Opening an Elder Scroll in real life #skyrim #shorts
コメント (366)
コメント (366)
I always interpreted it less as burning your eyes but burning your actual MIND, something so hard to comprehend that not only are your visual neurons fried, but yoir very psyche is scarred.
You got a good collection.
What a novice, he forgot to perform the Ritual of the Ancestor Moth
Simple, take a pair of mirror sunglasses and then open it, you might just open a portal
Where do u get that at?
Just summon the Moths it’ll be fine
It would be funny if when he was looking at the scroll it cut off and he would say something funny like “ it was just a recipe for sweet rolls” or “it was just a shopping list”.
Ay he going to be that moth priest
just get some moths to swarm you
poor dexius
I better not see you mistreating any of the books in my library-
Playing Skyrim when this pops up lol
Get some moths
To be fair.. even the skyrim moth priest didn’t take proper precautions lol
He forgot to get the moths
bruh just find some ancestor moths
Get this man residency at the imperial tower
Open it
Close one eye ,surely
Where can I find that
Resto glitch to the rescue
Just gather like 50 moths you’ll be all right
Bro please play Arx Fatalis and also System Shock 2, they’re more janky than Skyrim and FO3/NV and are smaller in scale but they’re incredible
I Was Like He Wouldn’t Be Dumb Enough To Open It……..

Moment’s Later
“Eye’s My Eye’s!!!!!”
You are legitimately one of the funniest Bethesdavers content creators I’ve watched ever
I know what I’m doing as soon as I meet Stevie W.
I want one
That got me dead bro
Thought in the lore you either go insane with the immense knowledge or if you can read it you just go blind over repeated viewings
Curiosity gets the best of all of us sometimes
Oh yeah, I forgot they did that.
Get a moth priest..
Lmao bro you be having me dying
Love your content bro im still a huge elder scrolls fan and skyrim especially being my favorite game ever, keep it up stay blessed and know youre definetly putting smiles on peoples faces
The joke here is only the blind can “read” the scrolls and you’ll go blind AND insane if you read an Elder Scroll “without an aid” just like reading the Democratic Party platform!

How the hell did you get a goddamn elder scroll
Lmfao wy didn’t he get the bark?! wyyyyyyy!!!!??!!
they praying on your downfall
Go try to sell it to your local librarian
My Dragonborn rolls blunts outta the elder scrolls
You gonna pass that?
Goober shite
I think you need to have an eldrich soul to look at a elder scroll
Do the moth quest then read it haha
What if you rolled up a peice of the ender scroll and shoved some moon sugar in there?
Jus find a moth priest broooo
Lol that scroll is cool
Nah it’s not that your dumb, we need the real dragon born and your chosen
I legit wonder how many times the people who were near this dared someone to look at it
your skyrim humor is unmaatched love it
Weaponized elder scrolls, the bandits getting flashbanged
have you read chapter 3 yet good shit
Two word ancestor moths
Nah bro just catch some moths and you’ll be aight
The scroll contains the knowlege that you shouldnt read it
And the Oscar goes to.
Lol that got me looked exactly like the game
I mean hes lucky that he just went blind
He could have literally just disappeared
for cultured brethren and the finest of Skyrim -the greybeards
Bro went blind faster than the vamps could even get him
*hey your the dragonborn right?*
I got this dagger from the autherium forge hit this soul gem it’ll make you feel like a ghost
Me: Finds an Elder Scroll.
Also Me: Hands the Elder Scroll to my companion and double-dog-dare them to take a peek. For science.
Look what you guys did. Hes blind now
Ayo, this elder scroll ain’t shi-
Bro didn’t use the moths
dexicon does it for me
Yea, back when you couldn’t send videos on cellphones, and someone sent me an email and texted right after that said, “Open the video…..hell no after 2 females and 1 drink receptacle
Hell go blind obviously he is an adventurer not moth priest
I was expecting a more dramatic “MY EYES!!!” like in the spongebob movie but this made me laugh even more xD
I’m laughing way to hard at this
Bra why can’t you use the elderscroll as a weapon I mean that’s some permanent solarflair
Use sunglasses.
I miss ya buddd!!
