The answer to many Morrowind questions | Skyrim Gameplay Highlights
Gameplay highlight from part 319 of my Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim Special Edition Let’s Play on legendary and survival. You can find the whole playthrough here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2e9YdI6fp8&list=PLobdprIgcqJ-7HzrDzInvB3xaRyuzHE6L&index=1
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Taqs:skyrim short,skyrim highlight,skyrim gameplay,skyrim funny moment,skyrim funny,funny moments,highlights,skyrim highlights,let’s play skyrim,let’s play skyrim se,let’s play skyrim special edition,skyrim legendary,skyrim survival,skyrim survival mode,skyrim playthrough,gameplay skyrim,elder scrolls,the elder scrolls,skyrim shorts,shorts skyrim,tes shorts,elder scrolls shorts,funny moments skyrim,highlights elder scrolls
コメント (32)
This short is from part 319 of my legendary/survival Skyrim playthrough. You can find the full video here:
Or, watch the entire Let’s Play from the beginning right here:
Want more shorts like this one? Find the playlist here:
As always, feel free to recommend clips for future shorts by providing time stamps and video information.
Pretty sure the explanation is just that corprus causes the trunk which actually acts like chimes to grow out of the face. The face slowly decays as it collapses to make room for the chime trunk. Once they become the big trunk face guys the infection is compete and they are an ascended sleeper that can ‘sing’ instructions to other infected.
no its very much said. its also common in lovecraftian stories which morrowind is based on. its the knowledge of “truths” that warps the body AND mind
Its because the dream takes their eyes, the skin rotting off, turning to ash. But whatever it takes to achieve daddy dagoths will.
I read some coked out theory that the ash vampires were growing proboscises because they were slowly becoming more moth-like due to tapping into Lorkhan’s power. Moths have been historically associated with Shezzarines, so since Dagoth Ur is using the power of the heart to create his breatheren, they are warped into that image.
iirc its because they couldnt handle the knowledge and revelations, so their face blew out
there 100% was an explanation. in the concept art for the sleepers it says their faces bursted open from enlightenment. what does that mean? ive got no fucking clue
I always saw it as a step towards being an ascended sleeper. Sleeper > slave > zombie > ghoul > ascended sleeper
Well..Legend has it that the ash vampires experienced dagoth urs dream and they were so blown away by it that their heads explode from their eye sockets. Dagoth Ur is not alive, he is dreaming that he is alive and he is so powerful that he manifests in the real world. There was a possibility that Dagoth Ur was trying to become the God Head, the being dreaming of tameriel thus making it material.
I ate their faces…
Are you happy now?
Something to do with ash vampirism and dagoth urs whispers. Idk man, kirkbride was geeked out when he wrote it.
If I recall I saw in the concept art, that the sleepers heads and faces are gone because of the super enlightenment of Dagoth Ur’s sick rhymes and Corprus, and that their heads would like glow and something. While the ascended sleepers with the trunks are like weird flute trunks to play music for Dagoth Ur, they are the the woodwind players for the percussion gongs in the Dagoth Ur Sixth House band, if I recall.
Because why not?
This guy has so much fun
Don’t know about the trunks, but the missing upper face and forehead was a result of them becoming so enlightened their head exploded.
Dagoth, what do you think about the argonian race
If I remember right it’s in some of the little notes where it’s hinted that it has to do with them opening their minds to the “truth” of the universe. Those that can handle it progress on and become ascended sleepers (Edit: Those elephant faced Ash creatures.). Those that can’t literally have their minds melted by the experience. It’s further elaborated on by Kirkbride.
Basically it’s what happens when the corrupted truth of Dagoth effects weaker individuals.
Explanation is legit..🤙
It was a leech on their face wasn’t it
Too boil it down a wizard did it
If I recall it was due to the disease corpus and the people who praise the disease have been able to live for longer, giving them weird comformaties that are similar to cancer in the real world (this is also more well explained when the deformed zombies spam the disease on you and literally force you to either cure yourself as much as you can or canonnly speaking, reload your save.)
Your vid’s are the greatest 🔥
What’s the hammer he always seems to have? Looks sick af
Todd Howard: It just works. All of it. Lore. Mechanics. Chess. Bam. It just works.
Because Michael Kirkbride decreed it was so! Gosh, I love that guy.
I’m 100% certain that the explanation is that michael kirkbride did a bunch of coke and wrote it.
that’s just how they be 😔
I think its probably something to do with the trunks the elite guys have. Maybe they scoop out a little chunk and seed some corpus meat in there or something to grow a trunk.
“why is there no face?”
Cuz it looks cool, Lyle. That’s why. Daddy Dagoth said it looked cool.
Showcasing an absolute wealth of elder scrolls lore knowledge 😂
Is that anniversary edition content?
There’s a theory that Dagoth Ur is exploiting a loophole in the fabric of the Orbis from the Dreamsleeve to make himself reality and the Divine Disease is the medium by which he spreads his influence. It’s kind of the reciprocal of CHIM.