16 NEW Amazing Mods For Skyrim



In this video, we take a look at yet another 16 amazing mods that came out recetly. I’m excited to see you guys enjoy these videos and here’s to another instalment in the Hot New Mods series, they’re very fun to make!


Follow me on Patreon if you want to support the channel further and get some extra benefits while you’re at it!
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/NarivaTV


Immersive Mods: https://youtu.be/0UqjnbzRJmw
NPC Overhaul: https://youtu.be/WIXThwIPOvQ
Previous Hot New Mods Video: https://youtu.be/EJi0j_DqNz4
Markarth Overhaul: https://youtu.be/5_iOUZaWPP8

JK’s Markarth Outskirts: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/93006
Elexorien: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/94883
New Wispmother: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/94917
Ring-Necked Pheasants: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/95121
Hanging Dead Pheasants Replacer: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/94837
MCO Block Recovery: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/95839
Wolfcry Armor: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/95858
Northern Scenery – Whiterun Tundra: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/94476
Northern Scenery – Bleak Falls Barrow: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/94647
Northern Scenery – Angarvunde: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/94650
Northern Scenery – Ansilvund: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/94720
Northern Scenery – Ironbind Barrow: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/95788
Burps of Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/95642
Goodnight Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/95835
Snores of Skyrim: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/76574
Old People Randomly Say Oh Dear: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/95946


Intro: 0:00-0:09
Mod 1: 0:10-1:04
Mods 2-6: 1:05-2:11
Mod 7: 2:12-3:04
Mod 8: 3:05-3:37
Mod 9: 3:38-4:18
Mod 10: 4:19-4:34
Mod 11: 4:35-5:04
Mod 12: 5:05-5:56
Mod 13: 5:57-6:53
Mod 14: 6:54-7:03
Mod 15: 7:04-7:38
Mod 16: 7:39-8:00
Outro: 8:01-8:30


#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimse #skyrimmodded #スカイリム #스카이림

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  • コメント (23)

  • トラックバックは利用できません。

    • JaeHyun Park
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

    I have subscribed to your channel, keep up the good work!👍

    • Long Live The King
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

    Hellllll yeahhh, bro!

    • Monti
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

    3:07 PSBoss is spreading the word of Dibella and no one can stop him!!! 😅

    • Giuseppe V
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

    I just transitioned from console to PC recently for skyrim modding and your videos really help me out with actually seeing the mods showcased. Appreciate you Nariva!

    • Jobi Wan
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

    Thanks for featuring my mods. I’d like to point there’s a ‘lite’ version of Snores too without any lip or eye movement. More to come soon too!

    • GamingBrother
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

    Finally, someone covers Northern Scenery! The author is fairly new and I love their work when I found them on nexus.

    • Pink Panzerfaust
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

    Another banger video of yours!

    • Pink Panzerfaust
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

    So many great mods are ESL-flagged these days. It makes my heart heavy with joy, I don’t have to spend time manually converting those precious mods and can get going out of the box. With close to a thousand mods in my personal mod list, it’s a real time saver. Please, by The Nine Divines, let this trend continue! 🙂

    • Dennis Wade
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

    After watching this video, I immediately downloaded and installed the “Northern Scenery – Whiterun Tundra” mod, and immediately fell in love with it! So much so that after running around the tundra to see all of the new ruins, I immediately went back and downloaded the rest of the “Northern Scenery” mods.
    The mod creator has a winner with this series! It is sure to find a permanent home in many a mod list.
    Thank you for showing us this mod!

    • Alexander Rubio
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

    Vilja is still, to this day, the best follower mod, along with Inigo.

    • Patrick Martin
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

    Nazeem sucks so much but these mods are goated

    • will radle
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

    Love the video man also you should definitely cover the underrated mods Dragonborn aptitude and armor material set bonuses the first of which adds reasons to hoard dragon souls and slay the Beast while also honing your skills the Dragonborn by allowing your shouts to become more powerful and use less cooldown as you shout more often which works great with a shout overhaul mod like stormcrown epic shouts and immersion and the latter mod which provides unique perk bonuses to each of the armor and weapon materials when wearing a full set providing an additional layer to role-playing when picking what armor best suits your character besides your armor rating and look. You should also definitely mention exercise since you did Cover exhausting already and they go together amazingly with the experience mod. PS JK is definitely trying to destroy my PC because that Mark Hearts outfit mod tanks my 3080

    • KnightFury 3000
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

    Nariva Onlyfans? Ayo? 😳

    Lemme see some of that hot nsfw Nariva content 😩

    • JCG Music
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

    Your game lighting looks so much better now than in previous videos. Good job!

    • Nuclear
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

    might be a silly question
    but what hair mod and retexture are you using?

    • DustDragon
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

    Jk’s Markarth Outskirts is a no-no for me as long as it can’t be patched to work with GG’s Markarth Farms and Markarth Outskirts, but still, the work in jk’s mods is always just astonishing…

    All those mods in the video are killers and all found a place in my load order 👍

    • pugahkiin
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

    1:10 Cache your grass brother man

    • HexStrain
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

    honestly you’re one of the best skyrim video creators. The narrative, the showcase of mods, everything is straight to point and cool. Seeing your facecam sometimes is a really warm touch. Others just show their skyrim characters doing animations.

    • Zin Kohtun
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

    Which mod do you use for your charater face preset?

    • Serali Vendera
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

    Honest to g man this is the face lift mark Arthur needed. In vanilla seeing this place I always asked how and why the deeper would even live there besides being a mountain side fortress but after jks amazing work I love Markarth a bit more.

    • Ramona Autum
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

    That shot of you slow mo running after the pheasant was un-ironically majestic

    • Spanglish
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

    Love these videos and end up filling up my never ending modlist every video. Thank you!

    • mkc himeur
    • 2023年 7月 21日 8:40am