I’ve heard that the extended lore explains, everything in the world is part of a daedric dream and the elder scrolls let you see into the real world
You think a gamer alive didn’t at the very least save scum that **** rofl
Skill issue
Did you learn the wisdom held within the scroll
Drop a link where you got that elder scroll. Pls and thx.
Every video you make, moves the shotgun further from my mouth, love you!
*starts raising ancestral lunar moths*
“I’m sorry, but I am of no use to you anymore my lord”
Smart man I see the moth priest hit you up
Me actually trespassing a biology center to kidnap a jar full of moths to read a goofy aah paper thingy
So, do a black book next!!!!
I like to imagine the dragonborn opens these in peoples faces before taking everything from their person and their home.
You should have brought the moths man
Fucking gold!!!
Surely ONE of us could successfully read it
have fun as a moth priest
Me scroll running in TESO
Ok, now I need to correct you. You CAN read Elder Scroll once or twice without going insane or blind, but more then that will leave you crippled for sure. Also for those who have not the slightest idea what Elder Scrolls is they just look a blank paper as I remember.
You’re like the only guy that makes these videos that is funny
I found an elder scroll before I knew what it was and looked at like 100 times trying to figure out what it was supposed to do
The end had me
I remember the first time I tried to read an elder scroll in Skyrim, I was very surprised at the result.
You ain’t no moth priest. You can’t read that scroll anyway lol
Didn’t have enough moths.
Yea nah don’t read the scroll
Try the special tree
RIP random moth priest went blind looking at a scroll and fell off volkihars balcony
Intrusive thoughts won
Use it
Bro people who have played and beat skyrim get it
Get the butterflies, I believe in you
Shoulda called for moths dingus
Open it so you can do neat speed run tricks
Yes. I bet 10k gold you would do it.
Nah bro, I be reading it like im snorting lines
Bros gonna go blind for the boys
Funniest shit I’ve seen in a second
He really went half life zombie scream
Looks like they weren’t DragonBorn
No I don’t think you were born yesterday
Boutta wipe my ass with that thing
Fanciest shit i’ll ever take
Isn’t it simply incomprehensible to someone who can’t read it? Wouldn’t you open it and have nothing happened?
Man rolled a blunt with the elder scroll and laced it with skooma
Bro is not a moth priest
Meanwhile the Gray Fox casually reads one.
i cant help but wonder if sunglasses would prevent the elder scroll from blinding you
than hire a mothpriest to read it to us
“It’s blank!”
Huh I see.. a TikTok.. no it’s a YouTube short.. a man… He-He’s reading a scroll..? He’s dead
What’s the name of da elder scroll also where did u buy it
Gotta verify if it’s real. You dont wanna be a chump, you have to peep the horror.
Highkey I can’t wait for es 6.
a random nord steals the scroll. preceeds to turn to ash.
What if the real one in the game is just a flash bang
You look like my uncle clay
“Uuuuugh…. What have you done, dragombo— well myself”
im pretty sure elder scrolls only blind you after long term use and not upon reading them once
Point it at the camera to blind US
Press b to roll!! Dodge the fucking attack!!! Don’t let knowledge deceive you.
Great way to tell if you’re a destined hero or not. Heroes are protected by the scrolls from the effects of the scrolls
I would have done it soon as I got it… In fact I think that is what I did in my first play through of the game
I love this channel
Yes, yes we do. LoL do it
I’m so happy to see how this guy has evolved with these skits and videos LMFOA
Of course just munch a hand full of weird moths and read that shiz
I opened it for the first time when I got Skyrim vr I spammed the open button and actually went blind for a minute
I’m tryna complete a mission just read the scroll
First question I have is where did you get the elder scroll like where did you buy it because I know you’re probably gonna say black reach?
You gotta wear sunglasses
Kid named The grey fox:
Accidentally summons alduin
I swore you were making fun of the mummy movie when the American lost his eyes and tongue and was saying “my eyes” just like that.
Should’ve focused harder
I’d open it.
this guy is awesome love the humor only gamers understand
well obviously you don’t just read it, you go to your grandma’s house and get in her closet first!
The Moths will protect you!
