The BEST Skyrim Mods of 2023! (Part 1)
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Part 1 of the BEST Skyrim mods of 2023!
#skyrim #skyrimmods #skyrimse #スカイリム #스카이림
00:00 Introduction
00:18 Animations
04:44 Landscapes
07:29 Interior Overhaul
10:02 Armor Mods
12:00 Quality of Life
13:41 Merry Christmas!
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Panda’s Modlist: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/105778/
Mod Showcased
SkyClimb by Sokco
Improved Camera SE by ArranzCNL
Comprehensive First Person Animation Overhaul by polar
Natural Waterfalls by clofas1 – ToosTruus
JK’s Outskirts by Jkrojmal
Whiterun Has Walls by J3w3ls
Orc Strongholds by JJerem
HS Solitude: The Winking Skeever by Hylios Sykes
HS Whiterun – Dragonsreach by Hylios Sykes
Spaghetti’s Palaces – AIO by RubberSpaghetti
Snazzy Interiors Riften Black Briar Manor by gutmaw
Moon Monk’s Robes by Kadraeus
Wild Witch Outfit – CBBE 3BA Kreiste X wSkeever
Colovian Prince Set Pulcharmsolis
Draugr Warrior Armor CHUCACU
Instantly Skip Dialogue NG by Osmosis-Wrench and Jonathan Feenstra
Recipe Auto-Learn by Nightfallstorm
Improved Table Transition Animations by Sonderbain
Don’t forget to endorse the mod authors!
My Playlist :
Panda’s Skyrim SE/AE – https://bit.ly/PandaSSE
Panda’s Skyrim Cinematics – https://bit.ly/PandaCinematics
Panda’s Modshowcase – https://bit.ly/PandaSEMods
Additional Tags:
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コメント (37)
Click this link https://sponsr.is/CaptPanda and use my code CAPTPANDA to get 25% off your first payment for boot.dev. That’s 25% your first month or your first year, depending on the subscription you choose.
What mod did he use to make the npc and main character look so smooth
skyclimb does not work with latest version of Skyrim v1.6.1130. I really wish youtube creators would give us a heads up as its a headache trying to track down issues related to the latest skyrim patch.
The best Skyrim is…..just the first skyrim

other its 

Amazing video, brooo!
8:42 – What is the armor/robe?
I really like Whiterun Has Walls, but I stick to Fortified Whiterun, as it looks more lore and base structure friendly to me =o but switching to Whiterun Has Walls is so very tempting… xD
Merry Christmas and thank you for all your showcase videos. You’re contributing to keep this game alive. Thank you again!
Happy Holidays! And a BIG “Thank You!” for another year of great videos!
Thank you for featuring my stronghold mods in your best of 2023 showcase Panda! So grateful!
I know this is a real long shot, but I have no answers from Reddit or Steam: I managed to get my Skyrim Mod LO to 263 ESP files. When I asked for help, I was suggested to ESL them. So I turned to ESFify. It worked, except for the final step, where the last box to appear doesn’t have any confirmation to click on. I’ve pressed Enter a bunch, Tab, and Scrolled in all directions. Closing the box cancels everything thus far. Nothing worked.
I need to find 10 of the 263 ESP mods that Are really ESP files. How do I do that? I was told mods with FE in the plugin order letters are among the 255, but I disabled a few and my ESP plugins count didn’t go down.
Any useful advise would be appreciated.
PS- Sorry to Capt. Panda for turning his video into a forum.
Using comprehensive first person overhaul and improved camera at the same time is a bad experience for me if I’ve got a weapon and spell equipped it ends up moving my left hand down to where I can’t see it unless I look downward all the way and when I do look down I can see my whole body including the upper body and head most of the time. Really weird. If anyone has a fix or smth lmk pls bruh
what hair is that please i need to know it looks sick 0:43
Hello, 6:50 that leather cape that you wear on your shoulders, what mod is it?
What ENB are you using?
I’m sad so many channels/content creators are completely ignoring one of the most revolutionary mods released this year, the Light Limit Fix.
Regardless, I always enoy watching your videos!
is it still possible to mod the game after the payed mods update?
What is this hair mods?
can you tell me what mods you use to make the horses look so beautiful?
Just played a mod called Fat Skyrim that adds 3 extended zones beyond the border gates, one of the locations provided a excellent dungeon crawl while using EVGT to reach some places for puzzle solving.
where did you get the hdt smp patch for elmlock armor?
Starting out on modding this game, I told myself I’d only download a few mods and that would be it. Then I came across your channel. Things changed….
Great video as always
Btw, ur female character looks adorable, do u have a preset by any chance?
I would also add Dragonborn Voice Over to the list, giving voice to the PC was amazing for immersion and role playing in so many levels
Ooooooh I’m definitely saving this 1 to check out again when I start my sekiro combat S playthrough next year and hap holiday!
Hello, you need to make a video that will be a whole list of mods that will completely transform Skyrim in 2023. That is, make a video with a whole collection of 2023 mods for Skyrim.
Like in this video:
Thanks, great stuff. Happy holidays!
Another fire vid my guy
what mod is the armor in the thumbnail from?
Shame that skyclimb is broken at the moment because AMR hasn’t been updated
I’m also interested to know what mods you use to make your character look beautiful? I keep looking at your hero and thinking “what a beauty, but damn, there are a lot of mods on UNP, and it’s difficult to choose which one, it would be nice to find some proven one” :3
What’s that sick sword mod you’re using?
If you’re gonna make a top 10 mods of 2023 then your’e gonna have to make at least 50 videos in this year because holy this year has been great for skyrim moding!
common w
Hey just when I was bored and doom scrolling YT. Thanks Panda.