game for over 10 years. Multiple play throughs
Does J’zargo being in the College of Winterhold not count as being in Winterhold?
a tail with a tail
Does it count if I bring a khajiit spouse or follower inside the city? Or is that still technically illegal? Fantasy segregation is confusing… 💀