All that “dont read’em you’ll go blind” is just a massive plot hole
Bro plays Skyrim a lil too much lol
The only thing stronger than the blinding power of an Elder Scroll is morbid curiosity
Bro, I ain’t no Moth Priest. I have not trained for years to be able to handle looking at an Elder Scroll. And even if I was a Moth Priest, I’d still probably get blinded, just like the Moth Priest in the Dawnguard DLC.
Me at night checking my notifications
There isn’t anything in there and if there is can you open it
I wouldn’t even hesitate. Whatever the Elder Scroll has to show me is something I NEED to see. Even at the cost of my sight.
I mean maybe the knowledge within teaches you how to regain your sight.
Hahahahhahahah legit
Help my guy Consumed the scroll
If you look directly at a flashbang it’ll change your future.
The Dragonborn and the Lone Wanderer/Sole Survivor switch verses for one day
Let’s be honest, i just want to hear the sarcastic jerk dialogue with nazeem
“I must rest now the reading has made me weary.”
Apparently all you have to be is a Dragonborn (or some other supernatural hero) and you can just walk away perfectly fine. You can read 3 in a row and turn out better than a monk who spent his entire life training to read just one.
Gold bro thank you
Did you kill alduen yet?
The words of the scroll only appear to those who are worthy
Show us don’t worry we got are extract from that tree thing and a whole lot of glowing bugs
Well first thing is a mandatory quest to find a not so hidden tree and moths infested with vampires
Ты настоящий дов ведь твой ту’ум даёт тебе силу держать древний свиток одной рукой хоть он и весит 20 кг
I want one
it would be funny for a special attack to just blind some people with the scroll
You forgot the moths
Dragonborn opens it
Wait this isn’t my shopping list
MY EYESSS MY EYEEESS! Got me so bad lol
Can someone please tell me where I can get one
This one has got to be top 5 of your Skyrim shorts
I imagine random dudes opening elder scrolls being exactly like Po from Kung Fu Panda when he opens the Dragon Scroll
For every moth u eat the longer u can look at it
Come on just use a healing potion.
Marge! Marge!
With the blinding of this character, the thread of the prophecy is severed, reload a previous game or continue in the doomed world you have created.
Im curious, is the inside of the scroll written?
You are going to need to get some moth luring tree bark my friend
Your uninitiated your eyes would be fine
Y’all acting like he’s the child not us
I’m leaving a comment
I didn’t know an Naiwa could read
I guess hes not dragon born…
You should still do it for the boys
we’ve all wanted to look at one
Man, it’s just a really old scroll. If you’re not judgmental about it being old, you’ll be fine.
The oblivion music
Should of went to specsavers
Realistically an elder scroll would be a crazy powerful weapon.
Attach it to your shield, and whip it open when you run into a fight and blind entire armys in one go.
Anyone that tries to fight will have to look at it and then they fucked
bro fr couldn’t grasp the nature of his position in the universe created within a dream
Wait so you’re not the Moth Priest
Incredible…he saw a future with Elder Scrolls 6, Fallout 5, and The Third Entrees of Valve Games…
You think the dragons ever put porn on one of those things?
Isn’t the canon that prople who can’t understand what they’re reading in the elder scroll, their eyesight is untouched? So that’s the reason the dragonborn can look at them and not get blinded?
Come on guys, he isn’t a moth priest.
I open them for fun
That light skin stare is insane.
Bruh u should be able to show people the scroll in skyrim
Everybody knows that he has to find and go all the way to an Ancestral Glade to even do the ritual and who’s got time for all that?
Kill a dragon and steal a special rock. If you absorb its soul, you’re good
RIP my guy loved his videos before he went insane and was never seen again
Are IRL moth priests just crack heads? I suggest paying one of them to be a test subject. I really think it would have a chance to work.
Oblivion demands you enter a SECURE AS FUCK fortress to STEAL ONE elder scroll, several missions and intense play through. Skyrim, oh here. Oh and have another for funzies.
As we all would just read it for no reason at all
They only said reading it will make you go blind. Never what you have to read in it to make you blind if the dragonborn did it just fine.
The first few times only hurt, you don’t start going blind until you’re 5th or 6th attempt and even than it’s just going nearsighted
Soldier your way through the scroll with Chim.
– Do you have an elder scroll?
– Yes. Here. See yourself.
– And you say you have read it.
– Yes.
– And what it says?
– The romantic adventures of Tiber Septim
– You are lying..
– Read it yourself.
– MY EYES!!!!
– April’s fool!!
Dude from Dawn star be like.
Moment you realize you opened and read one during the main quest then later need a moth priest to do the same thing because you can’t apparently
Ahh if there only were a moth priest nearby
*Insert Septimus line here*
The Elder Scroll gives you the knowledge of how great the games could’ve been without Bethesda.
Hey uh, I know it’s late but did you see if I would die alone or not?
*Could you double check for me?…*
This guy somehow always manages to make me smile even when I’ve had the worst day ever so thanks bro

Honestly, with this dudes knowledge, I think he’d be fine
Hope he had some spare moths…
We want you to pull an ark from Indiana jones
Lmaooo this has me rollin.

What did it say and mora whats your location
Well time to find a moth priest
Was about to say the hero of kvatch didn’t go blind while reading it but from what I remember is you couldn’t open the scroll in Oblivion
Ah man, this made me laugh so hard it hurt, thank you
Summertime you should collect moths for a moth priest skit where he reads an elder scroll and guilt trips the dragonborn for blinding himself because he just hangs around the fort and whatnot lol this dude is number one of my top 3 favorite channels
There’s a certain personal charm to the warm uneven interior lighting in these sorts of home videos, accompanied that with the low camera quality and what I think are smudges on the lens and this video takes on a human quality no corporate project ever could.
Moth moth moth
Omg this is amazing ahha
shoulda hired a moth priest smh
Why you open it, great we have another blinden fool, only the dragonbron can handle that
Reads an elder scroll and immediately goes blind “shit.”
Well how would you know its real if you dont look at it. I know your sanity and life is on the line but its a risk im willing to take.
Make a priest read it tell him it’s scripture you cannot decipher
Now go to the throat of the world and open it, bet you won’t
What if a blind person looks at one do they get to see again
Just eat some moths. Then you can read it without becoming blind.
man i go blind when i look at my math problems on the assignment
Where did you get that?
It’s been awhile since I’ve played Skyrim. So I got back into it and saved the moth priest last night.
Then don’t read it… just look at the pictures.
This N’wah is my favorite Redguard.
I mean, seeing it just *once* wouldn’t cause him to go blind. Probably.
I’m just saying, Moth Priests can get a good several readings in before their vision starts to really go.
That one fish from SpongeBob
What even is an elder scroll?
(Insert in-depth Elder Scrolls lore explanation here)
Looking at it requires some sort of ritual, I mean, it is obvious you can’t just look at it. Lol
Bro be joining the moth priest
I stg the dragonborn has the strongest plot armor I have ever seen he casually reads elderscrolls without going blind makes packs with almost every dadric prince with no preprocutions at all and gets up after being stabbed in the heart by Mercer like it never happened
One has to understand the scrolls to suffer the consequences. Uneducated commoners don’t go blind from looking inside them. this was told in the “effects of the elder scrolls” book urag gives you during the main quest.
Should have gotten the moths.
Yea I just occasionally open them to confirm how op I am in front of a moth priest
* not just open it
*laughs in moth priest*
No seriously I want to see what it looks like
he’s not a mothpreist or some shi
Dang we will get him next time
“Yall think I was born yesterday” proceeds to open it
To get the same effect of seeing an unguaranteed potential they could all just chug skooma.
Just don’t look up or down, you’ll still be blind, but you won’t go insane.
Hey thanks for being a bro and not flashing us with the scroll. Way to take one for the team!
Oh cool, you ascended from Nightingale to Moth Priest
In all fairness you do look like an aspiring Moth Priest
THX sound effect full volume but visual
The goofy camera angles look like they came right out of an Xbox 360
My good sir we just need the lexicon and some of every elf blood type. Then we can read that elder scroll.
And that’s why the dragonrend was lost to history
“Dang really thought he was the dragon born well on to the next one”
At least you won’t see the Dark Brotherhood coming…
Opens elder scoll goes half brain dead and blind
it’s a drawing of dickbutt
I wish Skyrim had more NPCs absolutely methed out on elder scrolls
You should do some comical spin offs like, the elder scroll teaches you to be a better chef than Ramsay but, you’re blind. None of the NPC’s know what the hell you’re talking about because you just learned how to be a chef… from another realm.
But here’s a question would you rather real life live in Skyrim or real-life live in fallout…?
Flash bang +
I got this new shit from the island of Solstheim… You ever heard of The Black Books… shit will send you to another plane of existence!
Let Nazeem read it
Tried to set you up for failure

You should do the dawnguard drama
Well be happy you have it now. You’ll probably try to show it off to some new buds in a decade or two and then you find out that it’s just gone.
First thing I want to do is testing it wether it’s really indestructible.
Hey I got a mothpriest in my dungeon if you want him . His blood taste pretty bad and now he is just takeing up space.
Kun Fu Panda: “there is no secret ingredient”
Skooma ain’t enough anymore. My dragonborn takes rips off the elder scrolls and trips balls for a second
Guys we need a moth priest for these kinds of things
Id probably go mad like septimus signis
Bro had me dying over here. My pals were looking at me like I am crazy till I showed them
the moth priest when I force them to read every elder scroll I find at once to see what happens
Thanks for all the effort you put into these skits man. Your content is top tier.
you can just take a picture of it to read its contents, no need to get blind.
it’s been a while since my last crusade but sadly I must ask now, since I’ve been brought back to the saddle. WHERE IS MF DOOM ??? He has been missing for far too long and you release this jibber jabber ? It is obvious your tomfoolery is only a guise over your guilt. Speak or else we shall ride towards your stronghold 400 men strong and lay siege to all that you hold sacred.
you could like use technology like the the dwemer.
We’re did u get it
ok but what does it say
It’s on the norse mythology shit yet Odin kept one of his eyes lmfao bro turned to the fish from spongebob
Your my favorite creator on the internet right now. You bring joy to my life in ways I can’t even explain.

Looking at all possible futures and pasts can scramble your grey matter
No Plot Armor?
“The first thing you want me to do is look at it?”
No. No no no…of course not…..first you have to open it.
Probably should close it
Careful bro you almost showed it to the camera. Not cool man!
Aw shit lol almost made me drowned on my drink lol
They got The Hub on that scroll. That’s why he blind
Lmao the consequences of reading an elder scroll ahahah
He gave his sight for the funnies. Commendable.
Pov: 0.02 seconds of reading it
He has received the knowledge of the old ones
The price is his eyes
It’s just a prank bro
Open it
Do it again
Just do it what if that fucking dragon comes back
Yes, the first thing you ALWAYS do is look at the elder Scroll. So what if I lose my sight, not much to look at in this world anymore. At least I get to know some cosmic secret / secrets
Now do it again
Imagine not reading it but using it to roll up a fatty. CHIM speedrun
With the insight of the Elder Scroll, you gained the knowledge of the whereabout of the other sock that keeps missing from the washing machine.
Naiwal you know what I like about you man, your jokes and sketches are never over the top, like you know when a joke lands and you leave it.
Like you should of with that danm scroll!
Thank you for your sacrifice! The thieves guild can finally be returned to its former glory before the cowl was stolen, Alduin can be cast into the future, and the sun can finally be blocked out
Here’s a little money for the eye surgery. Did you see anything cool at least?
Ok after a dozen or two loops the laughter stopped and the existential thoughts started up again and now I’m debating with myself whether one could view an elder scroll through like a mirror or a tiktok
This was gold Lmfao
Hermaeus Mora giveth, then Hermaeus Mora TAKETH!
So reading it turns you into the Undertaker?
10/10 Would look again.
well? Tell us is the 3rd Lusty Argonian maid volume contained inside?
You didn’t go to the moth party first lol
I’m legit in love with these
Quality gold my friend
Just eat a moth first duh
I wonder what he’s learned
Meanwhile the Dragonborn takes a shit reading them